Delayed first menstruation after first sex

Menstrual bleeding after sex

According to the information provided in the question, this is the second month in a row that you have started menstruating after intercourse. If this coincides with the end of the 25-day menstrual cycle, then there is no cause for concern: these are normal periods on time. If you are concerned about spotting during the intermenstrual period that begins after sex, then we are talking about postcoital bleeding, which is not normal and indicates various disorders, although in most cases it does not pose a threat to health.

Causes of menstrual irregularities after the first act

No matter how simple-minded modern morals may be, for the vast majority of the fair sex, first sex is a very important and significant event.

After the first night of love, a girl may notice a change in the color, consistency or amount of menstrual blood. There are many explanations for such metamorphoses:

  1. Inflammatory process or sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately, young people who are about to taste the “forbidden fruit” rarely spend time on preliminary examinations, blithely giving themselves over to youthful passion. There are often cases when a more sophisticated partner infects a gullible girl with various infections. Most diseases have an incubation period, but they can affect your periods, often causing noticeable signs of clots, a foul odor, or a strange color. To prevent such a disastrous first time from completely discouraging a young woman from getting close to men, it is recommended to carefully prepare and get tested for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) for both partners. The fact that a girl or guy has never made love before, unfortunately, does not mean at all that they cannot be infected.
  2. Features of the development of the body. Sexual intercourse happens to everyone at their own age, for some at 18, and for others at 30. If intimacy with a man arose during the formation of the menstrual cycle, that is, at a very young age, the delay in bleeding may only be a normal consequence of the restructuring and formation of the body.
  3. Physiological changes. Sexual intercourse changes the size of a woman's vagina, the muscle fibers become longer, thereby increasing the area of ​​the mucous membrane. In addition, the vaginal microflora also changes due to the fact that foreign microorganisms from the sexual partner penetrate into it. The functioning of the uterus is also affected by the absence of a hymen. The structure of the girl’s genital organ does not allow the rejected endometrium to leave the uterine cavity quickly enough. As a result, periods are accompanied by cramps and pain. After sexual intercourse, sensations change slightly, painful sensations disappear, and heavier than usual menstruation may occur several days earlier than expected.
  4. Changes in hormonal levels. The amount of menstrual blood is affected by the endometrial layer, which grows and then is rejected if pregnancy does not occur. It happens that the first sex leads to a decrease in estrogen levels. Then the first period after bed fun may come with a slight delay or on time, but very scanty.
  5. Hidden diseases. Even if a girl is a virgin, she may have problems with the genitals that she does not even suspect: polycystic disease, tumors, abnormal structure of the uterus, endometriosis, etc. After hormonal changes and mental shock, pathologies that previously did not give rise to be aware, may affect menstruation.
  6. Painful sensations. It is rare for virgins to have first sexual intercourse without pain. The causes of discomfort include vaginal stretching, rupture of the hymen, and even a lack of natural lubrication. The pain syndrome can persist for several days after sex, and also make itself felt during subsequent lovemaking. These sensations are a variant of the norm. As a result, girls may experience a delay in menstruation due to stress, and sometimes, on the contrary, menstruation occurs ahead of schedule.
  7. Pregnancy. Even with the first sexual intercourse, if it was unprotected, pregnancy can occur. Medicine knows of cases where conception occurred without sex with penetration of the male genital organ, but on the condition that the sperm ended up in the vagina. An unexpected pregnancy may result in spotting associated with embryo implantation. A blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a home pregnancy test (it is better to do 2-3 of them, as the results may be erroneous) and an ultrasound 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse will help to rule out an undesirable condition.

Be that as it may, after the first time it is advisable to visit a specialist and undergo the necessary research.

Question to the expert

Good afternoon. I am 19 years old, 3 weeks ago I had my first sex, unprotected. My period was supposed to come 10 more days ago. Tell me, is it normal for menstruation to be delayed by more than a week?

Yes, such a failure may be a variant of the norm. It’s bad that sexual intercourse was open. It is impossible to say exactly how long the delay after the first sexual experience can normally last. It all depends on the individual characteristics of your body. To put all fears aside, visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, do an ultrasound, and be sure to do a home rapid pregnancy test.

Blood after the first time

One of the main reasons is the first experience. Bleeding after sex for the first time is normal. At this moment, girls experience fear, fear, and also unpleasant painful sensations, because during the first sexual intercourse the hymen is broken. During sexual intercourse, a woman’s vagina tends to stretch, also creating unpleasant sensations, and due to burst blood vessels, slight bleeding may occur.

After sex, some changes begin in a girl’s body. All this is because the hormonal background changes, the vaginal flora changes, and reproductive function is activated. In other words, during sex there is an active production of hormones that affect the functioning of the reproductive system, namely:

  • oxytocin;
  • estrogen;
  • progesterone;
  • thyroxine;
  • somatotropin and others.

How can menstruation change?

During sexual intercourse, hormonal activity is at its peak, which accordingly affects the condition of the ovaries and the maturation of eggs. At this moment, the female body prepares for fertilization. In order for this process to proceed more calmly and smoothly, it is necessary to maintain a regular sexual regime. With regular sex, female genitals become more adapted to this process, and accordingly the risk of various disorders, including bleeding, is significantly reduced.

Critical days are the beginning of the menstrual cycle. A question that is relevant throughout life is is it possible to have sex during menstruation? This is not worth doing. Firstly, the girl will not get pleasure from this, since sex will only add painful sensations. Secondly, stretching the vagina will increase bleeding, and accordingly the functioning of the genital organs will be disrupted. Thirdly, during menstruation the risk of infectious diseases, even the mildest ones, is increased.

During menstruation, the vaginal mucosa is less active and is not able to suppress even the most primitive bacteria. The most favorable time for intimacy is when all symptoms, pain and discharge are left behind.

Is it possible to get pregnant during sex while on your period?

There is an opinion that during menstrual periods the probability of getting pregnant is very small. But this, of course, is a misconception. You can get pregnant on any day of your period. In this case, if you use only the calendar method of contraception, then the effectiveness of such contraception is zero. Both in the middle of the cycle and after, the egg can mature. It should be remembered that sperm can “live” in the genital tract for 5 to 7 days and still retain their properties. Therefore, sexual intercourse on days 4-6 of the cycle can soon make you happy with conception up to the 15th day, and this is practically the most favorable time for conception.

The greater likelihood of becoming pregnant during menstruation also applies to those women who have short menstrual cycles, from 15 to 20 days. In addition, not all women can know the duration of their cycle until the next critical days arrive. By the way, the religion of one of the African tribes allows sex only during menstruation. Despite this, the tribe still exists. Scientists have not yet established the reasons for this phenomenon.

There may be a high probability of pregnancy when two eggs are released during ovulation instead of one. Therefore, no one canceled contraception for such sexual acts.

Causes of bleeding during sexual intercourse

If a girl observes constant bleeding during and after sex for a long time, say for the third month in a row, this cannot but be alarming. If sexual intercourse occurs approximately on the 21st day after menstruation, this is normal, because the menstrual cycle ends only on the 21st–25th day.

If blood is released during sexual intercourse in the intervals between menstruation, then this is post-coital bleeding and this is abnormal. Such bleeding lets us know about the presence of serious problems in the functioning of the genital organs, but fortunately, this does not pose a threat to human health. In such cases, you should consult a doctor.

Menstrual cycle disruptions occur immediately after the first sexual intercourse. Menstruation may begin immediately after the act, or may appear only after some time. The explanation for this is the remnant of the hymen in the vagina, which provokes uterine bleeding.

Blood during sex is a fairly common phenomenon, which can be caused by the following factors:

  • Venereal diseases. Some infections can cause minor bleeding after sex. These include gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.
  • Pathologies. Any disorder of the genital organs, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process, will provoke both small and heavy hemorrhages after sexual intercourse. One of these inflammations is endometritis. The disease destroys the mucous membranes, affects the lining of the uterus and leads to infertility.
  • Benign and malignant polyps. These are a kind of growths on the walls of the uterus. They are not related to oncology. They can provoke extensive hemorrhage during sexual intercourse if they are damaged.
  • Medications. Menstruation may begin after sexual intercourse after taking certain medications that thin the blood. These include various emergency contraceptive drugs. When taking such medications systematically, menstruation changes the cycle, may appear suddenly, and the discharge will last for quite a long time.
  • Injuries. During hard and expressive sex, the partner can involuntarily damage both the vagina and the uterus itself. Microcracks resulting from damage will begin to actively bleed after some time, mixing with the mucous environment, forming blood discharge.
  • Metastases and oncology. In case of cancer, the body receives stress during sex, which activates the release of leukocytes in the blood. Their excess can manifest itself in the form of discharge.

Causes of bleeding after sexual intercourse

  1. Trauma to the genital organs
    . As a result of overly active or rough sex, you can get injured in the walls or vault of the vagina, and damage the cervical mucosa. In this case, bleeding begins suddenly and quite profusely.
  2. Infectious diseases
    . Bleeding after sexual intercourse may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted infections, in particular chlamydia.
  3. Inflammatory diseases
    . A common cause of bleeding after sexual intercourse is cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) or vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). These diseases can be caused by bacteria or fungi, poor personal hygiene, or taking certain medications.
  4. Cervical erosion and polyps
    . During sexual intercourse, these formations can be injured, which causes bleeding. They must be removed in time, as they provoke the development of malignant tumors.
  5. Taking medications
    . Some drugs (aspirin, birth control pills) contribute to the thinning of the inner layer of the uterus. Its traumatization leads to the release of blood after sex. Bleeding may also occur if you miss a dose of your oral contraceptive.

In your case, menstrual flow after intercourse is most likely nothing more than a coincidence. But if you notice something unusual in the way your period is going or how you feel, visit your gynecologist to find out the cause.

Best regards, Ksenia.

Failure of the menstrual cycle

If your period begins after intercourse at the wrong time, but nothing worries you, then there is no need to worry. Wait a week or a week and a half, of course, if contraceptive measures were taken during intercourse. Menstruation will gradually begin as soon as the genitals and hormonal levels begin to return to normal. In the absence of contraception, a delay indicates a possible pregnancy.

Blood can flow during sexual intercourse without any reason, even if the body and genital organs are in absolute health. This happens due to the lack of systematic sexual intercourse. After a girl begins sexual activity, it is simply necessary to maintain sexual tone, otherwise hormonal instability occurs.

When a sufficiently long time has passed since the last sexual intercourse, the hormonal background stabilizes in this state, and accordingly sudden intercourse will lead to its destabilization. Such a sharp hormonal mood can trigger a menstrual cycle immediately after, or even during sex.

Why do changes in the monthly cycle occur?

During the first sex, the structure of the genital organ changes, namely, the hymen is torn. Until this time, she protected the vagina from infection. There was a small hole in the center of the hymen, which allowed the natural vaginal secretions, as well as blood during menstruation, to escape. Very rarely, girls have heavy periods before having sex for the first time. After the hymen ruptures, the intensity of the discharge increases slightly. Although over time, with regular sex, they may change again.

The presence of a hymen affects the functioning of the uterus during menstruation. That is, at this time the uterus contracts, pushes away the layer of epithelium, and brings it out along with the blood. The structure of the girl’s genital organ does not allow this to be done quickly; contraction of the uterus is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it is so strong that you have to take painkillers or drugs to relieve spasms. After sexual intercourse, sensations change. They become less painful, and periods may come faster than expected.

The opposite situation is also possible, when menstruation occurs late and is accompanied by unusual symptoms. A woman’s body is a very complex system that functions in conjunction with other organs and systems. In addition, after sexual intercourse, hormonal levels change. Getting out of balance, which was formed before, leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle.

The central nervous system regulates the processes of the menstrual cycle in the body. The beginning of sexual life is always associated with excitement. Often, sexual intercourse ends the relationship between a guy and a girl. This situation is more often observed in adolescents. Anxiety, nervousness, stress, disappointment and other negative emotions lead to menstrual irregularities.

Features of discharge from the genitals after sex (sexual intercourse)

If discharge occurs after sex, is this normal or symptoms of pathology? Women's fears are not in vain. Doctors say that menstruation that begins after intimacy can indeed signal problems with the reproductive organs, however, only if menstruation occurs in the middle of the cycle or its beginning. If your period comes a couple of days earlier than expected due to overly aggressive, active or prolonged sexual intercourse that took place the day before, there is nothing wrong with that. If a woman does not experience pain or other unpleasant symptoms, her periods proceed as usual, there is no cause for concern. But a change in the color and volume of discharge, a decrease or increase in the number of menstrual days, observed against the background of a sharp deterioration in general well-being, indicates that something went wrong during intimacy. In such a situation, you cannot hesitate - you should urgently see a doctor. Refusal to have an unscheduled checkup with a gynecologist can result in serious problems, so it’s better not to risk it.

Menstruation or uterine bleeding?

To answer the question of what to do if the discharge begins ahead of schedule, you should understand the reason for the appearance of early menstruation. Sometimes after intimacy, a woman experiences uterine bleeding, which can be mistaken for menstruation. How to distinguish one from the other? First, you should pay attention to the color of the discharge. In menstrual blood it is purple, in vascular blood it is scarlet. Secondly, you need to take a closer look at what exactly comes out of the vagina.

In the menstrual discharge, upon closer examination, you will probably find tiny or fairly large mucous clots of a brown hue - rejected endometrium. They are absent in vascular blood. You should also pay attention to the consistency of the discharge: menstrual blood is viscous, vascular blood is liquid. If all signs indicate the presence of uterine bleeding, you should immediately go to the hospital or, if the discharge is heavy and extremely painful, call an ambulance.

Reasons for the sudden onset of menstruation after sex, intimacy

What can cause your period to start earlier than planned? The reason for the sudden onset of menstruation after sex or intimacy may be:

1 genital injury;

2 if you get your period after sex, this may be inflammation of the reproductive organs;

3 rupture of the hymen;

4 if menstruation began earlier than expected, this may indicate the presence of a benign or malignant formation in the uterus;

5 if the discharge after sex is abundant, then this may also indicate a disease of the genitourinary system;

6 infection with a sexually transmitted disease (in particular chlamydia, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis);

7 structural features of the uterine mucosa;

8 taking oral contraceptives, strong antibiotics or blood thinning medications.

Cysts, polyps and erosions on the walls of the uterus and its cervix can cause uterine bleeding, which a woman may mistake for menstruation. Such formations are usually discovered during a routine examination by a gynecologist, so women of reproductive age are recommended to regularly visit the doctor and take the tests prescribed by him. Timely identification and elimination of growths and ulcers will allow you to have an active sexual life without fear of encountering sudden uterine bleeding, and will also protect against the degeneration of formations into cancerous tumors.

Another reason for uterine bleeding, mistaken for menstruation, can be an unstable sex life. Women who resume sexual activity after a long break are at risk of experiencing honeymoon syndrome - spotting after intimacy that disappears a day after it appears. Their appearance is due to hormonal changes in the body. When it is completed, the discharge disappears, and sex begins to bring many times more pleasure.

Finally, I would like to mention one more situation in which bloody discharge from the vagina may occur. It concerns the woman's sexual partner. The fact is that men suffering from serious diseases of the genitourinary system often bleed from the penis. If a couple had unprotected sex, blood could get inside the vagina and then come out naturally. A woman may mistakenly mistake such discharge for menstruation, although in fact it has nothing to do with the woman herself. To avoid ending up in this situation, it is important to choose your sexual partners carefully and, if possible, avoid unprotected sex.

The main causes of menstruation after sex are numerous, which means that for effective treatment it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the discharge after sexual intercourse. To do this, you often have to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, take a clinical blood test, and other types of tests.

What diseases could there be if blood often or periodically appears from the vagina after sex? The most common diseases that can occur when uterine bleeding occurs are infectious diseases (vaginitis, endometritis, cervicitis, the development of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs), malignant formations in the vagina, cervix or endometrium, benign formations (so-called polyps of various types) type and type in the uterus, cervix, ectropion). Also, these symptoms in the form of bleeding from the vagina and pain after sowing can cause problems such as: genital warts, chancroid, herpes, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, and other diseases that affect the area of ​​a woman’s external genitalia.


The appearance of bleeding in women after sexual intercourse is not a rare occurrence. A very large number of representatives of the fair sex have found themselves in such a situation at least once in their lives. Women called the discharge “menstruation”, which was provoked by active sexual intercourse.

Indeed, sometimes after sex menstruation may begin prematurely, but the appearance of blood smears may also indicate the development of pathological processes in the genital organs. So, what do you need to know about possible discharge after sexual intercourse and can it be menstruation?

Menstruation after sex can begin in several cases:

  • Irregular sex life. If a woman does not have a permanent sexual partner and lives for a long time (from several months) without sex and orgasms, then when sexual intercourse is resumed (one or more in a row), periods may well begin ahead of schedule.
  • Use of oral contraceptives. Active sexual contact while taking OCs can cause early onset of menstruation.
  • Frequent stress or emotional outburst against the background of joyful or sad events in combination with sex. For example, overwork during sessions, workload, delight from a vivid impression or a long-awaited event.
  • Taking emergency contraception medications, for example, Postinor. Drugs in this group themselves cause disruption of menstruation, so the appearance of menstruation after sex in this case will be a mere coincidence.

Your period may start 2-7 days ahead of schedule. In this case, you should observe what color and how strong the discharge is. They should have the characteristics of the usual menstruation, that is, go as usual, which always depends on the individual criteria of the woman.

For example, on the first day a spot appeared, which became more abundant in the evening, and the discharge ended by day 4-5. At the same time, the woman did not have severe pain in the lower abdomen, increased body temperature, nausea, headache or other symptoms not typical for this period.

In this case, we can assume that menstruation has actually begun. It is worth noting that some girls report that the next menstruation after this one begins again on schedule.

Blood after the first time

After the first sexual intercourse, almost all women bleed. This is due to the rupture of the hymen. Minor bleeding stops on the same day or smears a little for a few more days. Both of these situations are normal.

Blood may also appear immediately after sex as a result of ruptured capillaries in a vagina that is not accustomed to sexual intercourse. This is also not a cause for concern; such symptoms pass quickly.

With the beginning of intimate life, changes occur in the body of a sexually mature girl. The flora in the vagina changes and female hormones begin to be produced more actively. Often, after the first sex, menstruation can begin much earlier than expected, since under the influence of hormonal release, the activity of the ovaries increases, and the reproductive system prepares for conception. But with the establishment of a stable intimate life, menstruation will also become regular.

It happens that menstruation, which has almost ended, resumes again after sexual intercourse. There's nothing wrong with that either. It’s just that not all the blood came out during the critical days, and the mechanical impact provoked its drainage.

Age for first sex

The modern generation of girls is characterized by rapid puberty and information awareness in the sexual sphere. On the Internet you can find answers to a variety of questions and prepare mentally for the first sexual intercourse. Sexual relations before marriage are considered the norm in today's society. And having sex is the key to a long-term relationship between a guy and a girl. For this reason, the age for first sex these days is transferred to the walls of the school. When schoolgirls have sex, starting from the 8th grade. Is this the norm?

The first periods appear in teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 16 years. In some cases, early puberty occurs, when menarche begins at 9-12 years, and also later, when menstruation does not rush to appear after 16 years. However, the presence of menstruation does not at all mean that the body is ready for sexual life, just as it does not deny having sexual intercourse after 16 years without the onset of menstrual periods. The psychological aspect and physiological development of the girl plays a huge role. From this point of view, it is considered normal to have first sex at the age of 16-17 years. The girl’s body will not be subjected to much stress, and the changes that occur after sexual intercourse will not bring significant discomfort. The nature of menstruation will not change much.

The nature of discharge after sex

It is important to be able to distinguish bleeding from menstruation. When bleeding occurs, scarlet liquid blood is released. Often women mistake it for menstruation that came ahead of time. Such discharge can be the result of serious pathologies of the woman’s genital area.

Bleeding can be caused by:

  1. Damage to the genital organs. As a result of too active manipulations on the part of the partner, the vaginal walls or cervical mucosa may be injured. Because of this, the blood will flow suddenly and profusely.
  2. Sexually transmitted infection. For example, with chlamydia, after intimacy, a woman may begin to bleed, as if she had her period after sex.
  3. Inflammation. For example, cervicitis or vaginitis can cause bleeding after sexual intercourse. These pathologies may appear due to bacteria or fungus in the vagina. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules or taking medications can also provoke these diseases.
  4. Cervical erosion or polyps. As a result of exposure to areas affected by these formations during sex, bleeding may occur. They must be removed in a timely manner so that they do not provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.
  5. Taking pills. For example, aspirin thins the blood and thins the walls of the uterus. Therefore, there is a possibility that an organ injured during sexual intercourse will begin to bleed. And if you miss taking the next contraceptive pill, this provokes the appearance of menstruation.

If heavy bloody discharge is accompanied by pain and fever, you should immediately call an ambulance. This may be an ovarian rupture, in which case the woman needs emergency medical care.

After intercourse, your period came a week earlier

If your period after sex began during the period when you were expecting it, then your health is fine and there is nothing to worry about. And if the onset of menstruation was not planned in the near future and was provoked by sex, it is worth understanding the possible reasons for its occurrence. It is likely that discharge that occurs after intimacy signals inflammation or a serious disease of the genitourinary area. In this case, you should not postpone visiting the gynecologist.

After the first sexual intercourse, almost all women bleed. This is due to the rupture of the hymen. Minor bleeding stops on the same day or smears a little for a few more days. Both of these situations are normal.

Blood may also appear immediately after sex as a result of ruptured capillaries in a vagina that is not accustomed to sexual intercourse. This is also not a cause for concern; such symptoms pass quickly.

With the beginning of intimate life, changes occur in the body of a sexually mature girl. The flora in the vagina changes and female hormones begin to be produced more actively. Often, after the first sex, menstruation can begin much earlier than expected, since under the influence of hormonal release, the activity of the ovaries increases, and the reproductive system prepares for conception. But with the establishment of a stable intimate life, menstruation will also become regular.

It happens that menstruation, which has almost ended, resumes again after sexual intercourse. There's nothing wrong with that either. It’s just that not all the blood came out during the critical days, and the mechanical impact provoked its drainage.

It is important to be able to distinguish bleeding from menstruation. When bleeding occurs, scarlet liquid blood is released. Often women mistake it for menstruation that came ahead of time. Such discharge can be the result of serious pathologies of the woman’s genital area.

Bleeding can be caused by:

  1. Damage to the genital organs. As a result of too active manipulations on the part of the partner, the vaginal walls or cervical mucosa may be injured. Because of this, the blood will flow suddenly and profusely.
  2. Sexually transmitted infection. For example, with chlamydia, after intimacy, a woman may begin to bleed, as if she had her period after sex.
  3. Inflammation. For example, cervicitis or vaginitis can cause bleeding after sexual intercourse. These pathologies may appear due to bacteria or fungus in the vagina. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules or taking medications can also provoke these diseases.
  4. The appearance of cervical erosion or polyps. As a result of exposure to areas affected by these formations during sex, bleeding may occur. They must be removed in a timely manner so that they do not provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.
  5. Taking pills. For example, aspirin thins the blood and thins the walls of the uterus. Therefore, there is a possibility that an organ injured during sexual intercourse will begin to bleed. And if you miss taking the next contraceptive pill, this provokes the appearance of menstruation.

If heavy bloody discharge is accompanied by pain and fever, you should immediately call an ambulance. This may be an ovarian rupture, in which case the woman needs emergency medical care.

If a girl gets her period after sex, which was not at all expected, this may indicate chronic or acute inflammation of the appendages, and thanks to sexual intercourse, a problem that appeared long before was simply discovered.

If menstruation begins for the second time in a month after sexual pleasure, this may be a consequence of polycystic ovary syndrome. As a result of the disease, they cannot fully perform their functions, so the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

A tumor formed in a woman’s genitals under the influence of the release of hormones during sex can cause her period to come unscheduled.

Internal bleeding is observed quite rarely, but can manifest itself as external hemorrhage, especially after intimacy. This dangerous illness is accompanied by pain, weakness, nausea, and chills.

A miscarriage that occurs early, when the woman is not yet aware of it, will be accompanied by the release of blood, which can be mistaken for menstruation.

Problems with menstruation after intercourse

If a girl gets her period after sex, which was not at all expected, this may indicate chronic or acute inflammation of the appendages, and thanks to sexual intercourse, a problem that appeared long before was simply discovered.

If menstruation begins for the second time in a month after sexual pleasure, this may be a consequence of polycystic ovary syndrome. As a result of the disease, they cannot fully perform their functions, so the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

A tumor formed in a woman’s genitals under the influence of the release of hormones during sex can cause her period to come unscheduled.

Internal bleeding is observed quite rarely, but can manifest itself as external hemorrhage, especially after intimacy. This dangerous illness is accompanied by pain, weakness, nausea, and chills.

A miscarriage that occurs early, when the woman is not yet aware of it, will be accompanied by the release of blood, which can be mistaken for menstruation.

Pregnancy often causes a woman to bleed after sex. This happens as a result of hormonal changes in the body. If this happens, then you should not have sex yet to avoid spontaneous miscarriage.

In any of the above cases, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause of the blood and begin prompt treatment, if necessary.

But the delay after the first sex is most often caused by:

  1. A hormonal surge against the background of stress and worries about the first intimacy.
  2. Unstable cycle. The frequency of menstruation in a young girl is not yet fully formed at the beginning of sexual activity.
  3. Conception and pregnancy. Therefore, if a girl is not yet planning a child, then from the first time she needs to think about the issue of contraception.

Discharge after sexual intercourse and its possible nature

After sex you get your period, it’s worth clearly analyzing your general condition to determine the cause of this phenomenon. But, most often, the reasons for the process can be the following:

  • The main thing you need to pay attention to if you had your period after sex is the presence of any mechanical damage during sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that during sexual intercourse, which is particularly intense or the presence of some of the most aggressive toys, the vaginal mucosa may be damaged, which will cause blood to appear from the woman’s intimate area;
  • if immediately after the act menstruation is detected in the form of hemorrhage, then this indicates that the woman has chronic inflammatory pathologies of the appendages. It is also very important to note here that sex, during which such discharge is observed, can be just an ordinary push, but the problem lies deeper and blood can be observed regardless of the presence or absence of sexual intercourse;
  • various pathologies or infectious processes at the acute stage. This condition, in addition to blood, can be caused by itching or unpleasant sensations;
  • bleeding immediately after sex may begin due to the presence of polyps, cysts and erosions in the cervical area. It is very important to understand here that emergency treatment is a necessity, since even the most harmless neoplasms can over time transform into more serious tumors that are very difficult to treat;
  • an atypical spread of the mucous layer can become a fairly common cause when blood is observed during menstruation after sex;
  • Ovulation is a fairly common occurrence when menstruation occurs immediately after sexual intercourse. However, in most cases, such drying is nothing more than a simple coincidence, since sexual intercourse has absolutely no effect on the ovulation process. This is due to the fact that the majority of the egg leaves the follicle approximately in the middle of the cycle, which has its own character, and sexual intercourse at this moment simply coincides with this biological phenomenon;
  • use of contraceptive drugs, such as oral contraceptives. Here menstruation can begin, which causes thinning of the inner layer of the mucous membrane, which during sexual intercourse is caused by a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels. As a result, the menstrual cycle begins;
  • tumor formations in the uterus. Thus, if discharge is observed after contact, then in this case it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in order to exclude the presence of a tumor, which can be either benign or cancerous;
  • A very interesting fact is that if you start having discharge after unprotected intercourse, then the cause of this phenomenon may be blood discharge from your partner’s penis. This phenomenon is observed quite rarely, but it should not be excluded.

What to do in such situations

It is important for any woman to monitor her menstrual cycle. If your period begins much earlier than expected, and even after intimacy, then you need to go for an examination to a gynecologist and be checked for possible pathologies and diseases of the genitourinary system. Only in a doctor's office, and not sitting on a forum, can you accurately determine the reason why your period begins after sex, and not on schedule.

And if after sexual intercourse, menstruation, on the contrary, does not begin for a long time, then you need to use a test to exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

You should consult a gynecologist about your health if:

  1. The cycle lasts less than 21 days or more than 35 days.
  2. Critical days do not occur for more than six months.
  3. Your period lasts less than 3 days or longer than a week.
  4. Menstruation became more or less painful.

To ensure that these symptoms do not affect the woman’s reproductive function, and she can have children in the future, you need to tell your doctor about them and start timely treatment.

How can the menstrual cycle change?

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is the critical days. Is it possible to have sex during this time? Of course, it’s not worth it, especially for the first time. Firstly, painful sensations during menstruation can be aggravated by pain during sexual intercourse. Secondly, menstrual bleeding may increase, which will lead to a weakening of the female body. Third, infection of the female tract can cause disease. In general, this stressful condition can provoke a deterioration in a woman’s health and neglect of repeated intimacy.

The benefits of sex during menstruation

If there are enough negative aspects when making love during this period, then there are not so many positive ones, but they also exist:

  • Relieving pain syndrome. During orgasm, the muscles of the uterus rapidly contract, this leads to an increase in the amount of blood coming out, which further relieves swelling. In this state of affairs, the woman’s discomfort in the lower abdomen also disappears. After all, it is swelling that becomes the root cause of painful sensations during menstruation.
  • Reducing the duration of the cycle of critical days. After sexual contact, the endometrium is most actively separated from the walls of the uterus. Bloody discharge leaves the uterine cavity much faster, thereby reducing the duration of the menstrual cycle.

For intimacy, choose the first or last day of the cycle. Consider extra hygiene by keeping a wet towel or wipes nearby. You can use a shower, which will eliminate signs of bleeding and add variety to the intimate life of partners.

Problems with menstruation after sex

After the first act of love, a woman may observe disruptions in the timing of menstruation. Sometimes, periods can immediately recur, and then panic sets in, because they only recently ended. This case can be explained by bleeding of the remnants of the hymen or hormonal changes, which provoked minor uterine bleeding.

Cases of missed periods after the first sex should not cause fear and concern for women's health. Basically, there are several reasons for this condition:

  • Psychological stress, which leads to hormonal imbalance;
  • The cyclicity of a girl’s menstruation has not yet ended with the establishment of the menstrual period at the time of the onset of sexual activity;
  • Possible conception and development of pregnancy.

In the latter case, sex can occur at the moment of ovulation, when the maturation of the egg has ended and it has met the sperm in the absence of protection.

Why is there a delay after first sex?

No matter how simple modern morals may seem, for most girls the first sexual experience is an event. But even if someone takes the incident calmly, the body cannot be deceived. Physiologically, the whole process and its accompaniment in a recent virgin are stressful for him. And the first reaction is a delay in menstruation after the first sex. There are several explanations for it.

Circumstances that cause a delay in critical days may be present simultaneously:

  • Games of hormones. The first sexual intercourse almost always occurs with pain, as the hymen is damaged. Anticipating and experiencing this sensation causes fear. The nerves are tense, pain impulses, although short-term and insignificant, also do not contribute to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Normal anxiety also takes its toll. Some girls manage to immediately experience an orgasm, which also happens with the participation of hormones. And this is also stress, albeit a positive one. But it affects the production of your own hormones, which means it can cause confusion as to why there is no period after the first sex.
  • Pregnancy. Inexperience or unwillingness to use protection can lead to conception. And although first sex in this regard is less dangerous than regular sexual intercourse, pregnancy cannot be ruled out at all.
  • Features of the development of the body. The first full-fledged relationship can happen at an age when the girl’s cycle has not yet acquired regularity. And the delay of menstruation is connected not so much with what happened, but with the processes developing in her body. We are talking about the work of the pituitary gland, ovaries, and the maturation of the endometrium to a state that requires replacement.
  • Physiological changes. Sexual intercourse changes the size of the vagina, and the organ stretches slightly. Its muscle fibers lengthen, and the area of ​​the mucous covering them increases. That is, the vagina functions differently. Its biocenosis also changes, microorganisms received from the partner appear in it. They are not necessarily pathogenic, but they have features inherent in foreign flora that need to be adapted to.
  • Disease. It happens that after the first sexual intercourse a girl receives a surprise from her partner in the form of an infection. Pathology has an even stronger effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and can slow it down, that is, cause a delay in menstruation.

The nature of discharge after sex

A woman should keep her health under control. Routine checkups with a gynecologist should be rule No. 1 for everyone. It is important to closely monitor the general condition of the body and the slightest changes in it. Even the most minor disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system can indicate possible inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases.

If your period begins prematurely, you need to listen to yourself, your body, and try to consider the symptoms. They can go straight after sex. There are many explanations for this. It is important to understand whether it is the start of your period or bleeding, because these two concepts carry different meanings. And their consequences are different.

The color of blood during bleeding is slightly different from menstrual flow. In the first case, the blood is scarlet. If, in addition, the discharge is abundant, then you need to immediately go to a gynecologist and rule out possible serious pathologies in the pelvic organs.

What can cause menstruation

Menstruation may begin after sexual intercourse in the following cases:

  1. During intense sexual intercourse, an injury occurred, which served as a reason for menstruation to begin after sex.
  2. Bloody discharge always accompanies the first sexual intercourse in life. This happens due to defloration of the hymen, which is inevitable during close vaginal contact with a man.
  3. Serious diseases of the genitourinary system can often be accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. Sex is not always their root cause. Most often, the problem lies a little deeper, and sex only becomes a reason for discharge.
  4. Serious sexually transmitted diseases of varying degrees can cause bleeding. In addition, a woman may feel a burning and itching sensation in the vaginal area. This happens if a woman suffers from gonorrhea, trichomoniasis or chlamydia.
  5. Cysts, polyps, and erosions can sometimes cause bleeding. These are precisely the cases when immediate treatment is required. All of the above pathologies of the pelvic organs lead to very disastrous consequences.
  6. The peculiarity of the uterine mucosa can be an important reason for the occurrence of menstruation after sex.
  7. Taking hormonal contraceptives leads to changes in the female body and changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, if a woman takes them, and after sex her period comes earlier or later, there is no need to worry too much in such cases. But it is still necessary to tell the gynecologist about this. Your doctor will stop taking these medications and recommend another method of contraception.
  8. There are cases when menstruation begins after sex in women due to a benign or malignant tumor in the uterus. You should immediately undergo an examination and exclude all suspicions of neoplasms that may cause disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  9. If sexual intercourse was not protected, it is possible that the spotting did not come from the woman, but from her sexual partner. This can indicate many serious diseases of the male body and also requires an immediate visit to a urologist.
  10. If your period comes at all in the middle of the cycle, the situation indicates a possible serious female illness. One of them is endometritis, which has a destructive effect on the mucous membranes of the vagina and uterus, and can lead to infertility.
  11. Taking blood thinning medications or strong antibiotics can cause your period to start after sexual intercourse. Due to long-term use of thinners, bleeding may appear suddenly and be accompanied by a fairly prolonged discharge.
  12. Bloody discharge may appear in cases where a woman does not have a stable sex life. This is called honeymoon syndrome. The problem disappears on its own after she establishes systematic sexual relations, which entails hormonal stability.

What to do if there is no menstruation for a long time after the first sex

If the period after the first wedding night did not come on time and nothing bothers you, then you can wait up to two or three weeks, but this is provided that the girl was protected from unwanted pregnancy and conception is excluded. When the first menstruation occurs, this is possible and will be the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, which should be regulated and finally established. This occurs due to regular sexual activity, in which the female body maintains a balance of hormonal levels and the reproductive function of the reproductive system.

If menstruation does not come for a long time and the woman is worried, then you just need to go to the antenatal clinic, undergo an examination and eliminate the cause of the unknown condition. Some inexperienced girls listen to healers, grandmothers, friends and still manage to take various infusions or injections in order to induce delayed menstruation. This is the wrong decision, since each organism is individual. Therefore, in order for everything not to end badly, you should only seek medical help if necessary.

  • Is it possible to have sex before your period starts?
  • Is it possible to have sex immediately after menstruation?

Doctors' opinion

Every woman should see a difference in her bleeding. If they appeared the day after sex and gradually disappeared, then this does not pose a threat. Usually such discharge is pale pink in color.

Bright red and profuse discharge, accompanied by fever and severe pain, should be a reason to immediately call an ambulance. This may be a rupture of the ovary, which in medical terminology is called apoplexy. Under no circumstances should you endure this pain and expect everything to go away on its own. This may result in severe internal bleeding.

It is very important for women to monitor their menstrual cycle. If menstruation often begins much earlier than the due date, it means that there has been a malfunction in the functioning of the genital organs. In this case, a full medical examination and finding out the reason for such a change will not be superfluous.


If your period begins after sex much earlier than it should begin, the discharge is bright scarlet in color, you should immediately seek medical advice and rule out possible pathologies and serious diseases of the woman’s genital area that could provoke bleeding. Only in this way can you find the cause of this deviation from the norm and get rid of it. It is not advisable to delay your visit to the hospital. This will help avoid many serious consequences.

Elmira Aleskerova

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