Kidney disease - symptoms and treatment in women and men
Kidney diseases often affect the functioning of the entire body, because the main task of this organ is
Joints hurt
Pain in the joints of the arms and legs: causes and treatment, diagnosis of the problem
“Happiness is like health. When you don’t notice it, it’s there.” I.S. Turgenev When a person
Preparations potassium magnesium vitamins containing elements
List of potassium and magnesium preparations in tablets, vitamin complexes: indications, contraindications, side effects
Why do we need drugs with potassium and magnesium? The main human organ is the heart. Preventing it
Gastritis with high acidity: causes, symptoms and treatment
Gastritis refers to all inflammatory diseases of the stomach. The process is localized on the mucous membrane and occurs as an acute inflammation
Stab wound: its characteristics and first aid
Types Classification according to the type of wounding object and method of injury. Stabbed - inflicted with a piercing weapon,
What is euthyroidism of the thyroid gland, symptoms and treatment
Euthyroidism is a condition bordering on serious pathology of the thyroid gland. Thyroid diseases -
What are the causes and treatments for upper eyelid ptosis?
Ptosis of the upper eyelid is a pathology in which it droops down, completely or partially
Diet 10 table: what is possible, what is not, table and menu
In the structure of overall mortality, diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading place. Therefore, it is important to carry out preventive
X-ray pneumonia
Pneumonia in adults without fever - symptoms, causes, diagnosis
Recently, forms of inflammatory pathologies often occur in atypical forms. Asymptomatic pneumonia
Inflammation of the tongue - causes, symptoms, treatment. How to treat inflammation of the mouth and tongue?
Even our distant ancestors knew how to diagnose diseases based on the condition of the back of the tongue. IN
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