Eutirox: contraindications, side effects, reviews of the drug

According to WHO research, thyroid diseases rank second among the most common endocrine disorders, second only to diabetic problems. Therapy for this pathology is carried out with various hormonal drugs, one of which is eutirox.

Medicines included in the lists recommended for the treatment of such abnormalities in the functioning of the gland should be prescribed exclusively by an endocrinologist.

It is necessary to understand: with inadequate dosage and incorrect selection of the drug, additional health problems may develop. Therapy should begin, first of all, with a thorough and complete examination. It is important for the patient to study the contraindications and side effects of eutirox.

Other foreign analogues

“L-Tirox Euro” is an analogue of “Eutirox”, produced in India (Biodil laboratory).
There are only two dosages of tablets: 50 and 100 mcg, which is not very convenient for patients. The effect of the drug and its administration are similar to all medications containing sodium levothyroxine. In case of an overdose, unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • palpitations and rapid pulse;
  • increased sweating;
  • tremor and insomnia;
  • angina attacks;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, up to anaphylactic shock.

If such manifestations occur, you should stop taking the drug and do the necessary examinations: blood tests, ultrasound, etc.

"Bagotirox" is an analogue produced in Argentina, containing the active substance levothyroxine sodium. Dosage of tablets: 50, 100, 150 mcg (tablets differ in color).

"Tivoral" is a drug containing sodium levothyroxine and excipients, produced in Serbia and Montenegro (Belgrade), dosage 100 mcg

Use with caution in people with lactose intolerance or lactose intolerance

"Iodocomb" (Berlin-Chemie, Germany) - contains, in addition to levothyroxine sodium (dosage 50 and 75 mcg), another 150 mcg of potassium iodide. Iodine is an ingredient necessary for normal thyroid hormone synthesis. The patient's daily requirement for iodine in the body usually lies in the range of 100-250 mcg. Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age

It should be taken with caution in patients over 65 years of age, with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease (including

myocardial infarction), epilepsy.

Composition of Euthyrox

The main active ingredient of the drug is sodium levothyroxine, a synthetic replacement for the natural gland hormone. Eutirox is produced in the form of a tablet medication for oral administration.

The dosage of the medicine varies from 25 to 100-150 mcg of the active component. The therapeutic effect occurs after 3-15 days (on average up to 12) provided that it is taken regularly.

Important: “The use of a synthetic hormone analogue in the treatment of hypothyroidism does not entail a significant change in body weight. Its action is based on preserving and restoring the normal functioning of the body as a whole, eliminating malfunctions that arise as a result of impaired functionality of the gland.”


If the dosage regimen is violated, in particular, the amount of levothyroxine increases, symptoms of a pathological condition such as thyrotoxicosis appear:

  • change in heart rate, while the patient feels a heartbeat;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • deterioration in sleep quality;
  • increased appetite due to sudden weight loss;
  • loose stool.

In this case, the daily amount of Eutirox is adjusted. It is advisable to take a break.

With an overdose of Eutirox, the quality of sleep deteriorates.

Additionally, beta-blockers are prescribed. When the symptoms disappear, continue treatment, but start taking the drug with the smallest amount.

Exceeding the permissible dose and compatibility with other drugs

Side effects during the use of eutirox occur due to violations in the dosage regimens prescribed by the attending physician. For some patients, it is common to increase the prescribed dose without permission.

Exceeding the daily amount of the drug by 25-50 mcg for a long time can give rise to unpleasant symptoms associated with an overdose of the drug.

There is a disturbance in the activity of the heart, expressed in an attack of tachyarrhythmia. As a consequence of the harmful effects of an excessive dose of medication, some patients may experience myocardial ischemia, with a risk of developing a heart attack.

Even in the absence of the above-mentioned formidable problems - shortness of breath with minimal exertion, tremors in the hands, sleep disturbance and panic attacks will be “frequent companions” of such patients if the instructions are not followed.

Undesirable interactions with various medications can occur when the patient does not inform the doctor about the co-administration of eutirox and drugs for the treatment of concomitant pathologies.

In such combinations, the effectiveness of insulin, glucose-lowering tablets, and cardiac glycosides is reduced.

The reverse process is observed with the combined use of antidepressants and blood thinning drugs. Even in small dosages, the hormone can significantly increase their effect.

What to do if you missed taking a pill: what are the dangers?

If for some reason you cannot take the pill in the morning on an empty stomach, or you cannot remember whether you took it or not, it would be wise not to take the drug at all that day. This is due, firstly, to the fact that after eating it does not have the necessary therapeutic effect and, secondly, it can be harmful to human health if the medication is taken again by mistake.

An overdose of eutirox can affect the body's systems, causing symptoms similar to the clinical picture of the underlying disease.

Application of Eutirox 25

Daily dosages are selected individually based on indications. It is recommended to take the tablets half an hour before meals with water.

In patients under 55 years of age with hypothyroidism and the absence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, doses of 1.6-1.8 mcg per 1 kg of weight are used. Older patients are prescribed half the dose.

In severe hypothyroidism, therapy begins with doses of 12.5 mcg per day, then they are doubled every 14 days depending on the concentration of TSH in the blood serum.

The congenital form of hypothyroidism in children is treated with the following doses depending on age:

  • from 0 to 6 months: daily dosage – from 25 to 50 mcg;
  • from 6 to 12 months: from 50 to 75 mcg;
  • from 1 to 5 years: from 75 to 100 mcg;
  • from 6 to 12 years: from 100 to 150 mcg;
  • over 12 years: from 100 to 200 mcg.

It is recommended to take Eutirox 25 tablets half an hour before meals with water.

For patients under 3 years of age, the medication is given in one dose, half an hour before meals. The tablets must be dissolved in water.

How long can I take it?

Patients with hypothyroidism are prescribed medication for life. For thyrotoxicosis, the medication is used in complex treatment with thyreostatic drugs after a euthyroid state has been achieved. In all situations, the duration of therapy depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body and is determined individually.


A strong indication to stop taking the drug is intolerance to its components. People suffering from thyrotoxicosis should not take the drug "Eutirox" (side effects will not be long in coming) if therapy with thyreostatics was insufficient. The presence of myocarditis and myocardial infarction is also a reason to refuse to take Eutirox. In addition, the drug is not prescribed to people suffering from acute pancarditis, untreated forms of pituitary insufficiency and adrenal insufficiency.

Patients with diabetes mellitus should take the drug carefully and under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist. Patients with dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system, suffering from atherosclerosis and severe forms of hypothyroidism should also be attentive to their condition. The doctor should also be careful when prescribing the drug to patients suffering from malabsorption syndrome.


Combining the drug with alcoholic drinks is possible, but you should know when to stop and depend on how you feel. Each organism is individual and it is impossible to predict how such a combination will affect you. Alcohol is known to reduce the effectiveness of medications, so its use is allowed only in small doses. Features of the interaction of the drug with other substances according to the instructions:

  1. The effect of reducing the effect of the active substance occurs when using sertraline.
  2. The use of ritonavir increases the need for the drug.
  3. Reduces the absorption of the substance from the gastrointestinal tract, cholestyramine.
  4. Clofibrate, salicylates, furosemide and dicoumarin can displace the active substance from its binding to proteins.
  5. The appearance of arrhythmia is facilitated by intravenous administration of phenytoin.
  6. Drugs that affect blood clotting increase their effectiveness.

Special Recommendations

Reviews of Eutirox say that its effectiveness depends primarily on the individual characteristics of the body. If there are no malfunctions in the thyroid gland, you can observe the first results within a few days from the moment you start taking the drug.

When its dysfunction is observed, weight will decrease no earlier than after 10 days. Taking medication to reduce weight has certain features.

Before you start taking the medicine, you need to study the instructions for Eutirox. Side effects are common in reviews, so it is important to take into account all the nuances.

Special recommendations include:

  1. You need to take the drug half an hour before meals. The tablets can be taken with plenty of water. Taking the medicine before meals will help reduce appetite and quickly saturate the body.
  2. To achieve maximum effect, you can fight excess weight not only with the help of this drug. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and not neglect physical activity. People who do not follow these rules will get better in the future. Reviews of Eutirox say that after taking it, you need to make an effort to maintain weight.
  3. The course of taking the medication should not exceed 1 month. If you deviate from this rule, you can cause serious damage to your health. Therapy should be extended only after consultation with a doctor.
  4. If after taking the medicine there is an increase in temperature or tremors in the hands, this is a signal that it is time to stop taking the drug.
  5. When taking this medicine, you must exclude foods that include soy from your diet. Neglecting this recommendation will result in a decrease in the activity of the drug.
  6. It is unacceptable to combine the drug with sertraline, ritonavir, cholestyramine and dicoumarin.
  7. If the medicine is taken together with drugs that affect blood clotting, the effect of the latter may be enhanced.
  8. Reviews of Eutirox and analogues say that it enhances the effect of taking tricyclic antidepressants, so you should refrain from such a combination.
  9. Combining medications and anticoagulants increases the risk of side effects. In this case we are talking about internal hemorrhage or gastrointestinal bleeding.
  10. If you take Eutirox together with phenytoin, a person may develop arrhythmia or tachycardia.

Eutirox and weight loss

According to the instructions for use, Eutirox in small dosages can accelerate protein synthesis. If you consume it in medium doses, the exchange of carbohydrates with proteins and fats will be stimulated. This effect of the drug on metabolism will certainly lead to a rapid loss of body weight. However, it is worth noting that the instructions for use of Eutirox for weight loss are not recommended. Independent use of this medicine for weight loss can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that taking a hormonal drug that is not supervised by a doctor can certainly lead to malfunctions of various endocrine glands. The instructions warn about this. It is even dangerous to use Eutirox for weight loss.

A state of prolonged hyperthyroidism leads to an acceleration of metabolism, and, in addition, to an increase in appetite. In such a situation, instead of the expected weight loss, you can, on the contrary, increase your body weight. With incorrect dosages, a number of adverse reactions from the normal functioning of the nervous system are inevitable. The bone, cardiac and vascular systems may also be affected. "Eutirox", like any other hormonal drug, should be used only according to strict indications, and, moreover, under the supervision of a doctor. Thus, it is not advisable to take it for weight loss purposes.

For expectant mothers

For many women, the desire to become a mother is so strong that the doctor’s verdict that they cannot give birth due to the presence of some disease does not serve as a sufficient reason not to get pregnant. For a pregnant woman, the “success of the entire enterprise,” so to speak, may depend on taking medications prescribed by a doctor. When a future mother is diagnosed with a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, the gynecologist prescribes the drug "Eutirox". During pregnancy, the drug must be taken continuously. It works instead of the thyroid gland, ensuring the normal functioning of the whole body. Canceling hormonal therapy for a woman and her unborn child is fraught with serious problems. Complications of intrauterine development, including mental retardation, are possible. Before synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones were developed, doctors recommended terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons.

Sometimes it happens that the expectant mother learns that the body does not have enough hormones produced by the thyroid gland only during the mandatory examination that all pregnant women undergo. In any case, the drug "Eutirox", the side effects of which can be quite painful, is vitally important to take. However, the intake should be under the supervision of the attending physicians - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, because the dosage during the entire pregnancy may be changed depending on the results of TSH and blood tests. And both a lack of the hormone and its excess can have a bad effect on the child’s condition.

If a woman knew about the lack of hormones in the body even before pregnancy and took the drug "Eutirox", then when it occurs, the dose of the drug should be increased. After the baby is born and during the lactation period, the mother should continue taking the medication, but carefully and under the supervision of a doctor.


The use of tricyclic antidepressants with levothyroxine sodium may lead to increased effects of the antidepressants.

Levothyroxine sodium reduces the effect of cardiac glycosides.

With simultaneous use of cholestyramine and colestipol (ion exchange resins), as well as aluminum hydroxide, they reduce the plasma concentration of levothyroxine sodium by inhibiting its absorption in the intestine. In this regard, levothyroxine sodium should be used 4–5 hours before taking these drugs.

When used simultaneously with anabolic steroids, asparaginase, tamoxifen, pharmacokinetic interaction is possible at the level of binding to plasma proteins. Protease inhibitors (eg tritonavir, indinavir, lopinavir) may affect the effectiveness of levothyroxine sodium. Close monitoring of thyroid hormone concentrations is recommended. If necessary, the dose of levothyroxine sodium should be adjusted.

Phenytoin may affect the effectiveness of levothyroxine sodium due to the displacement of levothyroxine sodium from plasma proteins, which can lead to increased concentrations of free thyroxine (T 4 ) and T 3 . On the other hand, phenytoin increases the rate of metabolism of levothyroxine sodium in the liver. Close monitoring of thyroid hormone concentrations is recommended.

Levothyroxine sodium may reduce the effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs. Therefore, frequent monitoring of blood glucose concentrations is necessary from the start of thyroid hormone replacement therapy. If necessary, the dose of the hypoglycemic drug should be adjusted.

Levothyroxine sodium may enhance the effect of anticoagulants (coumarin derivatives) by displacing them from plasma proteins, which may increase the risk of bleeding, such as hemorrhage in the central nervous system or gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in elderly patients. Therefore, regular monitoring of coagulation parameters is necessary both at the beginning and during combination therapy with these drugs. If necessary, the dose of the anticoagulant should be adjusted.

Salicylates, dicumarol, furosemide in high doses (250 mg), clofibrate and other drugs can displace levothyroxine sodium from binding to plasma proteins, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the free T4 fraction.

Sevelamer may reduce the absorption of levothyroxine sodium.

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (eg imatinib, sunitinib) may reduce the effectiveness of levothyroxine sodium. Therefore, at the beginning or at the end of a course of concomitant therapy with these drugs, it is recommended to monitor changes in thyroid function in patients. If necessary, the dose of levothyroxine sodium is adjusted.

Aluminum-containing drugs (antacids, sucralfate), iron-containing drugs, and calcium carbonate are described in the literature as potentially reducing the effectiveness of levothyroxine sodium. Therefore, it is recommended to take levothyroxine sodium at least 2 hours before using such medications.

Somatropin, when used simultaneously with levothyroxine sodium, can accelerate the closure of epiphyseal growth plates.

Propylthiouracil, GCS, β-sympatholytics and iodine-containing contrast agents, amiodarone inhibit the peripheral conversion of T


in T


. Due to the high iodine content, the use of amiodarone may be accompanied by the development of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

Particular attention should be paid to nodular goiter with the possible development of unrecognized functional autonomy.

Sertraline, chloroquine/proguanil reduce the effectiveness of levothyroxine sodium and increase serum TSH concentrations.

Drugs that induce hepatic enzymes (eg barbiturates, carbamazepine) may enhance the hepatic clearance of levothyroxine sodium. In women using estrogen-containing contraceptives or postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy, the need for levothyroxine sodium may increase.

Eating foods containing soy may reduce the intestinal absorption of levothyroxine sodium. Therefore, dosage adjustments may be necessary, especially when starting or stopping consumption of soy-containing products.

Eutirox during pregnancy and lactation

Elevated TSH levels are quite common. Therefore, expectant mothers may be prescribed the drug. An artificial analogue of thyroxine has exactly the same effect on the pregnant body as the hormone produced by the gland. This completely eliminates the negative impact on nascent life.

Important: “The main task of levothyroxine, as the main active component of the drug, is to eliminate the deficiency of thyroid hormone. This is much more harmful for the fetus than its excess.”

Persistent deficiency of thyroid-stimulating hormone is extremely dangerous for development in the prenatal period and can lead in the future to the following serious disorders:

  • a sharp decrease in intelligence;
  • mental disorders;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of internal organs.

Prescription of eutirox should be started when planning pregnancy, followed by its administration until delivery. The dosage must be carefully calculated.

At elevated concentrations, the following are possible:

  • sudden increase in A/D;
  • increased appetite;
  • excess weight;
  • increased sweating and irritability;
  • sleep disorders.

In case of a sharp reduction in dosage or complete refusal of the drug:

  • lack of interest in the environment;
  • migraine attacks;
  • weakness and increased drowsiness.

A correctly calculated amount of a medicinal substance is the main component of the good health of the expectant mother and her child.

In cases where the functionality of the gland is not restored, the medication should be used for life with careful dosage selection.

A correctly calculated amount of the drug during lactation does not harm either the fetus or the mother. In this situation, abrupt refusal of the medicine will be more harmful. This step can provoke the development of neuroses and postpartum depressive disorders. As a consequence of such disorders, there is a decrease in breast milk production, up to complete absence.

Medicine for children

The drug is also used in pediatrics as part of the treatment of congenital hypothyroidism. The dosage is selected depending on the body weight and age of the child. Thus, the instructions for using the drug for children are as follows:

  • Children in the first six months of life are prescribed 15 micrograms per kilogram of weight. The daily dose is up to 50 micrograms.
  • From six to twelve months of age, 8 micrograms per kilogram of weight is prescribed. The daily dose is up to 75 micrograms.
  • From one to five years of age, 6 micrograms per kilogram of weight is prescribed. The daily dose is up to 100 micrograms.
  • For ages six to twelve years, doctors usually prescribe 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose is 150 micrograms.
  • For children over twelve years of age, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 3 micrograms per kilogram of weight. The daily dose at this age is 200 micrograms.

Before giving the drug to the baby, the tablet is dissolved in plain water until a thin suspension appears. Then the resulting medicine is given to the child half an hour before feeding.

Side effects of the drug Eutirox

Side effects in the form of allergies may occur in patients with increased susceptibility to any component of the drug. Skin rashes, urticaria, itching, and shortness of breath are observed. There is information about cases of Quincke's edema. With the correct dose selection, Eutirox in most cases does not cause any side effects. Hypothyroidism occurs due to an incorrectly low dosage of the drug. This may manifest itself as follows: decreased ability to work, increased body weight, swelling of the face, decreased memory, constipation, drowsiness. The use of Eutirox can cause chest pain, adrenal dysfunction in adults and kidney function in children.

When using the drug Eutirox correctly and under constant supervision of the treating specialist, side effects, as a rule, are not observed.

Differences in dosage and drug components

All of these drugs contain the same main active ingredient, but the method of synthesizing the substance itself may differ. Therefore, the degree of activity of the active substance in different medications may differ.

The excipients included in the drugs are also different:

Drug name Excipients
"Euthirox" Starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate, lactose, etc.
"L-Thyroxine" Calcium hydrogen phosphate, glycerides, microcrystalline cellulose
"L-Thyroxine-Acri" Ludipress, magnesium stearate, lactose
"L-Tirox Euro" Sodium starch glycolate, crystalline cellulose, pregelatinized starch, magnesium stearate, silicone dioxide, lactose, water
"Bagotirox" Crystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, magnesium sodium stearate, croscarmellose, quinoline yellow or brilliant blue (dyes)
"Tivoral" Corn starch, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, lactose minohydrate

Excipients may differ in the rate of absorption of the main component into the walls of the stomach and intestines, but these differences are small.


One tablet of a hormonal drug contains the active substance in the amount indicated on the product packaging. Levothyroxine sodium is the sodium salt of L-thyroxine and, after metabolism in the kidneys and liver, affects tissue development. Among the additional substances, in addition to lactose monohydrate, there are: croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, gelatin, corn starch. Before using the medication, be sure to read the composition of the product in the instructions to avoid allergic reactions and the development of side effects.

Drug interactions

The drug reduces the effect of cardiac glycosides.

Phenytoin increases the rate of drug metabolism in the liver.

Products containing aluminum and iron reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

For women taking hormonal contraception, there may be a need to increase the dosage of the medication.

The use of amiodarone due to its high iodine content can lead to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

The active substance, when used with anticoagulants, can cause bleeding.

Products containing aluminum and iron reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

Reviews from doctors and patients

As reviews show, eutirox is quite widespread in endocrine practice. For its good tolerability, a thorough examination with a full set of tests and a gradual increase in dosage (if necessary) should be performed.

It is important that in case of an undesirable reaction to the action of the drug, the patient does not cancel or adjust its amount on his own, but contact a specialist.

Often on the Internet and various forums, people leave feedback that in the early stages of treatment they started having problems with their well-being:

  • tachycardia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • hot flashes throughout the body;
  • increased sweating.

Such undesirable manifestations subside when an adequate therapeutic dose is selected. However, in most people the medication is absorbed well, without causing negative metamorphoses. True, one should be aware of the necessity and importance of a healthy lifestyle, minimizing alcohol consumption and nicotine smoking.

Unfortunately, there are negative reviews about the drug on the forum. Typically, a persistent negative effect can be observed due to individual intolerance to the components. In this case, doctors recommend turning to analogues.

Medication for hypothyroidism

The initial daily dose in the presence of hypothyroidism for women under the age of fifty-five is 100 micrograms, and for men of the same age group - 150 micrograms. The dose is selected at the rate of 1.8 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. For patients over fifty-five with concomitant heart pathologies, the initial daily dose should be 25 micrograms.

If there is significant obesity, the dosage is calculated based on the so-called “ideal weight”, that is, normal body weight for concomitant growth. The initial dose is gradually increased by 25 micrograms per day at intervals of a couple of months until a normal level of thyroid-stimulating hormone is obtained in the blood. In cases of negative dynamics in the activity of the heart and blood vessels, adjustments in the treatment of cardiac pathology are required.

Against the background of severe and prolonged hypothyroidism, the initial daily dose is 12.5 micrograms. Increase the dose, taking into account the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone. In the presence of hypothyroidism, the drug is usually taken throughout life.

Possible complications from taking

If the patient takes high doses, or has an individual high sensitivity to the drug, then a state of hyperthyroidism may occur. It is also provoked by the rapid rate of increase in the daily amount of Eutirox.

The most dangerous is the stimulating effect on the heart, especially in patients with concomitant disorders of its functioning. There is a rapid heartbeat, rhythm disturbances, pain behind the sternum or in the myocardium. In such cases, the dose is reduced or the dose is changed for several days. After eliminating unwanted symptoms, therapy is continued.

Possible complications of using Eutirox include:

  • hot flashes;
  • headache;
  • feeling of restlessness, anxiety;
  • sweating;
  • hand trembling;
  • insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • weight loss;
  • muscle weakness, convulsive twitching;
  • disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation;
  • skin itching, urticaria, rashes;
  • bronchospasm, difficulty breathing.

In women after menopause, when taking levothyroxine, the risk of decreased mineral density and bone fragility increases. Since osteoporosis does not have pronounced clinical symptoms, especially at the initial stage, it is recommended to undergo densitometry at least once a year during long-term drug therapy.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, the drug "Eutirox" is prescribed to patients in the following cases:

  • The development of hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormone. The drug is prescribed to patients in the presence of a primary or secondary form by pathologists. The medicine is prescribed for replacement purposes.
  • Formation of euthyroid goiter - an enlarged thyroid gland due to a deficiency of thyroid hormones. In this case, the medicine is used to compensate for the deficiency of this hormone.
  • Development of diffuse toxic goiter. The drug is used to achieve a euthyroid state, in which there are no dysfunctions of the thyroid gland. This is confirmed by the instructions for use included with Eutirox 50 mcg.
  • Carrying out replacement therapy after surgical interventions on the thyroid gland, including regarding its oncological disease.
  • During treatment with thyreostatic drugs that block the function of the thyroid gland.
  • In cases of partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland. In this case, the drug is prescribed to prevent relapse of the disease.
  • The development of autoimmune thyroiditis is a chronic disease caused by the effect on the thyroid gland of antibodies that are produced directly in the patient’s body. This drug is used as part of complex treatment according to the instructions for use for Eutirox (50 mcg, etc.).
  • The appearance of Graves' disease or toxic goiter. In addition, when a mixed goiter occurs. In these cases, Eutirox is used as part of complex treatment.
  • The presence of cretinism is a congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones. This disease is accompanied by a delay in mental and, in addition, physical development. In this case, the drug is prescribed for replacement purposes.
  • Carrying out a thyroid suppression test. In this case, Eutirox is used as a diagnostic agent.

According to the instructions, the drug "Eutirox" has many different contraindications, we will consider them further.

Who is indicated for taking the drug?

The drug "Eutirox", the use of which must be supervised by a doctor, is prescribed in patients with diseases such as euthyroid goiter, a persistent lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland in the body (hypothyroidism). In children, the extreme form of deficiency is cretinism. Next, the drug should be taken by those who have undergone surgery for oncological problems of the thyroid gland or have toxic goiter in a diffuse form. For preventive purposes (prevention of new manifestations), the drug "Eutirox" is prescribed to people who have undergone surgery on the thyroid gland. It is used as a diagnostic tool when performing a thyroid suppression test.

Treatment with the drug: how to take Eutirox

In accordance with the instructions for Eutirox, the daily dose of the drug is taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. The tablet is swallowed whole and not chewed, but washed down with water. The daily dose is selected strictly individually, which depends on the immediate purpose of the prescription, and, in addition, on the nature of the disease, concomitant diseases and the age of the patient. Patients with the development of euthyroid goiter are prescribed therapeutic daily doses of 75 to 200 micrograms. A prophylactic dose after surgery is also 75-200 micrograms per day.

For patients who suffer from thyrotoxicosis, a daily dose of the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy individually from 50 to 100 micrograms. Doctors select the duration of the treatment course on an individual basis in each specific case. After surgery related to thyroid cancer, in order to prevent relapses, patients are prescribed from 50 to 300 micrograms of Eutirox per day. The drug dosage regimen for performing thyroid suppression testing is as follows:

  • Patients begin taking the drug daily one month before the test.
  • Four weeks before the day of the test, Eutirox is prescribed in a daily dosage of 75 micrograms.
  • Two weeks before the test, the daily dose is 150 to 200 micrograms.

Frequency of administration, dosage

Full information on how to take Eutirox is provided in the instructions accompanying the drug. In general, take the medicine once in the morning, the entire dose at once, at least 30 minutes before meals, and wash it down with water. The required daily dose depends on the disease and is selected by the attending physician. It is worth noting that in case of hypothyroidism, the drug “Eutirox” is indicated for lifelong use.

When treating goiter during the active period and after surgery, the prescribed dose of the drug ranges from 75 to 200 mcg. For thyrotoxicosis, the minimum volume is 50 mcg and can be increased to 100. When treating thyroid cancer, the dose of 50 mcg can be increased to 300. For hypothyroidism, the volume is calculated based on the patient’s age and depends on his weight. That is, a patient under the age of 55 can be prescribed a dose of up to 1.8 mcg per kilogram of weight. If the patient is over 55 years of age, the volume should not exceed 0.9 mcg per kg of weight.

When performing a thyroid suppression test, the dose depends on the period of time remaining before the procedure. 3-4 weeks before the test it is 75 mcg; for 2 – 100-150 mcg, for a week – 100-200 mcg. For children with congenital hypothyroidism, the dosage depends on age. Children under 6 months are prescribed 25-50 mcg, from 6 months to 1 year - 50-75 mcg, from one year to 5 years - 75-100 mcg, from 6 to 12 years - 100-150 mcg. For children over 12 years of age, the volume is 100-200 mcg.

When taking the hormonal drug Eutirox, side effects are quite possible, so patients should be attentive to their condition and contact their doctor at the first symptoms.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is used in replacement therapy. It is prescribed for insufficient synthesis of the hormone thyroxine T4. Substitution is possible due to the fact that the active component in this medicine is an isomer of thyroxine, but is characterized by synthetic origin. The principle of action of this substance and thyroxine is identical.

Levothyroxine does not provide the desired result immediately, but after passing through the liver, where it is metabolized.

This releases triiodothyronine. In this form, the compound enters cells, where it affects a number of biochemical processes.

Eutirox 100 is prescribed for insufficient synthesis of the hormone thyroxine T4.

Levothyroxine's chemical structure is the sodium salt of L-thyroxine. During metabolization, a number of processes are realized: binding to the genome occurs, changes in oxidative reactions in mitochondria are noted, etc. Levothyroxine exhibits a mild anabolic effect: it stimulates the growth and development of tissues. This effect is explained by its influence on metabolic processes.

Thanks to the participation of levothyroxine in various reactions, the supply of oxygen to the body is normalized. At the same time, the tissue demand for it increases. Due to this, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is normalized, and the function of the central nervous system is restored. The described effects are achieved when treated with the drug in minimal and medium doses.

Positive changes are not observed immediately (after 3-12 days), which depends on the treatment regimen, the patient’s condition, and the stage of development of the disease. The clinical effect is ensured no later than 5 days after taking the first dose, and the therapeutic effect - no earlier than 1.5 weeks. The advantage of the remedy in question is the ability to maintain positive changes after withdrawal. In this case, the result that was achieved during therapy lasts for 1-1.5 weeks.

If the diffuse goiter has already increased significantly, a positive result is achieved no earlier than after 3 months. Often the goiter decreases after six months.

After taking the tablets orally, the absorption process of the main component actively develops. This happens in the small intestine. Moreover, up to 80% of the substance is absorbed. Eating negatively affects the rate of absorption - it decreases. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached relatively quickly - 5 hours after taking the first dose.

The binding to serum proteins is high – up to 89%. There is only 1 active metabolite – triiodothyronine. The main substance is distributed throughout various tissues, but its transformation occurs in the liver, kidneys, brain tissue, and muscle fibers.

In such a pathological condition as thyrotoxicosis, the active component and its metabolites are removed from the body faster - in 3-4 days. Another disease (hypothyroidism) increases the half-life. In this case, the active substance and compounds obtained during its transformation are removed from the body in 1.5 weeks.

Hypothyroidism increases the half-life of the drug.

What side effects may occur?

Eutirox, like any drug, especially hormonally based, does not tolerate frivolous treatment. Only a specialist should select the dosage. Even small concentrations of a substance can cause undesirable consequences.

It is necessary to distinguish between individual intolerance and side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

In the first case, the development of symptom complexes is characteristic:

From the heart:

  • tachyarrhythmia and increased A\D numbers;
  • manifestation of angina pectoris.

Gastrointestinal tract damage:

  • diarrhea (often without warning);
  • weight loss;
  • weakness and pallor of the skin.

Disturbances in the activity of the nervous system:

  • headache;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • trembling in the body, numbness in the upper and lower extremities;
  • insomnia;
  • manifestation of depressive disorders.


  • menstrual irregularities.

Problems with the muscular system:

  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • rarely: development of general and isolated convulsions and muscle spasms.

Allergic phenomena. They can be caused by both the active substance and the auxiliary components included in the product. Symptoms similar to clinical anaphylaxis are extremely rare. However, even itching, rashes, and urticaria should be a reason to discontinue the drug and the need to select a medication that is similar in action, but different in composition.

In addition to skin manifestations, it is possible to develop conjunctivitis, runny nose, Quincke's edema, changes in hair structure, as well as hair loss.

special instructions

Before starting thyroid hormone replacement therapy or before performing a thyroid suppression test, it is necessary to exclude or treat the following diseases or pathological conditions: acute coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, pituitary insufficiency or adrenal insufficiency. Also, before starting thyroid hormone therapy, functional autonomy of the thyroid gland should be excluded or treated.

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of even minor drug-induced hyperthyroidism in patients with coronary insufficiency, heart failure or tachyarrhythmias. Therefore, in these cases, regular monitoring of thyroid hormone concentrations is necessary. Before carrying out replacement therapy with thyroid hormones, it is necessary to determine the etiology of secondary hypothyroidism.

If necessary, replacement therapy should be started to compensate for adrenal insufficiency.

If the development of functional autonomy of the thyroid gland is suspected, it is recommended to perform a reaction to the administration of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH test) or suppressive scintigraphy before starting therapy.

In postmenopausal women with hypothyroidism and an increased risk of osteoporosis, it is necessary to exclude the presence of serum levothyroxine sodium concentrations exceeding physiological concentrations. In this case, careful monitoring of thyroid function is recommended.

The use of levothyroxine sodium is not recommended in the presence of metabolic disorders accompanied by hyperthyroidism. An exception is the concomitant use of antithyroid drugs during drug therapy for hyperthyroidism. From the moment of initiation of therapy with levothyroxine sodium, in case of switching from one drug to another, it is recommended to adjust the dose depending on the patient's clinical response to therapy and the results of laboratory examination.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

Studies of the drug on the effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machines have not been conducted. However, because Levothyroxine sodium is identical to natural thyroid hormone; no effect on the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery is expected.

What is Euthyrox

The synthetic drug is an analogue of thyroxine, a thyroid hormone. Thanks to levothyroxine sodium, the active ingredient of Euthyrox, the drug has a beneficial effect on tissue development, growth and metabolism. Eutirox is a drug for replenishing thyroid hormone deficiency. A small dosage of the drug increases the rate of synthesis of proteins and fats, while a medium dose is aimed at the development and growth of tissues and their need for oxygen. The use of a large amount of the drug inhibits the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (endocrine glands).

Let's lose weight

Those wishing to use the drug "Eutirox" for weight loss should first of all remember that this is a drug for thyroid hormones, and not a means for weight loss. Under no circumstances should you prescribe it to yourself! Small doses of the drug stimulate fat and protein metabolism, and a medium dosage has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The product is indicated for use for a fairly wide range of diseases, but nowhere does it say that it should be used for weight loss. This is a hormonal drug, and taking it without proper medical supervision can have the exact opposite effect - weight will increase.

In any case, those who take the drug “Eutirox” for weight loss should know that weight can decrease (that is, “may”, and not necessarily decrease) only for the reason that it speeds up metabolism, which is the reason for weight loss . Under no circumstances should you exceed the recommended dose. Such actions can have a very negative impact on health, disrupting the stable functioning of the heart, nervous system, and thyroid gland.

Medical experts do not recommend taking the drug "Eutirox" solely for the sake of losing weight. An inaccurate dosage can cause a lot of side and negative effects. If symptoms do appear, you should stop taking the drug for weight loss.

Component composition and principle of operation

This drug can be described as a thyroid hormone preparation, which is a left-handed isomer of thyroxine. It was one of the first to be approved for use in European countries. Currently prescribed to patients in more than 70 countries around the world. The drug "Eutirox" stimulates the growth of muscle mass and tissue, accelerates metabolism. In small dosages, it makes protein synthesis in the body more effective and enhances calcification processes in bone tissue. Medium doses of the drug help the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body work more actively, metabolic processes (fat, carbohydrate, protein) are accelerated. Body tissues require more oxygen. High doses of the drug inhibit the formation of a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which, in turn, regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

When not to

As the instructions for Eutirox indicate, side effects are not inherent to this drug, but there are certain restrictions on its use.
If they are not followed, taking the medicine can cause unpredictable consequences. Such contraindications include insufficiency of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland, which are not corrected by medication. The product in question should not be used if the body is hypersensitive to any of the components used by the manufacturer. Eutirox should not be used if the patient has been diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis, but no correction program has been prescribed. During gestation, Eutirox (25 mcg and any other release) is prohibited from use if the patient must use antithyroid medications. In case of acute cardiac infarction, starting a course of treatment with a hormonal drug is strictly not recommended. Similar restrictions apply to acute pancarditis and myocarditis.


The drug was developed for medical purposes: it is prescribed for the treatment of hypothyroidism, an endocrine disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce the amount of hormones required by the body. In medical terms, the pills are used for hormone replacement therapy. Lifelong treatment with the drug is necessary after surgical removal of the organ.

The main active ingredient of the drug - levothyroxine sodium - upon penetration into the body is converted into triiodothyronine, which is involved in metabolic processes. These include:

  • stimulation of glucose conversion and absorption;
  • breakdown of proteins and fats;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fermentation of carbohydrates;
  • increased heart rate;
  • production of renewed cells;
  • activation of the central nervous system;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased need for rest;
  • supplementation of the activity of somatotropin growth hormone;
  • increased influence of catecholamines (norepinephrine, adrenaline and dopamine).

Symptoms of an overdose of Eutirox

When taking a hormonal drug in high doses, the following symptoms of an overdose of Eutirox may occur:

  • heart rhythm disturbance,
  • increased heart rate,
  • facial redness,
  • angina pectoris
  • menstruation disorder,
  • temperature increase,
  • headache,
  • increased intracranial pressure,
  • vomit,
  • muscle weakness,
  • trembling of limbs and other parts of the body,
  • weight loss,
  • stomach upset,
  • anxiety,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • increased sweating,
  • acute psychosis,
  • convulsions.

With prolonged use of the hormonal drug, cardiac arrest is possible.

What is Eutirox?

The general condition of a person depends on the correct functioning of the thyroid gland.

If there are malfunctions in its work in childhood, especially infancy, and thyroid insufficiency of the body, a lag in intellectual and physical development is observed.

To correct hypofunction of the glandular organ, tablets of this drug are used, which maintain the concentrations of thyroid hormones at the required level.

When the hormonal ratio begins to improve and approaches normal, patients are recommended to take iodine-containing medications.


An adult should receive 150 mcg daily, children need 50 - 120 mcg, pregnant women - 200 mcg.

The drug Eutirox is an artificial hormone, an analogue of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, which in therapeutic dosages enhances the following body processes:

  1. Exchange processes.
  2. Takes part in the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  3. Accelerates the passage of nerve impulses along nerve fibers.
  4. Increases the activity of the cardiovascular system.

When thyroxine concentrations are normalized in children and adolescents, the rate of their growth and mental development increases.

In order to avoid side effects, it is necessary to take Eutirox correctly, since most negative reactions from taking the drug are associated with excessive concentrations in the blood.

Eutirox is produced by a German pharmaceutical company and is generally considered safe, high quality and effective.

If the dosage of Eutirox and the drug itself were prescribed by a specialist, there are no side effects of Eutirox.

Causes of poisoning

The main reason for an overdose of Eutirox is self-medication, when taking it is started on the advice of friends, or after reading myths on the Internet that this drug can help with weight loss or pregnancy. This cannot be done, even if you take a test for the hormone thyroxine on your own initiative and decide that it is “low”. Only an endocrinologist can make such a decision, prescribe treatment and determine the dosage. And if there are reasons to see a doctor, you should go to the appointment and not self-medicate.

There are quite frequent cases of overdose of Eutirox for hypothyroidism, when patients believe that the effect of taking the medicine is insufficient and independently increase the daily dose prescribed by the doctor. If you have doubts about the sufficiency of the dosage, you should not increase it yourself, but consult a doctor about this problem. The decision to increase the dosage should be made only by an endocrinologist .

But cases of Eutirox overdose can also occur when patients follow (as it seems to them) doctor’s prescriptions. Eutirox is available in the form of tablets in nine versions of the active substance content ranging from 25 mcg to 150 mcg. Therefore, one of the common causes of poisoning with this drug is its use in excess dosage due to inattention. To avoid this, it is necessary to calculate the daily dose of tablets based on the amount of levothyroxine sodium they contain, which is indicated on the package.

Symptoms of poisoning with Eutirox may also appear if there is an individual intolerance to this medicine. In such cases, the prescription of the drug is canceled and replaced with another.

One of the causes of Eutirox poisoning is its use by young children. To prevent this, it is necessary to hide medications in places inaccessible to children.

Who took Eutirox: reviews

Gregory, 62 years old

“I took Eutirox for ten years. I had severe insomnia, took sleeping pills, was depressed and had high blood pressure.

I had to take antidepressants and high blood pressure medications regularly, I couldn't concentrate at work and I felt very unwell in the mornings.

In 2013 I switched to Natural Desiccated Thyroid Extracts (NDT) and felt like I was waking up from a bad dream. The depression is gone, my sleep is better, it’s like night and day. I wish doctors would give their patients the opportunity to try other drugs, not just Eutyrox, because it is clear that it does not work for everyone.”

Irina, 54 years old

“I have been taking this drug for many years. It works very well and controls my thyroid. I can always find out the correct dosage by taking blood tests. I realized that I need to take this medicine in the morning because it works better that way.”

Nadezhda, 46 years old

“I had surgery to completely remove my thyroid gland after an ultrasound showed a tumor in each lobe.

After several years of taking Eutirox, my hair was falling out in clumps, I was tired, exhausted, I had pain in my body and joints, I had chronic fatigue, etc. My decreased performance constantly hindered me.

I have now developed the habit of taking Eutyrox with Vitamin C before bed and I wake up fine and feel great. Remember that therapy with such drugs takes a long time for anything to change.”

What is macroprolactin? This is a peptide hormone, which is a fraction of prolactin, a hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the mammary glands, in particular, lactation and the milk level of a nursing mother. About the functional work of the SHBG hormone in men, see here.

When is Eutirox needed?

The medication is available with a prescription. The main indications for its use are the following:

  1. Persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones in the body (hypothyroidism).
  2. Euthyroid goiter.
  3. Hormone replacement therapy after surgical manipulations on the thyroid gland.
  4. Toxic diffuse goiter.
  5. Diagnostic tool for thyroid suppression test.
  6. In children when cretinism is suspected.

Also, this drug is sometimes used as a preparation for surgical interventions on a glandular organ and as a preventive measure for recurrent goiter.

We recommend you find out: How does hormonal imbalance manifest itself in women?

Release form, composition and packaging

tab. 25 mcg: 100 pcs.

Reg. No.: 369/94/99/03/08/09/13 from 10/07/2013 - Expired


white, round, flat on both sides, with beveled edges, with “EM 25” engraving on one side and a dividing line on both sides.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium26 mcg,
 which corresponds to the content of levothyroxine25 mcg


corn starch - 25 mg, gelatin - 5 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.5 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.975 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

tab. 50 mcg: 100 pcs.

Reg. No.: 369/94/99/03/08/09/13 from 10/07/2013 - Expired


white, round, flat on both sides, with beveled edges, with “EM 50” engraving on one side and a dividing line on both sides.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium53 mcg,
 which corresponds to the content of levothyroxine50 mcg


corn starch - 25 mg, gelatin - 5 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.5 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.95 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

tab. 75 mcg: 100 pcs.

Reg. No.: 369/94/99/03/08/09/13 from 10/07/2013 - Expired


white, round, flat on both sides, with beveled edges, with “EM 75” engraving on one side and a dividing line on both sides.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium79 mcg,
 which corresponds to the content of levothyroxine75 mcg


corn starch - 25 mg, gelatin - 5 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.5 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.925 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

tab. 100 mcg: 100 pcs.

Reg. No.: 369/94/99/03/08/09/13 from 10/07/2013 - Expired


white, round, flat on both sides, with beveled edges, with “EM 100” engraving on one side and a dividing line on both sides.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium105 mcg,
 which corresponds to the content of levothyroxine100 mcg


corn starch - 25 mg, gelatin - 5 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.5 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.9 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

tab. 125 mcg: 100 pcs.

Reg. No.: 369/94/99/03/08/09/13 from 10/07/2013 - Expired


white, round, flat on both sides, with beveled edges, with “EM 125” engraving on one side and a dividing line on both sides.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium131 mcg,
 which corresponds to the content of levothyroxine125 mcg


corn starch - 25 mg, gelatin - 5 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.5 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.875 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

tab. 150 mcg: 100 pcs.

Reg. No.: 369/94/99/03/08/09/13 from 10/07/2013 - Expired


white, round, flat on both sides, with beveled edges, with “EM 150” engraving on one side and a dividing line on both sides.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium158 mcg,
 which corresponds to the content of levothyroxine150 mcg


corn starch - 25 mg, gelatin - 5 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.5 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.85 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the instructions, the use of Eutirox can affect the content of other drugs in the blood and accordingly change their effect.

Levothyroxine enhances:

  • indirect anticoagulants,
  • antidepressants of balanced action.

This may require reducing their number. Levothyroxine helps reduce the effect of: cardiac glycosides.


The tablets are packaged in blisters - 25 pieces each. The cardboard package contains 2 or 4 blisters, that is, 50 or 100 tablets. The second option hits the point of sale more often. The cost of a package of 100 servings depends on the dosage of the active substance:

  • 25 mcg - 105 rubles;
  • 50 mcg - 132 rubles;
  • 75 mcg – 125 rubles;
  • 88 mcg - 138 rubles;
  • 100 mcg – 130 rubles;
  • 112 mcg – 175 rubles;
  • 125 mcg – 167 rubles;
  • 137 mcg – 171 rubles;
  • 150 mcg – 172 rub.

The most popular, according to pharmaceutical statistics, is the dosage of Eutirox 50.

You can purchase the drug in a pharmacy chain or virtual pharmacy.


People suffering from thyroid diseases leave positive reviews about the drug Eutirox.

Elena, 38 years old: “You need to choose the right dose, take tests for TSH and free T4 once a year and make corrections if necessary. Then the condition will improve, and hypothyroidism will not worsen the quality of life.”

Olga, 41 years old: “Hormonal pills have no disadvantages. They have a good effect on the body in chronic form if consumed daily and on the recommendation of a doctor. The body has malfunctions, which leads to a deterioration in health even while taking Eutirox. You need to frequently donate blood for CT4 and TSH hormones and be friends with your endocrinologist in order to promptly change the daily dose of the drug.”

Svetlana, 50 years old: “After I started taking sodium levothyroxine several years ago, all body functions began to work normally and the quality of life improved. I don’t feel any side effects from the medicine Eutirox.”

Is it possible to take Eutirox and Iodomarin at the same time?

The instructions for the drug Eutirox indicate that its use together with thyreostatic drugs is contraindicated during pregnancy, because this will necessitate increasing doses of thyreostatic agents.

Thyrostatics are drugs that suppress the synthesis of thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in the thyroid gland during endogenous thyrotoxicosis.

In turn, this can lead to the penetration of increased doses of thyreostatics through the placental barrier and provoke the development of hypothyroidism in the developing fetus. However, the drug Yodomarin, which replenishes iodine deficiency and contains potassium iodide in a physiological dosage, is not related to thyreostatic drugs. During pregnancy, the female body needs potassium iodide, because... from the second trimester, the fetus develops its own thyroid gland, which needs this element.

The required doses of drugs are determined by the attending physician based on the results of clinical tests and with appropriate medical supervision.


Treatment with Eutirox is prohibited if the patient has an acute stage of the following pathologies:

  • inflammation of all layers of the heart (pancarditis),
  • myocardial infarction,
  • myocarditis.

A contraindication to starting to take a hormonal drug is an allergy to its composition, as well as untreated:

  • hyperthyroidism,
  • hypocortisolism,
  • pituitary failure.

During pregnancy, Eutirox should not be taken in combination with thyreostatic medications.

Treatment with Eutirox should be taken with caution if the following health problems are observed:

  • high pressure,
  • heart rhythm disturbance,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • diabetes,
  • malabsorption (impaired absorption of food in the intestine), which requires dosage adjustment,
  • severe long-standing hypothyroidism,
  • tendency to psychosis.

Dependence of effect on dose

How does this drug affect a person’s weight?

The dose of eutirox and weight are interconnected. The initial effect may last longer if the dose of eutirox is not chosen ideally: if the dose is too low, a person gains weight, which is difficult to prevent, as well as to get rid of it. If the dose of eutirox, on the contrary, is too large for the patient, then the initial effect will be shorter.

It is very difficult to choose the ideal dose of eutirox: it depends not only on the activity of the thyroid gland, weight (after all, they count per kilogram), but also age, gender and lifestyle. Therefore, only a doctor deals with this and does it under the supervision of tests. The dose is not selected the first time; it is a long and complex process. Therefore, at first the concentration of the hormone in the blood fluctuates, which also helps to prolong the initial effect - when a person gains weight.

If the required dose is significantly exceeded, the initial effect may be very weak and short-lived. In this way, weight gain can be avoided. So why not give a high dose right away, and then gradually reduce it to the required dose?

If the dose of eutirox is exceeded, and, accordingly, the concentration of triiodothyronine is inadequately high, the acceleration of all body processes becomes excessive.

  1. When there is an excess of hormones, the thyroid gland stops secreting them so as not to aggravate the overdose. Over time, its non-functional tissue is replaced by useless connective tissue - the thyroid gland atrophies. This process is irreversible; it will never be able to work at full capacity.
  2. The heart beats faster, which raises blood pressure and increases the load on the heart. With such intensive work, it wears out faster - and life expectancy decreases.
  3. The nervous system is also stimulated. This is manifested by nervousness, anxiety, irritability, poor sleep, and sometimes psychosis and hallucinations.
  4. Cachexia. Excessive weight loss occurs; this condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Cachexia develops slowly and only with a significant overdose.

And these are the most important consequences of an overdose of eutirox; in fact, there are many more of them. Weight gain is much safer for health than the listed effects, so the dose is selected from the minimum and in the future the person receives the smallest dose of those that treat his illness.

Side effects if used incorrectly

You cannot start taking the drug without consulting a specialist. Since Eutirox tablets are a hormonal drug, even a slight excess of concentration causes an overdose and poisoning of the body. The most common side symptom is allergies . It may be caused by intolerance to the components of the drug or its overdose. In each case, its manifestation of symptoms is strictly individual, these may include the following side effects:

  • itching and redness of the skin,
  • rash and hives,
  • runny nose, conjunctivitis,
  • swelling,
  • change in hair structure or loss.

Hair loss when an allergy occurs can be extensive; as a rule, this symptom occurs in women. The first signs of hair loss do not appear immediately, usually a week after starting to take the drug at any dosage.

One of the rumors about this medicine is worth special attention; it is as follows: it is believed that eutirox during pregnancy and with normal use is capable of flushing calcium from the body. In fact, this is not true; no tests or studies of the drug have revealed a calcium leaching effect. For additional monitoring of the body's condition, all patients are recommended to undergo a general blood test.

Useful information

Many people are instinctively afraid to take hormonal medications.
Why? Because often there is an acquaintance who “drank hormones, and then it was blown away.” And this is just one “horror story”. One thing can be said here: there are vital hormones, and if the thyroid gland is not able to produce thyroxine on its own, then only a synthetic analogue can save a person. Therefore, you should not be afraid of Eutirox just because it is a hormonal drug .

Quite often the question arises about the relationship between a person’s body weight and the dose of Eutirox. Such a calculation method actually exists, it is even contained in the instructions for some analogues. However, modern endocrinology considers this method of calculating the dose to be ineffective - except perhaps as an auxiliary one.

An endocrinologist, when calculating the dose of levothyroxine required for a patient, must rely on blood test data. It needs to be tested for TSH, T3 and T4 levels.

What happens if you stop taking Eutirox?

Unauthorized withdrawal after some time (one to two weeks) will lead to hormonal deficiency. Its most likely consequences are disruption of metabolic processes .
The drug can be discontinued by a doctor. Ideally, this happens because the patient no longer needs hormonal therapy - for example, as a result of the disappearance of endemic goiter and the elimination of iodine deficiency.

Can Eutirox be prescribed to an expectant/nursing mother?

Yes, and in many cases this drug saves both mother and child. It is only important to absolutely strictly follow all the rules for taking the drug.

The thyroid gland and pregnancy: features of thyroid function in pregnant women.


The table below gives a clear idea of ​​analogue drugs and their prices:

A drugEutirox (50 mcg, No. 100)L-thyroxine (50 mcg, No. 50)Bagotirox (50 mcg, No. 100)L-thyroxine-Acri (100 mcg, No. 100)
ManufacturerMerck KGaA, NorwayBerlin-Chemie, GermanyKimika Montpellier S.A., ArgentinaAkrikhin, Russia
Price122 — 150108 – 14098 – 120140 – 160

The prices given in the table are approximate.
They may vary significantly in different regions/pharmacy chains. Note !
Some analogues are available in a very narrow dosage range. So, Bagotirox has only three of them - 50, 100 and 150 mcg. Eutirox is an important medicine. In the treatment of certain thyroid diseases, this drug can, without exaggeration, be considered vital .

Release form, composition and packaging

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium25 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.975 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium50 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.95 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium75 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.925 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium88 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.912 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium100 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.90 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium112 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.888 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium125 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.875 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium137 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.863 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The tablets are white, round, flat on both sides, with a bevel. On both sides of the tablet there is a separating line, on one side of the tablet there is an engraving “EAT + dosage”.

1 tab.
levothyroxine sodium150 mcg

Excipients: corn starch - 25.00 mg, gelatin - 5.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 3.50 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.50 mg, lactose monohydrate - 65.85 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

The description of the drug is based on the official instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.

How to switch from Eutirox to L-Thyroxine?

It is believed that Eutirox is slightly weaker than its analogue. Therefore, in patient reviews you can find references to changing the dosage (on the recommendation of a doctor). It is not recommended to do this when trying to replace the drug yourself. If it is not possible to buy the same drug to continue the course, then switch while maintaining the prescribed dose.

Both medicines contain the same active ingredient. Its content is indicated on the package: 25 mcg, 88 mcg or another amount. Based on the labeling, the number of tablets per dose is calculated. When visiting an endocrinologist, you need to inform him that the Eutirox he prescribed has been replaced with an analogue. When changing the drug, monitoring of TSH levels and possible dose adjustment will be required.


In addition to Eutirox, pharmaceuticals that contain sodium levothyroxine include:

  • L-Thyroxine (Berlin-Chemie), L-Thyrox Euro;
  • L-Thyroxine-Darnitsa, L-Thyroxine-Farmak;
  • Bagotirox, Tivoral.

Cost in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions:

Name of the drugPrice in Moscow pharmaciesPrice in pharmacies in St. PetersburgPrice in regions
25 mcgfrom 87 rub.from 81 rub.from 84 rub.
88 mcgfrom 127 rub.from 130.70 rub.from 100, 50 rub.
100 mcgfrom 119 rub.from 117 rub.from 102 rub.
112 mcgfrom 156.50 rub.from 169.70 rub.from 135 rub.
125 mcgfrom 106.10 rub.from 101.40 rub.from 129 rub.
150 mcgfrom 171.50 rub.from 168.60 rub.from 142.70 rub.

Where to buy Eutirox and its price

Patients faced with the need to take Eutirox for a long time are concerned about its price, how much a monthly course of treatment costs, and who the manufacturer of the tablets is.

The average cost of 1 blister from a Russian pharmaceutical company is 30–50 rubles, depending on the pharmacy, region of residence and dosage. Considering that it contains 25 tablets, it will last for 25 days. Taking medication will not “hit your pocket” much, which cannot be said about regular hormone tests. The abstract is included in a cardboard box with 4 blisters.

The price of imported analogues of domestic Eutirox is slightly higher.

Eutirox's analogs

Side effects are often caused by Eutirox - analogues are therefore of interest to many.

All drugs intended for hormone replacement therapy contain sodium levothyroxine, and therefore have an identical effect on the body. It is advisable to change Eutirox to analogues in case of allergic reactions, because the additional composition may differ.

All other symptoms do not depend on the trade name of the tablets, but are associated with:

  • with hormonal changes;
  • the presence of undiagnosed pathologies;
  • incorrect reception;
  • incorrect dosage.

The most common analogues of Eutirox:

  1. Levothyroxine sodium.
  2. Levothyroxine.
  3. Tiro-4.
  4. L-thyroxine.
  5. Bagatirox.

All decisions regarding changing the drug are made together with the attending endocrinologist.

Composition of the drug

The main element of Eutirox is levothyroxine sodium - an artificial analogue of the hormone produced by the thyroid gland.
For ease of administration, the drug is produced containing 25-150 mcg of the active element in 1 dose. To give the desired shape, extend shelf life and improve digestibility, the product includes additional elements:

  1. Corn starch. It is necessary to thicken the product. Additionally, it helps strengthen muscles, restore nerve cells and removes waste and toxins from the body. A single dose contains 25 mg.
  2. Gelatin. Also used as a thickener. Additionally, it restores joints, strengthens bone tissue and promotes weight loss. Contains 5 mg.
  3. Lactose monohydrate. Gives the drug a sweet taste. Additionally, it replenishes energy reserves and normalizes calcium metabolism in the body. Contains 65.98 mg.
  4. Croscarmellose sodium. Accelerates the absorption of the medication. Contains 3.5 mg.
  5. Magnesium stearate. Used for a more durable connection of all components of the product. Contains 0.5 mg.

The article discusses the side effects of Eutirox and patient reviews.
The amount of additional components does not change with increasing concentration of the active element in a single dosage.

Eutirox (according to reviews, side effects often develop when the drug’s interactions with other medications are not observed) can affect the absorption and therapeutic effect of other medications:

  1. Enhances the effect of medications prescribed to reduce blood clotting. It is necessary to change the dosage of anticoagulants.
  2. Increases the effect of antidepressants. If it is impossible to cancel them, Eutirox is replaced.
  3. It cannot be combined with insulin drugs, as it reduces their effectiveness.
  4. Reduces the effect of medications prescribed to normalize the functioning of the heart.
  5. Medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels impair the absorption of Eutirox in the intestine.
  6. Estrogen-containing drugs reduce the effectiveness of Eutirox. It is necessary to change the single dosage; discontinuation of medications is not required.
  7. Anabolic steroids reduce the effect of Eutirox to a minimum. One of the medications needs to be changed.
  8. Dosage adjustment of Eutirox is necessary when taking drugs against HIV infection at the same time.
  9. When taking antiepileptic drugs and Eutirox simultaneously, the effectiveness of both drugs decreases.
  10. Diuretics may reduce the effect of Eutirox.
  11. Aluminum and iron-containing medications should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after taking Eutirox, as they can interact with each other, and the effectiveness of both drugs is reduced.
  12. When using iodine-containing drugs, it is necessary to change the dosage of Eutirox.
  13. The medication cannot be combined with the consumption of soy products, they reduce its effectiveness, it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug.

It is not always necessary to replace the drug; in some cases, it is enough to maintain a time interval between taking medications. The compatibility of medications, their dosage and the need for replacement are clarified with a specialist.

Cost of Eutirox and drug analogues

Average price indicators for a package of 100 tablets are:

  • 25 mg - 102 rubles, 105 UAH;
  • 50 mg - 127 rubles, 125 UAH;
  • 75 mg – 134 rubles, 130 UAH;
  • 88 mg – 144 rubles;
  • 100 mg – 140 rubles, 150 UAH;
  • 112 mg - 170 rubles;
  • 125 mg – 175 rubles, 165 UAH;
  • 137 mg – 175 rubles;
  • 150 mg – 177 rub., 180 UAH.

Of all levothyroxine drugs, Eutirox has the maximum number of release forms with different dosages. Complete structural analogues are Bagotirox and L-thyroxine.

We recommend reading the article about autoimmune thyroiditis. From it you will learn about the causes of the development of autoimmune thyroiditis and its classification, stages of the disease, why Hashimoto’s goiter is terrible, symptoms of the pathology in adults and children, as well as methods for diagnosing and treating acute and chronic forms. And here is more information about endemic goiter.

Eutirox reproduces all the actions of the natural thyroid hormone - thyroxine. It is prescribed to replace the low function of an organ and reduce its size. If it is necessary to suppress excess synthesis, use the “block and replace” scheme in combination with thyreostatics. In the case of replacement therapy, it is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance.

The dose depends on the purpose of treatment, weight, age of the patient, concomitant diseases, and test data. The advantages of the medication include a wide selection of release forms with different dosages.

Consequences of long-term overdose

If the dosage of Eutirox is regularly exceeded, an excess amount of the hormone thyroxine analogue enters the body, as a result of which the hormonal balance of the body is disrupted. Symptoms of overdose usually coincide with those of hyperthyroidism, a thyroid disease characterized by excessive production of thyroxine.

First of all, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system appear. The most noticeable sign is an increase in heart rate and strength . The resting pulse consistently exceeds 100-110 beats per minute, pulsation is felt in the head, abdomen, and neck. The appearance of other arrhythmias is also characteristic - atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation. The use of cardiac medications usually fails to normalize heart rhythm.

Systolic (upper) blood pressure increases with a simultaneous decrease in distolic (lower) blood pressure. With prolonged overdose of Eutirox, signs of heart failure may appear.

On the part of the nervous system, there is increased irritability, deterioration of memory and concentration, tearfulness, and a tendency to depression. A typical autonomic disorder is excessive sweating.

The acceleration of metabolism that occurs during an overdose of Eutirox leads to weight loss in combination with increased appetite. Fatigue and muscle weakness are often observed.

The gastrointestinal tract is characterized by frequent constipation alternating with diarrhea . There may be vomiting, attacks of abdominal pain, signs of liver damage - enlargement, pain, and the appearance of jaundice.

In the sexual sphere, disorders such as decreased potency in men and the possible appearance of gynecomastia are noted. Women usually experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle, up to the complete cessation of menstruation - amenorrhea.

First aid

To avoid serious consequences, you need to know what to do in case of an overdose of Eutirox, and strictly follow all the recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to call an ambulance;
  • before her arrival, it is recommended to rinse the stomach by giving the victim plenty of water and inducing vomiting;
  • then it is necessary to give the poisoned person a cleansing enema of 1.5-2 liters of water at room temperature. It is advisable to repeat it until clear water comes out;
  • give the victim any of the available sorbents - activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb, etc.;
  • Ensure that you drink plenty of fluids to quickly remove any medication that has already entered the bloodstream, as well as to prevent dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea.

Complications and side effects

The drug may cause local or systemic allergic reactions in individuals with intolerance to individual components.

This shows up:

We recommend reading! Click on the link:

What is the difference between Eutirox and L-thyroxine?

  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • redness of certain parts of the body;
  • lacrimation;
  • rhinitis;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If an allergy is suspected, treatment with the drug is stopped and a doctor is consulted to replace it.
Other unpleasant symptoms associated with starting to take pills are associated exclusively with incorrect dosage and concomitant diseases that require adjustment of the drug regimen.

Against the background of excess hormones, the following occurs:

  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • problems in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • increased anxiety;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • sweating, internal tremors and others.

The appearance of constipation, drowsiness and a general decrease in work capacity, as well as hair loss, indicates a lack of thyroid-stimulating hormones. If they do not disappear after starting treatment, a dosage review is required.

Long-term use of high doses of levothyroxine leads to acute psychosis and other disorders. Cases of coronary insufficiency and death have been recorded.

Eutirox is a serious hormonal drug that cannot be taken on its own (for example, for the purpose of losing weight). Such treatment can lead to irreversible consequences for the thyroid gland and other organs.

Will it help you lose weight

If the thyroid gland works in an enhanced mode, which can be achieved by using Eutirox, the body begins to produce an excess of its hormone. As a result, hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) progresses, causing severe weight loss. This is how, when using large doses of the product, kilograms are lost.

On the Internet you can find information that in just 30 days of using the medicine in high doses, body weight is reduced by as much as 20 kilograms.

Bodybuilders were the first to use Eutirox for other purposes. They noted such positive properties of the drug as suppressing appetite, increasing vigor and endurance, and activating the process of converting calories into energy. Naturally, very soon information about the amazing capabilities of the medicine leaked to the masses. Fans of medical weight loss are ready to swallow the drug in batches just to get rid of extra pounds in a short period of time.

Indeed, the connection between levothyroxine and weight loss has been established. The hormone has several mechanisms of action aimed at weight loss:

  • stimulation of breakdown and prevention of accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • increased performance and physical activity;
  • stimulation of the brain with a large consumption of glucose;
  • activation of thermogenesis, during which blood flow accelerates, sweating increases and brown fat breaks down.

It would seem that the ideal solution for everyone losing weight. But levothyroxine tablets are not a panacea for excess weight. A medication may be guaranteed to be effective if the accumulation of mass occurs under the influence of hormonal imbalance.

Important! Sometimes taking Eutirox results in weight gain. The phenomenon is explained by a deficiency of thyroxine in the human body before the start of therapy. Since the use of the medication leads to the replenishment of reserves, the body begins to need more food (the appetite simply increases) and absorbs all the beneficial substances more quickly.

A prerequisite if you want to lose weight on a pharmaceutical product with l-thyroxine is to follow a balanced diet. It is advisable to remove the following products from the menu:

  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • fried eggs and omelettes;
  • wheat bread and pastries;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a high fat content;
  • butter;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • all kinds of sauces;
  • alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks.

You will need to include in your daily diet:

  • white chicken and beef;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • grain and rye bread;
  • boiled eggs;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • cereals;
  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • berries, vegetables and fruits.

The daily caloric intake when taking medication for the purpose of losing weight should not exceed 2000 kcal.

If the thyroid gland is functioning normally, the first results of complex “therapy” aimed at reducing body weight will appear after 4-6 days. If there are minor deviations in its operation, you will have to wait about 10 days for the effect to start.


Emergency doctors will carry out measures that were not taken to cleanse the body of the toxin. High blood pressure and rapid heart rate are reduced by IVs containing special medications. After this, the victim is hospitalized in a hospital.

Treatment is carried out in the toxicology department. If the patient's condition is critical, he is placed in the intensive care unit. It is required to undergo a full examination of the body to identify the extent of damage to organs and systems by Eutirox. The patient is monitored by an endocrinologist. Signs of intoxication usually disappear on the 3rd day. After this, the patient is discharged home for outpatient treatment.

Useful video

Watch the video about taking hormones for hypothyroidism:

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Indications and contraindications

Eutirox is available in the form of tablets (weighing 25-150 mcg) for oral use for primary (thyroid), secondary (pituitary), and tertiary (hypothalamic) congenital or acquired hypothyroidism.
Levothyroxine sodium preparations included in Eutirox are indicated as an additional treatment for surgical and radiation therapy of thyrotropin-dependent, well-differentiated thyroid cancer.

Indications for use of Eutirox also include:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Eutirox is not indicated for the treatment of benign neoplasms, nodes, or an enlarged thyroid gland with normal iodine levels, as well as in the case of temporary inflammatory hypothyroidism (thyroiditis).

In medical practice, no clinical benefits of such treatment have been noted, and excessive use of Eutirox in these cases can cause hyperthyroidism.

Levothyroxine sodium should not be used either alone or with other agents in the treatment of obesity or excessive weight loss.

In people with normal thyroid function, acceptable daily doses are ineffective in treating weight abnormalities.

Large doses of levothyroxine can be life-threatening due to toxicity, especially if the drug is taken together with sympathomimetic amines (appetite regulators).

Eutirox is contraindicated for use in uncorrected (uncorrected) adrenal insufficiency. In this disease, it is necessary to consider replacing Eutirox with glucocorticoids. Failure to do so may precipitate an acute adrenal crisis.

The use of oral thyroid hormones is not advisable in myxedematous (hypothyroid) coma. To treat this condition, drugs designed for intravenous administration should be used.

Levothyroxine sodium has a narrow therapeutic index. Regardless of the indication for use, careful dosing is necessary to avoid the consequences of over- or under-treatment.

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How not to gain weight on Eutirox

Eutirox and excess weight are connected, so it is important to follow the recommendations of endocrinologists and nutritionists so as not to gain weight:

  • Consume a minimum amount of carbohydrates (up to 200-250 g per day).
  • Sports should be regular and moderate.
  • Limit fat intake to 80 g per day.

Preference should be given to foods with a high content of plant fiber. This includes berries, vegetables, unsweetened fruits. With their help, it is difficult to digest carbohydrates and they make you feel full faster.

Adequate protein intake is necessary as it has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It is advisable to eat bread made from rye flour, prunes, drink kefir, and beet juice every day. Diet No. 10 can serve as a basis, and if a person is obese, diet No. 8 according to Pevzner.

If you feel worse, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dosage.


Absorption of the active substance Eutirox occurs in the upper parts of the digestive tract. The absorption of the substance is approximately 80%. Slowing down the absorption of the active substance is possible with simultaneous food intake, this explains the peculiarities of using the drug.

It takes about 5 hours to reach maximum levels of levothyroxine in the blood. The absorbed substance in a volume of more than 98% interacts with hepatic glycoprotein, transthyretin and albumin - plasma proteins. Further, about 80% of levothyroxine is monodeiodinated in the body. This process is accompanied by the formation of the T3 hormone and inactive products.

The following are further involved in the breakdown of levothyroxine:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • muscle cells;
  • brain.

Decay products are removed from the body through the excretory system.

Instructions for use

The endocrine system is a rather delicate “mechanism”, rough interference in which results in serious pathologies. Self-administration of the drug does not necessarily lead to various diseases, but it can undermine your health. The only way to prevent undesirable consequences is to know how to take the drug correctly and refuse to use it if there are pathologies from the list of contraindications.


To avoid the development of complications, the first thing you should do is learn how to take Eutirox for weight loss. Naturally, the official summary does not contain such information, so you should rely on reviews from bodybuilders and other users. First of all, you will have to adhere to three basic rules:

  1. Do not exceed the daily dosage of levothyroxine sodium 300 mcg.
  2. Do not continue the course for more than one and a half months. The interval between courses is six months.
  3. Start and stop using the product gradually.

When using the medication for weight loss, the initial dose should be 50 micrograms of l-thyroxine per day. It is recommended to take it in several approaches, preferably some time before meals. You need to drink enough clean water. Chewing the tablets is unacceptable. 50 micrograms is the dose required for the first 3-4 days of the course. From day 5 you should take 75-100 micrograms of l-thyroxine. After 2-3 weeks, they begin to use the maximum amount of the product - 300 micrograms per day. Take three times, also before meals. At the end of the course, the dosage should be reduced in the opposite direction, that is, first reducing to 75-100, and then to 50 micrograms of l-thyroxine per day.

Important! The last dose of the drug should take place no later than 6 pm!

There is another dosage option:

  • first week – 25 micrograms of l-thyroxine per day;
  • second and third weeks – 150 micrograms per day;
  • fourth week – 300 micrograms per day.

Important! Taking Eutirox for weight loss for more than 1.5 months is unsafe for health. In addition, this is completely pointless, because the allotted time is enough to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and lose weight.

Side effects and complications

Since Euthyrox is a serious drug prescribed for primary and secondary hypothyroidism, euthyroid goiter and the treatment of thyroid cancer, its use without the consent of a doctor can result in serious consequences. Firstly, excess thyroxine leads to increased fat metabolism. Since adipose tissue leaves along with proteins, muscles are destroyed. Secondly, there is a negative effect on the heart muscle. She becomes weak. Thirdly, excess thyroid hormone is a good start for the development of osteoporosis.

In order to reduce the negative impact of a pharmaceutical product on the heart, it is recommended to additionally take β-adrenergic receptor blockers, which reduce the heart rate.

Even if the dosage is strictly observed, weight loss with a tablet medication can lead to the development of the following symptoms:

  • decreased performance, weakness, muscle aches;
  • increased sleepiness during the day, insomnia at night;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of heat;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • feeling of anxiety, increased restlessness;
  • increased blood pressure.

Some people who are losing weight say that during the first time they used the product they noticed a low body temperature, a feeling of constant fear, a dry cough and dry skin. There are also those who complain of constant internal discomfort during completely normal tests.

When using Eutirox for more than 1.5 months, the development of atherosclerosis, hypothyroidism and myocardial dystrophy is likely.

Important! Medicine knows cases of cessation of cardiac activity in people who have been taking hormonal medication in excess dosage for a long time.


Many are ready to turn a blind eye to possible side effects when using the product, hoping to get the long-awaited weight loss. However, there is a group of people who should not start a course of the drug under any circumstances. Absolute contraindications to losing weight on thyroxine are:

  • arterial hypertension (the hormone increases blood pressure even more, which can cause nosebleeds or brain hemorrhage);
  • coronary heart disease (the use of levothyroxine against the background of this disease can result in the development of a heart attack);
  • diabetes mellitus (thyroid hormone leads to an increase in blood glucose levels).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, losing weight using thyroid hormone is unacceptable. It is also better to refuse the product if you have an individual intolerance to the components (an allergic reaction may occur) and a tendency to emotional instability.

According to doctors' recommendations, the drug should not be used by persons under 18 years of age. Caution should be taken after 60 years of age.

Important! The use of pharmaceutical products with l-thyroxine seems undesirable in the case of women who have any problems with the menstrual cycle.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use of levothyroxine with tricyclic antidepressants may increase the effect of the latter. The opposite is true with cardiac glycosides and hypoglycemic drugs, the activity of which is reduced by the hormone. Protease inhibitors and diuretics (especially Furosemide) can suppress the effectiveness of levothyroxine sodium.

The simultaneous use of medicine and alcohol is permissible, but in this matter one should focus on individual susceptibility. According to doctors, the time interval between the use of medication and alcoholic beverages should be at least 2 hours.

Storage conditions

The optimal storage temperature for the medicine is 22-24 degrees. The drug should be kept in its original packaging away from moisture and sunlight. The service life is 3 years, after which the medicine cannot be used.

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