What is insulin made from: modern developments to solve the needs of diabetics
A disease such as diabetes requires constant use of medications, sometimes the only correct treatment
BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
How to diagnose and treat prostate hyperplasia?
BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate adenoma) is a benign growth of gland tissue, enlargement
Aspirin for a hangover: acetylsalicylic acid after alcohol
Aspirin is an effective drug that is widely used to relieve withdrawal symptoms during hangovers. Means
Diagnosis of diabetic polyneuropathy with a tuning fork
Diabetic polyneuropathy - information about the disease and treatment options
Diabetic polyneuropathy is a complex of diseases of the nervous system that occur slowly and arise as a result of excess
Immunoglobulin used after a tick bite
Symptoms of an encephalitis tick bite, first aid and treatment of encephalitis
Each tick bite causes justified and understandable anxiety in a person - whether
femoral neck fracture in the elderly
Hip fracture: symptoms, types, treatment, recovery
A femoral neck fracture is damage to the integrity of the femur bone in its upper area. Infraction
What are the norms of basophils in the blood?
What can an increased level of basophils in the blood of an adult indicate?
You are here: Blood test - Basophils - Basophils are increased Etiology Symptoms Diagnostics Treatment Prevention
Should you get a flu shot: the pros and cons
With the onset of the cold season, people increasingly begin to consult doctors with symptoms
Chondroitin ointment in packaging
Glucosamine and chondroitin for POWERFUL joints! Real try-on experience
What is chondroitin? This substance is a component produced by the cartilage tissue of human joints. Chondroitin
metabolic syndrome in women what is it
Metabolic syndrome in women: causes and treatment
Metabolic syndrome is a complex of a number of metabolic disorders that are risk factors for the development of
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