Chamomile for hemorrhoids - a safe treatment for the disease
The benefits of chamomile decoction The composition of the plant cannot be compared with many medications. Chemical composition
The influence of the intestines on the overall health of a person
How does diet affect gut health? The effect on the intestines can be both positive and
Monitor bowel cleansing: what is it and how is it done?
A large amount of harmful substances accumulate in the human digestive tract, which are not always excreted.
How long after eating can a child or adult have an enema?
How long after eating can a child or adult have an enema?
Classification An enema is a medical instrument that is used to cleanse the intestines of
Methods of bowel cleansing before surgery
How to cleanse the intestines before an x-ray: enema and medications
The average person's intestinal tract contains an average of 3-8 kg of feces. In these masses
how to prepare for your initial appointment with a proctologist
Preparing for a proctologist: how best to cleanse the intestines
Who is a proctologist? A proctologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents various ailments of the colon.
What foods are good for the liver. The best products for treating and restoring the liver
Which foods are good and which are harmful to the liver? If you are wary and avoid
Diet for the pancreas and liver
Diet for diseases of the liver and pancreas
Treatment of diseases of the pancreas and liver involves not only taking medications, but also observing
Toxic hepatitis - symptoms and treatment of the liver, causes, ICD-10 code
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, D, G: signs, incubation period
In case of toxic poisoning, the liver often suffers, which is why liver hepatitis develops. This happens when
How to give an enema to a child at home? How often should children have an enema?
What volume of water is needed? The amount of water for a cleansing enema should be age-appropriate. Here are the main ones
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