Injections of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - instructions

Name, abbreviations, other names: Nicotinic acid, niacin, vitamin PP, B3 (b3), b3, pp, E375
Chemical formula: C₆H₅NO₂

Group: water-soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum PP, Acidum nicotinicum (genus Acidi nicotinici), Niacin, Nicotinamide

Varieties: In the body, nicotinic acid is converted into its active form - nicotinamide, but their functions differ slightly.

What (who) is it useful for:

  • For the whole body: participates in most redox reactions (protein synthesis, energy exchange...), in the process of producing new cells, supports the proper functioning of all cells in the body.
  • For the brain: supports the normal functioning of processes such as memory, attention, associative thinking.

A nicotinic acid:

  • For the vascular system: helps in cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol and other fats (even dense deposits and “bad” cholesterol). Prevents the development of vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis.
  • For the circulatory system: helps neutralize many toxins, poisonous substances, and also lower triglyceride levels (very important for diabetics (type II) and hypertension). Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • For the nervous system: helps in the fight against nervous system disorders (migraines, depression, fears, anxiety...).
  • For skin, nails: PP supports metabolic processes in skin and nail cells, ensures tissue respiration.


  • For joints: supports normal metabolism in joints and bone tissue, thereby preventing the development of joint diseases.
  • For diabetics: nicotinamide reduces the required dose of insulin for the body, reduces the likelihood of pancreatic disease, and generally reduces the risk of developing type I diabetes.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For patients with the following diseases: glaucoma, gout, liver failure, arterial hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers (without exacerbation), hemorrhage, elevated uric acid levels. Taking RR is possible, but with very great caution.

Indications for use:

hypovitaminosis B3 (PP), vitamin deficiency, pellagra, disorders of the pancreas, diabetes, sudden weight loss, gastrectomy, enteropathy, diarrhea, fever, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, prolonged stress, colitis, atherosclerosis, frequent migraines, depression, long non-healing wounds and ulcers on the skin, osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

Long-term insufficiency (deficiency):

Leads to a serious illness - pellagra (dermatitis, psoriasis, diarrhea, nausea, damage to the mucous membranes (inflammation of the tongue), nervous disorders, redness of different areas of the skin, dementia, baldness), premature dementia, paralysis, heartburn, burning in the mouth, increased salivation, high arterial pressure.

Symptoms of deficiency:

Severe fatigue, lethargy, headaches, insomnia, severe irritability, anxiety and fears, depression and depression, swelling and redness of the tongue and mucous membranes in the mouth, dermatitis, cracks in the mouth, diarrhea (or, conversely, constipation), dry and pale skin , tachycardia, pain in the arms and legs.


Hypersensitivity and intolerance to RR, fever, gastric and duodenal ulcers (in an acute state), urinary tract diseases, liver diseases, glaucoma, gout, hypotension, children under 2 years of age.

Side effects:

Allergy; facial redness, dizziness and burning (with intravenous administration), itching, rashes on the body, heartburn, nausea, decreased blood pressure, increased stomach acidity, increased uric acid levels.

Daily norm required by the body:

  • For men - ~ 20 mg. vitamin PP per day
  • For women - ~ 20 mg/day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year) - ~ 2 - 6 mg/day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years) - ~ 8 - 10 mg/day.
  • For adolescents (from 9 to 13 years old) - ~ 12 mg/day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 25 mg/day.
  • For nursing women - ~ 25 mg/day.

Level of vitamin in blood:

3.0 – 36 ng/ml.



Overdose symptoms:

Severe redness in the face, neck, shoulders (flush of blood in these areas), diarrhea, nausea, asthenia, dry skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, itching, fainting, arrhythmia, impaired liver function, insomnia.

In children: sepsis (blood poisoning).

Main sources:

Liver, eggs, milk, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, whole grain or whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oats, barley, rye), legumes (peas, beans), dates, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, herbs (sorrel, mint, parsley... ).

How long can you take:

Long-term use of large doses of niacin is not recommended - this leads to fatty liver, severe diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, and yellowing of the skin. The course usually lasts no more than 2-3 months.

Release form:

Tablets, sodium nicotinate solution for injection.

Best before date:

4 years

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is the only vitamin that medicine considers not just a supplement, but a real medicine, since it can treat specific diseases - pellagra, lowering cholesterol in the blood.

Pharmacological and biochemical properties

a unique
in its own way . Being a vitamin, it does not belong to dietary supplements, but to medicines.

  1. Vitamin PP is one of the most effective means for reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  2. Under the influence of nicotinic acid, enzymes are activated, which are responsible for the production of energy from lipids and carbohydrates in cells. This energy is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells of a living organism. If the content of vitamin PP is insufficient, energy reserves in tissues and cells are depleted.
  3. Vitamin PP is directly involved in the production of sex hormones - testosterone, progesterone, estrogens. In addition, with the participation of niacin, insulin, thyroxine, and cortisol are produced.
  4. The vasodilating therapeutic effect of vitamin PP is widely used to treat a number of surgical and neurological diseases.
  5. The lipid-lowering effect consists of reducing the level of atherogenic cholesterol fractions in the blood.
  6. Under the influence of nicotinic acid, the balance of lipid fractions is normalized, the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides decreases.
  7. Blood circulation in the microcirculatory system improves, which improves the nutrition of various tissues and organs. This pattern also applies to brain tissue.
  8. The tendency to form blood clots is reduced and the risk of developing thrombosis and thromboembolism is reduced
  9. In patients who have previously suffered an acute myocardial infarction, the use of this drug significantly increases the survival rate and speeds up recovery.
  10. Under the influence of nicotinic acid, the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases are eliminated and the level of low-density lipoproteins is reduced. The level of high-density lipoproteins increases.
  11. In people suffering from type 1 diabetes, the use of this drug can significantly reduce the dosage of insulin administered. In addition, regular consumption of vitamin PP helps prevent the development of diabetes. This biologically active substance protects pancreatic cells from damage.
  12. Niacin reduces the severity of pain in arthritis and osteoarthritis, improving the mobility of large joints.
  13. The sedative effect of this drug is described. Its use potentiates the effect of taking psychoactive drugs, which is widely used in the complex treatment of schizophrenia, endogenous depression, alcohol and drug addiction.
  14. With the help of preparations based on this vitamin, it is possible to carry out detoxification effects for various types of poisoning.
  15. Regular intake of this vitamin reduces the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
  16. Niacin helps improve the condition of skin and hair.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin, niacin, vitamin PP)

General characteristics of vitamin B3 (Niacin)

The first name for vitamin B3, vitamin PP, appeared in the United States during the spread of pellagra disease.
It is manifested by the following symptoms: severe neuropsychiatric disorders, severe diarrhea, damage to the mucous membranes and skin (symmetrical red spots appear on the face, arms, neck, inner thighs), frequent headaches, insomnia, frequent fatigue, irritation by bright lights, loud music, trembling appears in the hands. The substance, the deficiency of which leads to the appearance of pellagra, is called vitamin PP. It was first described by Thierry in 1755 as a “pink disease” (calorizer). The first description of nicotinic acid was given by Huber in 1867, the elemental composition and structure of salts was given by Videl in 1873.

In 1913, Funk isolated nicotinic acid from yeast. It was soon proven that pellagra could be cured with nicotinamide and that large doses of niacin reduced the level of “bad” cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood.

Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP) is a medicine, a vitamin involved in many oxidative reactions of living cells.

Vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin that reduces bad cholesterol levels and the risk of seizures.

In the food industry it is used as a food additive E375.

Physicochemical properties of vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 is an oily substance, soluble in water, alcohol, and acetic acid. It is easily synthesized with the help of intestinal microflora, tolerates high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation, and is not destroyed by the acidic and alkaline environment of the digestive tract.

Food Sources of Vitamin B3

Contained in the following products:

  • rye bread;
  • buckwheat;
  • beans;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • potatoes;
  • carrots;
  • apples;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • pistachios;
  • sunflower halva;
  • almonds and many other products.

Daily requirement of vitamin B3

The daily requirement for vitamin B3 for an adult is 15-20 mg, the norm varies depending on age, disease and physical activity.

The table provides more detailed data:

Age/genderDaily requirement (in mg)
Children from 6 months to one year6
Children from 1 to 1.5 years9
Children from 1.5 to 2 years old10
Children from 3 to 4 years old12
Children from 5 to 6 years old13
Children from 7 to 10 years old15
Children from 11 to 13 years old19
Boys from 14 to 17 years old21
Girls from 14 to 17 years old18
Men over 19 years old14
Women over 19 years old16
Pregnant women21

Recommended doses of vitamin B3 are minimal and may vary depending on many conditions, for example: weather or nervous stress.

Beneficial properties of vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 is very important for the normal functioning of the body and maintaining health.

In the human body, niacin performs the following functions:

  • Dilates small vessels (including the brain);
  • Improves microcirculation;
  • Has a weak anticoagulant effect (increases fibrinolytic activity of the blood);
  • Participates in energy production;
  • Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, which significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack;
  • Necessary for amino acid metabolism;
  • Normalizes heart function, participates in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • Stimulates the production of gastric juice and helps the production of digestive enzymes in the liver and pancreas, participates in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates;
  • Participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • Promotes the absorption of protein from plant foods;
  • Ensures normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • Participates in ensuring normal vision;
  • Maintains healthy skin, intestinal and oral mucosa.

Harmful properties of vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 can cause allergic reactions and lead to gastric ulcers, but only with uncontrolled regimens and abuse of various dietary supplements.

Vitamin B3 absorption

Copper and vitamin B6 improve the absorption of vitamin B3.

The absorption of vitamin B3 is inhibited by some antibiotics and diuretics.

Vitamin B3 deficiency in the body

Symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency:

  • Headache, dizziness;
  • Irritability, loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • Dry and pale skin;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Constipation;
  • Insomnia.

Excess vitamin B3 in the body

Signs of excess B3:

  • Fainting;
  • Skin rash, itching;
  • Vasodilation.

Interaction of vitamin B3 (Niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP) with other substances

Vitamin B3 can be produced by our intestinal bacteria in the presence of the essential amino acid tryptophan and a sufficient amount of vitamins and (calorizator).

Copper and vitamin improve the absorption of vitamin B3.

Caution must be exercised when combining drugs with anticoagulants, antihypertensives, and aspirin.

Vitamin B3 can reduce the toxicity of neomycin.

Learn more about vitamin B3 from the program “About the most important things” in the video clip “Nicotinic acid for hair growth, weight loss, application and other beneficial properties”

Author: Marina L. (especially for Copying this article in whole or in part is prohibited.
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Side effects and symptoms of overdose

If the dosage of the drug and the treatment regimen are calculated incorrectly, the following undesirable side effects may develop:

  1. Severe hyperemia of the skin of the face and upper half of the body. This is possible in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug or when taking the medicine on an empty stomach.
  2. Feeling hot and dizzy.
  3. Hives and itching of the skin.
  4. Paresthesia (loss of sensation in the limbs, numbness).
  5. With rapid introduction into the venous bed, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible.
  6. Gout.
  7. Acanthosis.
  8. Increased blood glucose levels.
  9. Increased frequency of arrhythmia attacks.
  10. Swelling of the retina with blurred vision.

Contraindications and side effects

One of the side effects of using the drug is severe hyperemia of the skin. This is a temporary phenomenon and goes away on its own.

Uncontrolled, long-term treatment with niacin can provoke fatty liver hepatosis and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Very carefully, for special indications, nicotinic acid is prescribed to patients with severe damage to the kidneys, liver, and patients with persistent hypotension.

The drug Niacin is not prescribed to patients with ulcerative pathology of the mucous membrane during an aggravated period.

Instructions for use

Injections of nicotinic acid are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor - the method of administration and dosage depend on the indications. For example, when diagnosing ischemic stroke and pellagra, the solution is injected into a vein, slowly, although for the latter diagnosis, nicotinic acid can also be administered intramuscularly.

So, all injections are carried out in 3 ways - intramuscularly, 1 ml of 1% solution, subcutaneously, when vitamin deficiency is diagnosed and doses prescribed by the doctor. And injecting into a vein, in a volume of 1 to 5 ml of a 1% solution. Diluted in saline solution. Any injection can produce a reaction from the body in the form of redness and burning - this is a normal reaction, but the absence of such symptoms may indicate problems with blood flow.

Regarding the intake of nicotinic acid in tablets, in this case it is worth immediately noting that they are taken orally after meals. Taking nicotinic acid for preventive purposes provides the norm for an adult from 12.5 to 25 mg per day, for a child – from 5 to 12.5 mg per day.

In all other cases, the dosage and frequency of administration, the duration of the course should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, as a rule, take tablets 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet, while introducing foods rich in methionine into the diet in order to protect the liver from degeneration of adipose tissue.

What foods contain nicotinic acid?

As you know, there are two types of amino acids:

  • replaceable , which are synthesized in the human body during the process of transamination;
  • irreplaceable , the synthesis of which our body is not capable of.

Among the latter is tryptophan. In the human body, vitamin PP is synthesized from tryptophan. To synthesize one milligram of nicotinic acid, 60 mg of tryptophan is consumed - this value is called niacin equivalent . If there are sufficient amounts of protein in food, primarily of animal origin, the body receives so much tryptophan that it is enough to ensure the synthesis of the required amount of niacin. An additional source of vitamin PP are some of its quantities, which are synthesized by microorganisms inhabiting the human intestine. Thus, the resources of nicotinic acid in the body consist of three sources:

  1. receipt from products,
  2. synthesis in tissues from tryptophan,
  3. production by intestinal bacteria (the latter source is apparently the least significant).

It should be noted that the niacin value of various foods depends not only on the presence of nicotinic acid in them, but also on the form in which it is present - easily accessible or tightly bound. Thus, in legumes all niacin is contained in an easily digestible form, and in grain products most of it is in a tightly bound, almost indigestible form.

Products containing nicotinic acid in large quantities are:

  • beef liver,
  • meat,
  • fish,
  • buckwheat grain,
  • legumes: peas,
  • beans,
  • lentils,
  • soybean,
  • bread made from low grade flour,
  • Yeast is extremely rich in it.
  • Taking into account that vitamin PP is synthesized in the body from tryptophan, the value of anti-pellagra products containing nicotinic acid is determined by two factors:

    1. their content of preformed (finished) nicotinic acid,
    2. their richness in tryptophan.

    The sum of vitamin PP preformed and, so to speak, potential (that which can be synthesized from tryptophan) is the niacin equivalent of a food product. This value more accurately reflects the PP-vitamin activity of the product than the content of preformed niacin in it. For example, due to the high tryptophan content in beef proteins, its niacin equivalent is twice as high as the content of vitamin PP. Milk is poor in nicotinic acid, but is still a good source of it due to its richness in tryptophan.

    Dosage and method of administration

    Niacin is a drug that must be taken strictly according to existing regimens. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or try to drink or inject it yourself. Such self-medication will not only not benefit your body, but can cause significant harm
    . If there is a deficiency of vitamin PP in the body, it is prescribed in tablets orally after meals. Take 2 tablets 2 or 3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 15-20 days.

    For the treatment of other diseases not associated with niacin deficiency, it is prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. The maximum single dosage should not exceed 2 tablets, and the daily dosage should not exceed 6. This regimen is used unless the doctor prescribes a dose otherwise.

    For the treatment of diseases associated with
    , low acidity of gastric juice, migraines and migraine-like attacks, neuritis of the facial nerve, the drug is prescribed orally, 1-2 tablets 4-5 times a day. The total duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 30 days.

    Injections of this drug are prescribed for therapeutic purposes at the rate of 10 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day. The drug can be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. Full course of injections

    usually 10−14 days.
    The instructions for the use of nicotinic acid injections also provide for an administration regimen with a sequential increase in the dose from 1 to 5 ml per day, and then a reduction to 1 ml. When treating the acute phase of ischemic stroke, 10 mg of solution is administered intravenously.
    For the treatment of other diseases, this dosage is prescribed twice a day. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 300 mg of the drug, and a single dose is 100 mg.

    is prescribed for the treatment of Hartnup disease

    at a dosage of 40−200 mg per day.


    Despite all the delights of nicotine, it remains a medicine and its use can have side effects. If there are contraindications for chronic diseases, then it is necessary to refrain from using vitamin-based products. It is strictly forbidden to strengthen your curls with nicotine if you have:

    • hypertension;
    • frequent allergy attacks;
    • individual non-perception of the drug;
    • severe swelling;
    • postoperative bleeding;
    • monthly problems in women;
    • loss of hair shafts caused by serious internal changes.

    Restrictions on use are present for people with actively working sebaceous glands and oily hair. The product can aggravate these processes. In order not to harm your body, you need to listen to it carefully. If there are contraindications, the use of the product is not recommended. Only correctly prepared recipes and compliance with all the rules will achieve a positive effect.

    The drug Nicotinic acid instructions for use and dosage

    The instructions attached to the medication indicate that the drug can be taken orally - in the form of tablets, or bypassing the gastrointestinal tract - parenterally, by injection.

    For preventive purposes, the drug is recommended for use at 0.015-0.025 4, for children at 0.005 - 0.02 g per day.

    For diagnosed and confirmed pellagra - 0.1 gs at a rate of 2-4 r/day, with a total course duration of 15-20 days. When administered parenterally, a 1% solution in a volume of 1 ml 1-2 r/s for no more than 10-15 days.

    For other pathological conditions - adult patients: 0.02 g-0.05 g (maximum dose 0.1 g). Children's category of patients - 0.005-0.03 g three times a day.

    As a vasodilator, the medication is recommended, for example, for ischemic stroke, when a lesion in the brain is diagnosed that is experiencing an acute lack of oxygen and nutrients. The route of administration is intravenous, always slowly, 1 ml. Since subcutaneous or intramuscular administration provokes pain in the patient. To avoid additional irritation, it is recommended to use sodium nicotinate or nicotinamide.

    The highest single doses indicated in the attached instructions are for the adult category of people 0.1 g, daily 0.5 g orally, while for the injection version of treatment a single dose of 0.1 g or daily 0.3 g. When treating atherosclerotic lesions or other lipid disorders, the dose of the medication taken orally, can be gradually increased to 0.5 - 1 g per 1 dose, per day up to 3 -5 g.

    Homemade hair recipes with nicotinic acid

    Nicotine for hair (how to use and what to mix with is known from folk cosmetology) works well together with natural products. Niacin increases the effectiveness of folk remedies by improving penetrating abilities.

    Recipe table

    In folk cosmetology there are masks for every occasion. The table shows the most popular recipes with nicotine.

    PurposeThe basisAdditional IngredientsTime
    For volumeNicotine ampoule
    • 3 tbsp. l. colorless henna;
    • 1 tsp. dry yeast;
    • 0.5 tbsp. boiling water;
    40 min.
    For shine
    • 1 yolk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
    • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
    • 1 capsule AEvit
    1 hour
    • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice (or pharmaceutical extract);
    • 1 tbsp. l. propolis tinctures
    20 minutes.
    For baldness
    • 1 tbsp. l. ginger juice
    40 min.
    • 1 slice of stale rye bread;
    • 1/3 tbsp. chamomile decoction;
    • 2 capsules AEvit
    1 hour
    For growth
    • 2 tbsp. l. warm burdock oil
    2 hours

    The nicotine mask should be applied to clean hair. If more than 1 day has passed since the last wash, you need to wash your hair before the procedure. For the mask to work, you need to create a “greenhouse effect”. To do this, you need to insulate your head with cling film and a towel. During the procedure, you can periodically warm your hair with a hairdryer for a minute.

    Two application options

    There are two ways to use nicotine with masks:

    • add to the total mass;
    • Apply to the roots separately half an hour before the mask.

    Separate application takes more time, but gives a more pronounced effect. If you apply nicotine in advance, the scalp will be more receptive to the components of the mask, and the positive effect will come much faster.


    Homemade masks with niacin are used in courses of 14 procedures with an interval of 3 days. Next, maintenance sessions are needed every 10 days. A repeated intensive course can be repeated only a month after the end of the previous one.

    Experts are suspicious of the use of nicotinic acid. The effect of niacin on hair, scalp and hair follicles has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it cannot be unequivocally stated that the positive results are associated specifically with the use of the drug.

    Trichologists are inclined to believe that the acceleration of growth and the appearance of new hair is associated with mechanical action (massage) when applying nicotinic acid to the hair. A placebo effect is also possible.

    Nevertheless, people's experience of using nicotine for hair is quite positive; the main thing is to soberly assess the possible results of the procedures. By accelerating growth we mean restoring the natural rate to 1.5 cm per month, and not the mythical growth of up to 3-4 cm.

    By increasing thickness we mean restoring the amount of hair that is genetically determined, but no more. More follicles than are given at birth will not appear either with nicotinic acid or with any other remedy.

    Analogues of the drug Nicotinic acid

    Synonyms of the drug (have a similar composition) are:

    1. Enduracin.
    2. Niacin.
    3. Nicotinic acid buffus (Vial).

    Vitamin preparations include analogues:

    1. Centrum.
    2. Selmevit.
    3. Ascorutin.
    4. Pregnavit.
    5. Kaltsinova.
    6. Teravit.
    7. Eikonol.
    8. Undevit.
    9. Sana Sol.
    10. Calcium D3 Nycomed.
    11. Carnitine.
    12. Complivit.
    13. Aevit.
    14. Perfect.
    15. Antioxicaps.
    16. Neuromultivitis.
    17. Combilipen.
    18. Levocarnitine.
    19. Vitrum.
    20. Milgamma.
    21. Vitamin C.
    22. Fish fat.
    23. Ascorbic acid.
    24. Cyanocobalamin.
    25. Vitamin B12.
    26. Prenatal.
    27. Niacinamide.
    28. Riboflavin.
    29. Nicotinamide.
    30. Pyridoxine.
    31. Vitamin B1.
    32. Thioctacid.
    33. Supradin.
    34. Vitamin A.
    35. Folic acid.
    36. Multimax.
    37. Neurodiclovit.
    38. Berocca.
    39. Vitamin B2.
    40. Triovit.
    41. Oksidevit.
    42. Vitamin B3.
    43. Pikovit.
    44. Retinol.
    45. Elkar.
    46. Vitamin E
    47. Octolipen.
    48. Merz special dragee.
    49. Vitagamma.
    50. Multitabs.
    51. Vitamax.
    52. Pregnakea.
    53. Neurogamma.
    54. Thiamine.
    55. Kaltsevita.
    56. Vitamin D3.
    57. Elevit Pronatal.
    58. Oligovit.
    59. Magnesium plus.

    Vitamin PP - what is it?

    The modern name for vitamin PP is nicotinic acid. It looks like a white crystalline powder that is odorless. The substance has a slight sour taste, does not dissolve in cold water, but is much better in hot water. Vitamin PP is a lipid-lowering agent that is converted into nicotinamide in the human body. The substance takes part in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, and fats. Vitamin PP is involved in synthetic processes, glycogenolysis, and tissue respiration of the body. Nicotinic acid is also an antipellagric agent.

    Articles on the topic

    • Indications for the use of nicotinic acid: instructions for the vitamin preparation
    • Vitamins for women after 30 years
    • Vitamin P - what foods contain rutin

    What are the pharmacological effects

    Since the synthetic drug “Nicotinic acid”, the instructions for use confirm this, its structure is similar to nicotinamide, it has the following pharmacological effects:

    • hypocholesterolemic;
    • hypolipedic;
    • vasodilating;
    • replenishment of vitamin PP deficiency.

    Taking the medication is especially relevant when carrying out preventive measures in relation to the cardiovascular system, since there is a pronounced correction of the parameters of cholesterol and its fractions, as well as triglycerides. When there is an excess of them in the bloodstream, vascular structures become clogged and atherosclerotic plaques form. Against this background, blood circulation suffers significantly, foci of local ischemia arise, which negatively affects overall well-being.

    Due to its vasodilating properties, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to cerebral vessels, as well as structures in the periphery, is significantly improved. In addition, fibrinolytic activity increases and platelet aggregation decreases.

    The medication also has detoxification properties, so experts include it in the complex therapy of many pathological conditions accompanied by inhibition of tissue metabolism.

    The effect of nicotinic acid on hair

    Nicotinic acid itself does not nourish the hair follicles and has no direct effect on the follicles. The principle of its action is to dilate blood vessels and, as a result, accelerate local blood circulation. Thanks to increased blood flow to the scalp, the bulbs receive increased nutrition and are saturated with oxygen.

    Here are the positive results that can be achieved with nicotinic acid:

    • stopping the loss;
    • acceleration of growth;
    • restoration of density by awakening “sleeping” bulbs;
    • reduction of greasiness;
    • restoration of hair structure;
    • eliminating dryness and brittleness;
    • enhancing color intensity and preventing early gray hair.

    To achieve a pronounced lasting effect, external use of niacin should be combined with taking a vitamin complex or calcium supplement. During the course you need to eat intensively with an emphasis on dairy and plant products. With increased blood flow to the scalp, nutrition of the bulbs will increase. Hair will grow stronger and denser.

    Medicinal properties of nicotinic acid

    Speaking about the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid, it is worth noting that it lowers the level of bad cholesterol, participates in the process of processing fats, proteins, carbohydrates, removing all toxins from the body, accelerating and enhancing metabolic processes, thereby promoting weight loss. Along with this, it helps relieve inflammatory processes and thins the blood, thus preventing the formation of plaques and blockage of blood vessels.

    It is nicotine that many doctors prescribe when diagnosing pellagra, contributing to a speedy recovery of the patient. It is also indicated for protracted chronic diseases, accompanied by a disruption in the process of blood flow and blood supply to the internal organs.

    If problems with the gastrointestinal tract are diagnosed, in particular gastritis, accompanied by high acidity or a duodenal ulcer, other problems with the stomach and intestines are not aggravated. It is especially recommended for those patients who have been diagnosed with a malfunction in the process of not only absorption, but also digestion of food, as well as anyone who has undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Nicotinic acid also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and liver - having a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism, it is especially indispensable for such diagnoses as coronary disease and endarteritis, in which the arterial passages narrow and, as a result, necrosis of the tissues feeding from them.

    As a prophylactic agent, it is used to reduce the risk of cancer, when diagnosing gastritis with high acidity, enhancing vision and memory, as well as eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids, to speed up metabolic processes when diagnosing excess weight and, accordingly, effective weight loss. Along with this, it is indicated for tinnitus and alcohol intoxication, failure of blood circulation - the main thing is to take it while undergoing a course of treatment or prevention under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    In addition, nicotinic acid is successfully used in external care - hair, skin, and nails, when used regularly on their own or as part of masks, become much better and stronger. It is capable, in this regard, by dilating blood vessels, supplying more oxygen to tissues and organs, removing free radicals and toxins from the body. Externally, this manifests itself in skin rejuvenation - it becomes younger, smoother and fresher.

    Nicotinic acid in the beauty industry

    Vitamin b3/PP is regularly used in cosmetology. With the help of drugs you can improve your health, improve your facial skin and hair condition. We suggest considering the popular uses of niacin.

    For face

    Nicotinic acid is the main element in the nutritional and regenerative process of cells. In addition to its beneficial effect on the functionality of organs, niacin becomes a reliable assistant in the fight for the beauty and health of the skin, which is why it is often used for rejuvenation.

    If there is insufficient amount of the substance in the body, the first signs appear on the skin: red spots, itching, decreased elasticity. If you notice such problems, eat as many products containing nicotinic acid as possible and apply the vitamin externally. With an integrated approach, there will be no trace of acne left.

    Rated world companies use 4% nicotinic acid in facial skin care cosmetics. The vitamin is freely available in every pharmacy, so you can add it to your favorite creams yourself.

    The effect of nicotinic acid on facial skin beauty:

    • dilates blood vessels;
    • improves blood circulation;
    • removes excess fluid from tissues;
    • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • retains moisture necessary for tissues;
    • promotes regeneration;
    • cleanses the skin and improves its color.

    In clinical settings, scientists have discovered another useful property - nicotinic acid minimizes the formation of skin cancer.

    Skin cancer is less common in people who take advantage of the benefits of niacin. Reviews on how to use vitamin B3 to improve the condition of your face can be read on women's forums.

    Face mask recipe

    An ampoule of nicotinic acid is added to the usual lotion and cream (1 ampoule per 50 g of facial product). The vitamin product is applied as a standard cream and, if necessary, washed off with warm water. It is advisable to mix the drug in a separate small container, since long-term use of the vitamin leads to an overdose.

    For hair growth

    Nicotinic acid is considered a reliable remedy for accelerating hair growth. We warn you that even minimal contact of the substance with the skin provokes an allergic reaction. Allergies in the form of redness and slight clouding will disappear within 20 minutes, leaving no traces of themselves. Use the drug on your own with caution.

    Sometimes people are skeptical about the properties of nicotinic acid because of the repulsive name. The substance is not associated with smokers, forget about prejudice. Nicotine and nicotinic acid are not the same thing.

    Niacin, due to its availability, has become widespread for home use. Women prepare healing masks, shampoos and scrubs based on it. A couple of drops of nicotinic acid are added to your favorite shampoo and your hair is nourished with vitamins during each wash.

    The drug affects the scalp as it strengthens blood vessels. Nicotinamide hits the scalp and instantly penetrates the inner layer of the epidermis. With improved blood flow, vitamin PP reaches the bulb of each hair. Changes in hair condition can be observed after just five procedures. Folk remedies, despite their effectiveness, at first dry out the hair or enrich it with an unpleasant odor. When a person’s hair falls out, they are ready to endure all the consequences; with nicotine, they don’t have to worry about such negative accompanying factors.

    Vitamin PP is involved in the oxidative processes of the body, so hair has a complex effect. Hair follicles are nourished with vitamins and saturated with oxygen. The main advantage of hair care with nicotinic acid is considered to be hydration along the length. Dandruff disappears under the influence of a nourishing vitamin.

    If you are wary of supplements not provided by the manufacturer, take niacin tablets. Thus, you influence hair growth and strengthen the condition of the body.

    To get the desired result, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive course of effects on hair: add niacin in liquid form to shampoo and take the vitamin orally in capsules.

    Nicotinic acid is considered a popular drug for hair loss and baldness. Rapid hair loss is the main signal of problems in the body, so first of all, get examined by a doctor, and under no circumstances start treatment without a prescription.

    To stop hair loss, nicotinic acid is rubbed into the scalp onto dry hair. Additional ingredients that the vitamin formula is combined with can improve the effect of the drug:

    • decoction of medicinal herbs;
    • propolis tincture;
    • ginger;
    • vitamin E.

    The compatibility of the drugs helps to achieve quick results in a short time. The course of treatment lasts for one month, only after consultation with a trichologist. The composition of the product for one rubbing uses only one ampoule of nicotinic acid. The vitamin is applied from the side of the temporal region, using massage movements towards the crown. Before the procedure, draw the liquid into a syringe or pipette, this makes it more convenient to apply the vitamin in even portions to the scalp.

    Acid in ampoules must be used immediately after opening, otherwise, when exposed to air, it loses its beneficial properties and becomes unsuitable for further use.

    Carefully monitor the body’s reaction to vitamin PP in its pure form; if after the procedure the skin turns red or itches, drink an anti-allergenic drug and then dilute the acid with purified water.

    Recipes for hair masks based on nicotinic acid (analogues of expensive cosmetic products):

    Egg mask.

    To make it you will need:

    • 1 ampoule of niacin;
    • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
    • linseed oil – 40 g;
    • Eleutherococcus tincture – 20 g.

    Directions for use: mix the ingredients and apply to washed, dried hair. After an hour, rinse off the mask and wash your hair under running water.

    Mask with aloe and propolis to strengthen hair:

    • 40 g nicotinic acid;
    • aloe juice;
    • propolis tincture.

    Apply the mixture to your hair and rinse after 40 minutes.

    After using nicotine-based masks, you will feel as if your scalp is “burning.” This indicates improved blood flow to the hair follicles. When your head itches, this is also a sign of activation of processes. After a 30-day course, a break of at least 4 months is required.

    The mechanism of action of niacin allows the vitamin to be used for eyebrows and eyelashes. You can simply dissolve nicotinic acid in ampoules with water and wipe your eyebrows with this liquid in the morning and before bed. An effective remedy for improving the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows is a special mask. To make it you will need:

    • castor oil (1 ml);
    • burdock oil (1 ml);
    • vitamin Aevit (2 capsules);
    • nicotinic acid (a couple of drops).

    Mix all ingredients and apply overnight to eyebrows and eyelashes. The results will not be long in coming; be careful with the body’s reaction to individual components.

    B3 will be useful for men. It is used for beard growth and baldness. Recently, beards and mustaches have become a trend in men's fashion, so men should take care of the subject of their pride. It is better to apply gentle versions of masks to your face so as not to damage sensitive skin. For baldness, vitamin liquid is rubbed into problem areas with massage movements.

    Nicotinic acid in the fight against excess weight

    Vitamin B3/PP is the main element of metabolism, since nicotinic acid is able to regulate the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates entering the body with food. The burning of calories and a person's weight directly depend on metabolism.

    Female representatives already know about the properties of niacin and use it for weight loss.

    Nicotinamide is predominantly found in protein foods. Another type of vitamin, coenzyme, speeds up metabolism, reducing the effects of bad cholesterol in the body. The body naturally cleanses itself of toxins and waste.

    In addition to the listed benefits, nicotinic acid plays an important role in the formation of hormonal levels. The acid has detoxifying properties, so it is recommended to use it after poisoning or excessive alcohol consumption. The vitamin will be useful for blood vessels and their functionality.

    It is scientifically proven that nicotinic acid helps reduce weight. Vitamin PP provokes the body's production of a special substance, serotonin. What is it for? The hormone is responsible for a good mood. Women admit that during periods of depression they consume excessive amounts of food, in particular confectionery.

    Vitamins should be taken in small doses and gradually increase the dose by 0.1 g once a day: for the first five days, take nicotinic acid 0.1 g three times a day, from the sixth to 0.2 g, etc. The daily norm ultimately does not exceed 6 g of nicotinic acid per day. You should take the vitamin immediately after meals and under no circumstances take it with hot drinks (tea, coffee).

    Nicotinic acid displaces vitamin C from the body, so you should additionally take ascorbic acid in the form of pharmacological vitamins. How much vitamin complex to take depends on the condition of the body and obvious symptoms.

    Niacin is an excellent remedy against cellulite. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to take the vitamin. To some extent, the recommendations have a basis for existence, since the substance improves blood circulation. Due to contraindications in the instructions for vitamin B3, it is better to avoid using it unnecessarily. Other methods will help you get rid of cellulite at home: cupping massage, body wraps, contrast showers.

    Carefully monitor the dosage of vitamin PP to avoid overdose. Before drinking nicotinic acid, consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for use, pay attention to contraindications.

    Indications for use

    Vitamin PP has a very extensive list of indications for use. You can take tablets and give injections of this drug for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes:

    1. Hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency RR, which are caused by a lack of its intake into the body with food.
    2. Long-term parenteral nutrition.
    3. Malabsorption syndrome caused by disturbances in the pancreas or intestines.
    4. Hartnup's disease.
    5. Chronic diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by severe diarrhea.
    6. Condition after gastrectomy (surgical removal of one or two thirds of the stomach).
    7. Chronic diseases of the liver and biliary system.
    8. Diseases of the thyroid gland accompanied by hyperthyroidism.
    9. Chronic stress.
    10. Oncological diseases.
    11. Chronic infectious processes.
    12. Vascular atherosclerosis, accompanied by hyperlipidemia, triglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia.
    13. Obliterating diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities (Raynaud's disease, etc.).
    14. Cerebrovascular disease with ischemic circulatory disorders, ischemic strokes, visual impairment and tinnitus.
    15. Diseases accompanied by spasm of peripheral vessels, biliary and urinary tracts.
    16. Diabetes and its complications - diabetic angiopathy and polyneuropathy.
    17. Chronic gastritis with decreased secretory function.
    18. Neuritis and neuropathy of the facial nerve.
    19. Colitis or enterocolitis.
    20. Trophic ulcers or wounds that do not heal for a long time.
    21. Osteochondrosis of the spine in various parts.
    22. Chronic hemorrhoids.
    23. Various types of obesity.
    24. Acute and chronic poisoning with alcohol or drugs.

    For preventive purposes, vitamin PP can be consumed to prevent the development of cancer, hemorrhoids, and obesity. In addition, this acid helps improve concentration and visual acuity.

    Nicotinic acid in medicines

    The properties of vitamin B3 have led to its popularity in the pharmaceutical industry. The release form of nicotinic acid has three variations:

    1. Ampoules. The solution is being developed for administering the drug intramuscularly. Injections are prescribed for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. The advantage of this form is the immediate supply of the substance through the bloodstream into the cells where biochemical reactions occur.
    2. Capsules. Prescribed for hypovitaminosis, since it is not always possible to replenish the required supply of vitamin with food. The medicine corrects this deficiency a week after starting treatment.
    3. Pills. They have the same purpose as the capsule; they are prescribed to eliminate niacin deficiency.

    Storing vitamin PP: the sealed preparation is stored in a dry place out of direct sunlight. The shelf life of ampoules is four years, and tablets are three years. Before using the substance, check the date of its manufacture and the integrity of the packaging. The authenticity of the drug is confirmed by multi-stage laboratory tests.

    pharmachologic effect

    In medical practice, nicotinic acid preparations are used, available without a prescription. They are produced in powder, tablet and ampoules formats. It is recommended to store all varieties away from sunlight and away from children. The composition of the preparations includes pyridinecarboxylic-3-acid. It is a white crystalline powder, poorly soluble in cold water and alcohol, but readily soluble in hot water.

    Vitamin B3 plays an important role in ensuring the vital functions of the body and is a component of the prosthetic groups of codehydrase enzymes. The latter transfer hydrogen and carry out redox processes. Vitamin B3, entering the body and being broken down into nicotinamide, transports phosphates. Without them, the disease pellagra develops.

    Nicotinic acid is a compound similar in structure to nicotinamide.

    The use of nicotinic acid is important for stimulating blood circulation, brain activity, metabolism of amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

    This vitamin is of great importance for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It helps reduce cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglyceride levels - substances that clog blood vessels, contribute to increased blood pressure and the formation of blood clots, and limit blood supply.

    Nicotinic acid (synonyms: vitamin PP, vitamin B3, niacin) belongs to the group of drugs that affect tissue metabolic processes. This is a vitamin preparation, but in its pharmacological action it is not inferior to the action of medicinal drugs.

    Nicotinic acid is found in its natural form in vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy products and cereals. For a healthy person, vitamin intake from foods is sufficient. But with illnesses, the need for it increases sharply.

    Used for medicinal purposes, preparations with nicotinic acid dilate blood vessels, increase blood fluidity, stabilize blood cholesterol levels, and prevent blood clots.

    Most often, nicotinic acid is prescribed for neurological diseases. This is one of the vitamin preparations with a healing effect. The introduction of vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on nerve cells.

    All forms of drug release

    Under the influence of nicotinic acid, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses changes, the process of regeneration of nerve tissue improves, and blood pressure levels return to normal.

    Due to the dilation of blood vessels, blood flows into the pathological focus, which accelerates the healing and regeneration process.

    Niacin is an activator of enzymatic processes, a component for the formation of sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone).

    Preparations based on nicotinic acid are included in the treatment program for removing toxic substances from the body.

    Regular maintenance therapy with nicotinic acid is indicated for patients with chronic headaches and migraine attacks.

    The drug is available in the form of tablets and 1% injection solution.


    Long-term use of nicotinic acid threatens such complications as fatty degeneration in the liver. To avoid such complications, doctors recommend that patients include foods rich in methionine and amino acids in their diet. If an overdose is established and the patient’s condition is of concern, he is prescribed prolipotropic drugs that interact with fats in the liver.

    When taking a large dose of nicotinic acid, under no circumstances should you delay contacting a specialist. In especially severe cases, the patient will be placed in a hospital, where he will spend some time under medical supervision.

    Compatibility of nicotinic acid with other vitamins

    Nicotinic acid and vitamin C have positive compatibility. Combined use with ascorbic acid potentiates the effect of both vitamins. Usual dosages should be reduced when used in combination.

    Compatibility with B vitamins

    Vitamin B1

    Nicotinic acid and vitamin B1 have negative compatibility. Niacin has a destructive effect on thiamine (B1). Separate administration with an interval of at least 6 hours is recommended

    Vitamin B6

    Nicotinic acid and vitamin B6 have positive compatibility. Pyridoxine (B6) facilitates the absorption of niacin; simultaneous administration .

    Vitamin B12

    Nicotinic acid and vitamin B12 have negative compatibility. The combined intake of niacin and cyanocobalamin (B12) destroys the latter. Separate administration with an interval of at least 6 hours is recommended

    Taking roaccutane along with nicotinic acid (vitamin B3)

    Roaccutane (ROA) is a potent drug that has many limitations, side effects, and special instructions. Patients undergoing treatment for ROA should be under constant medical supervision. Only a dermatologist decides on the need to prescribe additional medications.

    special instructions

    The leaflet included inside each nicotine package contains special instructions that must be followed when taking the product:

    • High doses of the vitamin are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • During therapy, liver function should be regularly monitored;
    • use nicotinic acid with caution for hyperacid gastritis, ulcers (irritation of the mucous membrane), hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus;
    • not used to correct dyslipidemia in diabetics;
    • at the initial stage of use, the content of fats, sugars, and uric acid is monitored;
    • Long-term use threatens the leaching of vitamin C.

    Release form

    According to pharmacological definitions, the following forms of release of this vitamin preparation are distinguished:

    • vitamin B3 in ampoules - 1 ml, glass ampoules, pH solution for injection 5-7;
    • powder for injection;
    • tablets (50 pcs.) – a drug to replenish acid deficiency, the active substance content is 0.05 g;
    • sodium nicotinate solution – 0.1% nicotine solution.

    Nicotinic acid is produced in tablets and in the form of a solution.

    General characteristics of vitamin B3

    Vitamin PP was first given its name in the United States when the disease pellagra was rampant. This is vitamin deficiency, manifested by severe stool disorder, disruption of the central nervous system, damage to the skin, mucous membranes, problems with falling asleep, tremors of the limbs, irritability to sounds and bright light.

    It was then that scientists discovered that this condition was caused by a lack of nicotinic acid in the body. The function of vitamin B3 was first described by scientist Maximilian Titus Huber. Later, specialists managed to extract the substance from yeast and prove that it can normalize cholesterol levels, improve blood counts, and cure gout. The discovery was a sensation, since the physiological role of vitamin B3 is enormous, because the body is not able to produce it on its own.

    Niacin is now used in food production. It is known as a healthy dietary supplement.

    So what is vitamin B3 for? B3 takes part in almost all oxidative reactions. Its deficiency causes not only vitamin deficiency, but also early aging, problems with joints, heart, changes in hormonal levels and other problems. Nicotinic acid has an oily consistency. Easily dissolves in acetic acid, liquids, and alcohols. The substance tolerates temperature changes, sunlight, and has the ability not to be destroyed by hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Synthesized by intestinal microflora.

    Recommended Dietary Allowance for Niacin

    According to the American Institute of Medicine, the recommended intake of niacin is 16 mg in pure form for men, 14 mg for women.
    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the norm is 18 and 17 mg, respectively. Russian norms are 2 mg higher for each age group. Daily requirement

    0-6 months22
    6-12 months44
    from 191614

    Alcohol compatibility

    Practicing doctors and scientists note the intoxicating effect of vitamin B3. It helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body, binds free radicals, and neutralizes the effect of poisons on the cells of organs and tissues. The drug is widely used in the relief of hangover syndrome, in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, and exposure to harmful substances at work.

    According to the instructions for use of vitamin B3, it is incompatible with alcohol and drugs that contain ethanol. A dangerous effect is an increase in the toxic effect on the liver and a decrease in the absorption of bile acid sequestrants. You should refrain from drinking alcohol-containing drinks and medications while taking the drug.

    Drug interactions

    Before prescribing vitamin PP, tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications, as it has the following drug interactions:

    • when combined with fibrinolytics, cardiac glycosides and antispasmodics, it enhances the effect;
    • when taking barbiturates, neomycin, sulfonamides, and antituberculosis drugs simultaneously, it is accompanied by an increase in toxic effect;
    • increases the risk of side effects when used with antihypertensive drugs, aspirin, anticoagulants;
    • nicotinic acid develops a toxic effect with lipid-lowering drugs;
    • reduces the severity of the effect of the antidiabetic medication system.

    Nicotinic acid for hair, use at home

    • A vitamin preparation, nicotinic acid, is used to treat hair only externally.
    • The contents of the ampoules are rubbed into the scalp with light, massaging movements with the fingertips. Literally one drop of the drug should be placed on your fingers. For better contact with the scalp and hair roots, you can use a pipette or syringe (without a needle).
    • Nicotinic acid can be rubbed in as a single product on its own or as part of cosmetic masks (scrubs).
    • The drug is used daily on clean and dry hair. With contaminated hair, nicotinic acid will open access to the hair follicles to particles of dirt and dust, which will have an undesirable effect on the condition of the hair.
    • The vitamin should be used immediately after opening the ampoule, as it quickly erodes and loses its beneficial properties.
    • The drug is evenly applied to the scalp, starting from the temporal lobe, moving to the crown and back of the head, carefully dividing the hair into partings.
    • To get a stable positive effect from the vitamin, it must be used regularly. When caring for your hair, it is recommended to take a 30-day course of applying nicotinic acid. It is enough to use one ampoule for each procedure. Thus, for such a daily course you will need 30 ampoules.
    • There is no need to use more than one ampoule per procedure, since the solution is very active and vasodilation occurs reflexively over the entire surface of the head.
    • To enhance the positive effect, after a month's course of hair treatment, you should take approximately the same break and repeat the nicotinic acid therapy again.
    • There is no need to wash off the vitamin preparation. It is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces.
    • It is important to pay attention to the reaction of the scalp after the first use of the solution. There may be a slight burning sensation or redness of the skin. This is not considered an allergic reaction and is accepted as normal as a consequence of vasodilation and blood flow. If signs of severe allergies appear (itching, rash, headache), you should subsequently stop using the vitamin or always dilute it with water, reducing the concentration. You can also add it as a minor (in quantity) component of masks for hair and scalp.

    Thus, the method of using nicotinic acid for hair treatment is absolutely not complicated, accessible, and most importantly - effective.

    Common Side Effects

    Despite its benefits, nicotinic acid can cause harm. This shows up:

    • allergic reaction (rashes, itching, ulcers on the mucous membrane);
    • ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
    • gastritis with increased levels of hydrochloric acid.

    Such symptoms occur with uncontrolled intake of active nutritional supplements. There are also contraindications to taking medications. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

    Nicotinic acid interacts with almost all B vitamins. Proper use contributes to the stable functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

    Why inject the remedy?

    Nicotinic acid in ampoules is prescribed only by the attending physician. During the day, on average, it is permissible to use no more than 25 mg of the active component. Increasing the dosage of the drug helps with excessive intellectual and physical stress, constant tension in the nervous system, when working in hazardous industries, when living in a poor ecological environment or other negative factors. In addition to being used for preventive purposes, this drug has indications for use:

    • long-term non-healing open wounds;
    • ischemic heart diseases;
    • muscular dystrophy;
    • development of atherosclerosis;
    • problems with blood flow to brain tissues and blood vessels.

    The medication is often used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, various liver disorders, alcohol and drug poisoning. This product improves the functioning of the organs of touch and smell, accelerates the process of breaking down fats in the body during sports.


    The drug is intended for use by adults and children over 15 years of age. This acid is not suitable for use by pregnant women and during lactation, because there is a high risk of side effects in the expectant mother and child.

    What do you think are the most important factors when choosing a medical facility?
    Also contraindications to the use of this medication are:

    • diabetes mellitus and various liver pathologies;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • allergic reaction to the main component of the drug;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In tablets

    For many diseases and for children, tablets are indicated for use. It is recommended to take them after meals, since taking them on an empty stomach can cause nausea and burning. Vitamin PP is prescribed in tablets at 12.5-25 mg/day for adults, and 5-25 mg/day for children. For atherosclerosis, the dosage is 2-3 g/day, which should be taken in four doses. If fat metabolism is impaired, therapy begins with small doses of 500 mg/day, gradually increasing to 1500 mg. In total, the tablets must be taken for 3 months.


    Sergey, 36 years old: They always inject me with nicotine when I go to the hospital with radiculitis. Only they give injections not intravenously, but intramuscularly. The injection is of course very painful, after it the face and ears burn, the tongue and lips burn. But gradually, from injection to injection, this manifests itself less and less. You can tolerate it.

    Zinaida, 28 years old: The first time I was prescribed nicotinic acid, I had the impression that I was “on fire.” But after about 15 minutes everything goes away. The nurse advised me to have something to eat before taking the drug injections. Yes, indeed, if not on an empty stomach, the drug is easier to tolerate.

    Milena, 44 years old: The drug is inexpensive but effective. It is not for nothing that it has been prescribed for many years for osteochondrosis and radiculitis, even despite the fact that there are now many other modern drugs. This vitamin also helps small wounds and cuts on the skin heal well, and hair and nails grow better. Why buy something new and expensive if you have something old that has been reliable and proven over the years?

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