Antral gastritis: what it is, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis
Chronic atrophic gastritis Chronic atrophic gastritis is an independent disease, and not a transformation of acute gastritis.
Liver pathology
Acute liver failure Symptoms and treatment
Hepatocellular failure is one of the forms of liver pathology, the origin of which is multi-vector and variable.
Aloe with honey for preparing medicine at home. Aloe and honey for the stomach, eyes and lungs
Beneficial properties Since ancient times, the beneficial properties of any beekeeping products and such a well-known plant as
Catarrhal duodenitis
Gastroduodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults, drugs and nutrition
The prevalence of inflammatory pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract in adults reaches up to
Terminal ileitis – inflammation of the ileum
Ileitis - what is it? Ileitis is an inflammation localized mainly in the end
Ascites in heart failure: how long do patients live?
Tumors of which organs are accompanied by ascites? The process of accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity accompanies about
How to test your pancreas at home
Study of the structure of the organ Diagnosis of the gland is based on the characteristics of its tissue: Invisible during normal
Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Main symptoms and medical care for perforated gastric ulcer
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum occurs due to destructive changes in the mucous layer
Types of pancreatic hormones and their role in the human body
Glucagon: what kind of hormone is it and what functions does it perform?
The anatomical structure of the pancreas (PG) ensures its multifunctionality: it is a key organ of digestion and endocrine
This is how I cured my pancreas. I want to share my great-grandmother's recipe
Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas lead to the development of serious diseases and the appearance of severe
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