Loss of sensation in the right hand during sleep may be due to an incorrectly selected pillow or an uncomfortable position of the body during sleep.
Why does my right hand go numb? The causes of the phenomenon from simple to dangerous, as well as their treatment
General information In our difficult times, when the work of most men and women constantly requires
signs of hyperthyroidism in women
“Hyperthyroidism in women: symptoms of the disease and characteristic changes in blood tests”
Do you know the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland becomes
Diet for high cholesterol: table, menu for the week
Features of nutrition for hypercholesterolemia Fractional nutrition. The main principle is to eat even when you don’t.
Low blood pressure in women: main causes, symptoms and treatment of hypotension in young and elderly women
Low blood pressure accompanies the lives of modern people. Patients simply do not pay attention to its symptoms,
Third stage of alcoholism
Alcohol addiction is... Symptoms, stages of alcoholism, treatment methods, reviews
Many people use alcohol, as they put it, “to warm up.” Indeed, under the influence of alcohol, vessels
Yarrow: beneficial properties and contraindications.
The long-known beneficial properties and contraindications of yarrow are of interest to adherents of traditional healing methods. With proper
Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is becoming common today. Thoracic osteochondrosis is less common
Instructions for use of Tsindol for newborns
Tsindol is one of the most common and universal drugs to combat any rash.
How to diagnose and treat pulmonary hypertension?
In this article you will learn: what is pulmonary hypertension. Causes of disease development, types of increase
Alopecia areata in women: causes, treatment and prevention
From this article you will learn: What is alopecia areata? What are the reasons for alopecia areata?
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