Thrush after sex - why does it occur?

What a man and woman should remember

The set of symptoms caused by Candida fungi is, firstly, nonspecific, and secondly, individual, i.e.
Some may have no symptoms, while others may have pronounced symptoms. So, the main effects of thrush are as follows:

  1. Curdled, white vaginal discharge with an unpleasant, sour odor (in men, as a rule, such discharge can be found on the head of the penis under the foreskin in the form of a whitish coating) is one of the most characteristic signs.
  2. Hyperemia of the external genitalia (clitoris, labia, foreskin of the penis and especially the frenulum of the penis), burning and itching; women may experience an unpleasant burning sensation inside the vagina.
  3. Mechanical or chemical effects in the genital area can provoke quite severe pain. – During sex, active mechanical interaction occurs between the vaginal mucosa and the penis, as a result of which sex can become painful for both partners. – Lubricants and lubricants for thrush also often produce an increased irritating effect on the mucous membrane (some water-glycerin intimate lubricants themselves contribute to the growth of fungal infection).
  4. Due to inflammatory reactions, there is a lack of natural lubrication in both sexes, and the mucous membrane becomes thinner and becomes more susceptible to injury. – in men, the most “fragile” area is the frenulum of the penis, in women – the entire vaginal mucosa as a whole; as a result, mechanical stress can cause microtraumas with a slight release of blood.
  5. When urinating, there is sometimes discomfort and a tickling sensation inside the urethra.

Due to the more pronounced symptomatic picture, sometimes there is a false idea that a woman’s body is more susceptible to thrush. But, as already noted, this is not the case.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning those points that have not yet been voiced, but are extremely important in the issue of treating candidiasis and protecting against it:

  • sex with chronic candidiasis has no restrictions as such, but a person who has a tendency to grow a fungal infection must be periodically checked by an infectious disease specialist, gynecologist or andrologist;
  • after thrush, you should not use intrauterine contraceptives, hormonal contraceptives, or chemical contraceptives in general for some time, since they can have an irritating effect on the vaginal mucosa, but most importantly, they disrupt the cycle of production of the hormone progesterone, which has a key effect on the epithelium of the vagina and uterus;
  • doctors don’t always tell patients everything their patients need to know – Google, Yandex and medical literature can help;
  • infection of one of the partners means that all sexual partners of the patient must be diagnosed;
  • candidiasis in 95% of all cases is transmitted sexually, but there are other options (kissing, food, even hygiene items, such as towels);
  • if you do not pay attention to candidiasis, the disease can cause complications, which is especially true for women (cystitis - when the infection penetrates the urinary system, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, secondary sexually transmitted infections).

In general, with a competent and timely approach, thrush can be treated easily and fairly quickly.

Author of the article. Practicing doctor

Signs of thrush in women and men

Possible signs of infection in women include:

  • the presence of discharge of heterogeneous consistency, with characteristic cheesy inclusions and an unpleasant odor;
  • obsessive itching localized in the perineal area;
  • pain during urination and sexual intercourse, caused by microcracks in the vaginal mucosa.

The asymptomatic course of the disease is called latent vaginal candidiasis.

Possible signs of infection in men include:

  1. redness and swelling of the foreskin of the penis;
  2. inflammatory process on the mucous membrane;
  3. the presence of plaque, which is characterized by a white color and a cheesy consistency;
  4. itching and burning localized on the foreskin and head of the penis;
  5. pain during sexual intercourse and erection.

In the absence of timely treatment, erosions and water blisters may spread throughout the penis. A fungal infection that has settled in the scrotum or groin can cause candidal urethritis and prostatitis.

The insidiousness of thrush is that it begins to show symptoms very slowly and very vaguely. And if a woman can still think that something is wrong with the body due to the fact that, for example, natural discharge has become thicker, then men may not attach importance to thrush signals for years.

The symptoms described below will help you prevent Candida from multiplying and start treatment in a timely manner:

  1. The presence of increased, cheesy discharge from the girl, which also emit an unpleasant odor. Small, unexpected discharge from the glans penis in men may also indicate illness.
  2. Itching in the genital area during sex, which almost completely disappears after intercourse.
  3. Severe irritation in the vaginal area in a woman before menstruation under conditions where such symptoms had not been observed before.
  4. Painful sensations during intimacy, prolonged absence of orgasm in a woman and difficulty with ejaculation in a man. Any discomfort that was previously absent can also be chalked up to thrush.
  5. Lack of sexual desire. If it is caused by discomfort in the groin area, then this may well be the “tricks” of the Candida fungus.

The main question that worries a girl who has discovered that she has thrush: does her partner need to be treated right away too? Definitely yes! We have already said that vaginal candidiasis is a disease that manifests itself quite slowly. This means that if your sexual partner is permanent, then you have probably already had unprotected sex.

It is important that each of the couple immediately warns their partner about the fungus, and treatment begins immediately.

There are several ways to treat the fungus for both partners, but you still need to consult with specialists first:

  • pay special attention to personal hygiene. Avoid using intimate cosmetic products. Use natural lotions that are sold in pharmacies;
  • take baths with antiseptic agents, which include chamomile, calendula, soda, potassium permanganate;
  • purchase fungistatic and fungicidal ointments. When used privately, they are able to completely eliminate fungal deposits;
  • use different antifungal agents, for example, Levorin, Nystatin;
  • get tested to identify concomitant infections raging in the body. This will significantly speed up the healing process.

As you can see, thrush is a very common disease that can be treated quite simply, but it takes a long time. Follow the advice of specialists and temporarily abstain from sex until you are fully recovered!

Causes of appearance after sexual intercourse

Why did I get a fungal infection after sex? Symptoms usually begin the day after sexual intercourse. Sometimes the disease appears after a few days or weeks. Thrush after sex occurs under the following conditions:

  • fungal disease in one of the sexual partners;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • damage to the mucous membranes in the genital area;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • use of lubricants and barrier methods of contraception.

If at least one of the conditions listed above is present, active growth of yeast fungi occurs. They invade new areas of the vagina and disrupt the functioning of the glands. After sexual intercourse, the mucous membranes are vulnerable. This can lead to the appearance of sexually transmitted infections, including fungal ones. Therefore, before and after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to wash yourself using special means.

Many women are interested in why discomfort appears after sex, and whether it is possible to get thrush. There are several reasons why fungal formation is activated. Firstly, blood vessels dilate, which facilitates the penetration of biologically active substances into tissues. Secondly, microcracks form during sexual intercourse. Through them, microbes penetrate directly into the submucosal layer, bypassing the protection.

Sexual intercourse is a kind of stress factor, since a large number of foreign bacteria enter a woman’s body at one time.

All these reasons can become triggers in the development of pathology. In some cases, sexual intercourse provokes the appearance of symptoms of thrush when candidiasis has not been completely cured in the past.

Thrush in women occurs after sexual intercourse. A girl can get sick during her first sex. It is known that this is not always associated with sexual transmission. After the hymen ruptures, the vagina is colonized by new microflora. A large number of hormones are also produced. Candida can take advantage of temporary changes in the internal environment. Subsequent contacts do not cause such a sharp change in the acid-base ratio and the composition of the microflora.

Thrush after sexual intercourse occurs within a few hours or days. Signs of the disease include burning, swelling of the labia, itching, copious curdled discharge, pain and discomfort during the next sexual intercourse. Unpleasant sensations are associated with irritation of the mucous membrane. It is easily injured due to inflammation and impaired mucus secretion.

At-risk groups

Thrush in women after sex is not as rare as it might seem at first glance. In general, vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common disease that every woman has encountered at least once throughout her life. If thrush begins after sex, it is worth understanding whether the woman is at risk for developing the disease after intimacy.

Groups of girls who have the following diseases or body conditions are considered to be more prone to developing vaginal candidiasis:

  • The period of bearing a child - the hormonal balance is disturbed, which leads to a decrease in the body's protective abilities;
  • Women who have recently given birth - appears in most girls in the first three months after the baby is born due to a violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • Women during menopause and at an older age - candidiasis after sex is the cause of the presence of many other concomitant pathologies;
  • The presence of allergies - the disease occurs with this feature of the body very often, and also has more pronounced symptoms;
  • Diagnosed diabetes mellitus - after sex there is always thrush, since the level of sugar in the body is increased, and this is a favorable condition for the development of fungal microorganisms;
  • Infectious diseases - as a result of therapy using antibiotics, not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria are destroyed, which leads to a disruption in the composition of the microflora;
  • Constant stress - if thrush appears after sex with your husband, the probable cause of this may be severe stress suffered recently, as a result of which mental stability was impaired and the body weakened.

As you know, most people develop thrush after changing partners, but this disease can also develop if there is intimacy with several men. The more foreign microflora penetrates into the vaginal environment, the higher the risk of developing the disease.

Rules for sexual life during illness

Most often, genital thrush after sex appears in the fair sex. Her

and heavy discharge are noticeable already on the 3rd day after intimacy. There may be several reasons. The most common is the use of contraceptives. As you know, oral contraceptives change hormonal levels, and fungus may appear as a result of its changes.

Some women, after unprotected sexual intercourse, use potent hormonal drugs, for example, Postinor tablets, to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. This drug deals a strong blow to hormonal levels, which will immediately provoke candidiasis. But not only strong hormones negatively affect the microflora - constant use of oral contraceptives also changes the flora inside, contributing to thrush.

The group of provocateurs also includes condoms. Coated with a special lubricant to kill sperm, they not only protect against pregnancy, but also kill beneficial lactobacilli (microflora protectors). For the same reason, sex with a condom negatively affects treatment with topical drugs, increasing the duration and reducing the effectiveness of antifungal therapy.

It happens that one of the partners with stronger immunity is a carrier of the fungus, he has no obvious symptoms of the disease, while the second, due to health problems, constantly becomes infected from the first. In this case, simultaneous treatment of both with antifungal drugs is required until complete recovery, and in this case sex should not be had in order to avoid relapse.

Making love during thrush is possible, but not advisable. During simultaneous therapy, the couple should avoid intimacy to prevent re-infections.

How long should it take to establish a fulfilling sex life? First you need to figure out how much the disease has developed. If the disease is mild, it will take about 5 days for antifungal therapy, and in advanced stages – up to two weeks. It is believed that cure occurs when obvious signs of candidiasis subside.

This time is enough to restore the mucosal microflora, and taking probiotics will speed up this process. The chronic form of candidiasis takes the longest to treat. It is a sluggish process, which is sometimes accompanied by relapses. In this case, to finally defeat the disease, long-term drug therapy is required, which can last several months.

Sexual contacts with thrush in practice, of course, are not as dangerous as suspicious couples think. Here, again, everything is strictly individual, since it is determined by the severity of the disease.

Here's what couples facing this problem should always remember:

  1. Condom. – During treatment, its use during sexual contacts of any kind is mandatory! If you have thrush, you can have sex, but it should be safe. – Any therapy loses its meaning if lovers experience intimacy without latex protection. Because then constant mutual infection occurs.
  2. It must be taken into account that the risk of re-infection of a partner occurs not only with direct contact of the genitals. – Candida can exist on the skin for some time. – Accordingly, fisting can lead to viable fungus remaining on the fingers. – And if fingers come into contact with the mouth or genitals, there is a risk of infection. – Well, direct contact of the oral cavity and genitals (oral sex) increases this likelihood even more.
  3. Many couples generally refuse sex during the treatment period, because so many restrictions must be observed and such control must be maintained.
  4. But there is also physical discomfort. – The mucous membrane of the vagina and penis affected by the fungus becomes the most vulnerable. – Movements of the penis can lead to tearing off the upper layers of the vaginal epithelium and cracks. – And men suffering from candidiasis, during violent sex, risk rupturing the frenulum of the penis. – Thrush after sex sometimes doesn’t give you pleasant relaxation, but a desire to wash yourself with a cool shower.
  5. We must remember that other infections (chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, herpes virus, etc.) can enter the body through microtraumas of the mucous membrane. – Another reason to use a condom.
  6. If thrush is detected on one side, the other should also be examined. – In case of active disease on both sides, treatment takes place simultaneously and in parallel.

If within 10 days after the end of the course no signs of recurrent candidiasis were detected, then you can “breathe a sigh of relief.”

So, intimacy during thrush is permissible, but subject to a number of conditions. Although, for the reliability of treatment, it is still advisable to wait 10 days, neglecting your intimate life.

After all, if you have sex with thrush, you can weaken the healing effect of therapy:

  • sex during the treatment of acute thrush leads to the fact that the penis almost always tears off the protective film from the walls of the vagina, formed by most drugs against candidiasis, and the medicine does not have time to completely destroy the fungal colonies (this is precisely the mechanism of action of all vaginal antifungal suppositories - Pimafucin, Livarol and etc.);
  • sex during drug treatment for thrush can cause trouble for the male half, even if the guy is not infected - the fact is that many vaginal anti-candidal ointments irritate the head of the penis.

Interesting Facts

Among other intimate issues, the following often occur:

  1. Masturbation. – If we are talking about masturbation as a way of sexual self-satisfaction, then there are no restrictions as such. – The only thing you need to make sure is that the hands or objects used for masturbation are relatively clean. – And if possible, do not use artificial lubricants, this is a potential chemical irritant for inflamed tissue. – And after masturbation, you need to thoroughly wash off all the consequences so that no fungus remains anywhere on the skin or objects. – Some couples replace sex for a while by masturbating on each other.
  2. Is thrush transmitted through kissing? – In general, yes, it is transmitted. – Firstly, the fungus can easily get into the oral cavity from your hands, as has already been mentioned several times. – And secondly, Candida has the unpleasant property of “sleeping” on the oral mucosa for a long time. – There are no symptoms, no concern, and the person is a carrier.

Thrush after oral sex occurs less frequently than after vaginal sex, but it still occurs. The reason is also that through oral sex you cannot become infected with many other sexually transmitted diseases that contribute to the occurrence of candidiasis.

There are many opinions regarding the combination of yeast-like fungi and oral sex:

  • One patient in medical surveys claims that she had oral sex against the background of candidiasis in both herself and her partner. And without any consequences.
  • Another, on the contrary, warns that problems with thrush began precisely because of unprotected oral sex with an untested partner.

Oral sex with thrush certainly has a number of limitations:

  1. Latex protection. – It is highly recommended to perform blowjob only with a condom, but for cunnilingus with thrush, due to anatomical differences, there is no such protection.
  2. An important factor is how long lovers engage in oral sex and how intensely. – It is clear that the longer and stronger it is, the higher the risk of fungus settling in the mouth.
  3. Not the entire genital area is contagious during oral sex. – If the fungus at the initial stage of the disease is located, for example, in the upper parts of the vagina, then the vulva is not yet considered a source of infection; in this case, you will not get candidiasis from cunnilingus. – However, with an ascending type of infection (from the vulva deep into the vagina), almost any area will be infected.
  4. Once infected, the sick person or the sick person themselves become infectious almost immediately, because Candidiasis has no such thing as an incubation period.
  5. Thrush after cunnilingus can worsen due to a physiological increase in the level of humidity in the vaginal area, and a humid environment is a positive factor for the growth and development of a fungal infection.

Many couples engage in oral sex against the background of candidiasis under the pretext that this is not full sexual intercourse. But as we can now see, the danger of fungal infection remains in this case.

Anal sex and thrush - this combination raises as many questions from patients as oral sex and thrush.

In some parts of the gastrointestinal tract, a small amount of Candida fungus is always present. For example, in the rectum. However, the mucous membrane of the large intestine is not affected due to the regular mechanical impact of passing feces.

Thrush from anal sex can occur under a combination of certain conditions:

  1. If the carrier of a fungal infection is a man, then it is recommended to use a condom here: - Firstly, anal sex is quite traumatic for both him and her. – Secondly, there may be an excessive amount of yeast-like fungi in the rectum, and there is a possibility of transferring the infection to the urinary canal.
  2. If you have anal sex with candidiasis, then only anal sex. – You cannot alternately insert the penis from the anus into the vaginal opening and back, since many opportunistic and pathogenic elements, including the described fungus, can enter the vagina from the rectum (which itself is far from sterile).

After sex, is thrush a regularity or an exception?

Of course, after sex, thrush can appear, but this is not the only factor. Scientists are still pondering the question of why some people develop this disease and others do not. But there are certain factors that definitely contribute to the development of infection in the body. This:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Presence of other chronic infections in the body
  • Diseases that are sexually transmitted
  • Long-term use of birth control pills
  • Diabetes mellitus (type 1–2)
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking hormones, corticosteroids
  • Stress
  • Prolonged hypothermia
  • Neglect of hygiene rules and swimming in dirty ponds.

There are many opinions about why candidiasis develops in the body. Among them, the main ones are:

  • The theory of changes in hormonal balance

Quite a lot of scientists believe that the high incidence of cases of recorded thrush during periods when a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, before menstruation, and during pregnancy is precisely due to fluctuations in hormonal balance. When the levels of certain hormones increase, the vaginal environment changes (usually mildly acidic, it becomes highly alkaline), which gives impetus to the growth of fungi.

But diabetes mellitus promotes the formation of an acidic environment due to excess glucose, and such changes also benefit candida. During pregnancy and during periods when a woman takes oral contraceptives, the level of progesterone increases, which is also a favorable environment for fungal infection.

  • Weak immune system theory

When a person takes antibiotics, while destroying harmful bacteria, they also kill beneficial microorganisms. Among them are lactic acid bacilli, which are permanent inhabitants not only of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also, for example, in the intestines. These rods perform a regulatory function, protecting the body from infections.

When their numbers are significantly reduced, they can no longer limit the growth of the fungus. In addition, the infection that they are trying to defeat with antibiotics has already weakened the body somewhat. Due to these factors, the immune system is not able to function fully, and the risk of developing thrush increases greatly.

A number of scientists are of the opinion that chronic yeast infection can itself have a depressing effect on the immune system: due to candida, the potential of the body’s protective functions is reduced. As a result, the immune system cannot fully fight infections, because thrush suppresses and even partially paralyzes it.

  • The theory of the relationship between allergies and thrush

Numerous studies indicate a connection between recurrent chronic thrush in women and seasonal pollen allergies. Some representatives of the fair sex were found to be allergic to Candida albicans.

When studies were conducted with women who did not respond to traditional antimycotic treatment, antibodies to candida were even found in their vaginal secretions.

The conclusion suggests itself: if thrush is not cured even with proper drug therapy and following all medical recommendations, then, in addition to the gynecologist, an allergist should also participate in organizing the treatment process.

If it turns out that an allergy is the cause of candidiasis, treatment with antifungal drugs will bring short-term relief as long as the allergen remains in the body.

Still, let's return to the question of why thrush occurs so often after sex. Experts say that contracting thrush from an infected partner is quite possible. But there are certain nuances.

It happens that after a girl has sex with a man for the first time, she develops thrush. But research shows that it is not the partner's fault at all. Young girls associate the fact of infection with pain and discomfort during the first sexual intercourse, which actually arises due to the rupture of the hymen.

The first sexual intercourse provokes a surge of a number of hormones, and accordingly, the vaginal microflora changes its composition. This moment can be taken advantage of by candida, which has actually long lived on the mucous membranes of a girl’s vagina. Therefore, thrush after the first sex is not at all uncommon.

In unmarried girls, thrush after sex occurs not only when in contact with a sick man. The fact is that modern young people, even before marriage, prefer not to use condoms during sexual intercourse. In this case, in addition to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, there is also a fairly high probability of unwanted pregnancy.

When a girl finds out that she is pregnant, she often realizes that it is too early for her to be a mother. In order to avoid going to the antenatal clinic, she decides to induce an abortion with medication by taking a postinor pill. This method seems quite safe, but in fact it is the same abortion, and its consequences are no less severe.

The effect of the drug is to suppress reproductive function (to achieve this, the drug somewhat weakens the body and inhibits the production of progesterone). In such conditions, the fetus is not able to gain a foothold; it is “thrown out” outside the female body. But in addition to getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy, the use of this drug provokes colossal hormonal disruption and fluctuations in the menstrual cycle.

Today oral sex is more fashionable than ever. During oral sex, the partner's genitals and oral cavity come into contact, so the risk of infection increases significantly. Candida also often lives in the oral cavity. In this case, both in it and on the genitals, wounds and mechanical damage may be present, which will contribute to the development of infection.

If your partner is infected with a yeast infection, then your thrush may progress after sex. This happens especially often if the immune system is weakened.

To be fair, it must be said that such infection does not always occur. If the body is healthy and the immune system fully performs its functions, then almost instantaneous self-healing occurs.

We suggest you read: Get rid of thrush forever at home

If thrush after sex is caused precisely by the partner’s illness, then treatment should be carried out only in pairs. During such therapy, you need to abstain from sex, and after it you need to protect sexual intercourse with latex-based condoms. This will avoid re-infection in the event of a relapse in one of the partners. When a couple suffers from candidiasis, it is called “marital thrush.”

Thrush often occurs hidden. If one of the spouses constantly suffers from thrush, despite proper treatment, this may indicate that the partner is a carrier of the disease.

As mentioned above, candidiasis does not always develop specifically on the genitals. Very often the disease is localized in the oral cavity and intestines. In this regard, there is a high risk of infection through a kiss.

Outside the human body, candida is able to maintain vital activity for about two hours. Therefore, candidiasis pathogens often enter the body through contact with household items, furniture, clothing, and food.

Sex with thrush

If you suspect that candidiasis is developing, then you must use condoms during sexual intercourse.

It is better to prevent infection of your partner by overcoming yourself and refusing sex for a certain time.

We must not forget that oral sex and kissing can also cause thrush.

The physiology of an adult is designed in such a way that sex is a necessity for him. This is a complex mechanism involving the hormonal, neuropsychic, and vascular systems, and it plays a large role in maintaining the physical and mental health of both men and women.

But there are situations when you have to abstain from sex for one reason or another. Such reasons include thrush in one of the sexual partners or both, when sex can be dangerous for the following reasons:

  1. High risk of infecting a healthy partner.
  2. The development of complications of the disease in the sick partner.
  3. Inferiority of sexual intercourse.

Transmission of infection through unprotected sexual contact always occurs, and in the vast majority of cases candidiasis (thrush) develops.

Even with a strong immune system, a local inflammatory process occurs due to the fact that Candida fungi are in active form and a huge amount of them enters the genital tract.

For both men and women with thrush, having sex always carries a risk of complications. The reason is the spread of infection due to increased blood flow, mechanical increase in the area of ​​infection during sexual intercourse. As a result, fungi enter the urinary tract, and an ascending infection may develop, leading to cystitis and pyelonephritis.

In women, during orgasm, fungi can enter the uterine cavity and cause inflammation - candidal endometritis. In men, the infection can penetrate the seminal ducts into the epididymis, resulting in the development of candidal epididymitis.

Thrush always affects the quality of sexual intercourse. Pain and burning in the genitals do not add a positive color to sex, and heavy discharge and the inflamed appearance of the organs also play a negative role.

If in women sexual intercourse may be disrupted purely for psychological reasons (inconvenience, fear), then in men pain can sharply reduce potency.

What to do and how to protect yourself from thrush during sex? Protection against fungal infection is possible only with the help of a condom, and even then there is no 100% guarantee. Other negative phenomena cannot be prevented, and such sex is unlikely to please partners. For all considerations, you should abstain from sexual intercourse until the thrush is completely cured.

Symptoms of thrush usually appear 2-3 days after sex: discharge from the genitals, itching, burning. This may indicate infection with a fungus from a sexual partner. But it’s not always the partner’s fault; there are other nuances.

Contraception for safety

The use of contraceptives helps prevent unwanted pregnancy and avoid sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, HIV). Most of them prevent conception by 98-99%. It is known that only barrier methods (vinyl, latex) protect against fungal flora and prevent infection.

MethodNameActionEffect on candida
Barrier contraceptives.Condoms for men and women.Prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.Prevents the development of candidiasis.
Rings, diaphragms, caps.They work the same way as condoms.Do not affect the transmission of the disease.
Oral contraceptives.Claira, Janine, Regulon, Siluet, Lindinet.They prevent ovulation, thicken mucus in the cervix, and change the thickness of the endometrium.Promotes the development of fungal flora in the first month of use. Further, they do not affect candida.
Emergency contraception methods.Gynepriston, Postinor, Escapelle, Genale.Block the action of progesterone, promote the release of the fertilized egg.After taking it, candidiasis may develop.
Additional funds.Lubricants, lubricants.Durex, Contex.With weakened immunity, they contribute to the development of thrush.
Spermicides.Suppositories, creams, capsules, tablets.Destroy sperm.They can lead to an allergic reaction, which contributes to the occurrence of candidiasis.

Oral contraceptives can be used as prescribed by a gynecologist. They not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also normalize hormonal levels. Polycystic disease, hirsutism, and acne are treated with the help of female sex hormones. Contraceptives have undesirable consequences. There are several reasons for microflora disruption after sex. These include:

  • Changing the number of allocations.
  • Dryness in the vagina.
  • Discharge of blood during the intermenstrual period.
  • Changes in acid-base balance.

These changes increase the susceptibility of mucous membranes to sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, drugs are prescribed after determining female hormones in the blood. If they are reduced, contraceptives can be taken. The adaptation period lasts about one month. Further, the likelihood of getting a fungal infection is the same as for women who do not take hormones. In addition, oral contraceptives can lead to primary thrush.

Cases of fungal infection after oral contraceptives are reported very rarely.

A fungal infection after sex may indicate pregnancy, since contraceptives in capsules and tablets provide 99% protection, therefore, pregnancy is possible in 1% of cases. It is not recommended to use antifungal suppositories on your own, since during pregnancy they can have a negative effect on the fetus.

When using barrier contraceptives and lubricants, allergic reactions occur. Barrier methods include female condoms, vaginal diaphragms, caps, spermicides in pastes, suppositories, and tablets.

Vaginitis, which often occurs after medical termination of pregnancy, leads to changes in the cycle, the level of sex hormones and the acidity of the environment, which is an impetus for the activation of fungi. The manifestation of candidiasis is mistakenly associated with infection during sexual intercourse, although the impetus for the development of thrush is the use of Postinor and Ginepristone.

Why thrush appears: about the reasons

  • weakened immune system;
  • dysbacteriosis caused by both taking antibiotics and improperly selected hygiene products;
  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • allergy;
  • hormonal imbalance.

If, despite the treatment completed, symptoms of thrush appear after each sexual intercourse, this indicates that the partner is a carrier of the causative agent of the disease and he also needs to undergo antifungal therapy.

It is important to remember that the symptoms of thrush and some sexually transmitted diseases are similar. Therefore, if the appearance of unpleasant sensations for the first time was preceded by unprotected sex, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

As a result of unprotected sexual intercourse, a large number of microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the genital organs. But the painful condition develops only if the body is weakened or other provoking factors occur. There is a high probability that taking emergency contraception (for example, Postinor) may contribute to an increase in the number of pathogens due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. It is for this reason that thrush can occur after unprotected sex.

In addition to medications of this kind, the development of thrush is provoked by:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • barrier methods of contraception;
  • use of artificial lubricants.

All of these risk factors affect the state of the vaginal environment and can inhibit beneficial microflora that can suppress the development of candida.

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease; it can also be contracted through household means. In this case, a person can remain a carrier of the pathogen for a long time without knowing it. If a woman is a carrier of the fungus, but does not observe symptoms, she considers herself healthy and has unprotected sex, infecting her partner.

When thrush appears in a woman who is having unprotected sex with a regular partner, it is important to carry out couple therapy. Since if the fight against the fungus is carried out exclusively by one side, there is a 100% guarantee of re-infection after the end of the course of treatment.

Often, men who do not experience unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis are convinced that it is a female disease and do not consider it necessary to use anti-thrush remedies. However, the opinion of doctors on this matter is clear.

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Thrush is the common name for a fungal infection, medically called candidiasis. It develops as a result of contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the microscopic yeast-like fungus Candida (candida albicans), which means “white” in Latin.

Candida fungus is present in the body of most people - on the mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals, and intestines. Its concentration is low, and it fulfills its functions - it is part of the beneficial microflora. The immune system regulates its quantity and activity.

When the immune system is weakened, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly and acquires pathogenic properties. That is, the disease can break out without the fault of the sexual partner, but an already ill man or woman is a source of infection by the activated thrush fungus.

In affected women, thrush has the following symptoms:

  • thick white vaginal discharge of a cheesy nature;
  • redness and swelling of the genital mucosa;
  • itching and burning in the vaginal area, vulva;
  • burning when urinating;
  • discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • skin irritation in the perineal area, inner thighs.

The discharge has a sour smell, reminiscent of onions.

Men experience similar discharge from the urethra, pain during sexual intercourse and urination. A whitish coating forms in the area of ​​the head and foreskin, and there may be areas of skin ulceration.

In both sexes, the disease can also be localized in the oral cavity, forming a white coating, redness and erosion of the mucous membrane. Eating is painful and difficult.

Some women, wanting to terminate an early pregnancy, use the drug Postinor. It promotes the release of the fertilized egg, but also sharply affects the hormonal system, as a result, the immune system drops sharply and candida fungi are immediately activated. The woman mistakenly believes that she became infected through sexual contact.

Oral sex for thrush. After oral sex with an infected partner, thrush symptoms also develop in the oral cavity. White spots appear, then plaque appears on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, gums and even the palate, painful erosions, pain and burning sensations form during meals.

How does infection occur?

There are three main ways:

  • direct contact of the genitals (vaginal sex);
  • direct contact of the genitals and oral mucosa (oral sex);
  • indirect contact, when Candida from the genitals and/or oral cavity of an infected partner enters the skin of an uninfected partner, and then onto his mucous membranes.

Much depends on the person’s immune status.

Candidiasis does not necessarily begin after the first contact with a partner who has an increased level of Candida. If a woman has enough Doderlein bacilli in her vagina, or a man has a high resistance to infection, then the “portion” of fungi that enters the body is simply destroyed naturally.


If thrush appears after sex, you need to remember whether the woman has recently had problems with bowel movements. Constipation, or more precisely the intake of products or drugs with a laxative effect, is a common cause of disruption of the microflora in the body and the development of vaginal candidiasis.

Some patients claim that thrush began when a man ejaculated into a woman. To prevent the progression of the disease after sexual intercourse, it is worth carrying out hygiene procedures using intimate hygiene products. They are able to restore and maintain the natural level of acid-base environment in the genital area.

In a situation where thrush develops from anal sex, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse with double penetration (first into the rectum, and then into the vagina). Such actions transfer bacteria from one place to another, which leads to a conflict between microorganisms and candidiasis begins.

Among other medical recommendations, the following was noted:

  • Women and men should take a course of probiotics (bacteria beneficial to the body) several times a year;
  • If, after sex with your husband, thrush begins from contact with sperm, then the moment of ejaculation on the genitals should be excluded;
  • When sexual intercourse is completely completed, you need to take a shower and wash the external genitalia, but do not douche.

Knowing what the possible cause of thrush in women after contact with a man can be, a girl can take the necessary steps in advance to prevent the disease from developing. If you have symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.

Thrush during oral sex

Here the situation is a little different. A huge number of pathogenic microorganisms live in the oral cavity, therefore, it is easier to “earn” thrush through oral sex. So, for example, during oral contact with a sick girl, there is a high probability that the man will become infected with the oral form of candidiasis. And, conversely, oral sex with a guy who has a disease often leads to infection of his other half. Therefore, oral sex with thrush is permissible only if the human mucous membranes affected by Candida are not involved.

When practicing anal sex, you should not allow the penis to alternately penetrate the vagina and anus to avoid the appearance of anal candidiasis. It is dangerous because a person, experiencing severe itching in the anus, scratches this area, wounds appear, which can easily become infected.

Can a yeast infection occur after oral sex? The disease is transmitted to a woman after a blowjob with candidiasis of the penis or foreskin in a man. After sexual intercourse, oral candidiasis may occur, which is accompanied by the appearance of white plaque, bleeding, and the appearance of jams. Symptoms can occur in healthy women, but more often occur in the presence of ulcers, wounds in the mouth, gingivitis, periodontitis, or after tooth extraction.

Why does thrush occur after contact with a partner? Infection of the oral mucosa occurs under the following conditions:

  • when kissing a person infected with candidiasis;
  • during oral sex.

It is known that the risk of contracting thrush is higher during oral, anal sex, or a combination of both.

Candida in the oral cavity develops even through everyday contact - through dishes, food, clothing. They can maintain vital activity in the environment for up to 2 hours. Therefore, household infection occurs frequently. When the disease is detected, not only sexual contact, but also kissing is excluded.

Microflora incompatibility

Often girls wonder whether thrush can be caused by oral, anal or vaginal sex. Doctors answer unequivocally in a positive direction. The fact is that, regardless of the type of intimacy, biological fluids are exchanged between partners, and they, in turn, are saturated with their own microorganisms.

If bacteria, both beneficial and pathogenic, come into conflict, then candidiasis begins to progress. The absence of characteristic symptoms of the disease indicates that the partner has everything in order with the composition of the microflora, and he is a safe carrier of the infection.

At the same time, we should not forget that if there is no characteristic discharge and plaque on the head of the penis, this does not mean that yeast-like fungi are absent from the microflora, and if there are microcracks in the woman’s mucosa, they penetrate into her environment, where they begin to actively multiply.

When thrush appears after sexual intercourse, violation of intimate hygiene rules should be considered. This is also a provoking factor for disruption of the microflora in men and women. Incompatibility of bacteria, and, as a result, developed candidiasis also occurs in girls who often douche.

How long after treatment can you make love?

With proper treatment, the disease proceeds without complications. If therapy is not carried out, or the course of medication is interrupted, yeast fungi penetrate other organs. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract (oral cavity, esophagus, large intestine, anus) may occur. With chronic damage to the vagina, the infection affects the uterus and appendages, bladder, urethra, and kidneys.

If a fungal infection begins after sexual intercourse, both partners should be examined as soon as possible. Local remedies (suppositories, douching, baths) can be used to treat a woman. A man is usually prescribed systemic antimycotics (tablets, capsules) and local medications (ointments, gels, creams). During the treatment period, it is better to avoid sexual contact due to the following reasons:

  • barrier methods of contraception significantly reduce the effectiveness of antifungal drugs;
  • sex can lead to relapse of the disease;
  • a woman feels discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • the vaginal mucosa is injured, which can lead to the spread of infection to the urethra, bladder, and deep tissues;
  • a concomitant disease, such as bacterial vaginitis, may develop.

Therefore, it is so important to abstain from sexual intercourse during the entire course of treatment and follow other recommendations of the attending physician.

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush?

It is possible to get pregnant with candidiasis. But you should not plan a pregnancy if you have an illness for the following reasons:

  1. There is a high probability that the disease will develop complications and become chronic.
  2. There is a high risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Most gynecologists and urologists advise their patients to abstain from sexual intercourse until the disease is completely eliminated with the help of special medications. The fact is that the vaginal mucosa is in an excited, painful state due to thrush. Sexual intercourse in this case will contribute to even greater trauma to the mucous membrane, which will lead to microcracks and erosion. And this, in turn, is fraught with the emergence of various sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

Here are some more reasons why you should avoid sex during candidiasis:

  • If a girl develops thrush, she may forget about the pleasant sensations during sex. Sexual intercourse will be accompanied by pain, burning, dryness and lack of orgasm;
  • drugs aimed at eliminating the fungus create an antimycotic film on the walls of the vagina. Sexual intercourse violates its integrity, which means the healing process will definitely be delayed;
  • women who are planning to conceive will not be able to get pregnant until they completely get rid of the Candida fungus in their body;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse during thrush can introduce and spread various infections inside the urethra;
  • The amount of discharge with an unpleasant odor during sex will only increase. This will probably cause discomfort for both partners.

We suggest you read about Thrush after the pool: how to avoid it

Almost every pregnant woman experiences candidiasis during her happy nine months. And the reason for this is almost always the same - a decrease in immunity against the background of sudden hormonal changes.

When it comes to pregnant women, doctors are unanimous in their opinion: sexual intercourse during this period is strictly prohibited. The fact is that pregnancy always weakens the female body, so it is always more susceptible to various viruses and infections. A woman who will soon become a mother will take much longer to fight the fungus due to the fact that her body fights pathogenic bacteria very weakly and slowly.

The main danger of sex during pregnancy during vaginal candidiasis is that thrush can develop into a chronic form, which will significantly complicate its treatment and is fraught with various complications. Moreover, the pathogenic bacterium can be transmitted to the child as it passes through the birth canal.

Conclusion: a couple where the girl is expecting a child should completely avoid having sex, even with a condom, until the fungus is completely eliminated.

Is candidiasis transmitted sexually?

How long should it take to establish a fulfilling sex life? First you need to figure out how much the disease has developed. If the disease is mild, it will take about 5 days for antifungal therapy, and in advanced stages – up to two weeks. It is believed that cure occurs when obvious signs of candidiasis subside.

This time is enough to restore the mucosal microflora, and taking probiotics will speed up this process. The chronic form of candidiasis takes the longest to treat. It is a sluggish process, which is sometimes accompanied by relapses. In this case, to finally defeat the disease, long-term drug therapy is required, which can last several months.

Of course, after sex, thrush can appear, but this is not the only factor. Scientists are still pondering the question of why some people develop this disease and others do not. But there are certain factors that definitely contribute to the development of infection in the body. This:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Presence of other chronic infections in the body
  • Diseases that are sexually transmitted
  • Long-term use of birth control pills
  • Diabetes mellitus (type 1–2)
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking hormones, corticosteroids
  • Stress
  • Prolonged hypothermia
  • Neglect of hygiene rules and swimming in dirty ponds.

There are many opinions about why candidiasis develops in the body. Among them, the main ones are:

  • The theory of changes in hormonal balance

Quite a lot of scientists believe that the high incidence of cases of recorded thrush during periods when a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, before menstruation, and during pregnancy is precisely due to fluctuations in hormonal balance. When the levels of certain hormones increase, the vaginal environment changes (usually mildly acidic, it becomes highly alkaline), which gives impetus to the growth of fungi.

But diabetes mellitus promotes the formation of an acidic environment due to excess glucose, and such changes also benefit candida. During pregnancy and during periods when a woman takes oral contraceptives, the level of progesterone increases, which is also a favorable environment for fungal infection.

  • Weak immune system theory

When a person takes antibiotics, while destroying harmful bacteria, they also kill beneficial microorganisms. Among them are lactic acid bacilli, which are permanent inhabitants not only of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also, for example, in the intestines. These rods perform a regulatory function, protecting the body from infections.

When their numbers are significantly reduced, they can no longer limit the growth of the fungus. In addition, the infection that they are trying to defeat with antibiotics has already weakened the body somewhat. Due to these factors, the immune system is not able to function fully, and the risk of developing thrush increases greatly.

A number of scientists are of the opinion that chronic yeast infection can itself have a depressing effect on the immune system: due to candida, the potential of the body’s protective functions is reduced. As a result, the immune system cannot fully fight infections, because thrush suppresses and even partially paralyzes it.

  • The theory of the relationship between allergies and thrush

Numerous studies indicate a connection between recurrent chronic thrush in women and seasonal pollen allergies. Some representatives of the fair sex were found to be allergic to Candida albicans.

When studies were conducted with women who did not respond to traditional antimycotic treatment, antibodies to candida were even found in their vaginal secretions.

The conclusion suggests itself: if thrush is not cured even with proper drug therapy and following all medical recommendations, then, in addition to the gynecologist, an allergist should also participate in organizing the treatment process.

If it turns out that an allergy is the cause of candidiasis, treatment with antifungal drugs will bring short-term relief as long as the allergen remains in the body.

Symptoms of thrush in both sexes

Since we have already figured out that genital candidiasis can bother not only women, but also men, then let’s talk about the symptoms of the disease. The signs of the disease are, in principle, identical, they just may manifest themselves slightly differently.

The beautiful half of our society, alas, is much more likely to encounter thrush. The anatomical structure of the female genital organs predisposes to this. Candida happily multiplies in the cozy, warm and moist vagina, where no intimate hygiene product can reach them. The progression of infection is inextricably linked with hormonal fluctuations, which are considered normal for the female body. Candidiasis in women manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • First, the woman begins to feel itching in the genital area. At first it is intermittent in nature, and later it can practically not stop. The symptom intensifies at night and after taking water treatments.
  • The mucous membranes of the genital organs become bright red. They become inflamed, may swell, and begin to hurt.
  • Quite abundant discharge appears, which looks like a cheesy mass. The structure of the discharge is heterogeneous, it is lumpy, usually white. A sour smell may or may not be present, especially if the woman washes her face frequently.
  • Due to the effect of urine on the inflamed mucous membrane, a burning sensation occurs in the external genital area.
  • There are often problems with urination; it can be frequent and painful.
  • Instead of pleasure, sexual intercourse during this period causes discomfort due to soreness of the mucous membranes.

If a woman notices similar symptoms, she needs to go to an antenatal clinic, where the doctor will draw up an optimal treatment regimen.

It is more difficult for candidiasis to gain a foothold on the male genital organs: they are located outside, and the foreskin is mobile, so it is difficult to hide behind it. But with weakened immunity, candidiasis still develops in men. Most often it manifests itself in the form of balanoposthitis (when the head and foreskin of the penis become inflamed). In this case, the man observes the following symptoms:

  • Itching and burning of the glans and foreskin of the penis
  • The presence of white plaque on the head (if you try to remove it, this leads to the formation of bleeding wounds)
  • Redness that does not have clear contours and swelling of the infected areas
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse, especially during an erection
  • Pain and burning when urinating
  • Red rashes may appear.

If male thrush is not treated promptly, the infection also spreads to the urethra. Then the disease becomes similar to gonorrhea: impurities of mucus and blood appear in the urine, urination is frequent and quite painful, and in the morning specific discharge (“white threads”) appears.

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