Intimate hygiene after sex in women and men: recommendations
A procedure such as douching is often used in gynecology. It can be carried out both for treatment
Treatment with Duphaston for endometrial polyp. Features and indications for use
The appearance of polyps in the uterus is accompanied by intense blood rejection during menstruation and discharge after intimate intercourse
The use of the probiotic Bifidumbacterin for the treatment of thrush
Release form and composition Bifidumbacterin suppositories are cylindrical in shape and white in color. Main
Pregnancy with one ovary
Is reproductive function preserved with one ovary?
Evaluating the Reproductive System After Spayectomy Women should be closely monitored after oophorectomy.
furatsilin species
Washing for cystitis: what and how correctly?
Douching with furatsilin solution for thrush Have you been fighting against thrush for many years without success? Head of the Institute: “You
Nystatin ointment instructions for use for men
Nystatin for thrush: cheap and effective
Composition Film-coated tablets 1 tablet. nystatin 250000 units 500000 units excipients: sugar
What uterine endometriosis looks like photo
ENDOMETRIOSIS ⁂ symptoms of endometriosis of the uterus, cervix ▷ photo ▷
Among gynecological disorders, endometriosis of the uterus is recognized as a difficult disease to diagnose due to the varied symptoms characteristic of other pathologies.
Neoplasm on the ovary
Whether to pass the cyst. Can a cyst resolve on its own without medication? Resorption of cystic formations
To treat ovarian cysts, experts prescribe medication; in especially dangerous cases -
Magnetic resonance imaging in assessing the prognosis of the effectiveness of preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with cervical cancer
Advantages of MRI The magnetic resonance imaging method is valued for its high quality images and information content. Main advantages
Girl takes a pill
Instructions for use of Metformin for polycystic ovary syndrome
What should I do if I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, but I want to get pregnant? Not every
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