Menu for the intestines and normalization of regular bowel movements
Basic rules Exclude from your diet: • any alcohol, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices;
Flax seeds for the intestines
Cleansing with flax seeds | Flax seeds for weight loss and cleansing
Beneficial properties and effectiveness of use for the intestines Flax seeds contain a large amount
Junk food
What medications can you use to cleanse your intestines and stomach at home?
When is cleaning needed? Pollution of the digestive tract leads to the following problems: Impaired production of gastric secretions.
Castor oil
Proper use of castor oil to cleanse the intestines
Castor oil is a herbal laxative based on castor bean seeds. Broken down in the small intestine
Diet for fatty liver hepatosis: main aspects
Doctors recommend a diet for fatty liver hepatosis to restore the normal functioning of the digestive system and
Lavacol for colon cleansing - detailed treatment regimen
Instructions for cleansing the intestines with Lavacol before surgery or research
Composition of the drug Lavacol powder contains the active ingredient macrogol, as well as: potassium chloride,
Gallbladder constriction
Gallbladder constriction: is this condition dangerous and how is it treated?
One of the most important human organs is the gallbladder, the function of which is to
Tubage (blind probing) of the gallbladder
Blind probing of the gallbladder at home
Indications and contraindications Dubazhi for therapeutic cleansing of the gallbladder are successfully included in the therapeutic regimen
Indications for performing an oil enema, contraindications, preparation, possible complications and technique
Oil enema types, procedure algorithm For those who have the misfortune of suffering from periodic constipation, today
Structure of the liver
How to cleanse the liver effectively and inexpensively: a list of drugs for cleaning from toxins and waste
Such a delicate organ as the liver is a natural filter that needs timely and correct
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