Instructions for use of Tsindol for newborns

Tsindol is one of the most common and universal drugs for combating any rashes on the skin. It is considered the most effective external medicinal product, thanks to its zinc oxide base. Considering that the drug is used to treat a large number of skin diseases, the methods of using Tsindol may differ, depending on the specific case.

The task of zinc oxide is to soothe irritated skin and put all related processes in order. Therefore, Tsindol is used not only to treat many pathologies, including, for example, dermatitis and eczema, but also to treat wounds, scratches, abrasions, bedsores, and so on.

Composition and release form

Currently, Tsindol is produced in the form of a suspension. The term “Tsindol ointment” is often used, but this dosage form of the drug is not available. At home, you can make an ointment from the suspension. To do this, the drug is left on the shelf for some time so that a thick sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle. The supernatant liquid must be drained. The remaining sediment can be used as an ointment. If you mix it with baby cream in a 1:1 ratio, the result is zinc ointment.

The instructions for use of Tsindol indicate that the suspension contains the following components:

  • Ethyl alcohol (70%).
  • Medical talc.
  • Glycerol.
  • Starch.
  • Distilled purified water.


Glycerin helps speed up metabolism in cells, starch creates a homogeneous suspension structure. Medical talc, which has an antibacterial effect, repels liquid and allows the drug to adhere more reliably to the skin.

Price of Tsindola

Despite the versatility and effectiveness of the drug, it has a very low price. One bottle of Tsindol will cost you only 120 rubles. The cost may vary by 10 rubles, depending on your region.

With all the benefits of the product, people often look for analogues of Tsindol. The reason is clearly not the high price. In most cases, users simply do not like the consistency of the drug. A suspension, for example, is not always suitable for treating the skin of newborns or young children. Of course, in this case it is more convenient to use ointment.

Among the worthy analogues we can highlight the same Desitin. In fact, the ointment has the same properties and has approximately the same effect. Of course, in some cases a suspension will work much better, but it all depends on the specific situation.

Another option is regular zinc ointment. The composition contains only the mentioned zinc oxide, which has the main effect, as well as an auxiliary substance - paraffin. Thanks to him, the product has the consistency of an ointment.

Medicinal properties

The main component of the drug is zinc oxide, which has an antimicrobial effect. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, reducing various types of inflammation in adults and children. The product is an antiseptic, dries and has an adsorbent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cindol forms a strong and thin barrier that protects the skin and provides an environment that is more optimal for healing. Under such conditions, secondary infection is unlikely. In addition, the drug softens the skin and prevents irritation during diaper rash from exudate and urine. This relieves itching and burning, and also reduces peeling. Tissue restoration is accelerated in the affected area.

Tsindol does not harm the body because it enters fluids and tissues in quantities that do not disrupt metabolic processes. This drug is excreted in the urine. It is not metabolized in other body systems.

Side effects of Cindol

The only side effect that this drug can cause is an allergic reaction at the site of application. The skin turns slightly red, itches, and a temporary small rash is possible. This can only be due to the fact that you are intolerant to the main component - zinc oxide.

In this case, you must urgently stop using this drug and abandon all external products containing zinc oxide in the future.

If your body normally perceives this substance, and you correctly used Tsindol for acne, no problems can arise.

Methods of application

Tsindol can be used only after cleansing the skin. After which the face should be dried with a towel or napkin. The solution must be shaken until a homogeneous mass is obtained without suspensions. Apply it to a cotton pad and apply a thin layer to the inflamed area , leave for a couple of hours, and then rinse with water. It is recommended to carry out this procedure about 5 times a day. The course of treatment takes from five days to a month, depending on the severity and extent of damage and the speed of tissue regeneration.

Features of application

Tsindol for dermatitis, perfectly relieves skin itching, inflammation and redness, quickly heals the affected areas. Due to its effectiveness and safety, Tsindol is often used to relieve skin irritation in infants and women during gestation. It is also used for viral diseases, such as herpetic rashes or chicken pox, to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

For herpes

When a “cold” appears on the lips or chin, the suspension is applied pointwise to the affected surface in the presence of the first symptoms of the disease, and especially if characteristic blisters have already appeared. The product dries perfectly and significantly speeds up healing.

When using Tsindol for herpes, the area should be blotted with a napkin or cotton pad and applied pointwise to the affected area. Use the suspension 4-6 times a day. It is necessary to ensure that the product does not get into your mouth.

Tsindol for babies

The suspension is often used to combat problems in babies in the first year of life. Babies often develop inflammation and diaper rash, prickly heat, and diaper dermatitis; in each of these cases, Tsindol will help.

To get rid of prickly heat or diaper rash, the baby is bathed twice a day in a weak pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To prevent your baby from getting a chemical burn from accidentally getting crystals of the drug on the skin, you should first prepare a saturated dark solution and make sure that the product is completely dissolved. Then gradually add it to the bath of water until it turns pink. You can replace potassium permanganate with an infusion of string.

After the bath, Tsindol is applied to the damaged skin of newborns; after the product has dried, the baby can be dressed or swaddled. Of course, proper care of the baby is the best prevention of skin problems, but Tsindol, when used twice a day, allows you to relieve inflammation and very quickly eliminate prickly heat and diaper rash.

Tsindol during pregnancy

The use of Tsindol is possible for pregnant women if dermatological problems arise. It practically does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream and in the absence of an allergic reaction in a woman (which is extremely rare), it can relieve skin irritation and help with minor household injuries (burns, wounds).

Apply a thin layer to damaged skin, it is better to leave problem areas open, and after a few hours it is washed off with warm water. Apply 3-4 times a day, if necessary, up to 6 times.

Tsindol for chickenpox

The drug is used to relieve itching and irritation due to chickenpox. Tsindol is applied pointwise to the papules and significantly alleviates the patient’s condition. It is important to remember that it is not used for chickenpox to treat the mucous membranes.

Tsindol for acne

Thanks to its effective drying and antiseptic effect, Tsindol is excellent for treating acne. In addition, it significantly speeds up healing. The drug should be applied to clean skin, either directly to an emerging pimple, or, if necessary, to a problem area. After 2-3 hours of exposure, the suspension is washed off with warm water. It is enough to apply the product 2-3 times a day. In this case, Tsindol, whose analogues for getting rid of acne are much more expensive, is an excellent alternative to very expensive formulations for problem skin.

Preparations containing zinc are often used in dermatological practice due to their high efficiency. The minimal number of contraindications and side effects, as well as the affordable cost of the drug for external use, Tsindol, have made it popular among doctors and patients. Tsindol or zinc ointment, which is an analogue of the drug, is available in almost every home medicine cabinet.

The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription, stored in a cool, dark place and is valid for 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Application rules

It is very important to know how to use the product correctly to get maximum benefit. The instructions for use of Tsindol ointment specify the following rules for applying the solution:

  • Inflamed areas of the skin should be washed with water or a decoction based on calendula, chamomile or string.
  • After washing, the skin should be thoroughly dried.
  • The bottle with the product should be shaken until a homogeneous mass appears.
  • The site of inflammation should be treated with a thin layer.
  • The composition is absorbed within 15 minutes.
  • Afterwards, you need to rinse the solution with warm, clean water.

Before using the product, be sure to test for allergies. To do this, the solution must be applied to the bend of the elbow. If there is no reaction in the form of rash and itching, then treatment can begin.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient in Tsindol is zinc oxide. The antiseptic effect of this substance is associated with protein denaturation. Also, the active ingredients significantly reduce exudation (sweating of the liquid part of the plasma) in the area where the affected skin is located. The drug provides a drying effect and helps to form a protective film that protects the wound from contamination.

Tsindol ensures tissue regeneration and relief of inflammation, and it also perfectly improves metabolism in the affected area. All excipients have a disinfecting and drying effect. It is effective not only in the treatment of skin diseases, but also in purulent surgery.

Suspension for children

Tsindol is safe for delicate skin, so it can be used to treat newborns. However, it is better not to apply the product to a child’s face, because it can cause peeling. With the help of Tsindol, prickly heat and diaper dermatitis in children are treated. This is done as follows:

  • In the morning, the child should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Then the body is dried with a towel, and the rashes are lubricated with mash.
  • The drug should dry in the air, so you should not dress the child for some time.
  • If the baby is sweating a lot or there is a need to change diapers, then the treatment should be repeated throughout the day.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to bathe the child in pale pink manganese water.

It is very important to adhere to these recommendations and rules. After all, with the help of Tsindol, you can cure diaper dermatitis in a newborn in a few days.


In some cases, the use of Tsindol is not possible. Then another drug that has a similar effect is recommended for treatment. When independently choosing a medicine for a child, you must carefully read the instructions, since not all drugs are approved for the treatment of newborns.

Let's consider several analogues of the Tsindol suspension:

  • Liniment Zinc Oxide. The product is used to treat bedsores, dermatitis, prickly heat and diaper rash in children and adults. It is advisable to use against the background of herpes simplex, exacerbation of eczema, streptoderma and other skin diseases. The medication is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to zinc oxide. When applied topically, no negative effects were recorded. Can treat newborn children, pregnant women;
  • Desitin. Dosage form – ointment. In addition to zinc oxide, the active ingredient, the composition contains white petrolatum, fish oil, talc, flavored oil, methylparaben and other components. The product has astringent, anti-inflammatory, adsorbent, drying and antiseptic effects. There are no contraindications or side effects. The drug can be combined with any medications;
  • Zinc paste is an excellent alternative to Tsindol. It cannot be used for purulent lesions of the skin. The rest of the indications for use are the same as those of the described medicine.

Advice: the medicinal suspension has a shelf life of two years; after this time it is no longer suitable for use, so at the time of purchase it is recommended to look at the production date on the label. The solution is stored in a dark place, away from heat sources and ultraviolet rays. Storage temperature: no more than 30 degrees.

Tsindol in the form of a suspension is popular due to its effectiveness, availability and low cost. The medicine effectively fights various skin diseases, it is allowed to be used at any age, side effects are rare. You can buy it at the pharmacy: the price of the suspension (125 ml) is $0.8-1.5.

Tsindol for acne

The suspension relieves inflammation, dries and disinfects the skin. In addition, the product prevents the appearance of new rashes. Tsindol gives a resolving and restorative effect. This helps eliminate scars. The surface of the skin becomes denser, thereby preventing the effects of negative environmental factors . On small rashes, the product is applied pointwise using cotton swabs. More extensive inflammations need to be treated over the entire area. It is not advisable to wash off the composition, so it is better to carry out treatment in your free time. Calamine can be used as a lotion.

Use of Tsindol for chickenpox

For chickenpox, it is permissible to use Tsindol in combination with brilliant green or instead of it. The product effectively fights blisters on the skin and prevents bacterial infections. Unlike brilliant green, it has no color, therefore, the patient will not experience discomfort, embarrassment, typical for the treatment of chickenpox.

It should be remembered that the disease is very contagious, so the patient should be quarantined. Currently, the percentage of schoolchildren and adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood is increasing, so even an adult patient can pose an epidemic danger to other adults.

Thus, cindol not only fights acne, but also solves a variety of skin problems:

From chickenpox and herpes

Small pimples from chickenpox are most often treated with brilliant green. However, zinc oxide is no less effective in this case, since it does not irritate the epidermis. In the normal course of the disease, the suspension should be used twice a day. If there are complications, you should definitely consult your doctor. Calamine is more suitable for children, as it does not contain alcohol and also relieves irritation and itching from chickenpox.

Thanks to its drying and disinfecting effect, Tsindol is used to treat herpes on the lips. It is recommended to apply the suspension immediately after the first signs of the disease appear: tingling and itching sensations. Apply the solution in a thin layer before going to bed. If everything is done correctly, the herpes should go away within a few days.

Indications and contraindications

Tsindol's instructions indicate that the drug has only one contraindication - hypersensitivity to zinc oxide or auxiliary components - talc, starch, etc.

Composition and instructions for use of Sebozol shampoo

The medication for local use can be used at any age - both for infants and older children. Permitted for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The indications for use of the drug Tsindol are indicated in the instructions.

The product is recommended for use for the treatment of:

  1. Diaper rash.
  2. Sweatshirts.
  3. Chickenpox.
  4. Bedsores.
  5. Cuts/scratches/abrasions.
  6. Solar and thermal burns.
  7. Exacerbations of eczema.
  8. Streptoderma.
  9. Ulcerative/erosive skin lesions (including trophic ulcers);
  10. Herpetic rashes;
  11. Dermatitis (allergic, contact, diaper dermatitis).

It is not recommended to apply Tsindol suspension to the skin if there is a history of a confirmed allergic reaction to zinc oxide.

Customer Reviews

Eczema got very worse during pregnancy. With the help of Tsindol, I managed to get rid of watery acne and itching. A little redness remains, but this is minor. This remedy is a wonderful thing for severe exacerbations!

My son caught shingles while playing with cats outside.
Tsindol has proven to be a very effective remedy in the fight against this disease. After eight days, there was no trace left of the lichen! And the cost of the drug in pharmacies is low, so I recommend it to everyone! Yulia, 31 years old

Once I had wax epilation on my face and after that I discovered severe irritation on the skin and acne.
I went to see a cosmetologist, she advised me to use the drug Tsindol. I applied this product for four days at night. After the first use, the rashes and acne went away. After some time, the itching went away. I'm very glad I tried this product! Maria, 38 years old

Can Tsindol be used during pregnancy?

Unlike most drugs for the treatment of various diseases, the safety of Tsindol for the expectant mother has been fully proven. A pregnant woman can safely treat acne with this remedy without fear of harming the baby. Moreover, treatment of acne and other pustular diseases during pregnancy is necessary - the source of infection is dangerous for the unborn baby.

Nursing mothers can treat acne on the face and other parts of the body with Tsindol, but the drug should not be allowed to come into contact with the baby’s mucous membranes. Those. Do not apply it to pimples on your chest if they appear, and immediately wash your hands after using the drug on any area of ​​the body.

Reviews of Tsindol suspension

Chatterbox has an excellent reputation because it is highly effective, ubiquitous and inexpensive. The product copes well with problem skin in children, the elderly and adults. Only in exceptional cases does an allergic reaction develop.

It is for these reasons that favorable reviews from patients who are satisfied with the therapeutic result are more common. Very rarely Tsindol does not help, and then people write negative reviews. As a rule, this applies to situations where they tried to cure acne with the composition.

According to reviews, if you use Tsindol after shaving, especially in the intimate area, it helps relieve irritation, soothes the skin, and prevents the formation of pustular rashes and pimples. Women like this effect, which is another advantage of the drug.

Patient review

Almost all parents who used the medication to treat chickenpox were satisfied with the therapeutic effects. After all, the suspension dries out the rash well and does not sting the child’s delicate skin. It leaves no marks on clothes and is easily washed off. It is precisely because of these properties that the talker has received a lot of positive reviews.

People who develop symptoms after applying the suspension speak poorly about the medication: itching, burning, hyperemia. This is an allergic reaction, it occurs rarely, but cannot be ruled out.

Tsindol for newborns and children

Every mother should know that caring for a child’s skin is one of the important criteria for the healthy growth and development of the baby. If you ignore this rule, you will endanger the health of your newborn. If a problem does arise and you notice redness or irritation on the child’s skin, you should definitely have a first aid remedy on hand, again it is worth noting that it must be child-friendly, non-toxic, so as not to cause even more harm to the child .

Failure to comply with hygiene rules is fraught with sad consequences, such as:

  • diaper dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • burns and wounds;
  • as preventative measures.

Among such remedies, one can note the Tsindol suspension, with its natural composition and effective action against these diseases. The weight of evidence indicates that

Tsindol poses the least danger compared to other drugs approved for use to protect children's skin. The suspension absorbs excess moisture, thereby preventing irritation of sensitive baby skin, protecting it from diaper rash and heat rashes, perfectly deodorizes, and absorbs unpleasant odors. It will relieve redness and ease skin irritation, providing gentle care for babies' skin. For the greatest effect from treatment with the drug, you should adhere to the method of application described below.

Application for newborns depending on the problem

Diaper rash

One of the most vulnerable organs in newborns is the skin. In childhood, it is still thin, easily wounded and more susceptible to various infections, and its blood vessels, as is known, are located close to the surface. In addition, when overheated, moisture evaporates rapidly, which in turn can lead to drying out and other serious problems. Skin rash is one of them.

Diaper rash is an inflammatory process that develops as a result of irritating and long-term moisturizing effects of the external environment or sweating, as well as friction of contacting skin surfaces.

Procedure for using Tsindol for diaper rash:

  1. Prepare the skin area for treatment, thoroughly clean and dry the skin surface.
  2. Using a cotton swab, apply the medicine to the affected area of ​​skin.
  3. Apply a thin layer to the surface of the skin and let dry, then rinse with warm water.
  4. If there is a visible improvement in the condition of the skin, gradually reduce the number of applications.

Diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis is periodically occurring inflammation of the skin, provoked by exposure of the baby’s skin to external factors, such as diapers, nappies, etc.

The use of Tsindol for diaper dermatitis is generally the same as for diaper rash.

  1. Bath the child in warm water (you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate)
  2. Dry the child's body
  3. Treat the skin with the medicine and allow to dry in the open air.
  4. Buy a baby in the evening

Burns and wounds

Burns are one of the fairly common injuries among children; due to their curiosity, they experiment with fire and flammable substances, set fire to poplar fluff, explode New Year's firecrackers and tourniquets, sparklers. Tsindol suspension has proven itself as a means of providing relief for burns, as well as in the treatment of wounds and abrasions.

The principle of its effect on burns is determined by the removal of redness and burning, as well as the creation of a favorable environment that protects the skin from the negative influence of the external environment. The microelements included in the suspension help improve metabolic processes, improve the penetration of oxygen into cells, which has a productive effect on the rapid healing of wounds and burns.


  • Treatment of burns and wounds is carried out by applying a bandage treated with the drug to the damaged area of ​​the skin.
  • If necessary, the dressing should be updated in accordance with the course of treatment.

Prevention of diaper rash and dermatitis

First of all, it is worth remembering that there are a lot of preventive measures to prevent dermatitis. It is important to know that in the environment where a person is located, it is necessary to create a hypoallergenic atmosphere. It is necessary to take care of proper nutrition and exclude allergenic foods. Be sure to follow general sanitary and hygienic standards and rules. Eliminate stress, as well as take care of your general health, since diseases of the internal organs can directly affect the skin.

Tsindol is used to prevent the above manifestations on a child’s skin, as it perfectly eliminates excess moisture, preventing the appearance of diaper rash, and gives a feeling of dryness, especially in hot weather. For preventive purposes, cindol is applied to areas of the skin in contact with laundry.

Treatment of skin diseases in newborns should be carried out under the close supervision of parents and under the supervision of the attending physician.


Diana, 21 years old

I have oily skin and for several years now I have been experiencing acne not only on my face, but also on my back and shoulders. At first I thought that it would go away with age, but even at 20 years old the problem remained. I consulted with a doctor, they advised me to try zinc ointment for acne or mash. I chose the second one and am very pleased with the result. You need to use the suspension carefully and follow all recommendations, but the effect is worth it.

After just three days, the large pimples began to dry out, the small ones disappeared altogether, and new ones stopped appearing. The only thing is that I don’t recommend leaving it overnight, the acne goes away well, but the skin becomes tight and dry, and even creams have a hard time helping it recover.

Maria, 27 years old

Before menstruation, I get pimples on my forehead. I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but lately the rash has become very profuse, the acne has started to cover “whisky”, so I decided to get rid of it. I didn’t go to the doctors because I was confident in my health and decided to find an effective remedy at random. I used different ones, started with branded products, treated my skin with “Zinerit” for a month, but didn’t notice any special wow effect.

Then I began to deal with folk and more budgetary means. What I liked most was steaming with chamomile and squeezing. After this treatment, I wiped my face with calendula tincture. After some time, I read reviews about the “Tsindol” anti-acne face wash, quickly understood the instructions for use, and decided to lubricate it before going to bed.

The effect of such an integrated approach was noticeable after the first session. Three steamings in 2 months were enough for me, now I only use Tsindol, 2-3 applications before the start of the menstrual cycle are enough to prevent the appearance of a rash.

Evgeniya, 32 years old

I have oily, problematic skin, so the problem of acne, especially in summer, is very relevant. I tried a lot of different products, but I only got the maximum effect from Tsindol. Moreover, I found out about it completely by accident when I was visiting a friend in another city. It turns out that she had been using it for many years, using it not only for acne, but also for insect bites and small cuts.

After using the suspension, acne disappeared right before our eyes. Over the past year, I completed 6 ten-day courses with this product. Now I use it every week for prevention. If a pimple pops up, I immediately lubricate it with Tsindol. If we also take into account that the product costs a penny and does not require special storage conditions, then for me it has become the best helper for acne and other rashes.

Acne treatment

Dermatologists are often asked how to use Tsindol for acne. There are positive reviews about this drug, and many of the patients, having tried it on themselves, talk about the effective action of the drug. Using this medication, it is quite easy to overcome acne . To get rid of a small number of rashes, just a few applications are enough. Of course, for the treatment of problem skin, when inflammatory processes and purulent formations are actively occurring on the face, it will take much more time. But even in such a situation, the medicine will show good results.

The pharmaceutical preparation zindol is intended for external use, its main properties are disinfection and antiseptics.

In order to achieve the desired result in treatment, you must strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations and follow certain rules . Only this approach will allow you to get rid of problem skin and improve your appearance.

How to use Tsindol

The instructions for using Tsindol are quite simple; before application, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly, since the active substances precipitate during storage. The suspension is applied to clean, dry skin. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, cotton swabs or disks are moistened with the medicine and a thin, even layer is applied to the problem area. For single pimples, spot application is possible. When treating your face, you need to avoid getting the composition into your eyes, so it is better not to touch the area around the eyes.

Tsindol acts for several hours after application, and after the suspension dries, it usually leaves the skin and crumbles, so there is no need to wash it off. If the drug is applied to the face and open areas of the body, it will be noticeable, so it is recommended to use it a couple of hours before leaving the house. If you need to go out urgently, you can wash your face with warm water. An unpleasant point: the drug is easily soiled and leaves traces on clothes and bed linen that are quite difficult to get rid of. So during the treatment period it is better to use old clothes.

The procedure is repeated 2 to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of inflammation. In patients who have to spend a lot of time outside the home, in public, the possibilities of frequent use of the drug are limited. But when treating acne, pimples twice a day are usually sufficient. If the acne is purulent or the inflammatory process is severe, the suspension is applied in 2 layers with an interval of 5 minutes, covered with a gauze bandage on top. This compress is left overnight and can be done daily or every other day.

The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the skin and the cause of acne. Many manage to get rid of them in just 1-2 weeks, but sometimes treatment is delayed for a couple of months. It is not recommended to apply several dermatological drugs at the same time, or to combine treatment with alcohol consumption. For prevention, Tsindol is applied to the face immediately after removing makeup and washed off after a couple of minutes.

special instructions

When treating with Tsindol, cases of individual intolerance to the drug or its individual components are possible. To avoid this, a sensitivity test must be performed before starting treatment. To do this, apply a small amount of mash to the elbow area and check the condition of the skin after an hour. For more accurate testing, you can apply the medication to your skin at night and check in the morning.

If upon examination the skin on the elbow has not changed, you can begin treatment with the drug. If there is itching, redness, or itching at the application site, the use of this medicine should be discontinued.


“Asidol” is a coin cleaning liquid containing detergents and soft abrasive substances, thanks to which it cleans the surface of metal products (jewelry, coins, antiques). Has a pungent odor.

Product "Asidol M"

The product cleans items made of stainless steel, non-ferrous and precious metals, polishes their surface to a shine. Also suitable for items coated with a layer of nickel and chrome. However, the liquid is not suitable for cleaning painted or aluminum products. A bottle weighing 120 grams costs about 100 rubles. Shelf-life Unlimited.

“Asidol” marked “M+”, in addition to surfactants and abrasives, contains ammonia. Both products are made in Russia.

The funds are used primarily by coin collectors (numismatists). Liquids greatly simplify the cleaning procedure for modern bimetallic copper-nickel coins. Some rare coins, produced in limited editions, are valued well above their face value. Both products are used to clean them from grease, black deposits and dirt.

Indications for use

Tsindol is indicated for:

  • dermatitis, it can be used both as a medicine and as a prophylactic;
  • wounds on the surface of the skin, even purulent ones, but only in this case antibiotic drugs are also used;
  • non-healing wounds, or trophic ones, occurring in people suffering from diabetes and varicose veins;
  • eczema during exacerbation;
  • streptococcal pyoderma.

Tsindol's analogs

Among the analogue drugs, there are drugs that also include zinc oxide. There are no medications that have a different composition but have a similar effect.

Experts call the following analogues of the drug:

  • Desitin ointment;
  • Diaderm cream;
  • Zinc ointment
  • Liniment Zinc oxide;
  • Zinc paste.

Tsindol for closed comedones is popular due to its availability, effectiveness and low price.

Pharmacological effects and composition of the drug Tsindol

The medication is available in the form of a suspension, which is often called mash. There are no differences, they are the same means. Some people use the term “Tsindol ointment,” but this form of release does not exist. It can be assumed that they mean liniments with zinc oxide.

Tsindol chatter contains zinc oxide as the main active compound - its quantity per 100 g is 12.5 g. Zinc oxide is a colorless crystalline powder. Turns yellow when heated.

The Latin name of the drug is Cindol, ATX code: D02AB. Active component Zinc oxide. The product is produced by the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory. The average cost in pharmacies is 40-80 rubles per 100-125 ml.

Auxiliary components:

  • Potato starch.
  • Glycerol.
  • Ethanol.
  • Purified water.

The therapeutic effect of the suspension is based on the beneficial properties of zinc oxide. It gives anti-inflammatory, drying, absorbent, antiseptic and astringent effects. These properties of the active component make it possible to include the drug in the pharmacological group of dermatotropic drugs. Tsindol has a high degree of affinity with human skin, providing a beneficial effect by reducing inflammatory processes.

After application to the pathological area, proteins albuminates, albumins, etc. are formed, which contributes to the drying effect. Due to the possibility of protein denaturation, the mash reduces the release of exudate, eliminates weeping, and relieves irritation. A layer of denatured protein substances that appeared under the influence of the drug forms a protective film on the skin - a kind of barrier that protects the pathological surface from infections.

Another important therapeutic property is skin softening. The use of the medication against the background of eczema, diaper dermatitis in infants, diaper rash and bedsores allows you to create a protective barrier on the skin that prevents the negative effects and increased irritation due to contact with urine, sweat, etc.



  • Availability, as it is sold in any public or private pharmacy
  • Highly effective for various dermatological diseases
  • Safety for children and the elderly
  • Small list of contraindications
  • Systemic side effects do not develop, since the suspension does not enter the bloodstream
  • Low cost, ease of use
  • In most cases, patients respond positively
  • No doctor's prescription required for purchase
  • Contains no hormonal substances



  • In advanced cases, the therapeutic effect is weak, stronger medications are required
  • There is a possibility of allergic symptoms to the main
  • Doesn't help completely clear your face of acne.

Suspension efficiency

Not only dermatologists, but also cosmetologists know about the effectiveness of this product. Quite often, the use of the suspension is recommended as an alternative to conventional cosmetic masks to prevent the appearance of acne and blackheads. In order to unlock the full potential of the medicine, certain rules must be followed.

The main rule for using mash is that the composition is applied pointwise to problem areas . By following this recommendation, you can avoid problems associated with excessive dry skin. For application, use cotton pads or cotton swabs. Do not apply the drug with your hands, as such measures can cause infection. Before using the suspension, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly.

Using the medicine will speed up the time required for crust formation. It is not recommended to remove the crust yourself; it is better to wait until it falls off on its own.

In order to prevent acne, it is recommended to use mascara-based lotions. If there is no visible result from using the medicine within two weeks, you should consult a specialist. There is a possibility that this drug is not suitable for you.

Tsindol is a reliable and proven remedy for combating skin rashes at home

Effect of the drug

The therapeutic effects of the drug are due to the zinc oxide contained in its composition, which has an astringent, drying, antiseptic, absorbent and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Thanks to these properties, Tsindol is considered a dermatotropic agent that has a beneficial effect on the dermis and skin tissue, reducing the intensity and severity of ongoing pathological processes.

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