Polyps in the intestines
What are the symptoms of a polyp (polyposis) of the intestine and colon in adults?
Any person over 40 years old has a good chance of discovering an intestinal polyp. Doctors
optic nerve atrophy
Partial and complete optic nerve atrophy: what is it, does it happen in both eyes and how to treat
The second pair of cranial nerves is the most important element of the visual system, because the connection is carried out through it
Lower lobe pneumonia - types, features, symptoms and treatment
Inflammation in the lungs is severe and difficult to treat. Left-sided pneumonia is especially difficult to tolerate. This
How congenital hypothyroidism manifests itself in children, and about the main reasons for the development of the anomaly - in an article by a neonatologist
Congenital hypothyroidism is a pathology that develops against the background of insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Violation
Why is capillary bleeding dangerous and how to stop it?
In everyday life, cuts are quite common. There is not a single person who would not
Proper preparation for donating blood for PSA
Preparing for a PSA test: key indicators and factors
A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate-specific antigen for males. Such
What can cause elevated blood sugar, other than diabetes: what are the causes?
There are several reasons and conditions in the body when sugar is elevated without diabetes. Read more in
ForeverHealth.ru - Antibiotics in tablets for pneumonia in adults: a list of effective drugs - all about medications
Pneumonia - symptoms in adults, children, types, antibiotics for pneumonia
Antibiotic treatment of pneumonia in adults: scheme and course. Treatment of pneumonia is carried out mainly in
ACVA (acute cerebrovascular accident): symptoms and causes, first aid, treatment and consequences
Acute cerebrovascular accident is considered a pathological process in which blood circulation in the vessels deteriorates
Adhesive disease
Adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity: how does the pathology manifest itself and be treated?
Adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity is a disease associated with the appearance of connective tissue cords between the internal
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