Immunostimulating drugs, vitamins and other means to improve immunity in adults

The average person imagines immunity in the abstract: if you get sick, you have poor immunity. But the immune system is a whole complex in the body. It works like an antivirus on a computer, identifies malicious cells and sends antibodies and white blood cells to fight them. To simplify, this is a system that protects the body from all diseases and viruses. It relies on its main assistants: bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus gland (thymus), tonsils, adenoids, spleen, Peyer's plates in the intestines and, finally, the appendix.

What pills are there to boost immunity in adults?

Pharmacological companies have made great strides forward; the choice of groups and names of drugs to boost immunity is simply enormous. In pharmacies you can find drugs that have been used in medicine for more than a thousand years, as well as fashionable new products that are widely advertised during flu and cold seasons. They are divided into several types, let's look at each in more detail.

Herbal preparations to improve immunity

Such medicines are made from plants that have immune-enhancing properties. They are produced both in tablets and in the form of tinctures and are capable of increasing the synthesis of RNA and proteins, activating the functions of systems such as endocrine and vegetative.

The plant form is the most harmless, effective and affordable. Such medicines include:

  • echinacea;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • radiola pink;
  • ginseng root;
  • lemongrass


This group of drugs is made from a protein (interferon) that is produced by the body's own to fight viruses. With additional intake of interferon, immunity begins to develop, which is able to resist the disease. One of the most popular is “Human leukocyte interferon”.

Interferon inducers

Interferon inducers have an immunomodulatory effect. When the drug enters the blood, they begin to be actively synthesized in all organs and systems, and the body’s resistance to various viruses increases. Here is a list of the most common:

  • Kagocel;
  • Indinol;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Neovir;
  • Amiksin;
  • Lavomax.

Bacterial immune drugs

They contain bacterial pathogens necessary to enhance the body's defense reactions. Among the inexpensive ones, “Broncho-munal” and “Imudon” are distinguished.

Immunostimulating drugs with nucleic acid

These drugs are available in the form of an injection solution. Active substances with immunostimulating properties are obtained from salmon. And the nucleic acids in the composition accelerate cell regeneration in the process of damage. These include "Derinat" and "Ridostin".


They are more expensive injectable medications compared to other groups. Substances related to the human body, like proteins, produce passive immunity. One of the most famous is “Human Immunoglobulin”.

Synthetic tablets for immunity for adults

Such drugs are immunostimulants and are recommended for use during periods of exacerbation of viruses and colds. The active ingredients in them can cause allergies because they are unnatural. This group appeals to the skepticism of immunologists, considering these drugs a “marketing ploy” to enrich pharmaceutical companies. These include: “Immunorix”, “Polyoxidonium”, “Nevir” and others.

Vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamin D

Even if you eat a balanced diet, it is very difficult to get enough vitamin D. Fatty fish are the best sources of this vitamin, as are egg yolks and liver. The best source of vitamin D is the sun's ultraviolet rays, which are absorbed by the skin. In winter, we experience a deficiency of it, so additional intake of vitamin D3 in drops is necessary.


Supplementing with zinc can help improve your overall health. It can be obtained from products such as sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, lentils and turkey, but the mineral can also be obtained medicinally, using, for example, Zincteral. Zinc can also reduce the duration of a cold.

Vitamin C

Many studies have linked the consumption of high doses of ascorbic acid to an increase in the body's ability to fight infection.
However, keep in mind that consuming large doses of vitamin C may cause rashes, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems. The maximum dosage for adults is 2000 mg. Vitamin and mineral complexes can also help improve health, but some drugs can cause allergic reactions, so consult your doctor before taking them. Vitamin and mineral complexes include:

  • Complivit;
  • Supradin;
  • Multitabs;
  • Vitrum;
  • Alphabet.

How to increase immunity without immunostimulant drugs?

  • Ensuring a balanced, rational diet, avoiding store-bought semi-finished products, fast food, and harmful chemicals. Every day the diet should include salads, fresh raw vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic), fruits, legumes, sea fish, dairy products without additives. Breakfast should not consist of sandwiches, the best thing is buckwheat porridge, rolled oats, rice, green tea, honey, rosehip decoction.
  • Since the connection between immunity and intestinal dysbiosis has been proven, courses of probiotics can be carried out for its treatment and as a preventative measure after consultation with a doctor. For prevention, it is best not to drink the drug itself, but to make yogurt from it, that is, add 1 capsule of the drug or a special starter for yogurt (sold in a pharmacy) to fresh boiled milk (not pasteurized), leave in a warm place for 12-24 hours and Drink this homemade fermented milk drink every day.
  • Elimination of possible foci of chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, chronic sinusitis, etc.)
  • Helminthic infestations reduce immunity, the diagnosis of which with a one-time stool test can give false negative results, so if suspected, you should be tested 3 times.
  • Try to remain optimistic, have a positive attitude towards life, and avoid stress. To calm the nervous system, meditation, yoga, repetition of positive attitudes, affirmations can be useful - this works to improve the health of the body.
  • Children should be gradually hardened (start in the summer). It is also useful for adults to walk barefoot on grass and sea pebbles in the summer.
  • In winter, you can make this mixture - grind lemon, walnuts, raisins in equal proportions in a blender, mix with honey, consume 1-2 spoons in the morning and evening.
  • For those who suffer from chronic tonsillitis, a simple exercise can improve blood circulation in the pharynx. While brushing your teeth, extend your tongue and pull it towards the chin, hold for 10 seconds, this way the lacunae of the tonsils are cleaned.
  • Avoid dehydration. Drink 1-2 liters of clean drinking water daily. Every three months, drink a course of mineral waters. It is advisable to consult with specialists before doing this.
  • The most effective way to improve immunity is physical labor in the fresh air.

Price for tablets to boost immunity for adults

Depending on the type of medicine and manufacturer, prices can vary greatly. For comparison, the table shows affordable medications of various groups.

NamePrice, rub.
Ascorbic acid40
Echinacea + vitamin C1000

Myths about immunity

Immune System Myth #1: The more active your immune system, the healthier you will be.
An overactive immune response is responsible for allergic reactions to common non-toxic substances. It also underlies a number of major diseases, including diabetes, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

It is not known why the immune system malfunctions in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Theories and myths abound. Infections, diet, and environmental toxins have always been implicated as sources of health problems, but there is no conclusive evidence to support any of them as a specific cause of rheumatoid arthritis.

In fact, there can be multiple reasons why the immune system is malfunctioning.

Immune System Myth #2: Taking a recommended vitamin or mineral supplement will improve your immune system.

There is still no evidence that taking extra vitamins will improve the situation and protect you unless you have a micronutrient deficiency.

Nevertheless, older people, who more often experience such deficiencies, should discuss this issue with a qualified doctor; note, we are talking about elderly people, since it is already difficult to increase the immunity of an adult at home, speaking of older people.

Immune System Myth #3: Many vaccines carry health risks.

Basic health prevention

Almost everything we do involves some level of risk. The risk of dying in a car accident is one in 6,700 people. The chance of drowning in a bathtub is one in 840,000.

But the risk of a serious reaction from the vaccine is small and is 1 in 1,000,000 for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough or the DTaP vaccine for example. Most of us don't hesitate to go swimming or go for a drive, think about it.

Following general healthy lifestyle guidelines is the single best step you can take to stay healthy.

Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better, protected from environmental stressors and supported by healthy lifestyle habits such as:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly;
  2. follow the standards for heat treatment of meat;
  3. follow the vaccination calendar if you are not anti-vaccination;
  4. do not smoke;
  5. Supplement your diet with a high content of fruits, vegetables and whole grains;
  6. limit your intake of saturated fat and sugar to 10% of your total calories;
  7. Minimize your consumption of red and processed meats;
  8. exercise regularly, train yourself to 150 minutes of moderate activity per week;
  9. watch your weight;
  10. control blood pressure;
  11. If you drink alcohol, do so only in moderation;
  12. get a full night's rest;
  13. Get regular medical checkups.

Following the recommendations on how to increase the immunity of an adult at home using folk remedies,

you will be able to avoid frequent trips to doctors and pharmacies.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones! How to boost an adult's immunity at home
How to boost an adult's immunity at home and increase resistance to germs and viruses Your immune system works around the clock to protect itself from infections, viruses, fungi and parasites that cause all kinds of diseases. The immune system is an extremely complex network of cells and molecules that scientists around the world are still trying to understand. There is so much information that remains unknown until now, myths of the immune system abound, and commercial enterprises exploit them by selling tons of all kinds of tablets, powders and drops. We will dispel some myths about this and tell you how to boost an adult’s immunity at home without the help of pharmaceutical drugs - this is the main topic of the article. Like this…

Better drugs to boost immunity in adults

Read the instructions carefully, do not exceed the dosage or change the dosage regimen specified by the manufacturer.

Galavit and polyoxidonium

Drugs similar to each other that help increase immunity to diseases. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, have a direct effect on the activity of microphages and T-lymphocytes and normalize the number of antibodies. They have antioxidant effects.

Magic Echinacea

Leader of prescribed medications for acute respiratory infections. The plant origin of the drug does not cause adverse reactions, and is also prescribed for the prevention of seasonal diseases. Echinacea purpurea has an immunostimulating effect and increases resistance to infections.


Active ingredients: magnesium and vitamin B6. The drug improves immunity by improving the normal functioning of all organs and systems, helps increase stress resistance and improve the functions of all cells of the body.

Dragee Merz

The complex is used to prevent deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which can cause decreased immunity. Also prescribed for colds and viral diseases to restore the body. The complex contains vitamins A, E, vitamins B, C, D, iron, calcium, b-carotene and the amino acid L-cysteine.

Ways to boost the immunity of a preschool and school-age child

Children's health is the best reward for loving and caring parents. Every mother is ready to spend a lot of time, effort and money to save her child from an unexpected disease.

Of course, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, strengthening the baby’s immune system is an important task in the prevention of various pathologies.

There are many ways and folk remedies that help the immune system protect the child’s body.

Each parent chooses the most suitable method according to individual preferences.

Grandmother's ways to strengthen a child's immunity

No matter how many innovative medicines have been invented in the modern world, “grandmother’s” recipes, tested by time and the experience of generations, remain popular for many years. Here are some folk remedies that will help your immune system cope with various diseases:

  • Rose hip decoction . The plant is hypoallergenic and rich in vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens the immune system. To prepare the decoction, add 100 g of dried fruit to 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. Then add 1-2 tsp. honey and cook for another 30 minutes.
  • Herb tea . To brew a healthy drink, you should add dried lemon balm and mint leaves, as well as chamomile, fireweed and chestnut flowers to the usual brew. You can give your baby this infusion for several months.
  • The drink is rich in vitamins . Take equal parts (about 150 g) of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, raisins and chop. Add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and honey, mix. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day for three months.

It is important to know that before using any product you should consult your pediatrician. Many components of infusions and decoctions can cause allergic reactions. Only a specialist in the field of medicine is able to decide the likelihood or impossibility of using traditional methods.

Drug therapy to increase the child’s body’s defenses

The number of frequently ill and weakened children is growing every day. Therefore, some medicines and vitamins are deservedly popular among pediatricians around the world.

Advice from homeopaths

In the case of medications to enhance immunity, homeopaths and immunologists agree that it is more expedient, more effective, and most importantly safer, to resort to herbal preparations, but only if necessary. To do this, it is better to take echinacea, ginseng and other tinctures.

As for the popularity of drugs with interferon, the opinion of experts is that such drugs do not work at all, or are necessary only for serious diseases and complications. Additional stimulation of the production of leukocytes leads to a decrease in the body’s ability to resist viruses and bacteria, as a result of which its own immunity decreases.

Nutrition to strengthen immunity

Choosing the right nutrition
Since 70% of the protective forces are concentrated in the intestines, it means that it is nutrition that needs to be addressed first in order to strengthen the immune system.

What must be in the diet so that strength does not “sag”:

  • Vegetables, fruits, berries of good quality, preferably collected in areas with minimal background radiation.
  • Proteins: fish, meat, legumes.
  • Seafood: seaweed, squid.
  • Biokefirs and yoghurts without sugar - you can drink them like this, add them to salads instead of mayonnaise, or as a dressing for cold soups.
  • Products containing potassium: walnuts, oatmeal and buckwheat, etc.
  • Maximum greens: parsley, celery, dill.
  • Green tea and vitamin teas: orange, rosehip, hawthorn, cranberry or strawberry.

Healthy teas

Instead of regular tea, get into the habit of drinking healthy, tonic tea in winter. Make different ones to try new flavors and heal while enjoying. So, you can cut raspberry branches, pour boiling water over them, leave for 5-7 minutes and drink. Or use chopped rose hips instead of tea leaves. Just don’t drink rosehip at night, because it has a strong diuretic effect!

Healing spices

By changing the taste of food, spices can bring invaluable health benefits. To strengthen the body and stimulate its defense mechanisms, it is worth consuming oregano, thyme, sage, turmeric and rosemary. Add them to pizza, soups, vegetables, stews, salads and marinades. It will turn out very tasty and healthy.


It's not just what you eat, but also when you eat it. Research by nutritionists has led to the conclusion: you should definitely have breakfast, but you can skip dinner. People in a hurry do not have time to eat in the morning, and this leads to a decline in vitality. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what time you wake up or leave home - you need to have breakfast. Have yourself a small afternoon snack, then lunch and a very light dinner. And distribute your time as it suits you.

Immune serums

Immunobiological drugs are obtained from human or animal blood serum and are used for preventive purposes, as well as in the fight against diseases. Serums are based on antibodies - gamma globulins, immunoglobulins. Such serums are administered intramuscularly or intravenously, depending on the purpose - disease prevention or treatment of clinical complications.

Such drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you choose the medicine yourself!

How age affects the immune system's response

While a young body quickly and effectively attacks foreign bodies in the blood, this ability declines significantly with age and slows the production of macrophages, a type of white blood cell that destroys harmful foreign cells or bacteria needed to fight infection.

Researchers theorize that this is why older people are at higher risk of developing cancer. The number of white blood cells decreases as you age, also putting you at risk. If you get sick, fewer proteins are produced in response, which are needed to fight the disease.

The body also produces fewer antibodies in response to an immune attack. As you age, your heart weakens and your blood circulation decreases accordingly. Swollen ankles, tingling legs, numb parts of the body can all be the result of a less efficient circulatory system.

But this also means that the production of white blood cells is reduced. The virus or bacteria will have more time to reproduce.

How to increase

To boost your immunity, change your usual lifestyle 360 ​​degrees. Particular emphasis should be placed on:

  1. Vitamins and minerals – it’s not always possible to get them from food, so it makes sense to take vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP additionally. Include yellow and orange vegetables, citrus fruits, black currants, herbs, sauerkraut, seeds, mushrooms, cheese, and cereals in your diet. During the cold season, take multivitamin complexes in courses.
  2. Good nutrition - breakfast, lunch and dinner, cereals, soups, fish and meat, legumes, fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs. If you care about your health, include seafood in your diet - they contain valuable unsaturated fatty acids that help strengthen the immune system. Jacket potatoes, sour milk, broccoli, green tea, celery, pumpkin are useful.
  3. Probiotics are foods that activate beneficial bacteria in the body. They are simple, cheap and can always be on your table - these are onions (leeks and onions), artichokes, bananas, garlic. Natural immunity boosters include licorice, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, echinacea, licorice, and ginseng. You can take decoctions and infusions of these herbs for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Cough syrup is made from licorice root, which is described here.
  4. Hardening - contrast showers, dousing, swimming will strengthen the body's defenses. In general, alternating low and high temperatures is a simple way, accessible to everyone, to strengthen the body’s defenses. It is useful to regularly visit the bathhouse or sauna. The main thing is to do hardening regularly and gradually - this way you will achieve pronounced lasting results.
  5. Lifestyle includes aerobics, fitness, running, swimming, long walks and hobby sports. The main thing in an active lifestyle is a competent approach and regularity. Regular physical activity is a significant contribution to improving health.
  6. Balanced rest - get enough sleep, find time to relax and take a break from everyday worries, take salt baths, meditate. Remember that chronic fatigue, stress and lack of sleep are one of the most common health problems.

And, of course, get checked for chronic diseases - they are a source of constant infection and negatively affect the state of defenses. This can include any pathology, but special attention should be paid to the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and teeth. Persistent caries leads to odontogenic sinusitis, in particular its chronic form. It is best to carry out examinations gradually - this way you will not have to spend a lot of money on doctors and spend a lot of time in hospitals.

Sport is useful, but excessive exercise is no less harmful to the body than its lack.

Thymus remedies

Immune preparations made from bovine thymus or by a synthetic method are intended for use in:

  • Resistance disorders;
  • Decreased activity of the thymus gland;
  • Severe infections of various pathogenesis;
  • Conducting a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • Dysfunctions of the lymphocytic system.

The most common in use are:

  • Thymogen;
  • Timalin;
  • Imunofan;
  • Immunoglobulins administered through an IV.

Reasons for the downgrade

Immunity is the ability of the human body to resist the effects of negative environmental factors. There are active and passive immunities, which are described in this article. The better the system works, the less and less often a person gets sick. The main reasons for the decrease in protective forces:

  1. Frequent stress.
  2. Overwork, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep.
  3. Conditions after courses of radiation and chemotherapy.
  4. Overtreatment with antibiotics.
  5. Wrong lifestyle.
  6. Bad habits.

Immunity is also negatively affected by unbalanced nutrition and lack of nutrients in the body. Women also have problems during pregnancy - most of the resources are spent on the growth and development of the fetus, and the body itself experiences an acute lack of nutrients.

The better the immune system, the easier the birth will be, so expectant mothers should pay special attention to their health.

Symptoms of reduced immunity are frequent infectious and colds, low levels of general tone, disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Be especially careful after long-term treatment, as antibiotic therapy has a very negative effect on the body's defenses.

There are a number of diseases after which the body’s recovery process takes a long time. These include pneumonia, the rehabilitation after which this material will tell you about. And frequent colds are characterized by constant weakness, low-grade fever, cough and runny nose. The latter provoke the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, among which the most common are sinusitis and bronchitis.

Signs of decreased immunity

As already mentioned, immune status cannot fall and rise.
Just as there is no concept of “weak immunity”. And the fact that an adult suffers from a conditional cold every season does not say anything about “falling” immunity. Moreover, if a person experiences frequent acute respiratory viral infections, then there is most likely no serious immunological damage in the body. But if every cold leads to sinusitis or purulent otitis, if the disease often occurs with complications, you definitely need to see an immunologist. Important!
Experts have identified the following conditional norm: 6 acute respiratory viral infections per year in an adult and 10-12 in a child. It is important not how many times a person gets sick, but how. The doctor looks at the presence of complications, the effectiveness of therapy, the course of the disease, and not at the number of annual colds. Therefore, there cannot be recipes from the series “how to quickly increase immunity.” If you consider yourself a frequently ill person, you need to reconsider your lifestyle as a whole: routine, nutrition, sleep, physical activity.

But there are signs that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • feeling of irritability without objective reasons;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • feeling overwhelmed and powerless;
  • dull skin color, brittle hair and nails;
  • increased fatigue.

These signs are a signal from the body: “there is a problem, take care of it urgently.” And during this period, the defenses really need to be strengthened, but not with dietary supplements and chaotic intake of vitamins, but with a balanced approach. And only under the supervision of a doctor.

The body is considered vulnerable during the period after a long illness, during the postpartum period and during pregnancy, during times of high intellectual and emotional stress.

For example, often a person is overcome by illness after a stressful session or the submission of an annual report, as well as against the backdrop of ongoing stress in the family and heightened emotional background. Stuffing yourself with medications and sedatives is not the best solution, but you can help the body survive a difficult period.


Hardening is considered an excellent procedure for strengthening the immune system. A contrast shower, a visit to the Russian bath and sauna, swimming in the pool and the sea are useful.

Hardening ensures the body's resistance to temperature changes. Therefore, when performing regular hardening procedures with the onset of cold weather, the likelihood of contracting a viral or infectious disease decreases.

Hardening begins in the warm period of the year. At least once a year you need to relax on the seashore, walk barefoot on natural surfaces. Such procedures should be regular, then the immune system will be strong.

Healthy lifestyle

High protective functions of the body require the presence of a strong and large phagocyte called a neutrophil. It absorbs and kills pathogenic microorganisms that are significantly weaker than a healthy immune system. And in order to have a truly powerful immune system, you need to get rid of bad habits in favor of those that strengthen the body.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is the very first condition that must be fulfilled by every adult who wants to forget about frequent colds and other diseases. The absence of negative factors has a beneficial effect on all organs and parts of the body, including the immune system. The right habits build a defense that can withstand harmful attacks from the world around us.

To achieve the desired goal, you must:

  • stop smoking;
  • exclude foods rich in saturated fats from the diet, replacing them with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains;
  • exercise regularly;
  • maintain normal weight;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • constantly monitor blood pressure levels;
  • devote enough time to sleep;
  • do not neglect screening tests that are designed according to age groups and existing risk factors;
  • observe hygiene standards, prepare food correctly, especially meat.

Healing herbs and other supplements

On the shelves of modern stores you can find a lot of tablets, herbal remedies, jars and homeopathic preparations designed to strengthen the immune system. Some remedies can truly have a positive effect on increasing the body’s protective functions against external negative factors. But, given that the aspects that influence the enhancement of the immune system have not yet been fully studied, it is impossible to guarantee that these supplements will help protect a person from diseases and infections. There is no research-supported evidence that increasing antibodies as a result of consuming any herbal product will actually improve immune health.

Dosage forms of interferon

Drugs to enhance immunity may be based on dosage forms of interferon. Interferons are proteins that the body produces; they make cells stronger and more resistant to various viruses. The action of interferon-based drugs is based on an artificial increase in the production of a protein that helps protect against viruses.

Interferon-based drugs are used directly to enhance immunity.

“Viferon” is a fairly well-known remedy, available in the form of suppositories, which are convenient to use for treating young children. It is prescribed for both prevention and treatment. It has a good targeted effect and copes with serious infections of complex course.

"Grippferon" are drops for the treatment and prevention of colds; it is important to start using them on time, otherwise the effect will be reduced. Drops can be instilled into the nose of children, starting from the very first days of life.

Immunostimulants of plant origin

Plants that stimulate the immune system are Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis, aloe, Kalanchoe, hawthorn and dozens of others. Hundreds of medicines and nutritional supplements are produced from these plants. Moreover, the border between drugs and herbal dietary supplements for immunity is conditional. Because neither one nor the other can boast of effectiveness confirmed by evidence-based medicine.

Some of the plant immunostimulants are called adaptogens - agents that increase the body's resistance to a variety of undesirable external influences. The main property of adaptogens is strengthening the immune system and increasing resistance to infections. Natural herbal preparations do not mean that they are completely safe. There is always a risk of allergic reactions. Young children should not be given alcohol tinctures, even in minimal quantities.

Read about plants that boost immunity:

  • Garlic
  • Ginseng
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Black elderberry → for colds

Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea purpurea is the most popular herbal remedy that boosts immunity. Its juice and extract are used to produce medicines and dietary supplements. In the pharmacy you can find lozenges, lozenges, tablets, dragees, drops, syrups and tinctures containing echinacea.

Echinacea purpurea preparations

NameDosage form
Dr. Theisslollipops, tincture
Immunaltablets, drops
Immunormoral solution
Echinacea Hexalsolution for internal use
Echinacea Vilarjuice
Echinacea GalenoPharmtincture
Echniacea Ratiopharmtablets, solution

Echinacea is the leader in the number of drugs in pharmacies among all herbal immunostimulants. Immunal has become popular thanks to frequently repeated advertising. However, domestically produced echinacea tincture or tablets are several times cheaper than this “promoted” drug and are probably not inferior to it in effectiveness.

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