LONGIDAZA: The woman’s health is under control!
In clinical practice, the postoperative period after hysteroscopy with removal of a polyp in the uterus or diagnostic
Aloe - medicinal properties for uterine fibroids, recipes
Aloe is not only a great houseplant, but also a wonderful healing agent with beneficial properties.
What should be the diet after hysterectomy surgery?
If a woman has been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, then treatment can take place in two ways. IN
Elastic warming therapeutic belt containing camel hair “LEONARDA”
Acute and chronic adnexitis - symptoms and methods of treatment (folk, suppositories)
Methods for treating adnexitis Therapy for adnexitis includes a complex of various measures - taking medications,
Uterine fibroids: is it possible to do fitness?
What is uterine fibroid and the reasons for its development? This pathology can have several varieties.
thrush during pregnancy chamomile
How to quickly get rid of thrush using chamomile
Thrush is a problem that most women are familiar with firsthand. And often an annoying fungus
Stage 1 breast cancer: treatment and prevention
Project for women facing cancer
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs as a result of mutation of glandular tissue cells.
How long can bleeding last after cleaning the uterus is normal?
Light pink discharge after scraping. How long does discharge last after cleaning the uterus?
What is uterine endometriosis? The endometrium consists of a functional layer that is shed during menstruation.
Endometrial cancer
What is stroma in gynecology. Structure and functions of the ovarian stroma. How does the process of endometrial sclerosis occur?
Endometrial stromal sclerosis is a concept that characterizes compaction (replacement with connective tissue) of the inner lining
Is fluid in the uterus, behind it, and in the fallopian tubes dangerous?
Causes of fluid accumulation Sometimes fluid behind the uterus appears due to an ectopic pregnancy, in this case
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