Down syndrome
Child down - what does it mean? Signs and symptoms of Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which a person has
how to bring down a temperature of 38 at home
How to bring down the temperature with folk remedies in a child and an adult
Causes of increased temperature Hyperthermia is the name given to a patient’s condition with elevated body temperature.
The main causes of unpleasant urine odor in women and their treatment
What is considered normal? The urine of a healthy woman has a subtle odor of ammonia, which intensifies significantly
Women's health: the most common women's diseases
Every woman should take care of her health. But this should not be done when
Restoring your voice after a cold at home
Many people have probably had to deal with a situation where their voice suddenly disappeared or became hoarse. Besides,
Hot flashes are one of the common unpleasant symptoms of menopause
Hot flashes in women - causes and treatment for symptoms
Video More than half of women with the approach and onset of menopause experience specific vegetative-vascular paroxysms -
Causes of anal fissure
How to treat anal fissure and what are its symptoms?
Causes of anal fissures Reasons that may cause anal fissures: Constipation. In
Rating of non-hormonal drugs for menopause
How to do without hormones during menopause - 15 best medications
Rating of non-hormonal drugs for menopause We present a rating of drugs for menopause that can be taken without
Inguinal lymph nodes in women
What to do if a woman has an inflamed lymph node in her groin?
The lymphatic system in the human body is represented by millions of the finest vessels and capillaries and peculiar “depots”,
what tests are done for pain in the urethra
Discomfort in the urethra in women - causes, symptoms and treatment features
Features of the structure of the urethra in women The urethra in women is shorter and thinner than in
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