Persimmon for pancreatitis: is it really so harmful?
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology January 28, 2020, 20:00 Anna 1,058 No Pancreatitis
Temperature during gastritis: what causes it and how to eliminate it
Temperature during gastritis is a response of our body. Her appearance indicates that
Anus model
Transparent discharge from the anus: causes, classification and diagnostic methods
The final section of the large intestine - the anus - is intended for excretion of feces. Outdoor and
Which doctor treats pancreatitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Pancreatitis is a fairly common disease of the pancreas, characterized by inflammatory processes and disorders of secretory functions.
Symptoms, causes and treatment of pseudotumor pancreatitis
Pseudotumoral pancreatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features Provoking factors in the development of this disease are
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What to take to restore microflora after antibiotics
After antibiotics, it is important to restore your body. And how to do this - you will find out in the article.
Gallbladder dyscholia
What is gallbladder dyscholia and how to recognize the disorder?
For any changes in the functioning of the biliary system organs, a visit to a specialist is necessary. If the correct therapeutic
We treat the male problem with worthwhile drugs: a review of effective and inexpensive drugs for hemorrhoids
Medicines for hemorrhoids are selected for men based on the nature of the pain and the size of the hemorrhoids.
Choleretic drugs for inflection of the gallbladder in children and adults
Choleretic drugs for inflection of the gallbladder form the basis of drug therapy, in combination with them
The healing properties of honey and its harm to the pancreas
For many centuries in a row, honey has been considered an indispensable healing substance for diseases. Modern traditional
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