Discharge after curettage of the uterine cavity: how many days does the bleeding last?
Often, women who are about to undergo a curettage procedure have a question about how long it takes after cleaning the uterus.
Why do ovaries hurt in women and what to do?
Answers to basic questions Basic questions that concern women and what they need to know
STI test transcript
STI testing: what it is and popular diagnostic methods
What is PCR for STIs PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for STIs is an analysis that
IVF for endometriosis: is it possible to do it, chances, reviews of patients who succeeded
Adenomyosis of the uterus is a disease in which endometrial cells grow and grow into the muscle layer
Treatment of thrush in women and men at the same time
When a couple faces a candidiasis problem, the weaker half is usually to blame. Alas, but the female body
ovary with cyst
What is the reason for an enlarged ovary and a large number of follicles? How does this affect fertilization?
IMPORTANT! Sergey Bubnovsky: There is an effective remedy for sexually transmitted diseases... Read more >> Ovarian enlargement
Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the uterus
SOS! Prolapse of internal organs: helping ourselves at the first call of the body!
Features of the structure of female genital organs after 50 Doctors call urinary incontinence incontinence and divide
Review of effective suppositories for the treatment of ovarian cysts
How do Longidaza suppositories help with ovarian cysts? Longidaza is a medicine produced as a solution for
Antibiotics for endometriosis - treatment and medications
Can it be used? It is worth understanding that endometriosis itself is a hormonally dependent disease.
Manifestations of genital tuberculosis in women, why is it difficult to diagnose and what are the principles of treatment?
About the disease Example of fluorography of the lungs At first, a woman may not understand how fluorography is related to
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