Violation of the vaginal environment
Probiotic Bifidumbacterin and its characteristics. How is it beneficial for intestinal microflora?
A probiotic is a food supplement that supports normal intestinal microflora and normalizes the digestive processes of the gastrointestinal tract. This
Groprinosin - an analogue of Isoprinosine
Isoprinosine for children reviews and instructions for use
Composition, release forms and names of Isoprinosine tablets for taking intrainosine pranobex (inosiplex) As
Instructions for use of “Polyoxidonium” for children: suppositories, tablets, nasal drops and injections to strengthen the immune system
The trade name “Polyoxidonium” hides a substance patented in Russia quite recently (in 1997)
Instructions for use of Vibrocil, contraindications
A combined vasoconstrictor and antiallergic medicine is Vibrocil. Instructions for use explain how to use correctly
Polygynax - instructions for use, indications, composition, side effects, analogues and price
June 15, 2019 Obstetrics and gynecology Tatyana Andreeva For the treatment of female diseases, a gynecologist usually
How to take Phosphalugel in case of poisoning for adults and children?
In case of poisoning, phosphalugel can be taken by children from the first days of life, adults, including
Lyme disease: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, prevention
Lyme disease (synonyms: Lyme borreliosis, Lyme borreliosis, tick-borne ixodid borreliosis, Lyme disease) is an infectious
How does pyelonephritis manifest in women and how to treat it
What it is? Pyelonephritis is an insidious disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process of the kidneys.
conducting research
What is a biochemical blood test (biochemistry). Standards for adults (table)
A blood test for biochemistry is the most frequently prescribed test in gynecology, urology, endocrinology, oncology,
Irritable bowel syndrome: treatment, medications
General information Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition defined as a functional bowel disorder,
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