Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis symptoms and treatment methods
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an irreversible neurodegenerative disease characterized by primary damage to the upper and
Odeston - instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of tablets
The drug "Odeston": indications for use, instructions, composition, analogues, reviews
Gallbladder diseases are not uncommon these days. A huge number of people addressed to you
Cartilage is healthy and affected by arthrosis
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint - symptoms and treatment regimen
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is the deformation and destruction of cartilage tissue. The disease has a chronic degenerative
Release form
Vitamin E: side effects, instructions for use, daily dose
Release form and composition All this information must be available to monitor possible side effects
Inflammation of the gallbladder
Gallbladder disease. Medicines and treatment with folk remedies
Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder is a pathology that occurs against the background of prolonged stagnation of bile or
character of cough
Cough syrups - a review of effective expectorants, antitussives and anti-inflammatory drugs
Cough syrup is an oral medication that suppresses the cough reflex or stimulates
All about hypertensive crisis: causes, symptoms and treatment
High blood pressure (BP) affects many people around the world. Improper treatment of hypertension, stress,
What to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, how to provide first aid?
Category: Chemical poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common poisonings. It arises due to
Why are your feet cold: traditional methods of treatment and useful tips
Usually people do not pay attention to the condition of cold feet or do not pay much attention to it.
Eutirox - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms tablets 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 100 mcg, 125 mcg and 150 mcg of a hormonal drug for the treatment of hypothyroidism and goiter in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition and alcohol
Eutirox: contraindications, side effects, reviews of the drug
According to WHO research, thyroid diseases occupy the second position among the most common endocrine disorders,
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