For what cough do you take Ascoril: instructions for using the tablet

A common cough does not always go away on its own. In some cases, even traditional methods do not help, and you have to resort to medications. One of such effective and efficient

medicinal compositions aimed at combating cough is Ascoril.

In this article we will tell you when and for what kind of cough it is recommended to take this composition, before or after meals, whether this medicine has analogues, and we will give valuable advice regarding the use of this drug in patients with various diseases and different age categories.

Ascoril - indications for use

If you experience symptoms of a cold, you should consult a doctor for treatment. He can prescribe several drugs, but Ascoril is considered the most popular of all. This is an effective remedy that has a comprehensive effect on improving the patient’s condition. The medicine is used as a combination therapy for acute or chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, which are accompanied by difficult separation of viscous, thick sputum.

When Ascoril is prescribed, the instructions for use dictate the following indications:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis of tracheal and obstructive types;
  • pneumonia, whooping cough in a child;
  • emphysema, pneumoconiosis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

The drug contains 3 active ingredients:

  • Bromhexine is a mucolytic agent, dilutes pulmonary secretions, promotes rapid sputum discharge;
  • salbutamol – stimulates beta receptors in the bronchi and blood vessels, eliminates spasms, increases vital capacity and ease, promotes dilatation of arteries in the heart;
  • Guaifenesin is a mucolytic agent that increases the volume of sputum with the simultaneous destruction of sulfide-type bonds in mucopolysaccharides, causes the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi to work more actively, which improves the discharge of sputum.

Askoril for children

Ascoril works effectively for bronchitis in children who may suffer from the disease if a dry cough is not treated in a timely manner. The drug speeds up the treatment process, increases the lungs' resistance to infection, and improves sputum separation due to the combination of three effective active ingredients. A child can take syrup or, after a certain age, tablets. The price for them is approximately the same.

Ascoril for adults

Ascoril is no less effectively used for adults, who can treat the same bronchitis with it, even acute and chronic. The remedy helps with difficulty breathing, wheezing, and facilitates the passage of viscous secretions from the lungs during pneumonia and tuberculosis. For asthmatics, the medicine is useful for mild and colds, as part of complex therapy. According to the instructions, adults are prescribed the tablet form.

The mechanism of action of Salbutamol for cough

Cough medicines with Salbutamol
The appearance of a cough is the first sign of a respiratory system disorder. It is a protective mechanism that is triggered when an irritating factor enters the airways. These may be foreign bodies, large amounts of dust, infectious agents, various chemicals, or an immune response to an allergic agent. The nature of the cough can be dry or wet, and vary in timbre and intensity.

During this process, a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchial tree occurs, the so-called bronchospasm. Smooth muscles contract, preventing pathogens from entering the deeper parts of the lungs.

Salbutamol is a typical representative of bronchodilators - drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi and ensure normal air flow to the alveoli. It has this effect due to its ability to act on β2-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. It reduces resistance and increases vital capacity of the lungs, thus eliminating shortness of breath and cough.

This drug has a fast but short-term effect. As a rule, when used by inhalation, the effect occurs within 5 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours. In the case of using tablet forms of release, the onset of action slows down to 2-3 hours due to the gradual dissolution and absorption of the substance from the gastrointestinal tract.

Action of Ascoril

Due to the combination of 3 active substances, this is how Ascoril works - the instructions for its use read as follows:

  • elimination of bronchial spasm;
  • increased lung capacity;
  • decreased airway resistance;
  • facilitating the removal of sputum with a preliminary increase in its volume;
  • does not affect blood pressure, which can occur with analogues.
  • Ascorutin - instructions for use. What do Ascorutin tablets help children and adults, reviews and price
  • ACC - instructions for use for coughs in children and adults
  • Cough medicine Fluifort for children and adults - composition and release form, dosage and contraindications

For what cough do you take Ascoril?

Doctors write a prescription for Ascoril for dry coughs, since it prevents it from turning into a wet type, which is more difficult and longer to treat. The drug is used both for coughs caused by colds and symptoms of more complex diseases - pneumonia, whooping cough, chronic abnormalities in the functioning of the lungs or bronchial system. You should not prescribe the medicine yourself - the doctor will take into account all the patient’s characteristics and prescribe how many days to take the medicine.

Operating principle

The influence of Ascoril on the human body is due to the therapeutic effect of each of its components:

  • Salbutamol has the ability to relax smooth muscles located in the walls of the bronchi by stimulating adrenergic receptors. Thanks to this action, the medicine eliminates spasm of the bronchial tree or prevents its occurrence. Since salbutamol affects beta 2 adrenergic receptors, among the effects caused by taking Ascoril there is not only relaxation of the bronchi and improvement of their patency, but also dilation of blood vessels. This component also has a positive effect on lung capacity.
  • The main effect of bromhexine is mucolytic. This ingredient in Ascoril helps with coughs, making sputum less thick and also increasing its volume. In addition, this compound activates the ciliated epithelium in the bronchi. As a result, mucus leaves the bronchial tree faster (it is better expectorated).
  • The effect of guaifenesin is also to reduce the viscosity of sputum and increase its quantity. Also, this component of the drug activates the areas of the bronchi responsible for removing mucus from the bronchial tree.
  • Menthol added to Ascoril syrup is also noted to have the ability to relax the bronchi and soothe coughs. This component helps to activate the secretion of glands in the bronchial tree and also has an antiseptic effect.

Ascoril syrup - instructions for use

A convenient form is Ascoril cough syrup - the instructions for use of which allow you to take the product without age restrictions. The drug has the form of a transparent orange liquid with a viscous texture and a specific odor. Per 10 ml contains 2 mg of salbutamol, 4 mg of bromhexine and 100 mg of guaifenesin.

Additionally, the composition includes sweeteners, flavors, and water. Available in 100 and 200 ml formats in dark bottles with a measuring cap, the prices for which vary. According to the instructions, adults are prescribed a triple dose of syrup, 10 ml per day, but according to a doctor’s prescription and indications that he deems necessary, the dose can be increased. The course of treatment lasts until the main symptoms of cough disappear.

Features of the composition and produced forms

The medicine "Ascoril" is such an effective cough remedy because it contains ideally selected active substances. Components such as bromhexine hydrochloride, salbutamol sulfate and guaifenesin are considered effective. However, in addition to these components, the composition can also contain auxiliary substances such as talc, magnesium stearate, corn starch, as well as calcium hydrogen phosphate and silicon dioxide.

At the same time, the instructions for Ascoril describe it as a product produced in the form of syrup and tablets intended for oral use. The pills are placed in blisters, ten pieces each. But the blisters themselves are already packed in cardboard packages. Each package will contain one, two or five blisters. The tablets themselves are painted white and have a dividing strip on one side.

Doctors do not recommend the tablet form for children under six years of age, as there is a huge risk of overdose. In this case, it is best to use syrup intended for internal use. The product can be purchased in a bottle of one hundred milliliters. The liquid is colored orange, and at the same time has a rather pleasant taste and smell. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the baby to accept it.

Ascoril syrup contains exactly the same active substances as the tablet form. However, in this case, calculating the dosage for the baby will be much easier. In addition to active substances, the liquid also contains additional components, such as sodium benzoate, glycerol, citric acid, flavorings, polysaccharide and dyes.

Ascoril - instructions for use for children

It is recommended for the child to use Ascoril for children, which, according to the instructions, can be prescribed in syrup form without any age limit, and in tablets - from 6 years of age. The syrup has a sweet fruity taste, so the child will be treated with pleasure. To use it up to 6 years it costs 15 ml, divided into three doses, up to 12 years - the dosage is reduced to 10 ml, but is taken once, and children after 12 years can take it 30 ml, divided by all those three times. Tablets are taken half a piece three times a day up to 12 years of age, after this age - a full dose.

  • Description of the drug Ceraxon - composition, release form, indications for children and adults, side effects and price
  • Instructions for use of the drug Sinekod for cough
  • Stoptussin - instructions for use. Stoptussin cough tablets, syrup and drops for children and adults

Combination with other drugs

When treating, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Medicinal substances included in the same group with the active component salbutamol (for example, Ventolin, Berotek, Serevent, etc.), as well as Theophylline, increase the effect of salbutamol, which can lead to an overdose
    and a negative reaction of the body.
  • Drugs that have a diuretic effect (Solumedrol, Diprospan, Nasonex, etc.) enhance the ability of the active ingredient to reduce the concentration of potassium in the blood.
  • The drug in question is not prescribed to patients taking MAO inhibitors.
  • It is forbidden to take Ascoril
    together with other medicinal substances that contain codeine (this makes it difficult for sputum to come out, making syrup and tablets less effective).
  • It is not recommended to use together with adrenergic blockers.
  • Can be taken together with antibiotics; the active component Bromhexidine promotes better penetration of antibiotics into the lungs.


Do not exceed the permissible daily intake of the drug; you should not take tablets and syrup for more than one week: this may contribute to an overdose in the human body.

Askoril instructions

According to the annotations and reviews, it is undesirable to combine the use of Ascoril with sympathomimetic drugs and theophylline, because this increases the risk of increasing the side effects of all drugs. The drug has negative compatibility with codeine. It is forbidden to combine the product with alcohol or alkaline drinks. With the combined use of antibiotics and Ascoril, the former penetrate the lung tissue more strongly and quickly.

An overdose of the drug is possible; its symptoms are similar to side effects. It does not require elimination in the form of a special antidote, so it is treated symptomatically. The tablet form has no storage restrictions, except for the recommendation indicated on the instructions, but the syrup should be stored away from direct sun, preferably at room temperature no higher than 27 degrees and no lower than 17. To buy the product at the pharmacy, you need a prescription.

When to take Ascoril

The instructions for use do not say whether to drink Ascoril before or after meals, since it does not matter. The remedy is not tied to food intake. There is also no difference when it is better to take the prescribed form of the medicine by the hour. You can determine for yourself whether it is more convenient for you to take tablets or give syrup to your child in the morning, afternoon or evening. Efficiency will not suffer from this.

How to take Ascoril

Before starting a course of treatment, find out exactly how to drink Ascoril. It is taken orally with the tablets with plain cool water, and the syrup without washing down. Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take three tablets daily three times a day or replace this intake with 10 ml of syrup, which is equal to approximately 2 teaspoons. Up to 12 years of age, take half a tablet or similar 10 ml of syrup. Up to 6 years only syrup is indicated - a teaspoon three times a day.


There are three active ingredients in Ascoril syrup:

  1. . It is presented in a dosage of 2 mg per 10 ml of medication.
  2. . In 10 milliliters of syrup, this ingredient in the form of hydrochloride contains 4 mg.
  3. Guaifenesin. 10 ml of the drug contains 100 mg of this substance.

The active ingredients in Ascoril tablets are the same, but in addition, to obtain a solid form, propylparaben, Mg stearate, purified talc, Ca hydrophosphate, corn starch, methylparaben and silicon dioxide were added to the drug.

You might find this video useful, in which Dr. Komarovsky talks in detail about such a common childhood ailment as cough:

Analogue of Ascoril

Along with the use of the drug, patients may be interested in Ascoril and its analogues, which sometimes differ in price by several times. There is no complete analogue of this medicine, but here are some types that have approximately the same composition and effect, and therefore can be used instead:

  1. Lazolvan is a syrup that has an active ingredient and a wide range of uses. Unlike Ascoril, it stimulates the ventilation properties of the lungs and their components, and is used at every stage of a cold, while Ascoril can only be used for dry coughs. It is possible to take medications at the same time, but it is not economical. It's worth choosing one thing. Their prices are approximately the same.
  2. Ambrobene, a mixture very similar in action, is an expectorant. You can buy it inexpensively. Also available in tablets.
  3. ACC - tablets with expectorant and mucolytic effects with a different composition. Cheaper than analogue.
  4. Erespal is the closest analogue. Suspension and tablet form, but their price is higher.

Drug interactions

The liquid texture drug consists of the following active ingredients:

  • bromhexine;
  • salbutamol;
  • guaifenesin;
  • menthol.

The tablet form of the drug consists of the following active ingredients:

  • Bromhexine hydrochloride;
  • guaifenesin;
  • salbutamol

All components complement each other, due to which the effect of the drug is enhanced.

The drug is available in 2 forms:

  • pills;
  • syrup.

Tablets (white, flat, round, film-coated) are packaged in blisters of 10 or 20 pcs. in cardboard packs.

The syrup looks like an orange liquid with a pleasant aroma and taste. A bottle of dark glass or plastic, 100 or 200 ml. There is a measuring cup on top of the aluminum lid. The bottle itself is packaged in cardboard boxes.

If Ascoril is taken together with antimicrobial drugs (erythromycin, cephalexin, tetracycline), then a substance such as bromhexine can enhance their effect.

Ascoril, a medicinal drug in the form of syrup for children, is prohibited from being taken simultaneously with non-selective beta-andreceptor blockers ("Propranolol", "Anaprilin"), otherwise a substance like salbutamol may lose its effect, and the side effects will only intensify, which can be learned from reviews.

It is forbidden to drink the syrup with alkaline drinks (mineral water), or take it together with other mucolytic drugs (for example, Codelac, Sinekod, Libexin, Tusuprex, Dimemorphan), otherwise sputum discharge will be difficult.

Do not use medicinal syrup together with Pirlindol, Moclobemide, Nialamid and other monoamine oxidases (MAO). You cannot use syrup together with medications such as Prednisolone, Lasix, Furosemide, otherwise a potassium deficiency will form in the body, which will lead to difficulties and the development of pathologies of the cardiac system.

  • If Ascoril is used together with other drugs that act on the same adrenergic receptors, for example, with Berodual, Anaprilin, Ventolin, Propranolol or Clenbuterol, then their therapeutic effect will increase, but the side effects will be more pronounced.
  • Prescribing Ascoril together with glucocorticoids or diuretics will provoke a decrease in potassium levels in the blood.
  • The drug should not be combined with antidepressants, which are classified as MAOIs.
  • The simultaneous use of Ascoril and antitussive medications (especially those based on codeine) will interfere with sputum production and worsen the child’s condition.
  • The addition of Ascoril to treatment with Macropen, Cefazolin and some other antibiotics will promote greater penetration of such antimicrobial agents into the lung tissue.

Contraindications for Ascoril

When taking the prescribed medication, it is worth considering in detail the contraindications of Ascoril. The use of the medicine is prohibited under the following factors:

  • increased sensitivity to components;
  • cardiac dysfunction: tachyarrhythmia, myocarditis, defect;
  • diabetes mellitus of decompensated type;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute stage;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 6 years – for tablet form;
  • simultaneous use of beta blockers.

According to the instructions, with caution and under constant medical supervision, you can take the drug for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer during the remission phase.

At what age is it allowed to take it?

In pediatrics, Ascoril in syrup form is used in children over 1 year of age. At 6 months and other ages up to one year, this medicine is not prescribed. But even if the child is older, for example, he is already 3 years old, the use of Ascoril syrup should be very careful.

If the drug is given for a wet cough, the excess phlegm that forms in the respiratory tract will only worsen the baby’s condition. But with a dry cough, when the mucus in the bronchi is too thick and viscous, Ascoril will be an effective help (it will make the cough productive). As for Ascoril tablets, they are not given until the age of 6.

Ascoril - side effects

After an overdose or if the body is hypersensitive to the composition, there is an option that the following side effects of Ascoril will develop:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • sleep problems;
  • trembling of the limbs, cramps in the legs;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • attack of peptic ulcer;
  • increased heart rate, bronchospasms;
  • collapse;
  • allergic type reactions - skin rash, urticaria, in severe cases anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, hay fever develops;
  • urine becomes pink.

Pharmacological properties

Thanks to 4 active components, the following action occurs:

  1. Bromhexine: has an anti-cough effect, helps with expectoration, thins mucus and speeds up its removal from the body.
  2. Guaifenesin: reduces the viscosity of mucus, is absorbed after 30 minutes, and is an indispensable active ingredient for respiratory diseases.
  3. Salbutamol: relaxes muscles, protects against bronchospasms, has a stimulating effect on beta-adrenergic receptors.
  4. Menthol: has a relaxing effect on the bronchi, makes the cough calm, has a stimulating effect on the bronchi and disinfects them. Able to reduce pain due to a slight cooling effect.

Price of Ascoril

After your doctor prescribes a prescription, you should find out how much Ascoril costs. The drug can be ordered from an online pharmacy at a reduced cost, or you can contact your usual pharmaceutical department, where the price will be higher. The approximate cost will be as follows:

Release form Volume Price on the Internet, rubles Price at the pharmacy, rubles
Syrup 100 ml 319 350
200 ml 441 470
Pills 10 pieces. 267 290
20 pcs. 360 400
50 pcs. 821 900


Analogues are cheaper - this is what patients to whom the doctor prescribed this drug think. However, regardless of the cost of the drug, it is important to understand: the main task of analogues is to obtain a similar therapeutic effect. In this case, the body should not be harmed. Many people forget about this. Indeed, in addition to the active ingredients, any drug contains excipients to which the patient may be allergic. Also, do not forget that various analogues may interact with other medications.

included in the course of treatment in different ways.

In addition, the selected analogue does not always turn out to be cheaper. Prices in pharmacies change: quite often an inexpensive analogue is selected on the day of purchase. This is a completely wrong approach!


You should not select and take analogues without the approval of your doctor!

For a very long time, Ascoril had no structural analogues.
Today, pharmacies offer three Indian-made drugs - complete structural analogues of Ascoril: Cashnol, Joset and Lorkof. All these drugs are available in the form of syrup, 100 ml, and cost between 160–200 rubles

(which is about 1.5–2 times cheaper than the medicine discussed in this article).

In addition, you can take cheaper medicines with an expectorant effect. The cheapest of them is pertussin (almost 8 times cheaper). Such popular syrups as Lazolvan, Stoptussin, Erespal, Doctor Mom are sold at almost identical prices. More inexpensive analogues include Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Broncholitin and Codelac Broncho tablets.


The price of Ascoril depends on the form of release: the cheapest are tablets (10 pieces) - approximately 180 rubles, the most expensive is 200 ml syrup (the price reaches 500 rubles in some pharmacies). Of course, prices are not final and (if you look) you can find cheaper ones.

Side effects

If side effects occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug by contacting the hospital for help. Such manifestations include conditions such as:

  • headache, increased excitability, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance, tremor, convulsions;
  • drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • exacerbation of an ulcer (if any);
  • rapid heartbeat, sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • urticaria, rash, swelling, redness of the skin, collapse.

If side effects occur, it is necessary to carry out treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms.

There have been no reports of overdose. If this condition occurs, the patient experiences increased side effects. To eliminate symptoms, treatment should be based on symptoms.

Release form and chemical composition

Ascoril is available in the form of tablets and syrup.

Ascoril cough tablets are white, flat, round, and contain:

  • Salbutamol sulfate 2 milligrams;
  • bromhexine hydrochloride 8 milligrams;
  • guaifenesin 100 milligrams.

Ascoril cough syrup is orange in color and contains:

  • salbutamol sulfate 2 mg/5 ml;
  • bromhexine hydrochloride 4 mg/5 ml;
  • guaifenesin 100 mg/5 ml;
  • menthol 1 mg/5 ml.

Other Ingredients: Flavors, sucrose, sodium benzoate, sorbitol, glycerin, propylene glycol, sunset yellow color, purified water.

Terms of sale and storage

The cost of standard syrup in Russian pharmacies is three hundred rubles. As for bottles with a volume of 200 milliliters, they will cost about four hundred rubles. Immediately before going to the pharmacy, you must obtain a prescription from your doctor for Ascoril.

The storage location for Ascoril should be a ventilated, dry room away from sunlight. This medication should not be kept where it can be easily reached by a small child. The air temperature in the selected room should not exceed twenty-five degrees. Ascoril syrup has a shelf life of two years.

Now let's move on to the reviews of parents and pediatricians and find out what they write about the use of the drug "Ascoril" for the treatment of children.

Who is prescribed and contraindications

If the medicine is prescribed as a single drug, then its main purpose is to eliminate or prevent bronchospasms in the following pathologies:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • emphysema and obstructive pulmonary disease.

The substance does not affect sputum and does not change its consistency. Light expectoration is accomplished by expanding the lumen of the respiratory tract.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to combine it with mucolytics, for example, bromhexine, ambroxol and others.

The medicine has an impressive list of diseases for which its use is prohibited.

These include:

  • epilepsy;
  • severe liver or kidney failure;
  • increased thyroid function (thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism);
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • congenital and acquired diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, malformations, ischemia, aortic stenosis, myocarditis, all kinds of heart rhythm disturbances).

Such medications are prohibited during pregnancy, in early childhood under 2 years of age, and in the presence of allergies.

Cough syrup Ascoril

Ascoril is a bronchodilator and expectorant medication that contains guaifenesin, bromhexine and salbutamol. Salbutamol has a stimulating effect on receptors that are located in the bronchi, blood vessels and uterus. Due to such receptors, the vital capacity of the lungs is established and normal dilatation of the heart arteries occurs. Bromhexine is responsible for diluting lung fluid and accelerating the process of its elimination. Guaifenesin is a mucolytic, helps to increase sputum in the lungs, and also activates the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, due to which sputum is expelled in a timely manner.

For what cough can Ascoril be used?

This pharmacological group can be used for both dry and wet coughs. It is worth noting that most often this drug is prescribed for the treatment of dry cough, as it contains guainesin, which helps to increase and remove pulmonary phlegm. Ascoril cough syrup is well suited for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by a severe cough. These are diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and others.

Ascoril for dry cough - method of application

On average, the therapeutic dosage for administration is only 10 ml of syrup three times a day. Depending on the disease, the dose may be increased, since the minimum dose is 30 ml per day for an adult. For the treatment of cough in children under 12 years of age, the average dosage is 15-20 ml per day. That is, take no more than 7 ml three times a day. Before starting use, you should consult a doctor, as this drug may be inappropriate for the treatment of a particular disease. The recommended dose of use can be adjusted by the attending physician throughout the course of treatment.

Side effects of the drug

Ascoril for cough, like all other medications, can cause side effects depending on intolerance to some of the components. Patients may experience sleep disturbances, headaches, nervousness and frequent limb cramps. As for the digestive organs, there may be an exacerbation of gastric or duodenal ulcers if the disease is chronic. Sometimes changes in kidney tests occur and manifestations of dyspepsia are observed.

Allergic reactions can often occur, for example, changes in facial skin color, changes in the color of urine and spasmodic phenomena of the bronchi in the form of shortness of breath. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps treatment with Ascoril will need to be completed by replacing it with something else.

Contraindications for use

The cough medicine Ascoril may have not only side effects, but also some contraindications. As a rule, such reactions should be determined by a doctor during an examination. Most often, simple intolerance to some of the components occurs. If patients have problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, then Ascoril is not recommended to be taken to treat cough. It could be:

  • arrhythmia;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • myocarditis;
  • arterial hypertension.

You should also not take Ascoril if you have endocrine disorders. These include diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism. Ascoril as a cough remedy is strictly forbidden to be taken during pregnancy, since the threat to the health of the fetus may be greater than the expected results from treatment.>

In what cases is it used?

Ascoril is used for the treatment, control, prevention and improvement of the following diseases and symptoms. Ascoril is prescribed for cough in cases of the following diseases and conditions:

Ascoril is used for bronchial asthma

  • dry cough with difficulty producing sputum;
  • breathing problems, chest tightness;
  • cold;
  • sinusitis;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic and acute bronchitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • atelectasis;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • bronchospastic and others.

Ascoril should only be used for the purposes specified in the product information section.

Improvement occurs a few days after starting to take the drug. The drug begins to act 25 minutes after oral administration.

Side effects and oversaturation of the body with the drug

It is known that with any drug treatment there is always a negative effect of the components of the drug on the patient’s health. What can we say, even natural remedies harm something in our body.

Due to inattention to the composition and contraindications for the use of Cashnol syrup, which were indicated in the instructions, the following negative manifestations may occur:

  • frequent dizziness, headaches, migraines;
  • rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure;
  • convulsions, tremors;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • nausea and stomach upset;
  • sleep and consciousness disorders;
  • nervousness and depression;
  • allergic reactions in the form of rash and urticaria;
  • collapses;
  • change in the color of urinary fluid;
  • paradoxical bronchospasm.

There have been no cases of overdose, but there are analogues of Cashnol syrup for those who do not want to take risks, are not sure of the need for treatment with this drug, and simply for those for whom it is not suitable for some other reason.

One of the alternatives, Ascoril expectorant, has an almost identical composition and is also prescribed for whooping cough.

However, remember: self-medication even with the most harmless means can be fraught with serious consequences, so you should trust the staff of medical institutions and take into account the recommendations of certified people

Instructions, exceeding recommended doses, side effects

Medicines are used approximately as follows:

  1. Adults. 2 – 4 mg of the substance 3 times. per day. Sometimes an increase to 8 mg is possible.
  2. 6 – 12 years. 2 mg. 3 – 4 r.
  3. 26 years. 1 – 2 mg. 3 – 4 r.

Please note that the dosage is determined based on the active substance, not the syrup, since the concentration differs from different manufacturers.

It is necessary to adhere to this regimen, regardless of whether it is a solution, tablets or injections.

An overdose can lead to serious consequences and often death. Since the main component negatively affects cardiac activity and can cause bronchospasm, causing suffocation.

Such a patient is urgently hospitalized for symptomatic therapy.

Sometimes even the use of adequate doses can lead to the following negative conditions:

  • trembling in the limbs;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • anxiety, nervousness, depression;
  • arthralgia;
  • chest pain;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • arrhythmias;
  • increased excitability of babies.

During an overdose, these side effects are most pronounced.

Cashnola price, where to buy

Usually the price of Cashnol syrup (100 ml) does not exceed 200 rubles.

Online pharmacies in Russia Russia

Education: Graduated from Nikolaev National University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky, received a specialist diploma with honors in the specialty “Embryologist, cytologist, histologist”. Also, she completed a master’s degree in “Human and Animal Physiology, Biology Teacher.” Completed the course in the discipline “Pharmacology” with honors.

Work experience: Worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Nikolaev National University. V. A. Sukhomlinsky in 2010 - 2011

Ekaterina: I gave a 3.5-year-old child 15 kg as prescribed by a doctor for ARVI, 0.5 tablets after meals.

Amina Kretova: Ginkoum is an excellent drug for increased fatigue! its composition is very good.

TOO: “poorly soluble in water, but forms crystal hydrates” WHAT.

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The site administration and the authors of the articles are not responsible for any losses and consequences that may arise when using the site materials.


Ascoril has expectorant, bronchodilator and mucolytic effects.


When salbutamol enters the body, it has a stimulating effect on beta2-adrenergic receptors of blood vessels, myometrium and bronchi. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate spasm from the respiratory system and remove phlegm.


Guaifenesin is used as a mucolytic. Its action is aimed at stimulating the secretory functions of the bronchial mucosa. This allows you to reduce the viscosity of mucus, which is necessary for its good removal from the respiratory tract.


Bromhexine provides an expectorant effect, increases the serous component of bronchial secretions and increases the activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium. Thanks to the combination of active components, it is possible to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, which allows you to quickly get rid of cough at any stage of the disease.

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pharmachologic effect

The drug Ascoril improves the patient’s condition by performing the following functions:

  • Has a temporary analgesic effect.
  • Relaxes and opens the airways.
  • Reduces the amount of phlegm.
  • Blocks the production of histamine, which is associated with allergic reactions in the body.
  • It has a positive effect on bronchospasms, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.
  • Helps get rid of cough.

Release format

"Ascoril" is produced in the form of syrup, which is packaged in containers of 100 or 200 milliliters. The medicine is an orange transparent liquid that tastes good and has a specific aroma. They also produce a solid form of the medication, which is tablets. One package contains ten, twenty or fifty pills.

There are a lot of reviews about Ascoril syrup for children.

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