Collagen peptides
Lipoic acid: why women need it and how it affects the body
α-Lipoic acid (ALA), also known as thioctic acid, is a chemical compound commonly found in
Amitriptyline: instructions for use and description of the drug
Amitriptyline - instructions for use, what it helps with, spectrum of use, rules for taking an antidepressant, analogue drugs
Amitriptyline instructions for use are classified as tricyclic antidepressants. These are some of the strongest drugs
pimafucin suppositories instructions analogues
Use of Pimafucin for thrush: indications, effectiveness
Pimafucin is a medicinal antifungal drug based on natamycin (a substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of fungal
taking licorice for adults
Licorice syrup for children - instructions for use
Licorice root syrup (licorice) is a preparation made from plant raw materials, it is one
Nimesulide: composition, release form, indications for use, contraindications, adverse reactions
We provide instructions for using the drug nimesulide
1132 The drug Nimesulide belongs to the group of medications that do not contain steroids and is characterized by a pronounced
Herpes zoster
Herpes zoster. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, antibiotics
Herpes zoster is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox - Varicella Zoster. Transferred
General blood test: interpretation, norm in adults (table)
Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis. But to make a correct diagnosis, you will have to undergo an examination.
Vitamin C - ascorbic acid
Vitamin C in food, what is vitamin C for?
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. In fact, under this general name they are united
Augmentin: composition, application features, dosage, side effects
Augmentin: release forms, instructions for use and dosage
1009 Relatively low cost and widespread use make Augmentin one of the most popular antibiotics.
Enterovirus infection in children: routes of transmission, symptoms and treatment
About enteroviruses Enteroviruses include: echoviruses, Coxsackie viruses, polioviruses and unclassified enteroviruses. All of them
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