Vitamins for mammary gland mastopathy: what microelements are needed and how to take them

How to stop a hormone riot

Mastopathy is a hormonal disease of the female breast. Breast tissue degenerates under the influence of unfavorable factors, and fibroids are formed - compactions of connective tissue. Fluid-filled cavities called cysts appear at the edges of the milk ducts.

The simultaneous action of both processes gives a picture of the formation of fibrocystic mastopathy. And with uncontrolled cell division, nodular mastopathy is formed, which can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

The main reason for changes in the glandular tissue of the breast is a hormonal imbalance in the body: a sharp increase in estrogen - the “hormone of femininity” and inhibition of progesterone - the “pregnancy hormone”.

The reasons for this imbalance:

  • abortions;
  • nervous stress;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • disruption of the functioning of organs responsible for the endocrine system: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver;
  • weakening of the immune system.

There is no special treatment for mastopathy as a pathological change in the body. To relieve pain, they take analgesics; it is also necessary to treat all diseases that disrupt metabolism: nervous stress, dysbacteriosis, etc. After all, metabolism creates the hormonal background in which mastopathy develops.

Green vegetables

The most effective diet for breast enlargement should include eating green vegetables. These are Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, onions and other vegetables rich in phytoestrogens, iron, calcium and antioxidants.

All of these substances help improve the appearance of the breasts and overall health. In addition, these substances reduce the release of testosterone into the blood, which allows the female hormone estrogen to dominate in the body and take over basic functions.

The healthiest green vegetable choice is alfalfa sprouts. The shoots of this plant contain a large amount of nutrients despite their modest size. Alfalfa has a particularly high concentration of phytoestrogen, which helps develop glandular breast tissue.

Each vitamin has its own role

Vitamins play a leading role in metabolism: without them, metabolic processes are impossible; a deficiency of one or more of them can unbalance the coordinated functioning of all body systems and cause disease. That is why, with mastopathy of the mammary glands, the relevant question is what vitamins and how to take in order to restore metabolism and tame the hormones that cause the disease.

Vitamin therapy for mastopathy identifies several that are especially important for this type of pathology: these are tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. They are the main ones in this disease.


“Women’s vitamin” E, for mastopathy, is the most used.

An antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals that damage cells and contribute to their aging and degeneration into cancer. Besides:

  • enhances the effect of progesterone and stops the degeneration of glandular tissue into connective tissue. This property of tocopherol makes it especially effective for fibrocystic mastopathy. It blocks the growth of lumps in the chest and relieves inflammation. In 80% of women, fibrous compactions decreased after taking it;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries, blocks the process of cyst formation;
  • regulates fat metabolism and prevents weight gain;
  • relieves pain syndromes of menstruation;
  • stops inflammatory processes in the chest.

Vitamin E is contraindicated for women at risk of myocardial infarction and with a tendency to thrombosis. Exceeding the dose and duration of administration can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Dosage: 400-800 mcg per day; course of admission – 2 months


  • inhibits the production of estrogens - the main culprits in the formation of compactions - fibroids;
  • relieves symptoms of gland engorgement and pain;
  • antioxidant, prevents cell damage from free radicals and the formation of malignant tumors.

Vitamin A for mastopathy should be taken with caution by those suffering from alcoholism, liver cirrhosis or viral hepatitis; - older women. You need to drink retinol without exceeding the dose - it accumulates in the liver and disrupts its functioning.

Dose: 500 mcg per day. Course of treatment: 6 months.

Ascorbic acid

This is the second name for vitamin C:

  • antioxidant, binds free radicals and prevents the degeneration of cells into cancer;
  • eliminates breast swelling and prevents it from increasing in size;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

For mastopathy, ascorbic acid should be taken under the supervision of a doctor for diabetes mellitus; - for kidney stones. It is recommended to use it as part of ascarutin tablets.

Dose: 500 mg per day. Course of admission: 2 months.


Vitamin D prevents lumps and nodules in the mammary gland from turning into a malignant tumor. The peculiarity of using calciferol is that it is prescribed in combination with calcium supplements.

Dose: 10 mcg per day. Reception course: 3 winter months.

Group B

All B vitamins in mastopathy put the nervous system in order: thiamine (B1) and ribolavin (B2), in particular, reduce nervousness and pain.

The role of pyridoxine (B6), in addition to stimulating the central nervous system, in suppressing prolactin synthesis. This hormone promotes lactation during breastfeeding, but in other periods of life its increase in the blood is associated with stress and gynecological diseases.

Caution: Vitamin B1 often causes an allergic reaction.

Dose: 50 mg per day. Course of admission: 6 months.


This vitamin B12:

  • has the ability to restore nerve tissue;
  • blocks the development of cancer cells;
  • increases immunity.

Indicated for fibrocystic mastopathy to restore the nervous system and stabilize hormonal levels.

Please note: simultaneous intake of vitamin B1 with B12 increases the allergic reaction to thiamine. Retinol, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid inhibit the activity of cyanocabalamin. It is not recommended to take them at the same time.

Dose of cyanocabalamin: 2.8 mcg per day in the form of injections strictly according to the schedule and as prescribed by the doctor.

Effects of Vitamin E on the body

Taking Vitamin E for mastopathy is recommended to achieve the following goals:

  • enhancing the effect of progesterone;
  • regulation of metabolic processes in the body. By taking vitamin E for mastopathy, you can achieve weight loss, which increases during the use of hormonal drugs;
  • slowing down the process of transformation of glandular tissue into connective tissue. In case of mastopathy, this makes it possible to reduce the volume of fibrous compactions;
  • preventing the development of the malignancy process;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • improves the absorption of vitamins A and D. Retinol reduces the rate of estrogen production and reduces pain in the chest, and vitamin D has an antitumor effect;
  • acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • elimination of depressive mood. Vitamin E has a sedative effect on the body during mastopathy, helping to normalize the psycho-emotional state;
  • removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • preventing the development of cystic formations by strengthening the walls of capillaries.

Taking vitamin E for mastopathy is also recommended to relieve pain in the mammary glands.

Complex drugs increase the therapeutic effect

There are several vitamin complexes with a good therapeutic effect for mastopathy. One capsule contains everything you need in the required doses. The vitamins included in the complexes can be used simultaneously, as they are well compatible with each other.

For this reason, multivitamins for fibrocystic mastopathy do not contain calciferol and cyanocabalamin, which are taken according to a separate regimen. The list of multivitamins for mastopathy is represented by the following drugs:

  1. “Triovit”, which, along with vitamins A, E, C, also contains the mineral selenium, which slows down the process of tissue death in the mammary gland. Take vitamins once a day for 2 months. Three such courses are taken per year. This is the most optimal complex for the conservative treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.
  2. "Aevit". The composition of the complex is indicated by the name - it is tocopherol and retinol. A powerful antioxidant pair helps establish a balance between the female hormones esterogen and progesterone, protects the mucous membranes of breast vessels from death and prevents the formation of cysts. 1 capsule per day for a month is a sufficient course to stop the development of mastopathy.
  3. Vetoron - a general strengthening complex of vitamins A, E, C - has a strong antioxidant effect that prevents the degeneration of a benign tumor into a cancerous one. Tocopherol and retinol suppress the synthesis of estrogens - the culprits of metabolic disorders in the mammary gland. Ascorbic acid also ensures the removal of toxins from the body. Together they are able to relieve pain. Therefore, the widespread use of Vetoron for mastopathy is completely justified.

Vitamin complexes

For convenience and better absorption of all beneficial substances by the body, vitamins are combined into complexes.


Aevit is a combination of retinol and vitamin E. Their effect on the body is described above.
The drug is used to stop the development of connective tissue growths.

Use vitamin A and E for mastopathy, 1 capsule per day for a month.


Capsules contain:

  • selenium;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins D, E, B.

The drug is aimed at all ailments with mastopathy at once:

  • reduction of pain, swelling;
  • development of the disease;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving blood circulation.

Contraindications : excess of constituent substances in the body.

Triovit for mastopathy is used 1 capsule per day for 60 days. Then take a break and repeat the course if necessary.


A complex of useful substances in drops.

Contains vitamins A, E.

Have the following effect:

  • antioxidant;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immuno-strengthening.

Contraindications : intolerance to components.

The dose for the treatment of mastopathy is 11 drops before meals, for prevention - 1 drop three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Contraindications for complex vitamin therapy

Before you start taking complex vitamin supplements, you should consult with an endocrinologist, gynecologist or mammologist in order to avoid the undesirable consequences of uncontrolled intake of vitamins. Only a doctor, having determined the degree of deficiency of a particular element in the body, can prescribe a drug taking into account a sufficient amount of the desired substance in its composition.

Self-administration of multivitamins is contraindicated precisely because it is impossible to determine the required dosage of the substance the body lacks. If a deficiency of one or another element is erroneously determined and the permissible dose of this element is subsequently significantly exceeded, there is a risk of thrombosis and diseases associated with increased blood clotting.

In addition, uncontrolled use of multivitamins is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Regardless of the large amount of information and positive reviews about certain medications, taking any medications should begin only after carefully studying the instructions about the presence of contraindications and side effects.

Positive effects of vitamin therapy

The main effect of taking vitamin supplements is to create conditions for the normal functioning of the human endocrine and nervous systems, as a result of which the production of hormones is stabilized in a woman’s body and the hormonal balance is normalized. The correct hormonal balance, in turn, reduces the intensity of changes in the histological structure of the mammary glands: it stops the proliferation of fibrous tissue, reduces tissue swelling and relieves pain associated with it.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Studies of the blood composition of patients with various forms of mastopathy have shown a stable deficiency of vitamin A. Compensating for the deficiency of this element leads to the following results:

  • Retinol in sufficient quantities affects, first of all, the normalization of liver function: due to the deactivation of excess estrogen, the pain syndrome manifested in mastopathy is significantly reduced.
  • Stimulation of immune cell functions prevents the transformation of benign breast tumors into malignant ones.

Vitamins and minerals useful in treating illness

Properly selected vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the female body during the development of this disease.

Vitamin A

The main functions of vitamin A are:

  • reduction in the rate of production of estrogenic substances that affect the proliferation of connective tissues;
  • reducing the sensation of pain in the chest area.

Contraindications to its use are:

  • allergy;
  • excess in the body;
  • the presence of such a destructive habit as alcohol addiction;
  • belonging to a group of people over sixty years of age;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the hepatic system.

The dosage of the substance should not exceed 500 mg per day for six months.

B vitamins

The main functions of this group of vitamin substances are:

  • increasing the body's resistance to stress;
  • reduction of pain;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The main contraindication to the use of this group of substances is its intolerance by the body. The dosage of elements should not exceed 500 mg per day for six months.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid affects women during the development of the disease in the following ways:

  • reduces swelling, reduces tumor formations;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • strengthens the body, protects it from infectious and viral diseases;
  • has an antioxidant effect.

Increased hypersensitivity to this component is considered a contraindication to its use. The dosage of the element is no more than 500 mg per day for a couple of months. In addition, this substance is not used for diabetes, and therefore you should consult your doctor before using it.

Vitamin D

The main effect of this substance is to restore metabolic processes, as well as prevent the development of oncology. Contraindications to its use are:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dysfunction of the hepatic system.

The dosage is determined by the doctor.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E affects the body as follows:

  • softens the course of inflammatory processes;
  • reduces the amount of progesterone produced, which is important for fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • increases the rate of lipid cell metabolism;
  • eliminates pain-type syndrome;
  • has a restorative effect;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Contraindications to its use are intolerance or previous myocardial infarction. The dosage of the element is 0.6 mg per day for several months.

Vitamin P (rutin)

Rutin is an additional component in relation to ascorbic acid. It enhances its effect several times, and therefore is also contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. It should not be prescribed during pregnancy or if there is an excess in the body. The main effect of the component on the body is:

  • providing anti-inflammatory effects;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • strengthening the body's defenses.

Its dosage should not exceed 500 mg per day for two months.


Selenium is prescribed in combination with vitamin A, as it enhances its effect on a woman’s body. Other positive properties of selenium are:

  • strengthening the body's defenses against cancer;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • providing antioxidant effects;
  • improvement of the liver system;
  • strengthening protective forces.

If individual intolerance to a component is observed, it is not prescribed. The dosage of the element is 0.4 mg per day for six months, however, when used together with vitamin A, the dose is reduced.


If mastopathy is accompanied by hypothyroidism, the patient's condition worsens significantly. The amount of estrogen in the body begins to increase, which contributes to an increase in the number of tumors in the breast area. The positive effects of iodine are:

  • reducing the development of infectious diseases;
  • eliminating inflammation;
  • strengthening fat and protein metabolic processes.

The main contraindications to its use are the endemic form of goiter, furunculosis, nephritis, and an excess of the substance in the body. The maximum dosage of the element is 200 mg per day. The appointment time is determined by the doctor.

Is it possible to take vitamins for mastopathy?

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, accompanied by the proliferation of connective tissue. It is benign in origin, but requires immediate correction. The reasons for its appearance include:

  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • hereditary factor;
  • injury to the mammary glands;
  • bad habits;
  • stressful situations;
  • inflammation in the pelvis.

A complex of vitamins for mastopathy is prescribed specifically to strengthen the body's defenses. In some cases, it is able to eliminate the factors that provoked the disease. Therapeutic measures can stop the development of compactions and prevent the cells from degenerating into a cancerous tumor. To achieve results, you need to know what vitamins and minerals the body needs at this stage.

Use of vitamin E. Dosage

Treatment methods for fibrocystic mastopathy can be both therapeutic and surgical. To date, there is no precisely defined method of treatment; each case requires an individual approach. But no matter what treatment the doctor prescribes, vitamins are prescribed as an obligatory component of treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy.

In case of fibrocystic mastopathy, great attention should also be paid to diet, using foods high in vitamin E in the daily diet. Most of it is found in nuts, butter, fish (pike perch, salmon), prunes and in oat and barley groats. Perhaps, when treating cystic or fibrocystic mastopathy, it is more advisable to take it in the form of tablets: it is more convenient to control the daily intake of the drug dose, and it is easier, if necessary, to adjust the required dose.

As a rule, for fibrocystic mastopathy it is recommended to take a whole complex of vitamins and minerals.

The effectiveness of treating mastopathy with vitamins

It is no coincidence that vitamins for mastopathy are prescribed for women. Vitamin therapy helps normalize hormones and produces an antitumor effect. Proper use of the vitamin complex prevents damage to mammary gland cells and restores the functioning of the pituitary gland, thereby reducing the level of estrogen in the body. The use of vitamin complexes allows you to achieve the following results:

  • removal of swelling;
  • normalization of blood flow in the mammary glands;
  • antioxidant effect.

Mastopol: instructions for use

The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 1 tablet (half an hour before meals or an hour after meals). There is no need to take the drug with water - the tablets are intended for sublingual resorption. The duration of the course is 2 months. After diagnosing the results of treatment, the doctor may prescribe a second course.

Mastopol is available without a prescription, but treatment is recommended only as prescribed by a specialist. To confirm the presence of fibrocystic changes, it is necessary to undergo a number of diagnostic procedures - blood tests for hormones, ultrasound of the mammary glands, and biopsy.

The best vitamins for mastopathy

To get rid of mastopathy and its symptoms, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes, which contain several essential vitamins at once. The drug is selected individually. You should consider the list of the most popular and effective complexes.


The high effectiveness of Triovit against mastopathy is due to the content of vitamins B, C, E and D and selenium. It is taken two tablets for two months. After this you need to take a short break. On the recommendation of a doctor, vitamin therapy can be continued. For mastopathy, the vitamin complex has a general strengthening effect on the body. It relieves pain and swelling by improving blood circulation.


"Vetoron" is one of the best vitamins for fibrocystic mastopathy. They are produced in liquid form. The active ingredients of the drug include vitamins A and E. This tandem helps get rid of toxins and relieve inflammation in the mammary glands. In order to eliminate mastopathy, it is recommended to take 11 drops before meals. The number of doses is 4-5 times a day. For preventive purposes, drink the vitamin solution one drop three times a day. The duration of the treatment and prophylactic course is one month.


"Aevit" is a combination drug that includes vitamins A and E. This combination of beneficial substances prevents the process of proliferation of connective tissue in the breast, thereby inhibiting the development of mastopathy. "Aevit" must be taken one capsule per day for 30 days. Already in the second week of taking it, the woman’s well-being will improve significantly.


Cyanocobalamin is a drug whose main active ingredient is vitamin B12. It is necessary for the female body to stabilize hormonal levels. A distinctive feature of the drug is the restoration of nerve fibers and the prevention of the growth of malignant cells. A single dosage is 2.8 mcg. It is administered intramuscularly as an injection. The number of injections is determined by the doctor.


Vitamin E is most often used for mastopathy. Reviews indicate the high effectiveness of the vitamin supplement against this disease. The main function of the beneficial substance is to protect against free radicals, which contribute to the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant ones. Tocopherol is taken at 400-800 mcg per day. The total duration of treatment is two months. The vitamin complex helps to obtain the following results:

  • strengthening the walls of capillaries;
  • stopping inflammatory processes;
  • regulation of fat metabolism;
  • reduction in the volume of fibrous compactions.

Top vitamin preparations for mastopathy

Can you tell me the names of minerals and vitamins that you can drink for mastopathy? Please!

For those who prefer imported drugs and know that chelated forms of nutrients are the best, there are drugs on the market from the American company Solgar, for example, Solgar, Vitamin D3a, Solgar, Folic Acid. Not a cheap pleasure, but most effective.

Preparations containing chelated forms of minerals (combined with an amino acid) are the best because they have two important properties:

  1. Beneficial substances are combined with a transport agent (amino acid), which ensures their almost complete absorption.
  2. The nutrients are protected from the aggressive environment of the stomach by the same amino acid. And without breaking down they are delivered to the intestines, where they are absorbed.

Those who choose traditional vitamin preparations prefer complexes: Aevit, Triovit, Pikovit, Vetoron, Multi-Tabs, Vitrum, Polivit, Complivit and other means familiar to everyone.

Precautionary measures

Vitamin complexes for mastopathy should be taken with caution. There is a risk of experiencing an allergic reaction. To enhance the effectiveness of supplements, the mammologist also selects other medications.

If it is necessary to combine vitamin complexes with potent medications, you should consult a specialist. Some substances can affect blood clotting and absorption of the active components of medications.

Contraindications and side effects

Taking vitamin supplements for mastopathy is not always the right decision. Under certain circumstances, it is better to avoid using them. The main contraindications include:

  • impaired blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • history of stroke or heart attack;
  • allergic reaction.

Side effects are considered rare during vitamin therapy. In most cases, they occur due to excessive consumption of vitamins. The most common symptoms include:

  • skin itching;
  • skin rashes;
  • visual impairment;
  • headache;
  • pathologies of the heart and kidneys;
  • stool disorder.

When should you take Mastopol?

In women over 30 years of age, the risk of breast diseases increases several times. In most cases, neoplasms are benign and do not pose a health risk, but they cause pain and cause significant discomfort in life. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to conduct self-diagnosis and visit a mammologist at least once every six months. An unscheduled trip to the doctor is necessary for cyclical chest pain during menstruation, enlargement and swelling of the mammary gland, discharge from the nipple, and lumps in the armpit.

Mastopol is the prevention and treatment of mastopathy with proven effectiveness in 95.5% of cases. Mastopathy manifests itself in the pathological growth of tissue in one or both mammary glands, occurs in 60% of women over 35 years of age and degenerates into a malignant tumor with a probability of 1 case out of 10. There is no need to self-medicate mastopathy - only a mammologist and professional diagnostics will help identify the disease and its causes appearance.

Mastopol is an effective drug for eliminating pain, swelling and heaviness of the breasts during the menstrual cycle. The cause of pain can be hormonal imbalance, inflammation of the ovaries, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, or the process of cyst formation. You cannot simply suppress pain with analgesics - it is important to identify the cause of the discomfort and provide adequate treatment.

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