Recipes for pancreatitis for a week
The diagnosis of pancreatitis is given to people with inflammation of the pancreas. They are prescribed food according to the 5p diet
How to restore a child’s body after antibiotics?
In the treatment of many diseases, each of them took antibiotics at least once in their lives. They
X-ray of esophageal atresia
Esophageal atresia: what are the signs to identify and what is the treatment?
Esophageal atresia is a severe congenital anomaly in which the lumen of the organ becomes clogged.
Is it possible to take omez with low acidity?
Mechanism of therapeutic action The main mechanism of action of omeprazole is the suppression of the function of a special enzyme - sodium-potassium
Treatment of fecal stones with folk remedies. Fecal stones - is it possible to get rid of them at home?
How to cure the intestines with folk remedies at home. Effective folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal diseases
Diseases associated with impaired functioning of the stomach and intestines are among the most common gastroenterological
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Hypertrophic gastritis: what causes its appearance, treatment methods
Epidemiology and pathogenesis According to the International Classification of Diseases No. 10, hypertrophic gastritis is registered under the code
Consequences and complications of pancreatitis
Clinic of pancreatitis: clinic of acute, chronic pancreatitis, treatment
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the enzymes secreted by the gland are not released into the
GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX in children - symptoms
Reflux in children and infants: symptoms and treatment of gastric reflux and esophagitis
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is the reverse movement of stomach contents through the esophageal valve back into the esophagus.
structure of the pancreas
Why the pancreas is enlarged - reasons and what to do
The pancreas acts as a converter of energy from food into simple substances perceived by the intestines. Exactly
Stomach lymphoma: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
Lymphoma is a tumor arising from lymphatic tissue. It refers to diseases of the hematopoietic system,
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