Swallowing reflex disorder: causes and treatment. Swallowing disorder, or dysphagia
Dysphagia refers to pathologies of the esophagus and larynx. With this condition, swallowing liquids and food
Maximum period for safe termination of pregnancy
Questions: Termination of pregnancy: until what period can a medical abortion be performed? How dangerous is medical abortion?
obesity 2nd degree in children
Obesity 1st degree - causes, types, treatment and photos
What is grade 1 obesity? Obesity (ICD code 10 - E66) is a condition characterized by
Articles on the Women Planet website
Food allergies: causes, signs and treatment
What is it? Food allergy refers to the body’s response to any food ingredient that turns out to be
How long does it take for symptoms of a tick bite to appear in humans: consequences of the bite and prevention of infection
Not many people know what a tick bite looks like; the symptoms in humans are quite specific.
Treatment methods for house dust allergies in adults and children
The nose often gets stuffy, and you constantly want to sneeze if the apartment has not been wet cleaned
Where is the 12 duodenum located and what happens in it?
After we have safely swallowed a portion of food treated with lysozyme, having made a small
Do I need a vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps?
All about treatment and vaccinations against rubella for adults and children
Rubella is an infectious disease that is spread by airborne droplets. The incubation period is 24 days. First
a child has a rash on his face
Exanthema in children - about the causes, symptoms, and the answer to the main question: to treat or not to treat?
Exanthema is a skin rash that looks like spots, papules, and vesicles. Such pigmentations are
Osteomyelitis: Causes, Clinic, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications
Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis refers to an infection of the bone, which can be either acute (recent onset) or chronic
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