What folk remedies for worms are used in adults
Worms are the colloquial name for parasitic worms that live in humans and animals. Human
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Psoriasis of the joints, also known as psoriatic arthritis: clinical picture and treatment approaches
Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory pathology that affects the joints. Its leading clinical manifestations are arthralgia, pain
Sulfasalazine instructions for use
Sulfasalazine: description of the substance and effectiveness in arthritis
Sulfasalazine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of an autoimmune and inflammatory nature. "Azulfidine" is the main trade name,
Blackberry tea
For a cold, what medications should adults take, what should they drink if they have an acute respiratory viral infection?
Tip 1: What medicines to take for a cold In the autumn-winter period, there is a risk of getting a cold.
Shigellosis symptoms, prevention and treatment of infection
Dysentery is an intestinal disease caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella. Symptoms of dysentery are hyperbole from dysbiosis.
Glomerulonephritis - what is it, causes, signs, symptoms and acute treatment
Glomerulonephritis is a bilateral inflammatory pathology of the kidneys, accompanied by damage to small renal vessels. During development
Cushing's syndrome: causes, clinical picture, treatment, prognosis, prevention
Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is a combination of a complex of pathological changes resulting from such a very dangerous
Immunostimulating drugs, vitamins and other means to improve immunity in adults
The average person imagines immunity in the abstract: if you get sick, you have poor immunity. But the immune system
aplastic anemia
What is aplastic anemia, diagnosis and treatment
Aplastic anemia is an extremely unpleasant disease that can cause, in addition to health problems,
Mumiyo beneficial properties and uses
Shilajit: beneficial properties and contraindications, what it helps with
Mumiyo beneficial properties and contraindications Mumiyo consists of many useful components. That's why it
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