Foreign body inhalation
Diagnostic bronchoscopy: what is it and how does it work?
What is bronchoscopy and why is it needed? Bronchoscopy of the lungs - a pulmonological method of studying
Gases in the intestines: causes and how to get rid of them
Accumulation of gases in the intestines: causes and methods of treatment
Recently, problems in the operation of one of the most important human systems have become particularly relevant.
Not enough air when breathing
Why do you feel like you're short of air when you inhale?
Many people know what it means when there is not enough air when breathing: the reasons can be
What a sour taste in the mouth may mean: how to fix the problem
Let's try to figure out what causes the sour taste in the mouth. Let's look at the main reasons
Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities can be superficial and deep
Thrombophlebitis: first signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Medical Consultant Vessels and Heart Thrombophlebitis: first signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment What is thrombophlebitis?
Why does a feeling of nausea appear, but does not vomit? How to relieve nausea
Each of us has ever had a moment when there was a feeling of nausea. Most often the reason
Heaviness in the chest
4 Essential Principles for Treating Respiratory Failure
Acute respiratory failure (ARF) is a severe condition characterized by a drop in oxygen levels in the blood.
How to treat thromboembolism of small branches of the pulmonary artery and what are the symptoms (signs) of pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of an artery that transports venous blood from the heart to the
Reduxin for weight loss: description, contraindications, reviews
Losing weight without much effort is the dream of many people. It's easy to gain extra pounds, but...
If there is pain in the middle of the sternum when inhaling and it is difficult to breathe
Pain in the sternum in the middle left, right, pressing, aching, dull, sharp, strong. Reasons and what to do
Causes of appearance There are physiological and pathological causes of pain in the chest. The main factors that
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