Girl holding her stomach
What to do for constipation: urgent ways to eliminate the disease
Constipation is a temporary disorder of the intestines. During constipation, the intestines do not empty (stool
Bleeding in the middle of the cycle: causes
Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle: an alarming symptom or physiological manifestation
Bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle can be a consequence of normal physiological processes or a sign of problems
Treatment of mumps disease - symptoms in adults and children
Mumps is an inflammation of one or both parotid glands (large salivary glands located on both
Intestinal diseases and their symptoms in women
List of intestinal diseases, their symptoms and signs, causes and methods of treatment
The intestine is the longest part of the digestive tract, ensuring the digestion of food and the absorption of necessary substances
Intestinal diverticulosis: symptoms and treatment
How dangerous is intestinal diverticulosis? 4 ways to treat the disease
The concept of “diverticulosis” reflects the presence of diverticula (from the Latin diverticulum - road to the side), clinical manifestations
Low body temperature - causes in adults, dangerous signs
Low body temperature - causes in adults, dangerous signs
People often worry about body temperature when it exceeds the generally known figure of 36.6 °C, but there are
Cervicitis: treatment, causes, symptoms, signs, photos
Cervicitis is an inflammatory process in the cervix. It is most often located in the vaginal segment in
Why do women have yellow vaginal discharge?
Yellow discharge in women: norm and pathology, how to treat
Types of yellow discharge Possible causes of heavy yellow discharge What to do if yellow discharge appears
9 Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally
Testosterone, a hormone produced primarily by the testicles, is often associated with masculinity, although
glass slides for smears
How many leukocytes should a woman have in a smear: table of norms for the flora of the vagina, cervix and urethra
Among the many diagnostic methods, detection of leukocyte smear analysis takes a leading position in identifying
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