location of lymph nodes on the human body
Lymph nodes on the face: location, functions, causes of inflammation
The human body contains a large number of different systems. In addition to the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems,
Antibiotic Alkaloid Pancef - reviews
“Pancef”: instructions for use of the suspension for children and antibiotic analogues
Is your baby sick again and the doctor has prescribed antibiotics? Any parent wants the medications they take
COPD - lung disease: treatment and symptoms, list of drugs
What is COPD? COPD is an umbrella term for many respiratory diseases such as
the smell of discharge from gardnerellosis
Gardnerellosis in women: causes, symptoms and treatment, can men get gardnerellosis?
Gardnerella or gardnerellosis is a female disease. The causative agent of the disease is considered to be the microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis. In fact,
Urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys of the child
Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: how to collect, norms and interpretation
A general urine test is considered a standard procedure prescribed in both therapeutic and preventive settings.
ARVI in adults
ARVI - causes, symptoms and treatment in adults, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections
Causes Risk factors Symptoms Possible complications Diagnostic methods Treatment of ARVI Can ARVI be cured
Intestinal obstruction
What causes intestinal obstruction and how to treat it?
Intestinal obstruction is a syndrome that occurs against the background of complete/partial disturbances in the motor activity of an organ or
nutrition for pancreas damage
Proper nutrition for the treatment of pancreas
With unhealthy weaknesses in the diet, all organs of the human digestive system are susceptible to disease. The first organ
intestinal infections
Children's intestinal infections: features, diagnosis and treatment
What is an "intestinal infection"? Intestinal infections include diseases that primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract,
Cefotaxime injections: indications and contraindications, adverse reactions, analogues
Cefotaxime injections instructions for use for adults dosage
1040 There are a large number of antibiotics in different formulations on the pharmacological market. The drug Cefotaxime
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