Reactive pancreatitis is an acute, aseptic inflammation of the pancreas tissue caused by pathology of other digestive organs.
Acute pancreatitis in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment tactics for the disease
Reactive pancreatitis is an acute, aseptic inflammation of the pancreas tissue caused by pathology of other digestive organs.
Standards for stomach acidity and ways to restore it
Food in the human body is broken down under the influence of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach. Accumulated level
Anal fissure
Anal fissure: causes, symptoms and treatment
Clinical manifestations of pathology With anal fissure, the symptoms of the disease differ in very specific manifestations. Select 3
How does gastroenterocolitis manifest in children: causes, symptoms and therapy
Rotavirus gastroenteritis is a pathology that represents a broad branch of viral acute diarrhea that occurs in
The first signs of stomach cancer. How long do they live with this diagnosis?
February 4, 2020 Stomach cancer in the 21st century began to lose ground in incidence,
Treatment of hemorrhoids with heparin ointment - instructions for use and contraindications
Heparin is often used in the treatment of veins and blood vessels. Will heparin ointment be useful?
What are the features and dangers of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women: does the pathology threaten the woman or the fetus?
External hemorrhoids during pregnancy: main causes Hemorrhoidal disease is an enlargement and inflammation of the veins
You can treat hemorrhoids at home using sitz baths with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate; it has antiseptic properties
How to treat hemorrhoids - all methods of fighting at home
Treatment of hemorrhoids at home is possible in the early stages of the disease, in advanced forms
He was upset - what to do if your stomach fails. 8 folk recipes
The stomach is a hollow muscular organ that performs an important function in the body related to digestion.
Dumping syndrome (early, late): pathogenesis, clinical picture, treatment. Disease prevention
What is dumping syndrome? Patients suffering from peptic ulcer disease often require urgent surgery. The slightest mistake
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