Gallstones - symptoms, causes, treatment, diet
Gallstone disease is a very common pathology, the main danger of which is its hidden asymptomatic onset.
What are the benefits of mineral water for pancreatitis and cholecystitis?
An important aspect in the treatment of cholecystitis is the use of mineral waters, which have become indispensable in the sanitary resort
Is a rectal fissure dangerous: what you need to know
A shallow vertical tear that forms in the anal area is called a “rectal fissure.” The
Data Comparison
Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies during pregnancy
Over time, the joyful anticipation of the end of pregnancy may be somewhat overshadowed by various unpleasant diseases, which include
The benefits of milk thistle and oats for the liver and gastrointestinal tract
How to help the liver recover with folk remedies: oats and milk thistle
Composition and benefits Milk thistle contains more than 200 beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on
Cause of easy regurgitation in infants
Why do headaches, dizziness and nausea occur during and after eating?
Clinical and atypical forms and types of stomach cancer
Infiltrative gastric cancer is a morphological form of carcinoma, which is characterized by infiltrative growth (germination
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How to teach a child to roll over - exercises for turning over
Every person experiences back and abdominal pain from time to time. As a rule, the reason
What are the benefits of melon for humans - 10 proven facts
Question: Good afternoon, recently I began to notice that after melon I have
Ranitidine or Omez – which is better? All the advantages and disadvantages!
Treatment of gastritis is based on antiulcer drugs that normalize stomach acidity. When choosing a medicine and
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