The drug Sumalek
Effective treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies
577 Acute cholecystitis is a disease in which the walls of the gallbladder are damaged. Pathology is different
Intestinal ulcer - its features, symptoms and causes
Ulcerative lesions occur in every part of the large intestine, have different origins and pathogenetic mechanisms
Which doctor treats the intestines and stomach in adults
Which doctor treats intestinal diseases? Basic information
gastroenterologist who treats constipation proctologist With constipation, both children and adults often
Complications of hemorrhoids - what is the danger?
In order to fully understand the danger of hemorrhoids, you need to know that
pills for hemorrhoids
Hemoroidin in the treatment of hemorrhoids: application features and reviews
Drug therapy is used in 99% of cases in the treatment of any disease. Medicines and tablets for
What is intestinal perforation, what symptoms are it accompanied by?
Causes All causes of intestinal perforation are divided into traumatic and non-traumatic. In the first case, perforation
Antimicrobial drugs for the intestines and stomach
Treatment with potent drugs is prescribed quite often, and dysbiosis becomes a common complication of such therapy. Eliminate
What is acute hemorrhoids and how can you help a person with the disease?
Most often, patients are diagnosed with acute hemorrhoids, characterized by striking manifestations. If not fixed quickly
Pancreatitis and psychosomatics
Psychological causes of pancreatic diseases according to Louise Hay
Psychosomatics - what is it? You can start by explaining the meaning of the word “psychosomatics”. It
Is it possible to use sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy to treat hemorrhoids? Will sea buckthorn oil help?
During the 9 months of pregnancy, chronic diseases make themselves known and new ones appear.
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