How to drink Nimesil: indications for use, instructions

Every person experiences pain more than once during his life - dental, headache, muscle, joint. Of course, each disease requires its own treatment, but there are painkillers that help eliminate the symptom and alleviate suffering. Among a large number of similar medications, Nimesil is often prescribed. Like other drugs belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it can cause side effects. To minimize the risk of negative reactions of the body, you need to know how to drink Nimesil.

Side effects

Disorders of the circulatory and lymphatic systems

rarely - anemia, eosinophilia, hemorrhage;
very rarely - thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura.

Allergic reactions

uncommon – itching, rash, increased sweating;
rarely – hypersensitivity reactions, erythema, dermatitis;
very rarely - anaphylactoid reactions, urticaria, angioedema, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome).

Central nervous system disorders

infrequently - dizziness;
rarely - a feeling of fear, nervousness, nightmares;
very rarely - headache, drowsiness, encephalopathy (Reye's syndrome).

Gastrointestinal disorders

often - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
infrequently - constipation, flatulence, gastritis;
very rarely - abdominal pain, dyspepsia, stomatitis, tarry stools, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcer and/or perforation of the stomach or duodenum.

Renal and urinary system disorders

rarely - dysuria, hematuria, urinary retention;
very rarely - renal failure, oliguria, interstitial nephritis.


Nimesil is a drug that is used in the symptomatic treatment of joint and muscle pain.

The main task that Nimesil performs is to stop the inflammatory process, eliminate pain, and reduce swelling at the time of use.

Taking the drug Nimesil is indicated in the symptomatic treatment of pain caused by osteochondrosis.

The drug Nimesil is effective in relieving pain caused by the inflammatory process. The drug is actively used in the postoperative period.

The anti-inflammatory, decongestant property of Nimesil minimizes or completely suppresses inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

The property of the drug Nimesil to rapidly relieve pain is most often used for pain of a paroxysmal nature, regardless of its origin.

The drug Nimesil is not prescribed for treatment in pediatric practice. For special indications, Nimesil is allowed to be used by patients over 12 years of age.

The drug Nimesil is prohibited for patients suffering from severe disorders of the liver, kidneys, erosions and ulcerations.

Contraindications for the use of the drug also include diabetes.

It is forbidden to take Nimesil to patients with a history of bronchospasm, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, which arose while taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The drug is not used in the following combinations:

  1. Nimesil and paracetamol;
  2. Nimesil and analgesic drugs;
  3. Nimesil and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For the treatment of which diseases and at what stage the drug is not used:

  • inflammatory bowel diseases in an acute stage;
  • postoperative period for coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • feverish state against the background of inflammatory diseases of an infectious nature;
  • complete or partial combination of bronchial asthma with recurrent polyposis of the nasal sinuses and paranasal sinuses;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in an acute stage;
  • cerebrovascular bleeding, tendency to bleeding and hemorrhage;
  • severe cardiovascular failure;
  • toxic liver damage;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction.

The drug Nimesil is not used in the treatment of patients if they have hypersensitivity to any of the components in the composition.

The drug is prescribed to eliminate symptomatic manifestations, which implies relief of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome in various diseases:

  • The product perfectly relieves unpleasant symptoms of inflammation
    and vascular problems (arthritis, osteoarthritis);
  • musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, radiculitis, bursitis);
  • urological and gynecological diseases.

The product perfectly relieves unpleasant symptoms of inflammation that occurs after surgery or injury.

Restores performance and comfort during menstruation, eliminates headaches and toothaches.

Nimesil is used to suppress severe pain, as well as during a long course of therapy, but not exceeding 2 weeks. After this period, the drug is, if necessary, replaced with another one that has the same pharmacological effects.

Before using the drug Nimesil, you must familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications so as not to worsen your health.

Restrictions apply to the following health problems:

  • Disturbances in the digestive system are a contraindication to the use of Nimesil;
    high blood pressure;
  • the presence of erosions and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders in the digestive system (heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc.);
  • internal bleeding;
  • diabetes mellitus (type 2);
  • impaired kidney function;
  • heart failure;
  • allergy to one of the components of the drug.

Nimesil should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This group of drugs is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • hypersensitivity (increased sensitivity of the body to the main active ingredient of the drug);
  • age up to 15 years;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute renal or liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • heartburn;
  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure).

Nimesil is taken in the following cases:

  • pain in the lower back and back;
  • sprains, injuries, joint dislocations;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • tendonitis, bursitis;
  • osteoarthritis with acute pain;
  • toothache;
  • for colds to eliminate symptoms;
  • algodismenorrhea.

According to the instructions, the use of Nimesil is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • urticaria, bronchospasm, rhinitis;
  • taking Nimesil together with Paracetamol or other anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs or analgesics;
  • postoperative period after coronary bypass surgery;
  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • cerebrovascular bleeding;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • taking alcohol or drugs;
  • negative reactions to the drug from the liver;
  • exacerbation of ulcerative colitis;
  • fever due to infectious diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • heart failure;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 12 years.

It has not been established how the medicine can affect the control of mechanisms and transport. Therefore, in these cases, the use of Nimesil powder requires caution.

This drug is usually well tolerated, but, according to the instructions, at the very beginning of treatment and when taking large doses, the following side effects may occur:

  • from the hematopoietic system - hemorrhagic syndrome, anemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia;
  • the central nervous system may react with dizziness, nervousness, nightmares, fear, encephalopathy, headache, drowsiness;
  • from the cardiovascular system – tachycardia, hypertension;
  • the digestive system reacts with vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, flatulence, gastritis, abdominal pain, stomatitis, dyspepsia, stomach ulcers, jaundice;
  • allergic reactions - itching, rash, hypersensitivity, excessive sweating, erythema, dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema;
  • blurred vision and blurred vision;
  • respiratory system – bronchospasm, shortness of breath, recession of bronchial asthma;
  • urinary system - dysuria, hematuria, interstitial nephritis, oliguria, renal failure, urinary retention.

Thus, if your doctor has prescribed you to take Nimesil, you should definitely read the instructions for its use. You need to know not only how to drink the diluted powder correctly, but also what contraindications and side effects it has. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health.

The fastest analgesic effect is achieved with the use of injectable forms of NSAIDs, but they are recommended only for a single dose. Nimesil is a modern drug, characterized by high bioavailability, ensuring the achievement of a stable concentration of Nimesulide in plasma in the shortest possible period of time, which also leads to a rapid therapeutic effect.

Its effectiveness is comparable to intramuscular injections of Nimesulide, but its oral form is safe for long-term use. The suspension is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of many pathologies accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, fever, pain, or to reduce the severity of physiological pain.

Indications for use are indicated in the instructions, these are:

  • diseases of the joints, spinal column - inflammatory and degenerative arthritis, inflammation of the mucous bursae in the joint area (bursitis), degeneration of tendon tissue (tendinitis);
  • exacerbation of gout, rheumatic diseases;
  • Bekhterev's disease, damage to the spinal cord roots (radiculitis), sciatica;
  • pain as a result of injury, joint dislocation, sprain, ligament rupture, post-traumatic inflammation;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases, vascular, urological, gynecological, postoperative period;
  • acute lumbar pain (lumbago), arthralgia, muscle, dental, headache or menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

Dosage of the drug

Usually, Nimesil powder is prescribed for various pathologies.
The instructions describe in detail the dosage in which it can be taken, but sometimes the doctor makes his own adjustments. This drug is prescribed for any age over 12 years, 1 sachet 2 times a day. It is recommended that the interval between doses be at least 6-8 hours. In the most severe cases, for example, with a high temperature due to the flu or during the postoperative period, it is possible to take 3 sachets per day. You need to know how often you can drink Nimesil powder. This medicine is well suited for both one-time use for acute pain and long-term therapy for chronic pathologies. But if there is no improvement in the patient’s condition within 3 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In general, daily use of the drug is possible only for a week. Doctors often recommend taking it every other day, combining it with other medications. However, such treatment tactics should be followed only after consultation with a doctor.

Nimesil powder: indications for use

This drug has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect and is prescribed for a very wide range of diseases, as it is extremely effective as a pain reliever.

Nimesil is intended for symptomatic treatment, reducing pain and inflammation for the period of use. The drug is prescribed for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • Acute pain in the spinal and lumbar regions;
  • Bone and muscle pain
  • Post-traumatic pain (sprains, dislocations);
  • Toothaches , caries, pulpitis;
  • Painful sensations during the menstrual period;
  • In the treatment of osteoarthritis;
  • Tendinitis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Algodismenorrhea syndrome.

It is important to remember that the main purpose of taking the drug is to reduce acute pain and relieve symptoms. It does not play a role in the treatment of the disease, which led to pain and inflammatory processes.

Effectiveness studies

The extensive list of contraindications and side effects does not make the most pleasant impression, but in essence it only means that it is important to follow the rules of administration, dosage, and before using the powder, it is important to make sure that you have no contraindications. In fact, Nimesil is even safer than analgin, aspirin or ibuprofen; this drug is well tolerated

Nimesil is banned in some countries overseas, but in Europe this medicine is freely available. Doubts about the safety of nimesulide have led scientists to scrutinize the risks

In fact, Nimesil is even safer than analgin, aspirin or ibuprofen; this drug is well tolerated. Nimesil is banned in some countries overseas, but in Europe this medicine is freely available. Doubts about the safety of nimesulide have led scientists to scrutinize the risks.

In 2009, the results of a safety study of Nimesil were published. Experts concluded that the total risk of side effects when taking nimesulide is lower than when using other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The researchers also paid attention to the affordable price of the medicine, calling it an important social factor.

So, the drug is quite safe, but another question remains open: how effective is nimesulide for diseases of the musculoskeletal system?

This question was asked by the authors of a study on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. They studied the response to the drug in 52 patients with a definite diagnosis, giving them 200-400 mg of Nimesil for 12 weeks. And if 44 patients noted improvement, only 8 people complained of side effects.

Therefore, the researchers came to the conclusion that Nimesil is safe and highly effective. A separate study was devoted to the effectiveness of the drug in gouty arthritis - and again experts noted high effectiveness with good tolerability.

The drug has also demonstrated good results in the treatment of primary osteoarthritis. This time the focus was on the interaction of Nimesil with Curantil, a drug that is used to treat the cardiovascular system, including thrombosis. This medicine dilates blood vessels and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. Combination therapy for osteoarthritis turned out to be not only effective, but also safe: no side effects were noted.

Full texts of studies:

  1. Balabanova R.M., Belov B.S., Chichasova N.V. Efficacy of Nimesil for rheumatoid arthritis //

Buy Nimesil (Nimesulide) in an online pharmacy

How to take nimesil in bags so as not to cause stomach ulcers

A person over 15 years old experiences some kind of pain on average once every one to two months. Your head and teeth may hurt; periodically (in adulthood) my joints ache. And there’s absolutely no escape from a cold that raises your temperature. For pain and inflammatory conditions, the drug Nimesil is often prescribed, the instructions for which contain a fairly extensive list of side effects. How to take nimesil powder to minimize the risks for yourself.

What is Nimesil

Nimesil is a remedy for reducing inflammation, relieving pain and reducing elevated body temperature to normal levels. It is called “nonsteroidal,” which means that it is not hormonal (corticosteroid hormones produced in the human adrenal glands have similar properties that will eliminate the symptoms of inflammation). Nimesil is available in the form of tablets, gel for skin application, solution for injection, lozenges, as well as powder with granules for preparing a drinking suspension.

The essence of Nimesil's action is that it blocks one of the enzymes, which triggers the development of an inflammatory reaction, accompanied by pain, swelling, and fever. At the same time, the drug has virtually no effect on another fraction of the same enzyme, which is responsible for the stomach’s production of protection against hydrochloric acid. That is, the drug Nimesil (Nimide, Nimesulide, Nimegesik), taken correctly, has a small chance of damaging the mucous membrane of the initial sections of the gastrointestinal tract, unlike its non-selective “brothers” Diclofenac, Aspirin, Analgin, Ibuprofen. But there is still a risk, so you still need to know how to dilute nimesil powder.

The concentration peak of the drug in the blood is observed after 2-3 hours. It is metabolized in the liver, excreted in both feces and urine. The maximum half-life is 6 hours.

When is Nimesil needed?

The drug is prescribed for:

  • acute toothache;
  • postoperative pain syndrome;
  • pain due to rheumatoid and osteoarthritis;
  • pain syndrome during menstruation, as well as gynecological diseases;
  • to reduce temperature in inflammatory diseases.

Mode of application

How to drink Nimesil powder. For children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 100 mg (1 sachet) twice a day with an interval of at least 8 hours. The optimal daily dosage is 200 mg (1 sachet twice a day with an interval of 12 hours between doses). In the first days of a viral infection or after surgery, 300 mg of the drug is allowed. It should be noted that this remedy is prescribed by a doctor, since it is not the basis of treatment; if there is no effect within 3 days, it is necessary to seek medical help.

How to breed Nimesil. The contents of the bag are poured into a glass and 100-150 ml of cool boiled water is poured. The finished suspension has an orange flavor; dissolve the powder immediately before use, since the suspension cannot be stored in a diluted form.

To reduce the risk of exacerbation of gastritis or the appearance of signs of gastric bleeding, take Nimesil after meals.


Nimesil should not be taken if:

  • allergies to this drug or a drug from this group;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • conditions that are accompanied by increased bleeding;
  • severe degrees of renal, liver and heart failure;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • all trimesters of pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

The following side effects of Nimesil can be listed (by frequency of occurrence):

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • an increase in blood levels of ALT and sometimes bilirubin;
  • constipation;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • flatulence;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • itchy skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • hives;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • fainting;
  • disturbances in blood counts;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • panic attacks;
  • scary dreams;
  • nervousness;
  • Reye's syndrome;
  • feeling of "hot flashes";
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • visual impairment;
  • blood in urine;
  • decreased volume of urination;
  • temperature drop to subnormal levels (below 36.0°C).

The instructions indicate that the chance of developing side effects is reduced if the drug is taken in as short a course as possible. Since Nimesil has a toxic effect on the liver, it should not be taken simultaneously with alcohol and drugs that reduce blood clotting (Warfarin, Aspirin). The simultaneous use of this drug with other analgesics is also prohibited.

Nimesil during pregnancy

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are prohibited from taking nimesulide-based medications.
Treatment with nimesulide can lead to negative consequences for the intrauterine development of the fetus.

This may be premature closure of the ductus arteriosus, pulmonary arterial hypertension. Nimesil can cause intrauterine renal, hepatic pathology, and oligohydramnios.

In the female body during pregnancy, the drug Nimesil can provoke uterine bleeding, peripheral edema, and weakening of labor.


The drug contains nimesulide as the main active component. One sachet of medicine contains 100 mg of active substance. Additional components include maltodextrin, citric acid, sucrose and orange flavor. How to drink Nimesil? The instructions contain such information.

Overdose and side effects

The use of the drug may result in the development of side effects, among which the manufacturer notes the following:

on the part of the digestive tract, heartburn, short-term pain in the stomach area may form (this symptom usually does not require discontinuation of the drug, since it is transient), tarry stools, etc.; an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself as a rash on the body, redness of the tissues; from the central uneven system there is a likelihood of headaches, increased drowsiness and dizziness; Also, in rare cases, there may be accumulation of fluid (swelling of a local and systemic nature), and pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin.

In order to avoid the risk of developing adverse reactions in the body, it is better to use the drug in the minimum possible course in small dosages.

Symptoms of an overdose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually manifested by the following conditions: drowsiness, apathetic attitude to what is happening around, pain in the stomach, as well as nausea and severe vomiting. There is also a risk of bleeding from the digestive tract. In situations where the overdose is significant, more serious consequences may occur - acute renal failure, respiratory depression and coma. In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is required, since there is no specific antidote. If the case of excessive medication use occurred less than 4 hours ago, then you need to induce vomiting and take activated charcoal.


The drug "Nimesil" has a number of undesirable reactions when using high dosages:

  • lethargy;
  • interrupted sleep;
  • vomit;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hard breath;
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • kidney disease;
  • stomach bleeding occurs;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • a sharp weakening or lack of response to external irritations.

When using small doses of the drug, side effects are reversible. If necessary, in case of an overdose of the suspension, induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach, then take activated charcoal. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the functioning of the liver and kidneys for several days.

How to use Nimesil

The instructions for the medicine contain information that adults and children over 12 years of age should take Nimesil one sachet twice a day, maintaining an interval of at least 8 hours. The permissible dosage per day is 200 mg of the drug (in powder this is two packets). But in the first days of treatment for a viral infection or as postoperative rehabilitation, a daily dose of 300 mg is allowed.

It should be said that Nimesil should be taken after the recommendation of a doctor, since this medicine is not the main therapy and complex treatment may be required. Also, if there is no therapeutic effect within 3 days of using the drug, you should consult a doctor.

Nimesil in the form of powder, tablets or gel based on nimesulide cannot be used to treat children under 12 years of age. Seniors are prescribed the same dosage as for adults.

If a person has kidney problems, then there is no need to change the dosage for mild or moderate kidney disorder.

Dosage adjustment is required only when it comes to treating elderly patients. The dose in this case is prescribed directly by the doctor, who must take into account the interaction of the drug with other medications that the patient is taking.

Taking Nimesil is simple: pour the sachet with the drug into a cup or glass and fill it with 100-150 ml of boiled chilled water. When finished, the contents will have a slight orange flavor. The powder must be dissolved immediately before use; it cannot be stored in this form.

Please also take into account that Nimesil powder is taken after meals: this will reduce the risk of exacerbation of gastric diseases and prevent symptoms of gastric bleeding.

Nimesil: pharmacological action of the drug

This drug quickly and effectively relieves inflammation, pain, and lowers temperature. The advantage of this medicine is the duration of its action and the fact that in general it is well tolerated by people.

Nimesil can be used once, that is, to relieve acute pain or for long-term treatment.

IMPORTANT: The disadvantage of this medicine is a large list of side effects that can occur if used incorrectly.

special instructions

To reduce the risk of complications, the medication should be taken in the minimum dose to achieve a positive therapeutic effect

Particular care must be taken when treating people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This increases the risk of stomach bleeding

The risk of such a complication is extremely high when using Nimesil to treat people taking drugs that reduce blood clotting.

In addition, those suffering from high blood pressure should take the drug with extreme caution, since the medication promotes fluid retention in the body and in such patients can lead to a worsening of the condition. During therapy with Nimesil, special care should be taken when driving.

During treatment you need to give up alcohol.

During treatment you need to give up alcohol.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Considering that the active substance Nimesil inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, it can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and provoke the appearance of developmental abnormalities in the fetus. A high probability of developing renal failure in a newborn has been confirmed. The use of the drug is contraindicated during lactation.

In children

The use of Nimesil is indicated for the relief of pain in children over 12 years of age. When treating adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age, the drug is used in the same dose as when treating adults. For adolescents with low weight, a reduction in the single dose to 20 mg may be recommended.

In elderly patients

When treating elderly patients, a dosage adjustment of Nimesil is required, taking into account the possibility of interaction of its active substance with other drugs.

For liver dysfunction

The use of Nimesil requires special caution when treating people suffering from liver diseases. The drug increases the activity of hepatic transaminase, which may cause a worsening of the patient’s existing disease.

The use of Nimesil requires special caution when treating people suffering from liver diseases

For impaired renal function

When treating people with kidney disease, the drug is prescribed only in case of urgent need. The dose of the drug is adjusted taking into account the level of daily urine output.

How to take it for children?

Nimesil is not prescribed to children whose age has not reached the 12-year mark. Adolescents (12-18 years old) take the usual dose (200 mg per day).


Elderly people should first consult with a specialist to determine the daily dosage; it is usually less than what is indicated in the instructions.

The doctor also takes into account the possibility of combining the drug with other pharmacological agents previously prescribed to the patient.

During pregnancy

Taking Nimesil while pregnant and breastfeeding is prohibited. If pregnancy is detected, treatment with this drug should be stopped. Adjustments to therapy are made exclusively by the doctor who monitors the treatment process.

The use of the drug is restricted due to its effect on the circulatory system, which can cause bleeding during pregnancy.

Side effects

When using the medication, allergic reactions of the body are most often observed. Skin rash, itching and increased sweating may occur. In addition, signs of dermatitis and erythema may be observed. Anaphylactic reactions occur extremely rarely. In isolated cases, the development of toxic epidermal necrolysis is observed. The use of Nimesil in some patients may cause eosinophilia and anemia. Severe hemorrhages may occur.

When using Nimesil, skin rash, itching and increased sweating may occur.

Taking the medication may cause an exacerbation of bronchial asthma. Possible development of bronchospasm and shortness of breath. Attacks of dizziness, increased nervousness and sleep disturbances may occur. While taking Nimesil, encephalopathy and headache sometimes occur.

Increased blood pressure and tachycardia are possible. While taking the medication, pathological conditions such as renal failure and oliguria develop. Due to the high toxicity of the drug, the development of fulminant hepatitis and cholestasis may occur. Asthenia and hypothermia rarely occur.

Side effects

The drug is generally well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, it may cause the following unwanted reactions:

  • increased bleeding;
  • anemia (anemia or a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood);
  • eosinophilia (a marker of a wide variety of diseases and is found in the blood of patients of all ages);
  • thrombocytopenia (a condition characterized by a decrease in platelet count below 150·109/l, which is accompanied by increased bleeding and problems stopping bleeding);
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • nightmares;
  • feeling of fear;
  • encephalopathy (chronic hypoxia of the brain as a result of exposure to various pathological factors);
  • migraine;
  • drowsiness;
  • tachycardia (abnormally increased heart rate);
  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • gastritis (a long-term disease characterized by inflammation in the gastric mucosa; the disease occurs with impaired recovery function);
  • stomatitis (the most common lesion of the oral cavity);
  • dyspepsia (abnormality of the stomach, difficult and painful digestion of food);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • jaundice (jaundiced discoloration of the skin and visible mucous membranes, caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the blood and tissues);
  • excessive sweating;
  • abnormal redness of the skin, which develops when excess blood flows to the capillaries;
  • dermatitis (an inflammatory infection that affects the skin, which occurs as a result of the influence of harmful circumstances of a chemical or physical nature);
  • anaphylaxis (a state of sharply increased sensitivity of the body that develops with repeated introduction of an allergen);
  • intensely itchy, flat, raised, pale pink blisters;
  • angioedema (reaction to various biological and chemical factors, often of an allergic nature);
  • blurred vision and blurred vision;
  • bronchospasm (a pathological condition that occurs when the smooth muscles of the bronchi contract and their lumen decreases);
  • chronic progressive inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract;
  • dysuria (impaired urination);
  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • interstitial nephritis or painful bladder syndrome (non-infectious inflammation characterized by damage to the bladder);
  • oliguria (decreased amount of urine excreted compared to normal);
  • renal dysfunction;
  • lack of urination.

Recommendations for admission

The method of using Nimesil is to dilute the suspension; To do this, the powder is diluted with 100 ml of warm water, which should be drunk immediately after eating. In most cases, the dosage is 2 sachets per day (that is, 200 ml of suspension in the morning and evening). For patients of different age groups, the dosage may look like this:

  • For the elderly, as well as patients with severe pathologies. The main factor influencing dosage is interaction with other medications. In the absence of a history of renal failure, elderly patients should take the standard daily dose of 200 ml (2 sachets). For kidney dysfunction, the dosage can be halved to 100 ml.
  • Adult patients are prescribed a dose of 2 sachets every day.
  • Before diluting Nimesil, adolescents need to consult a doctor, especially if the child has not taken NSAIDs before. The initial dose may be 1 sachet per day; if necessary, it can be increased to 2 sachets.

When preparing the suspension, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the mixture until all lumps are dissolved. After the liquid acquires a light yellow color, the drug is ready for use.

It is necessary to ensure that the glass (or cup) is thoroughly washed before diluting the powder. Instructions for use of Nimesil recommend not taking the drug for longer than 15 days (maximum course)


According to the instructions for use, Nimesil (powder) should be diluted with caution if the following symptoms occur:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Predisposition to bleeding.
  • Negative signs from the liver (jaundice, pain in the right hypochondrium).
  • Ophthalmic diseases.
  • Swelling of the skin due to hypertension.
  • Cardiac pathologies.
  • Hemorrhagic rash.
  • Kidney diseases.

Brief description of Nimesil

Nimesil is a medicine that helps get rid of the inflammatory process, relieves pain and lowers high fever. It belongs to the category of non-steroidal drugs, therefore it is a non-hormonal drug.

The action of Nimesil is that it helps to block the enzyme that provokes the development of the inflammatory process, which subsequently causes characteristic symptoms:

  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • temperature increase.

Nimesil also has no effect on other fractions of this enzyme, which helps develop gastric protection against hydrochloric acid. If this medicine is taken correctly, then you are unlikely to harm the mucous membrane of the initial parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Often drugs that have a similar effect are dangerous in this regard, for example, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Analgin or Diclofenac.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood occurs approximately 2-3 hours after administration. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted in urine and feces. The maximum half-life of the drug is about 6 hours.

The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy under the following names:

  • Nimesil;
  • Nimid;
  • Nimegesic;
  • Nimesulide.

Pharmacological effect

Nimesil is a drug that helps cope with the inflammatory reaction, reduce hyperthermia or reduce the severity of pain. The mechanism of its action is expressed in the suppression of the activity of receptors for cyclooxygenase. It is she who is responsible for the development of the inflammatory reaction with pain syndrome.

This occurs due to the synthesis of prostaglandins. Nimesil is distinguished by its pharmacodynamics; due to the dosage form, rapid absorption of the drug into the internal environment is observed. The maximum concentration appears within two hours from the moment of taking the first dosage of Nimesil.

After absorption into the blood, binding to plasma proteins occurs almost completely. Elimination occurs after 5-6 hours. Metabolism occurs in the liver cells, and excretion can occur through entry into the bile or organs of the urinary system. That is why it is important to monitor the condition of the organs during treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

Glucocorticosteroids: Increase the risk of gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding.

Antiplatelet agents and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine: increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Anticoagulants: NSAIDs may enhance the effect of anticoagulants such as warfarin. Due to the increased risk of bleeding, this combination is not recommended and is contraindicated in patients with severe coagulation disorders. If combination therapy cannot be avoided, careful monitoring of blood clotting parameters is necessary.

Diuretics: NSAIDs may reduce the effect of diuretics.

In healthy volunteers, nimesulide temporarily reduces the excretion of sodium under the influence of furosemide, to a lesser extent the excretion of potassium, and reduces the diuretic effect itself.

Co-administration of nimesulide and furosemide leads to a decrease (by approximately 20%) in the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and a decrease in the cumulative excretion of furosemide without changing the renal clearance of furosemide.

Co-administration of furosemide and nimesulide requires caution in patients with impaired renal or cardiac function.

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists:

NSAIDs may reduce the effect of antihypertensive drugs. In patients with mild to moderate renal failure (creatinine clearance 30-80 ml/min), when co-administered with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists or substances that suppress the cyclooxygenase system (NSAIDs, antiplatelet agents), further deterioration of renal function and the occurrence of acute renal disease may occur. failure, which is usually reversible.

These interactions should be considered in patients taking Nimesil in combination with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists

Therefore, coadministration of these drugs should be used with caution, especially in elderly patients. Patients should be kept adequately hydrated and renal function should be closely monitored after initiating concomitant therapy.

There is evidence that NSAIDs reduce the clearance of lithium, which leads to increased plasma lithium concentrations and its toxicity. When prescribing nimesulide to patients receiving lithium therapy, plasma lithium concentrations should be regularly monitored.

No clinically significant interactions were observed with glibenclamide, theophylline, digoxin, cimetidine and antacid drugs (for example, a combination of aluminum and magnesium hydroxides).

Nimesulide inhibits the activity of the CYP2C9 isoenzyme. When taking drugs that are substrates of this enzyme with nimesulide, the concentration of these drugs in plasma may increase.

When prescribing nimesulide less than 24 hours before or after taking methotrexate, caution is required, since in such cases the plasma level of methotrexate and, accordingly, the toxic effects of this drug may increase.

Due to their effect on renal prostaglandins, inhibitors of prostaglandin synthetase, such as nimesulide, may increase the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporines.

In vitro studies have shown that nimesulide is displaced from binding sites by tolbutamide, salicylic acid and valproic acid. Although these interactions were determined in blood plasma, these effects were not observed during clinical use of the drug.

Composition and properties of the drug

The action of the drug in question is based on the substance nimesulide at a concentration of 100 mg per dose of granular powder (2 grams). Auxiliary components are sucrose, maltodextrin, citric acid, ketomacrogol and flavoring to give a pleasant taste. The drug is produced in aluminum foil bags of 2 grams, which are packaged in packages of 9, 15 and 30 pieces.

Nimesil has a pronounced analgesic effect, and also relieves elevated body temperature and helps minimize inflammatory processes. The principle of operation is based on suppressing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins, as a result of which the symptoms accompanying the process are quickly relieved. The properties of the powder form allow you to achieve quick results, and the resulting effect lasts on average for 6 hours. The drug is also suitable for long-term therapy and is well tolerated by patients.

Nimesil powder instructions for use


Nimesil (MN in Latin “Nimesulide”) is an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicine that is widely used by specialists in various fields. The medicine is prescribed to people of any age. No, it's not an antibiotic. The medicine is classified as an NSAID. Information about the drug, its description, how to take it correctly and for how long is in the instructions. (Wikipedia)

What it helps with, composition, indications for use

Release form: powder in individual packaging, in bags.

The active ingredient is nimesulide. There is 100 mg in 1 sachet. Excipients: ketomacrogol, sucrose, maltodextrin, citric acid, flavoring.

Pharmacological group: included in the group as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Nimesil is usually prescribed for many inflammatory processes, acute pain, interventions in the human body, and colds. Most often prescribed for colds, flu, toothache and headache, fever (at high temperatures), menstruation, cystitis, after wisdom tooth removal, acute respiratory infections, back pain, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, gout , for gumboil, for sinusitis, for bronchitis, for sore throat, for otitis, recommended for inflammation of the joints.

When does it start to act as a pain reliever?

As a pain reliever, nimesil begins to act quickly, within an hour. And it lasts for 6-8 hours. The drug does not accumulate in the body. It is long acting.

Nimesil: contraindications for use

  • For children under 12 years of age;
  • High sensitivity to the active substance (nimesulide) or additives;
  • Allergic reactions to the active substance or components;
  • History of hepatological reactions of the body to the active ingredient;
  • Treatment with drugs that have hepatoxic effects;
  • During exacerbations of inflammatory intestinal processes;
  • The rehabilitation period after heart bypass surgery;
  • Fever accompanying colds and ARVI;
  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • Bleeding from ulcers and caused by other diseases;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Severe stages of heart and kidney failure;
  • Increased potassium levels in the blood;
  • Liver diseases in severe stages and liver failure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Alcohol and drug addictions.

Nimesil analogs are cheaper and more effective

Based on its price, the drug nimesil is not affordable for everyone. The average cost can be at least 500 rubles.

But there are a number of analogues that, at an affordable price, are in no way inferior.

Nise is an anti-inflammatory drug with the active substance nimesulide. But it differs in the composition of auxiliary components, which should be taken into account to identify individual intolerance. Nise is also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, articular syndrome with psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis to relieve symptoms.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, gel and suspension.

Nimulid - contains nimesulide in its composition, but differs in the composition of auxiliary components.

According to research, this drug is significantly inferior in effectiveness to Nise and Nimesil, despite the same concentration of the active substance. Release form: lozenges, suspension, gel.

The drug nimesil is an effective remedy for getting rid of pain syndromes, but it is important to follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations to avoid side effects

What does the medicine "Nimesil" help with?

According to the instructions, the medication is prescribed for the treatment of infectious pathologies, vascular, degenerative inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal system, urological, gynecological abnormalities. The suspension is used to reduce high body temperature. Indications for use of the drug "Nimesil" include:

  • radiculitis;
  • headache and toothache;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain syndromes during menstruation;
  • arthritis;
  • pain during injury and after surgery.

The medication helps children over 12 years of age and adult patients with long-term treatment and with sudden attacks of pain.

  • breastfeeding.

Individuals should exercise caution when taking Nimesil powder, which may worsen the patient's condition. Suffering from diabetes, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia.


Active ingredients and release form

"Nimesil" is a light yellow powder with a slight orange aroma. The main active ingredient of the drug is nimesulide. It is supplemented with sucrose, citric acid and flavoring - these components sweeten the taste and give the smell of orange.

But the drug also contains the surfactant cetomacrogol 1000. Cetomacrogol serves as an auxiliary component not only for pharmaceuticals; it can be found in cosmetics and food products.

It is used as a solubilizer - a substance that promotes the dissolution of difficultly soluble components. Cetomacrogol also has emulsifying properties. In other words, it helps bring immiscible liquids together.

What is nimesulide and how does it affect the body?

It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug from the sulfonanilide class. To put it simply, it is a chemical derivative of one of the antibiotics – sulfonamide (but nimesulide itself is not an antibiotic!). Nimesulide inhibits enzymes that are involved in the formation of prostaglandins - physiologically active substances that cause swelling, inflammation and pain.

Although prostaglandins got their name from the Latin name for the prostate gland (they were first isolated by physiologists from seminal fluid), these substances are formed in all tissues and organs, including joints. Prostaglandins stimulate a chain reaction in the body, they affect the cells of the blood, blood vessels, heart, and immune system.

Most NSAIDs block or slow down the synthesis of prostaglandins by inhibiting the enzymes needed to form these substances from essential fatty amino acids. Ibuprofen and aspirin act on humans according to the same principle as nimesulide.

But what makes Nimesil different from other NSAIDs is that it does not suppress the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, although it affects similar enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins. Even with such a gentle effect, nimesulide still negatively affects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, liver and other internal organs if pathological processes occur in them.

Drug interactions

Before using Nimesil, it should be taken into account that simultaneous combination with other medicinal substances can significantly worsen the patient’s condition. These include:

  1. The use of glucocorticoids, which provoke ulcerative lesions in the digestive system.
  2. Antiplatelet substances, as well as components that block serotonin receptors, increase the risk of bleeding or inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Combination with a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs causes bleeding or damage to the hematopoietic system.
  4. The use of Nimesulide with cyclosporines causes the development of nephrotoxicity.

Nimesil price

The price of Nimesil powder (30 sachets) reaches 900 rubles. For comparison, the price for 1 sachet of Nimesil is 25-32 rubles.

How much does the analogue of Nimesil Nise cost? The cost of this drug in the form of a 100 mg tablet. No. 20 is 175-215 rubles. Dispersible tablets differ from regular tablets in that they do not require swallowing. They are able to dissolve directly in the oral cavity. In addition, they can be placed in water, then taken as a solution in the form of a suspension. And this is the main advantage of a dispersed tablet.

One of the main advantages of this medication is its affordability. The cost of one sachet of anti-inflammatory and pain reliever starts at 25 rubles.

Do you want to know if you can treat periodontal disease at home with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda? Information on this issue is presented



You can read how to get rid of tartar at home using walnuts by following the link.

You can read about whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester using the link provided.

Each pharmacy chain independently forms its own pricing policy, which is why the cost indicator can vary and reach 40 rubles.

Nimesil - composition and action

The main active ingredient of the drug is nimesulide. What are its features and advantages?

Firstly, nimesulide really quickly relieves pain, as it stops the main source of toothache - the inflammatory process. Initially, this substance was developed for the treatment of joint pathologies. It is still prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis, when during an exacerbation even minor physical activity causes severe pain.

Secondly, unlike most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect, nimesulide does not suppress the synthesis of enzymes that protect the gastric and intestinal mucosa from the aggressive effects of medications. But it inhibits the production of enzymes that cause inflammation and act on nerve receptors, thereby causing the sensation of dental and other pain.

Dentists recommend taking nimesil in the form of a suspension, which is easy to prepare yourself from powder and water. The resulting medicine has a pleasant aroma and taste of orange or banana - even the most fastidious and capricious patient will swallow it easily and even with pleasure.

But at the same time, doctors do not advise taking these tablets or powders before visiting the dentist: the product eliminates pain so effectively that the doctor simply will not be able to detect its cause and make a correct diagnosis. But after removing a wisdom tooth or treating pulpitis, nimesil will be a real salvation.

What disadvantages could this wonderful product have? First of all, it is important to understand: nimesil stops the inflammatory process. But it does not eliminate its root cause and you still need to go to the dentist, even if the discomfort has disappeared without a trace.

Like most painkillers, nimesil can be addictive. In addition, this drug is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • for alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • patients suffering from renal or liver failure, gastric ulcer;
  • allergic diseases - rhinitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma;
  • if there is poor blood clotting;
  • with individual intolerance to nimesulide.

In some countries, this drug is banned due to its high toxicity. But during studies, the negative effects of the drug on the liver were not established, and adverse events from the digestive tract were noted only in isolated cases. If the dosage is observed, this remedy is truly one of the most effective even for painful toothache.

In what situations is it not recommended to use Nimesil for toothache? The contraindications are as follows:

We suggest you read: After removal of a wisdom tooth from above

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • for alcohol/drug addiction;
  • for diseases of an allergic nature;
  • with pathology of blood clotting;
  • pregnant/nursing mothers;
  • for liver/kidney chronic diseases;
  • for peptic ulcer of the intestines/stomach;
  • in case of intolerance to the composition of the drug.

In some countries (for example, the USA), Nimesil is considered toxic and is not sold in pharmacies. However, side effects appear only if the instructions for using the medicine are violated. These include:

  • nausea, vomiting and stomach pain;
  • stomach bleeding (rare);
  • exacerbation of kidney disease;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • coma.

Disturbances in the functioning of the hematopoietic system may also be observed: thrombocytopenia, anemia, hemorrhagic syndrome. Disturbances in the functionality of the central nervous system include feelings of anxiety, fears, nightmares, headaches and drowsiness.

Heartbeat disturbances may occur - tachycardia, hot flashes. Disorders of the respiratory system include the appearance of shortness of breath, bronchospasm and attacks of bronchial asthma. There is a violation of visual function - a lack of sharpness in the perception of objects.

The effect on the renal system manifests itself in the form of urinary retention, dysuria, exacerbation of nephritis and renal failure. If the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired, exacerbations of gastritis, the appearance of jaundice, and stool disorders may occur.

However, if the dosage is observed, no toxic effects on the systems and tissues of the body have been identified. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor. In case of overdose, symptomatic (local) treatment is prescribed. If the dosage was exceeded no later than four hours ago, induce a gag reflex and rinse the stomach. After washing, drink activated carbon (1 tablet/10 kg of weight) or take a laxative.

Side effects also appear when the medication is combined with other drugs, so it is better to notify your physician before use. Some medications may enhance or reduce the effect of the active substance of the drug.

Nimesil is considered a new generation product that can perform several tasks at once. Due to its complex effect, it helps eliminate the main unpleasant symptoms of various diseases and is even prescribed by doctors after tooth extraction or surgical interventions. Moreover, its use does not cause as many side effects as other similar drugs.

The main active substance is nimesulide, which acts on nerve endings, relieving pain, and also relieves inflammation and eliminates tissue swelling. Additional substances do not have a strong therapeutic effect, but rather have neutral properties that only enhance the main effect.

Initially, Nimesil was created to eliminate pain in muscles and joints during increased physical activity or in addition to treating the musculoskeletal system for various diseases. It is often used to relieve headaches, for women during the menstrual cycle or in cases of various infections that cause fever, pain and other discomfort.

Manufacturers emphasize that Nimesil, produced in powder form, has much less effect on the mucous surface of the stomach and quickly penetrates into the bloodstream, which significantly reduces the negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, it is considered safer than any other painkillers.

The action of the drug is based on the fact that nimesulide in granules is able to inhibit the production of enzymes that cause inflammation, and also reduces the sensitivity of nerve receptors responsible for pain.

From powder, Nimesil easily turns into a convenient medicine for oral administration. To do this, just pour half a glass of boiled, cooled water over the crumbly substance and stir. You need to drink the medicine immediately after preparation; it is not recommended to store it in this form, as it will quickly lose its properties.

It is worth noting that this drug has a pleasant taste and smell (orange or banana), which even capricious patients will like. Drinking some liquid is also easier than swallowing pills. How long does it take to work? Thanks to this form, the active substance is quickly absorbed into the blood and completely relieves pain within 20 minutes.

Doctors warn against taking Nimesil for dental inflammation before going to the dentist, since due to the strong effect it will be impossible to accurately establish a diagnosis and determine the correct treatment. But it is prescribed after the removal of a wisdom tooth, complex surgical interventions, in the treatment of pulpitis, etc.

  • age of children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • with alcohol abuse;
  • in cases of drug addiction;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if there is a problem with the kidneys or liver;
  • low level of blood clotting;
  • if there is a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • anemia;
  • instability of the nervous system;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs, cystitis;
  • in the presence of internal bleeding, even in an earlier period;
  • recently undergone complex heart surgery.
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • weakness, depression, depression of the nervous system;
  • urticaria, dermatitis or other skin rashes due to allergies;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • in extreme situations, gastric bleeding or anaphylactic shock may occur.

And although isolated episodes of such conditions have been established, if unexpected reactions of the body occur, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and rinse the stomach, and it is best to call a doctor. It is very important not to combine medications, including Nimesil, with alcohol.

It is advisable not to use such potent drugs on your own, but to consult your doctor first. And in case of toothache, do not delay with real treatment, because Nimesil is not able to eliminate pulpitis, caries or other causes of tissue infection.

Nimesil for toothache: method of application

Nimesil for severe toothache is used in dentistry for the following diseases and conditions:

  • caries, especially deep and associated with infection;
  • pulpitis (inflammation of the inside of the tooth, where the nerve and blood vessels pass);
  • periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues located around the top of the tooth);
  • incorrectly installed filling on the tooth;
  • cracked or chipped tooth;
  • flux;
  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • erupting wisdom tooth;
  • stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the oral cavity);
  • dental cyst;
  • pain after tooth extraction.

The dosage of Nimesil and the duration of treatment with the drug for each disease are determined by the attending physician.

Nimesil for toothache cannot always be used. Contraindications for prescribing this medicine are:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • history of stomach or intestinal bleeding;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • heart failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Nimesil for toothache should be taken with caution and always consult a doctor before use.

The instructions for Nimesil state that the drug for toothache must be taken in the dosage strictly prescribed by the doctor (from 100 to 200 mg per day). If the toothache is severe, the dose can be increased to 300 mg, but not more, as this may cause side effects.

Nimesil's instructions for toothache are as follows. One sachet of medicine (100 mg) should be dissolved in half a glass of warm water and then drunk. You can also rinse your tooth with Nimesil. In this case, it is necessary to retain the solution in the area of ​​the diseased (pulled out) tooth. It is better to take the medicine after meals. In addition, it is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after rinsing with anesthetic.

What to do if Nimesil does not help with toothache? In cases where the medicine does not help, you should consult a doctor. He will increase the dosage or prescribe another drug with a similar effect.

Nimesil is not recommended for use by pregnant women and women during lactation, since there is no accurate data on the effect of nimesulide on the fetus and the penetration of the drug into breast milk. Nimesil for toothache is prescribed to children only from 12 years of age.

Nimesil is one of the best drugs against toothache, which every dentist uses in his practice. Nimesil has a wide range of indications. This analgesic is simple and easy to use. It is best to purchase Nimesil in an online pharmacy. Only here the cost of drugs is much lower than in regular pharmacies.

In addition, in the warehouses of online pharmacies, any drug, including Nimesil, is always in stock. Consultants will help you order medications from an online pharmacy, and you can pay for them upon receipt. Delivery of Nimesil and other medications is carried out in just 1-2 days. Buy Nimesil and be healthy!

Nimesil buy

In pharmacies you can find this product in tablet form and in powder. The second option is preferable, as it is much safer and helps to cope with unpleasant sensations faster.

Before using the help of this product, you must definitely study the instructions for using Nimesil, so that later there are no questions about why it does not help, whether it is possible for pregnant women and how long to wait for the result.

Be very careful about the permissible dosage of the drug. One sachet is enough for one-time use. It needs to be diluted in 150 ml of water and stirred well so that all the granules dissolve. You should not drink more than two servings per day. During long-term treatment with this drug, you should try to wait up to 12 hours between doses.

This method of application assumes that after 15-20 minutes it will become much easier, the pain will go away, and the inflammation or swelling of the soft tissues around the affected tooth will calm down. But you should not get carried away with this medicine, since Nimesil does not affect the cause itself and does not eliminate the disease in any way, but only temporarily relieves the pain syndrome. You should not use the drug for longer than 15 days in a row, and it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In order to prevent the development of unpleasant side reactions, it is recommended to drink the medicine only after eating. And to dilute the product you need exactly as much water as indicated in the instructions, otherwise you may encounter unpleasant phenomena.

Sometimes people recommend rinsing with diluted Nimesil, for example, for gum inflammation. But this is its indirect purpose, so the effectiveness of this method of treatment has not been proven. It is better to visit a specialist and undergo appropriate therapy.

Nimesil belongs to a new generation of medications and is not known to all patients. Many people prefer to use proven analgesics for years - paracetamol and analgin. How does Nimesil differ from the listed tablets? The active medicinal agent in the drug is nimesulide, which has the following characteristics:

  1. quickly relieves pain impulses;
  2. stops the inflammatory process.

This drug was intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints, and is now prescribed for osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis. The advantage of the drug over other analgesics is the absence of an aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The medicine acts for its intended purpose without interfering with the functioning of other body systems. Nimesil only blocks the production of enzymes that organize the development of the inflammatory process in tissues.

The drug is used in the form of a powder diluted with water. the resulting suspension has a pleasant taste and aroma of exotic fruits. The drug stops pain impulses for a long time, depriving a person of sensitivity to pain. For this reason, dentists do not recommend drinking Nimesil suspension for toothache before visiting the office, since it is difficult to determine the affected area. But after dental treatment or tooth extraction, Nimesil will provide an invaluable service.

The medicine is available in tablet and powder form. The powder, compared to tablets, is instantly absorbed into the gastric mucosa without having an aggressive effect on it. How to take Nimesil for toothache: pour the powder into a cup and dilute with 100 ml of water. When the powder is completely dissolved, drink the finished suspension.

After what interval can the suspension be repeated? The interval between doses of the drug is at least 12 hours. It is better to take the medicine after meals; increasing the dosage is prohibited. Some patients strive to kill the pain “for sure” and try to take a large dose of the drug: this will not help.

How long does it take for toothache powder Nimesil to take effect? After about 20 minutes, the patient begins to feel relief: at this time, the concentration of the active agent of the drug reaches 50%.

We suggest you read: What antibiotics are prescribed after tooth extraction

How to use Nimesil for toothache, and does it help with gum disease? Since Nimesil effectively affects the inflammatory process in tissues, it is drunk for pain of various types, and also for inflammation of the gums. Nimesil is used for gumboil and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

A distinctive feature of Nimesil is the reduction of high temperature, so it can be taken as an antipyretic for any form of disease. However, if a toothache occurs, Nimesil can only relieve the pain, but not cure the disease. Therefore, a visit to the dental office will still have to be made, even if the pain completely disappears.

Non-narcotic analgesics are used to relieve toothache. Most of them also have anti-inflammatory effects. Units should be pulled out with the obligatory subsequent administration of analgesics with anti-inflammatory effects.

Important! Painkillers after tooth extraction cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and the likelihood of increased bleeding. Therefore, they are stopped as soon as the intensity of symptoms decreases.

Most often, one of the following medications is prescribed.


Its effectiveness is tens and hundreds of times higher than that of other analgesics.
The most powerful medicine. Its effectiveness is tens and hundreds of times higher than that of other analgesics. It is especially useful if you need to numb a wound after a complex operation or a wisdom tooth. It has 2 release forms - tablets and injections. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug based on ketorolac. Its analogue is “Ketorol”.

Capsules are taken symptomatically or 3 to 4 times a day at regular intervals with at least 100 ml of water. If necessary, increase the dose by 2 times. The maximum duration of the course is 1 week.

Injections are given intramuscularly, preferably in the thigh or shoulder. The daily dose is 3 mg for young people and 2 mg for older people.

Important! "Ketanov" should not be taken together with glucocorticosteroids, other anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs containing calcium. This combination will instantly lead to side effects from the digestive system.


The active ingredient is nimesulide. Relieves inflammation, swelling, reduces temperature and pain after wisdom tooth removal. Available in the form of powder, tablets, gel, suspensions and syrup for children. The optimal dose is 100 mg, which can be slightly increased when wisdom teeth are bothering you.

The optimal dose is 100 mg.

Analogues - “Nurofen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Diclofenac”, “Nise”, “Affida Fort”.


They produce capsules, suppositories, and pain-relieving injections for intramuscular and intravenous injections. Relieves fever and pain. The active ingredient is metamizole. Take 500 mg twice or thrice a day, including when wisdom teeth are cutting. If a fang, incisor or molar hurts in children, the dosage is calculated in the proportion of 5 – 10 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Relieves fever and pain.

Drug analogues

Analogues of “Nimesil” include the following medications: “Taro-Sanovel”, “Sulidin”, “Remesulid”, “Pansulid”, “Nimuspaz”, “Nimulid”, “Nimujet”, “Nimid”, “Nimesulide”, “Nimegesik” , “Negan”, “Nise”, “Mesulide”, “Affida Fort”, “Aponil”, “Ameolin”, “Sigan”, “Chondroitin sulfate”, “Diacerein”.

As a rule, analogues of "Nimesil" have a lower cost than the product described. However, it is important to remember that any replacement of one drug with another should be made only after consultation with your doctor.

Nimesil's analogs

Suspension analogues include the following drugs:

  • "Aponil";
  • "Nise";
  • "Nimegesic";
  • "Nimesulide";
  • "Nimid";
  • "Nimulid".

Basically, the analogues are drugs of Indian origin, which are superior in price to the powder in question. All medications on the list have the same active ingredient, so they have similar instructions for use. Medicines are dosed according to the same principle.

  • Aponil is produced in Cyprus. It has a dosage form of tablets. One unit of the drug contains 100 mg of active substance. Like all medications in this series, it is available with a doctor's prescription.
  • "Nise" is produced in the form of half and whole dose tablets. Also available as a topical 1% gel. In the case of the gel, it is necessary not to exceed the permissible ten-day course of treatment. In this form, the drug can only be applied to undamaged skin.
  • “Nimegesic” is a ready-made suspension with the aroma of ripe melon. For use in adults. The one-time norm is two caps. The bottle contains 60 ml of medicine.
  • "Nimesulide" - tablets 100 mg. Rarely sold in pharmacies in gel form. It is used in a similar way with “Nise”.
  • “Nimid” is a product of Indian origin in the form of sachets and external gel. Dosages and method of use are exactly the same as for similar drugs.
  • "Nimulid" is an Indian analogue. It is found in tablets, in the form of an external gel and a ready-made suspension. Previously recommended for children as the most powerful antipyretic. Later it turned out that the reception is not compatible with high temperature.

Now all drugs based on this active substance are prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age.

The powder in question has a pronounced analgesic property. Reviews about its use are mostly positive. But do not forget that this drug greatly complicates the functioning of the liver. Therefore, if possible, long-term treatment should be avoided.

The main differences between Nimesil and other drugs

The use of Nimesil for children over 12 years of age is due to a number of advantages. The main and significant difference between the drug and its analogues is the absence of a negative effect on the work of enzymes that protect the walls of the gastrointestinal tract from various influences. This means that, unlike analogues, Nimesil is an absolutely safe drug to use.

Despite the advantages, Nimesil also has negative properties. First of all, it has a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Although this effect is insignificant, it is important for patients to be aware of this fact. The adverse effects of Nimesil are observed on internal organs in which there are signs of the development of pathological processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

"Nimesil" belongs to the group of sulfonamides and is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects. Nimesulide in the drug is able to block type 2 cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandins.

The drug is well absorbed from the intestine after oral administration. The highest concentration in the blood is observed after 3 hours. 97.5% bound to plasma proteins. The average half-life of the main substance is up to 5 hours. Nimesulide is able to quickly penetrate histohematic barriers.

Biotransformation under the influence of cytochrome P450 occurs in the liver. As a result, an active metabolite, hydroxynimesulide, is formed, which is excreted in glucuronidated form along with bile. About half of the dose taken is excreted from the body by the kidneys. It is important to find out in advance how to drink Nimesil according to the instructions.

Cost and analogues

The price of the drug depends on the number of sachets in the package, as well as on the financial policy of pharmacies. The average cost of Nimesil in Moscow pharmacy chains ranges from 290 to 660 rubles for 9 and 30 sachets, respectively (one sachet costs about 24 rubles); the price of a package with 15 sachets is around 450 rubles.

There are many both generics (which have a common active ingredient) and full-fledged analogues of the drug, some of which may have a more attractive price. Generic drugs include Nise, Aponil, Nimulid, Aulin, Mesulide, Nemulex and Nimica. The advantages of these medications are the extended release form, including tablets, capsules, gels and ointments for external use, as well as the price - 30 bags of Nemulex cost around 550 rubles, and the powder for Nimulid suspension is almost half the price of the original.

Complete analogues must be sought among non-steroidal PVA, sulfonamide derivatives; Such drugs should be prescribed only with the permission of a doctor. These include celecoxib and rofecoxib. The most common among these non-hormonal drugs are Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac and Naproxen.

Currently, pharmacy chains offer a wide range of tablets and granules that have a pharmacological effect identical to Nimesil.

You can replace this medicine with the following analogues:

  • "Nimesulide";
  • "Aulin";
  • "Nizom";
  • "Mesulide";
  • "Nimicom";
  • "Nimulid";
  • Nemulex.

Modern pharmacies offer many analogues of this drug, and based on numerous recommendations, the effect of similar substances is not much different from the effect of using the main drug. The cost of Nimesil is from 30 rubles per 1 sachet, and varies depending on their quantity in the package. Analogs can be sold cheaper in both tablets and powder form.

  • Nise is an effective pain reliever used for a wide range of phenomena, the cost is from 200 rubles per pack;
  • Nimesulide - costing from 70 rubles, this medicine is not inferior to the main substance under consideration and is much more profitable;
  • Nemulex - the cost of this drug in the Russian Federation starts from 180 rubles, and the effect of the drug is not inferior to its analogues.
  • Aponil is related to non-steroidal drugs and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it can be taken to relieve many processes in the area of ​​external and internal organs;
  • Mesulide - belongs to the sulfonanilide class and has a pronounced effect in the fight against numerous diseases;
  • Nimulid - the medicine is produced in several forms and costs much less than the drug in question. The price starts from 100 rubles per package;
  • Prolide - the product is available in the form of fast-acting tablets. The advantage is a more affordable price and fewer negative side effects.

The active ingredient of Nimesil is nimesulide, which has a powerful systemic effect. Effective in the treatment of inflammatory febrile conditions, infectious and rheumatic processes, severe pain syndrome of various etiologies.

It is superior in action to popular drugs from the NSAID group (ibuprofen, diclofenac), working directly at the site of inflammation, but at the same time has a wide range of contraindications and side effects. It should be understood that, despite its high effectiveness, Nimesil is intended for symptomatic therapy, acting at the time of use and without affecting the etiological cause of the disease. Pharmaceutical group: NSAIDs - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Features of use for certain pathologies

In addition to the need to adjust the dosage of the drug for people with various chronic diseases, there are features of its use for various pathologies.

  • Nimesil is most often used for diseases of the spine and joints. Doctors prescribe it for radiculitis, hernia, osteochondrosis, and after injuries. It is imperative to find out how to drink Nimesil in sachets correctly in such conditions. After all, if overdosed or used incorrectly, it can cause serious side effects.
  • Nimesil powder is effective for toothache, especially after the extraction procedure. But doctors do not recommend taking it before dental treatment. After all, the drug causes insensitivity to pain, so it will be difficult to make a correct diagnosis. In addition, it interferes with blood clotting.
  • Nimesil is often used for colds and flu. It quickly lowers the temperature, reduces the severity of pain, and relieves inflammation. This drug even helps reduce tearing and nasal congestion. But it only relieves symptoms and does not treat the underlying disease.
  • Many women suffer from severe pain during menstruation. In medicine, this condition is called “algodisminorrhea.” Spasms in the lower abdomen are difficult to relieve, but Nimesil is effective for menstrual pain. It has an almost immediate effect - after 20 minutes the woman feels relief. The result lasts for several hours, after which you can drink another sachet, but this is usually not required, since the pain does not return. You can prevent severe pain if you start drinking Nimesulide a couple of days before the start of your period.

Indications for use

It is recommended to take the drug for the following problems:

  • severe pain during menstruation in women;
  • gynecological, urological pathologies (in the treatment of cystitis);
  • pain in any area (headaches, dental pain, post-operative pain);
  • to reduce temperature during ARVI and other diseases with similar symptoms;
  • in case of infectious and inflammatory processes caused by injuries and operations;
  • degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with characteristic pain and inflammation (arthritis, bursitis, osteochondrosis).

Nimesil will help with the same effect both with a single dose to dull the intensity of pain, and with long-term complex treatment.

Reviews about the drug

Powder "Nimesil" is widely used in cases of toothache or other pain (in case of injuries or algodismenorrhea). Patients report that the drug is very effective in this case, and undesirable consequences occur very rarely.

Doctors also speak positively about Nimesil, since nimesulide effectively relieves traumatic pain and pain localized in the musculoskeletal system. However, it is important to remember that nimesulide has increased hepatotoxicity, and therefore its use is prohibited in a number of countries. Be that as it may, when choosing an anti-inflammatory drug, you should rely not on reviews, but on the recommendations of your doctor. Only a competent doctor is able to select a medicine taking into account the health and body characteristics of a particular patient.

We looked at how many times to drink Nimesil per day. The main thing is to do it correctly and strictly follow the instructions.

Dosage and method of administration of the drug

The granules must be placed in a glass and diluted with water in an amount of 100 ml. The prepared solution cannot be stored; it should be taken as soon as possible. It is recommended to dissolve the medication granules in plain warm boiled water. This is indicated in the instructions for use.

How to drink Nimesil? The suspension prepared from the powder should be taken orally twice a day after meals, one sachet. The maximum duration of treatment can be two weeks. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, you should use the smallest dosage that produces the desired effect for the shortest period of time.

How many times can you drink Nimesil? 1 sachet every 12 hours is the usual dosage of the product. This medicine, as well as any drugs based on nimesulide, can be used by children over 12 years of age. The dosage is standard. No dose adjustment is required when taking Nimesil in patients with renal failure. When using the medication in elderly patients, the doctor must adjust the dose of the drug taking into account the likelihood of interaction of nimesulide with other medications taken.

It is important to find out how many days you can take Nimesil to avoid an overdose.


There are a large number of drugs on the modern pharmaceutical market that are structural analogues of Nimesil. Since the active ingredient in all these drugs is nimesulide, they exhibit similar therapeutic effects on the body. In addition, the side effects of these drugs are similar, the severity of which may differ slightly due to different production conditions of the constituent components.

The range of pharmaceuticals, the active component of which is nimesulide, is quite wide:

  • Aulin powder and tablets produced by Helsinn Byrex Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Ireland;
  • Nise tablets (Dr. Reddis Laboratories Ltd., India);
  • Novolid tablets (Helsinn Byrex Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Ireland);
  • granules for oral suspension Nemulex (Sotex, Russia);
  • granulate for preparing solution and Mesulide tablets (Helsinn Byrex Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Ireland);
  • granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration Nemulex (Pharm Firm Sotex, Russia);
  • Flolid tablets (Laboratorio Pharmaciutico, Italy);
  • Nimulid tablets and suspension (Coral-Med, Russia);
  • Aponil tablets (Medokemi Ltd, Cyprus).

However, this is an incomplete list of pharmaceuticals that are analogues of Nimesil. Today, there are dozens of types of drugs in pharmacies that can replace this analgesic. The main advantage of analogues is the lower cost of a drug that has a similar mode of action.

It is not recommended to independently select an analogue of Nimesil, since the nimesulide content in different preparations may differ. Only a specialist can make the right choice and prescribe the exact dosage.

Analgesic drugs do not have a therapeutic effect, but can effectively relieve acute symptoms. To eliminate the cause of pain, you must consult a dentist as soon as possible.

How to dilute Nimesil powder

When toothache occurs, people are ready to take any medication that will help them get rid of unbearable suffering.

They can quickly stabilize the condition with Nimesil, which should be used in accordance with the instructions.

For a one-time pain relief, one sachet will be enough, the contents of which should be diluted in clean hot water. If the discomfort resumes after a while, then the granules should be taken again after 12 hours.

The manufacturer indicates that it is not advisable to use the drug for more than 15 days in a row, as unforeseen side effects may occur. It is worth noting that for inflamed gums, you can use Nimesil solution for rinsing.

The drug is not available in tablets. It is granules for preparing a medicinal solution. Therefore, it has special rules of application. Some people have trouble swallowing capsules and tablets, so a nice orange-flavored drink can be a comfortable solution for them.

But you need to know how to drink Nimesil correctly so that it works and does not have side effects. It is recommended to pour one sachet of the drug into a glass and pour 100 ml of drinking water. It should not be hot, you can take warm boiled one. After complete dissolution, the medicine should be drunk immediately. The solution cannot be stored; it is prepared immediately before use. And to protect the gastrointestinal tract from the damaging effects of the components of the product, it is recommended to drink the medicine after meals.

Dosage and regimen

Most often, doctors say that in order to bring down the temperature, you need to drink Nimesil according to the following scheme. 200 mg per day. Use one sachet twice a day with an interval of at least 6 hours. The standard course of treatment is 14 days. If you cannot achieve a noticeable effect after this period, consult a doctor, but do not continue treatment.

If you begin to feel symptoms of intoxication (headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea), stop treatment immediately and go to the hospital. The situation is quite dangerous. The fact is that modern medicine does not have an antidote for nimesulide. Therefore, treatment of poisoning is carried out symptomatically (gastric lavage and use of sorebents).

Sometimes women are faced with the question of whether Nimesil can be taken during pregnancy. The fact is that, based on research, it was found that anti-inflammatory drugs have a negative effect not only on the pregnancy process itself, but also on the development of the fetus. It follows from this that using the drug during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, this is especially important in the early stages of gestation.

It is forbidden to use Nimesil during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the drug enters the blood, which transports the active substance of the drug to the mammary glands. Together with breast milk, the active substance of the drug enters the baby’s body.

How to take Nimesil for a cold? The instructions are quite simple. One dose for adult patients is 100 mg (1 sachet) of Nimesil. The drug in the form of powder or granules must first be dissolved in warm water. Nimesil is taken 2 times a day, preferably after meals. For elderly people and patients with severe kidney disease, the daily dose is halved.

The course of treatment can be up to 15 days, but only if there is a stable increase in temperature. However, in this case, a persistently elevated temperature indicates an ineffective course of treatment that does not suppress pathogenic microflora. As a rule, for ARVI, Nimesil is taken for 1-4 days, after which the temperature returns to normal.

In case of overdose, the drug causes a number of dangerous side effects. First of all, it affects the nervous system, causing drowsiness or apathy. In addition, an overdose can cause nausea, diarrhea, pain or discomfort in the abdominal area. In rare cases, gastric bleeding may occur.

Overdose most often occurs when Nimesil and analogue drugs are taken together. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of all drugs that are included in the course of treatment of ARVI.

In case of overdose, there is no need to use a special antidote. The victim should undergo gastric lavage, after which he should be prescribed activated charcoal, plenty of gentle fluids, and bed rest. In severe cases, therapeutic measures are taken in a hospital setting.

Nimesil has a number of analogue drugs that cannot be taken together. When combining synonymous drugs, the risk of side effects, overdose, and depression of the gastrointestinal tract increases.

Synonyms of Nimesil are Nise and Kokstral, as well as Nimulid and Prolid, Aponil and Nimesulid, Aktasulide and Flolid.

The break between taking Nimesil and its analogues should be at least 6 hours.

The mechanism of pain after tooth extraction

Anesthesia of the operated area is carried out using local sedation. General anesthesia is used less frequently. Conduction anesthesia is used for the removal of wisdom teeth and molars, and infiltration anesthesia is used for the extraction of incisors and canines.

Pain occurs after the anesthetic effect wears off. Its intensity depends on:

  • individual sensitivity and pain threshold level of the patient;
  • complexity and duration of manipulations;
  • the presence of inflammation in the operated area.

Non-narcotic analgesics are used to relieve toothache.

If you tear out the chewing unit, a wound will form and bleeding will occur. After 20–30 minutes, a blood clot forms in the alveolus. Healing occurs in a couple of weeks, complete tissue restoration takes 1–3 months, and pain lasts 2–3 days. The sockets take the longest to heal after wisdom tooth removal.

We suggest you read: Swelling after wisdom tooth removal - how long does it last and how to remove it

A wisdom tooth is the third molar. It received this name because it erupts in most cases after 20-25 years. Some people have no wisdom teeth at all. This means that they were not originally laid down during intrauterine development. Alas, wisdom teeth do not bring knowledge and intelligence, but they can cause pain and discomfort.

Nimesil for wisdom teeth during their eruption is prescribed quite often. This is due to the fact that the drug is able to penetrate deep into the tissues, quickly relieve pain and prevent inflammation. Also, the use of Nimesil is due to its long-term effect, since wisdom teeth can hurt for a long time, until they erupt or are removed.

If you have had your wisdom tooth removed, Nimesil will also help you cope with pain at the extraction site. Within 15-20 minutes after use, the medicine will relieve swelling and redness, and also prevent the addition of pathogenic bacteria.

Tooth extraction is an extreme measure that dentists resort to when drug treatment does not help. If you have had a tooth pulled out, Nimesil will help you avoid pain and discomfort at the site of the former tooth. The drug will also cope with edema and swelling, and prevent inflammation.

Drug interactions

The medicine has a pronounced effect on the human body, therefore, when prescribing it, the intake of other pharmacological agents (antibiotics, anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids) is always taken into account. Taking such medications at the same time should be done with great caution. Nimesil often exhibits certain effects when taken together with the following groups of drugs:

  • with glucocorticosteroids and antiplatelet medications - there is a probable risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • joint use with lithium preparations leads to an increase in the concentration of the element in the blood;
  • enhances the effect of anticoagulants, which also increases the likelihood of bleeding;
  • reduces the activity of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs.

Nimesil's compatibility with antibiotics should not cause concern . You can take Nimesil with antibiotics, since these categories of drugs do not actively interact. However, often when treating bacterial infections with antibiotics, doctors prescribe Paracetamol or Iboprofen as analgesics and antipyretics. But some doctors prefer to combine antibiotics with analogues of the above drugs based on nimesulide, such as Nimesil or Nise.

However, when taking antibiotics and Nimesil at the same time, it is very important to adhere to all nutritional recommendations. Also, you should not take antibiotics or Nimesil on an empty stomach. And of course, combinations of Nimesil with any antibiotics are always previously agreed upon with the attending physician. In such a case, you should not rely on the pharmacist’s recommendation or simply rely on the price of the drug.

The principle of action of the medication

Instructions for use of Nimesil indicate that the drug is a potent medicinal drug that has the following properties:

  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

After the active substance Nimesil enters the body, prostaglandins are synthesized. This phenomenon makes it possible to provide a therapeutic effect in the shortest possible time. The main active component of the drug is the substance nimesulide. It is this component that has the analgesic and antipyretic effect of the drug.

Doctors note an important advantage of the medicine: the ability to use it for a long time for adults. At the same time, the drug does not provoke the development of complications and is well tolerated by patients. After oral administration of the drug, a positive effect is observed after 1-2 hours. The duration of the therapeutic effect lasts up to 6 hours, which is an excellent indicator when compared with analogues.

When using the drug Nimesil for influenza, the following therapeutic effects and effects occur:

  1. Reduction of elevated temperature.
  2. Elimination of myalgia.
  3. General weakness is relieved.
  4. The fever goes away completely.
  5. The product helps cure rhinitis.
  6. Relieves dry and productive cough.
  7. Relieves nasal congestion.
  8. Inflammatory processes occur.

It is worth noting! After administration, the active components of the medicine are absorbed into the lymph flow within 1-2 hours. The drug has a therapeutic effect for 6-8 hours. It does not accumulate in the body and is completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours.

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