Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus - what it is, signs, symptoms in women and men, treatment, prognosis
Diabetes insipidus is a fairly rare endocrine disease that occurs as a result of relative or absolute insufficiency of vasopressin.
Lumbar scoliosis
Causes of scoliosis of the lumbar spine
One of the most common types of scoliosis is lumbar scoliosis. The main risk group is employees
Bradycardia of the heart - what is it, causes, symptoms and treatment, prevention
Heart rhythm disturbances can manifest as sinus bradycardia. What is this we will try
Walnut: benefits and harm - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on shells and partitions), especially for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews
Home » Recipes and preparations Recipes and preparations Vladimir Serchenko 2 comments Useful properties
Hawthorn - beneficial properties and contraindications, 8 recipes for treatment
Beneficial properties of hawthorn, for what diseases are the berries used?
For hundreds of years, hawthorn, beneficial properties and contraindications, have been used to treat various diseases. WITH
trophic ulcers as a complication of diabetes
Trophic ulcers on the legs: treatment of wounds on the right and left shins
Causes Ulcers form against the background of tissue hypoxia caused by disturbances of microcirculation, metabolism and innervation
How dangerous is an increase in platelets in the human body?
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.08.09 18 416 Platelets Adults know what they are
How to take Diflucan for men?
Diflucan: composition, release form, side effects, analogues, reviews
A disease such as thrush is considered to be a female disease. But few people know that genital candidiasis
What are the reasons for the appearance of a yellow coating on the tongue and how to eliminate it?
Reasons for the appearance of yellow plaque on the tongue and methods for its elimination
The tongue reflects the state of the organs involved in the digestive system. Changes in the color and structure of its mucosa
How to get rid of heartburn at home
Effective methods for getting rid of heartburn at home
Heartburn is an unpleasant problem that every second person faces. It manifests itself as a burning sensation
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