B12 deficiency anemia
B12 deficiency anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment
Many people, regardless of gender and place of residence, have encountered a disease such as B12
Preparations for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in adults
Prevention of influenza occupies a very important place in the life of modern people. The specificity of the modern world is that
Increased antibodies to thyroid peroxidase: what does this mean?
Medical Consultant Tests The normal level of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase is greatly increased - what does this mean? Antibodies -
Venous blood collection
Norm of progesterone during early pregnancy (table)
Progesterone is a steroid hormone in structure. The monthly cycle, pregnancy and embryonic development are
Hiccups in adults - causes and methods of getting rid of them
Hiccups are a phenomenon familiar to everyone. In themselves, single attacks of hiccups are harmless to the body.
Symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis in adults, stages of the disease and treatment methods
Characteristics and causes of the development of the disease Rhinopharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process that
How to treat neurasthenia at home with herbs and medications
Causes of neurasthenia Symptoms of neurasthenia in women appear with a combination of individual weakness of the human nervous system
head brain injury
Bruise and brain injury: causes, treatment and consequences
Brain contusion, or concussion, is a serious post-traumatic disorder that manifests itself as a failure of functional abilities
types of warts
Warts. Description, causes, prevention and treatment of warts
Almost every person has encountered such a problem as warts in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.
How to determine your vitamin D deficiency yourself? Vitamin D deficiency in adults: symptoms, consequences, treatment
Vitamins and minerals are primarily involved in regulating metabolic processes in the body. Depending
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