Pregnancy after cauterization of cervical erosion

The most common wounds are considered to be erosion. Therefore, such a formation on the cervix is ​​also considered the result of some kind of trauma, for example, after childbirth or sexual intercourse. Also, an examination by a gynecologist can also provoke illness if the doctor performed the procedures incorrectly. This disease often develops without symptoms. Therefore, it is not always possible to detect it in the first stages.

Often women have no idea about erosion. They have no idea about the causes and methods of treatment. This disease is a pathology on the cervix in the form of an ulcer. When a woman finds out about the presence of the disease, she has a question whether it is possible to plan the desired pregnancy.

The surface of the uterus is usually shiny, smooth and pale pink in color, while a bright red hue around the external cervical canal indicates disease. This disease is treated with cauterization. When can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion? It all depends on the method of treatment and the degree of development of the pathology.

Related article: how to cauterize cervical erosion

Is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion?

Gynecologists and their patients are clearly aware of the danger of delaying treatment of this pathology, since any change on the surface of the cervix can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor. This is why treatment begins immediately after diagnosis. The method of combating the disease is chosen by the doctor.

Menstruation after treatment by cauterization, as a rule, comes on time and does not have any differences. Bloody discharge that occurs after treatment should not be confused with menstruation. However, in some cases, after exposure to the cervix, changes in the menstrual cycle may be observed, which is normal. If the cycle does not recover within 2 months, it is worth visiting a gynecologist.

But the most important question is whether a woman can conceive a child after cauterization? Doctors have no doubt that reproductive function is not impaired after all the procedures and the patient is able to bear and give birth to her baby. Almost all medical interventions entail some consequences. Cauterization is no exception. A woman should know all the nuances and adhere to the rules so as not to harm her body.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion can be planned only after several months after treatment. This is important because after surgery the treated surface must heal completely. It is unacceptable to do anything that could disrupt the integrity of the cervix and cause bleeding.

It is common practice to cauterize cervical pathology using the latest devices. You can get pregnant after cauterizing the erosion. But it is important to prevent pregnancy for 3-6 months after the procedure so that the cervix can fully recover. Childbirth after cauterization can be difficult, as scars remain on the main female organ, making it difficult to open the cervix, although it all depends on the size of the lesion treated, the method of treatment and the professionalism of the doctor.

Get rid of factors that provoke erosion

Erosion itself does not pose any danger to a healthy woman. However, it is believed that large erosion can develop into a cancerous tumor. Therefore, it is highly advisable to treat it. As for the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion, doctors clearly answer that it is possible. Erosion has no effect on the process of conception, the advancement of the sperm to the egg and its fertilization.

But there is another side to the coin. If erosion is a consequence of any diseases or disorders in the body, then these diseases will serve as an obstacle to conception. Those. the possibility of conception is affected not by the damage to the mucous membrane itself, but by infections or inflammations that led to erosion. For example, if it is an infection in the vagina, then it can rise to the uterus and appendages and not only complicate conception, but also lead to infertility.

Is it necessary to treat the disease before conceiving a baby?

A woman who has been diagnosed with this begins to worry about whether she is able to give birth. Also, the question arises whether it is necessary to treat the pathology, or still plan a pregnancy with the disease. Of course, it is worth undergoing procedures to cauterize the pathology, because it can lead to bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy.

But you also shouldn’t start planning a pregnancy immediately after cauterization. Experts insist that after the operation at least six months pass before conception. Erosion often does not cause any harm. It does not lead to infertility, miscarriage or premature birth, but it should not be taken lightly, and it is better to prevent its development.

Erosion and conception

Most doctors are unanimous in their opinion that erosion does not affect conception in any way. If a woman is just planning to become a mother, then it is recommended to wait until conception. First cure this disease, and then plan conception. When the disease is discovered during pregnancy, it is better to postpone its treatment until after childbirth.

With cervical erosion, a woman, of course, can become pregnant, but in this case she needs to monitor the condition of the cervix. Since there is a small chance of erosion turning into cancer, you need to constantly see a gynecologist. This pathology definitely needs treatment when its area is too large or it provokes inflammation.

Many women ask whether it is possible to become pregnant after the process of cauterization of erosion. Doctors answer this question in the affirmative if there is no oncological process. Gynecologists advise getting pregnant only after a year after cauterization.

After treatment with gentle cauterization, scars, as a rule, do not remain on the neck. If the situation is unbearable and the area of ​​the abnormal surface of the cervix is ​​small, a woman who wants to get pregnant should not cauterize the erosion. By the way, the opinion that erosion can cause infertility, miscarriage and other negative consequences during pregnancy is false.

When can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion?

Before treatment, the patient undergoes all necessary tests. Based on the results of all the data, the doctor determines which method of treatment should be carried out. It all depends on the type of disease, the size of the pathology and the cause of development. The answer to the question of how long it will take to get pregnant after the cauterization procedure will only be possible when the exact method of combating the pathology is already known. Cervical injury is treated with surgery. But there are also conservative methods.


One of the safest and most popular methods is cryodestruction. The procedure involves the use of liquid nitrogen (a specialist freezes the tissue). But therapy has a drawback - the disease can reappear.

This procedure lasts no more than fifteen minutes. The woman feels virtually no pain. Cryodestruction is considered to be very effective and safe. Nitrogen freezes the damaged area, but does not damage healthy areas. Another huge advantage is that after such treatment there will be no scars.

Full recovery occurs after two months, but only a doctor can tell when to plan a pregnancy.

Radio wave coagulation

This procedure is a non-contact method of therapy. During radio wave treatment, the internal energy of cells is stimulated by electromagnetic oscillations of ultra-high frequency. As a result, damaged cells are destroyed and evaporated. The procedure is not accompanied by pain; it is recommended for nulliparous girls and those women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future.

You can conceive a child within three months after treatment.

Burning with radio waves can in rare cases cause bleeding. The patient must be prepared for such a procedure; she must maintain proper nutrition and take special medications. After treatment of large erosion, brown discharge is possible, which appears within a week. If the discharge continues longer, you should consult a doctor and possibly receive additional treatment.

Laser coagulation

Therapy with this modern method, which is also considered one of the safest ways to combat such a common disease. This treatment involves cauterizing the cervical erosion with a laser. This is a very effective treatment method, unlike other methods. This therapy is quite expensive; it is mainly carried out in private clinics, where expensive equipment is used. The impact on erosion is direct and targeted, with full control of the depth of destruction.

The method of such treatment is that the energy emitted by the laser turns into heat. The liquid that is in the tissues absorbs radiation. When energy is applied to the affected tissue, the cellular fluid begins to instantly boil and evaporate. The main advantages of treating cervical erosion with a laser are that healing occurs quickly and there are practically no consequences.

Also, you can plan to conceive within a month after therapy.

But experts do not recommend treating girls who have not yet given birth in this way.

Chemical coagulation

If the patient has a small pathology, the gynecologist chooses chemical coagulation. In this case, special preparations and agents are selected that are applied to the damaged area. But treatment does not end with one visit to the doctor. All manipulations must be repeated about six times.

You can start conceiving after four months of rehabilitation.

But in this case it cannot be guaranteed that the disease will be completely cured. The recovery period is short, no scars remain. It is worth noting that such treatment is only possible in the absence of all kinds of pelvic infections.


This procedure is the most unpleasant and painful. It entails many complications. Treatment using this method cannot be carried out on girls who have not yet given birth. This procedure always leaves scars that narrow the cervical canal. This can lead to cervical rupture during childbirth.

After treating the pathology with electric current, you can not get pregnant soon.

Complete healing occurs only after five weeks.

Before conception, you need to undergo an examination, and only then will you know whether you can plan a pregnancy.

It follows from this that electrocoagulation should be carried out only in the most extreme cases:

  • the presence of damage to the membrane;
  • inability to determine the transition zone between healthy and eroded cells;
  • repeated period of illness.

Electrocoagulation is considered an outdated method. Modern technologies and the advent of laser therapy influence the fact that more and more gynecologists stop performing electrocoagulation and choose new methods, since after them there is a very minimal risk of complications.

Is fertilization possible in the presence of pathology?

Cervical erosion most often appears during childbearing age.
The cause of the wound can be hormonal imbalance, sexually transmitted infections, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, and so on. Doctors can often confuse true erosion and pseudo-formation. To clarify the diagnosis, colposcopy is prescribed. Only after this can we talk about the need for treatment.

Cervical erosion is any damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix. Outwardly, it looks like a wound or a red spot on the epithelium. The causes of damage may be:

  • mechanical impact, including disruption of the mucous membrane during childbirth and abortion;
  • chemical exposure;
  • developmental anomalies;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • decreased immunity;
  • genital infections and inflammations;
  • promiscuous sex life.

As a rule, if the erosion is small, it does not manifest itself in any way and is diagnosed by chance at an appointment with a gynecologist. With large erosions, a woman may observe:

  1. Pain during sexual intercourse.
  2. Small bloody discharge between periods or after sexual intercourse.
  3. Other copious discharge (leucorrhoea, mucus or pus).

The erosion itself, without any complications, does not affect conception in any way and does not interfere with getting pregnant and bearing a child. It does not affect infertility, miscarriage and cannot provoke premature birth. Almost any woman can become pregnant with this disease. An exception occurs only when cervical erosion is caused by a severe hormonal imbalance or a sexually transmitted disease, which subsequently leads to the development of connective adhesions and infertility.

Erosion is an ideal place for the development of various viruses and bacteria during sexual activity. According to doctors, it is erosion in an advanced form that serves as an impetus for the development of cervical cancer.

Does cervical erosion interfere with fertilization?

Experts say that the mucosal defect does not affect reproductive function. In fact, it is quite common for a woman to find out about the presence of erosion during a pregnancy examination with a gynecologist.

The presence of erosion cannot lead to infertility or miscarriage. But this can be caused by infectious diseases or hormonal imbalances, which are often the cause of erosion.

How does childbirth and pregnancy proceed after treatment?

Doctors often find that the disease is asymptomatic in young women. But the pathology can cause bleeding during pregnancy. Main symptoms include back pain, malaise and headaches. Therefore, before conceiving, it is advisable to get rid of the pathology. But in this case, there are also some nuances. No complications were observed during pregnancy after treatment of the disease. But during childbirth, difficulties may arise due to scars on the cervix, which prevent the full opening of the organ.

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