Pain in the sternum in the middle left, right, pressing, aching, dull, sharp, strong. Reasons and what to do
How to properly collect and test stool for worm eggs
Testing stool for helminth eggs is the fastest and easiest way to identify parasites that
structure of the human pharynx
Non-heroic snoring. Why do snorers often die in their sleep?
What is snoring and how does it occur? Let us consider the mechanism of the occurrence of loud, intrusive sounds that
Review of the 7 most popular sorbents for cleansing the body
Almost every person has used sorbents at least once in their life, the list of drugs for which is extensive.
Corn silk - medicinal properties and contraindications: instructions and recipes
Corn columns have gained particular popularity due to their pronounced effect on the biliary and urinary systems.
Hormonal imbalance in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs
Diet after appendicitis removal - dot the I's
Rehabilitation after surgery is a long process that depends not only on doctors, but also
Vulvitis in women
What ointments can be used to treat vulvitis in women?
Acute vulvitis in women is pronounced inflammatory processes occurring in the external genitalia.
Dorsopathy of the spinal column - what is it and how to treat the pathology?
Dorsopathy of the spinal column - what is it and how to treat the pathology?
Dorsopathy is a pathological condition of the back and muscular frame of the spine, accompanied by pain and
How to give an injection in the buttock - step-by-step detailed instructions and tips on how to quickly, easily and correctly give an injection (90 photos + video)
In some cases, medications are prescribed that have to be administered by injection. If
Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy may be a sign of a tumor located in the chest
Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity in adults - causes and treatment
Lymphadenopathy is a pathological condition characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and is one of the leading
Bone on feet due to heels
The bone on the big toe hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment
Very often, women are faced with such a problem as a bunion on the big toe. She
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