What are the benefits of mineral water for pancreatitis and cholecystitis?

An important aspect in the treatment of cholecystitis is the use of mineral waters, which have become indispensable in sanitary resort treatment. Mineral water is an integral part of the diet for the treatment of gallbladder diseases at health resorts and in everyday life. However, it is worth considering that there are many varieties of medicinal water and that is why its use for cholecystitis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, because only he knows what kind of water you can drink so as not to cause harm.

  • 4 How to take it correctly?
  • 5 Mineral baths
  • In the future - stones?

    – When diagnosing cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), various research methods are used.
    Which ones are more informative? – Is the wall of the bladder thickened due to inflammation, are there kinks, constrictions, deformation, impaired motor activity, the presence of stones - all this can be revealed by ultrasound. If necessary, duodenal intubation is used to assess the motor function of the gallbladder and its sphincter and to conduct a biochemical study of the collected bile. In difficult cases, computed tomography is used.

    – If there is cholecystitis, will gallstone disease inevitably develop over time?

    – The formation of stones is primarily caused by disturbances in the motor activity of the gallbladder, leading to stagnation of bile, as well as infection, disruption of the secretion of cholesterol, bile acids, and phospholipids by the liver. But 85-90% of stones that form in the gallbladder are cholesterol.

    To prevent bile stagnation, you need to move more, eat 5-6 times a day at the same time. This is important: every meal stimulates the secretion of bile.

    Diet No. 5 is recommended, including dairy and plant products, vegetarian soups - vegetable, cereal, lean meat and poultry dishes, vegetable oil. You should limit foods rich in cholesterol. You will have to give up rich broths (meat, chicken, fish, mushroom), fatty meats, poultry and fish, and lard. Fried, smoked, rich, spicy, seasonings and spices will have to be excluded, alcohol too.

    – The formation of stones is primarily caused by disturbances in the motor activity of the gallbladder, leading to stagnation of bile, as well as infection, disruption of the secretion of cholesterol, bile acids, and phospholipids by the liver. But 85-90% of stones that form in the gallbladder are cholesterol.


    Mineral water is extracted from the depths of the earth in compliance with certain rules, therefore it is clean and enriched with useful components that are not found in tap water or wells. Mineral waters are divided into three groups:

    1. Canteens, in the solution of which the amount of microelements is less than 1 g/l. This water can be used without restrictions for drinking and cooking.
    2. Medicinal canteens: in them the approximate level of mineral salts varies from 1 to 10 g/l. Able to have a weak therapeutic effect. Not recommended for regular use to avoid salt imbalance.
    3. Medicinal, salt content in which exceeds 10 g/l - this water should be taken as a medicine.

    The use of mineral water is indicated for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, gastritis, liver diseases, cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder and after surgery to remove it.

    To quench your thirst, you can only drink the table variety. Medicinal-table and medicinal types are medicines, the dosage and order of administration of which is prescribed by the doctor.

    Healing qualities

    Mineral water for pancreatitis is a mandatory part of the patient’s treatment menu. It has a positive therapeutic effect on the body:

    • reduces the degree of inflammation;
    • reduces pain;
    • restores the correct mineral-salt balance;
    • removes toxins.

    Your doctor will tell you which type of mineral water is most needed for inflammation of the pancreas. The list of varieties that gastroenterologists consider the most suitable includes alkaline species of the following names:

    1. Borjomi is recommended to be consumed regularly for chronic inflammation of the pancreas. Borjomi for pancreatitis improves the functioning of the organ.
    2. Essentuki. There are two types of water with this name, differing in numbers: Essentuki No. 4 and 17. They have different properties: number 17 increases the production of hormones, and number 4 reduces it. Based on this, they should be used in opposite stages of the disease: during an exacerbation, when the gland needs rest, Essentuki No. 4 is suitable, and in the remission stage - No. 17.
    3. Narzan is another popular name for mineral water. Experts know three types of Narzan: dolomite, sulfate and general. The first two must be drunk directly from the source, since outside it the water loses its healing properties. The general one is freely sold in the retail chain.

    The healing effect of drinking mineral water will not appear as quickly as from a pharmaceutical drug. But this is a necessary component of the therapeutic course in the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas.

    Application in treatment

    All waters are divided into table and medicinal. It depends on the degree of mineralization. If one liter contains up to 1 gram of minerals, it is table water.

    If their number is from 1 to 10 - a medical dining room. From 10 – therapeutic.

    Low, medium and high mineralization presupposes appropriate use of the product. The product of minimal mineralization is allowed for use in everyday life.

    This is due to the fact that a mineral deposit forms during boiling.

    Other mineral products can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor - there are both indications and serious contraindications. Otherwise, you can get exactly the opposite effect.

    For all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to consume alkaline mineral liquid. This is especially true for chronic cholecystitis.

    This is a liquid from a natural source containing a high concentration of mineral salts. The acidity of the mineral product is 7 pH.

    Alkaline water is actively used in the treatment of diseases.

    These minerals also contain:

    • hydrocarbonate ions;
    • magnesium ions;
    • sodium ions.

    Their regular use helps restore the acid-base balance, improve digestion and replenish the lack of substances necessary for the body.

    Alkalis help increase acidity. Against this background, the gastrointestinal tract environment returns to normal operation.

    Minerals are used by the body in almost all processes. Elimination of their deficiency is accompanied by a significant improvement in overall well-being.

    With the development of cholecystitis, the use of hydrogen sulfide mineral baths is recommended. This procedure helps:

    • relief of pain syndrome;
    • normalization of the functioning of the bladder;
    • relieving inflammation.

    If a person has problems with the cardiovascular system, then one should refrain from this manipulation.

    Hydrogen sulfide gas, which is the basis of sulfide baths, is intended to relieve even serious inflammation. At the same time, the pain is relieved; its nature does not matter.

    Taking healing baths for patients with cholecystitis

    During the procedure, it enters the human body through breathing, as well as through the skin. Penetrating into the vessels of the body, hydrogen sulfide has a beneficial effect on the walls of arteries, veins, and capillaries, promoting their expansion. Against this background, normal blood flow is ensured. At the same time, metabolic processes are activated.

    During manipulation, a pronounced skin reaction is observed. The skin swells, pores open, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. Liver function is activated. The healing effect begins to be felt after the third procedure. They must be carried out daily. The total number of procedures is 10-12. The treatment regimen can be either minimal or maximum.

    One of the wells is located on the territory of the Green Grove sanatorium.

    Alkaline mineral water is useful for pancreatitis. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which, when released in excess, provokes inflammation.

    During the period of remission, medicinal table water is recommended. Medicinal types can only be drunk as prescribed by a doctor. During an exacerbation or during acute inflammation, their stimulating effect can be dangerous.

    Low and moderately mineralized water containing sulfate ions, bicarbonate ions, sulfur, and calcium is beneficial for the pancreas. These substances can stimulate or, conversely, reduce the production of pancreatic juice.

    Its production is inhibited when taken an hour before meals. When taken with meals, the production of pancreatic juice is stimulated, as is the production of gastric juice.

    Therefore, mineral water for pancreatitis is most often taken 1.5 hours before meals, since with pancreatitis it is usually necessary to reduce the production of enzymes by the pancreas.

    Types containing zinc slightly enhance insulin production, which will be useful for patients with pancreatitis with insulin deficiency.

    The temperature of the liquid is also important - too cold can provoke sphincter spasm and stagnation of pancreatic juice, which will lead to exacerbation, and too hot can cause swelling of the inflamed organ.

    The healing properties of mineral water are based on the fact that it reduces congestion in the pancreatic ducts, bile duct and biliary tract, promotes the outflow of pancreatic juice, bile and mucus, and thereby prevents exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, which often accompany each other.

    Smirnovskaya, Luzhanskaya, Borjomi, Slavyanovskaya, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 20, Jermuk, Naftusya, Arkhyz, Druskininkai, Morshynskaya are recommended.

    Borjomi belongs to the hydrocarbonate category and has an alkaline reaction. Borjomi for pancreatitis is drunk in remission. It is also prescribed for other diseases: diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and bile ducts.

    Doctors recommend treating cholecystitis with mineral baths containing large quantities of hydrogen sulfide, which penetrates the body through the skin and respiratory tract. For cholecystitis, such baths reduce the inflammatory process, relieve pain and help normalize the functioning of the bile and bile ducts. In addition, mineral baths normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and take an active part in diluting bile.

    Alkaline water

    Often in situations where disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas begin, especially associated with difficulty in the passage of bile and enzyme juices, doctors recommend that those suffering from the disease take alkaline mineral water, that is, their group of hydrocarbonate waters. In the chronic course of pancreatitis and cholecystitis, drinking a sufficient amount of warm drink containing a high percentage of alkaline components is of great importance. This allows you to reduce pain and prevent exacerbation due to the fact that water helps stimulate the contraction of the bile ducts and dilute the bile, which ensures its good outflow.

    It must be remembered that cold drinks, on the contrary, can worsen the condition, provoking a spasm of the muscle valve, which leads to its blockage.

    In case of an acute form or exacerbation of a chronic one, you should correctly introduce alkaline water into your diet, starting with one-fourth of a glass three times a day, and then gradually increase the one-time volume of drinking.

    In the phase of stable remission, mineral water can also occupy a worthy place in your diet, since it is able to maintain the normal functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that in places where inflammatory phenomena are localized in the biliary system and pancreas, a sharply acidic reaction is determined. Therefore, the salts of alkaline mineral water act as an excellent neutralizer and are able to reduce the intensity of inflammation and prevent the growth of the next wave of pathological phenomena. The preventive role in preventing subsequent inflammation is obvious.

    Before you decide that you have any disease and begin self-treatment, you should visit a doctor, undergo an examination, a diagnosis, the results of which will make it clear exactly what your complaints mean and how you can be helped. Even alkaline water is undesirable to consume in unlimited quantities, even for medicinal purposes. The specialist will determine whether there is a need to take it, the dosage and drinking regimen, and select the water itself.

    Broths – to eat or not to eat?

    – Do you need to limit yourself constantly, or at least sometimes you can allow yourself something tasty?

    – You will have to stick to the diet constantly, nothing can be done about it, but during the period of remission (improvement) it can be expanded a little. Fatty, smoked, and spicy foods remain prohibited, but you can afford boiled and then slightly fried meat and baked goods made from poor dough.

    – The doctor does not advise some people with chronic cholecystitis to eat sour cream, butter, eggs, while others, on the contrary, advise them. Why is this happening?

    – Dietary recommendations may vary depending on whether the tone and motility of the gallbladder are decreased or increased. In the first case, i.e., with hypomotor dyskinesia of the gallbladder, products are recommended that promote its contraction - soft-boiled eggs, sour cream, cream, weak meat or fish broths, oil, especially vegetable oil. In the second case, with hypermotor dyskinesia, on the contrary, all of the listed products must be limited.

    What and when to drink

    Borjomi is useful both in the acute period, when it acts as an antispasmodic and analgesic, and in the chronic form, stabilizing digestion and facilitating the body’s adaptation to dietary nutrition.

    Essentuki No. 17, which accelerates the fermentation process, is recommended for the chronic phase of pancreatitis, and No. 4 is drunk in the acute phase, heated to 37 degrees. By reducing the production of enzymes, it helps reduce inflammation and pain. If you have pancreatitis, you should drink Essentuki half a glass three times a day, an hour before meals.

    In the acute period, Narzan is taken against the background of fasting. At one time you need to drink a glass of liquid, the daily dose should reach one and a half to two liters. The alkaline composition of Narzan helps neutralize the acidity of digestive juice and regulates the production of enzymes by the pancreas. In the chronic form of pancreatitis, Narzan can show excellent therapeutic results in the conditions of sanatorium-resort treatment.

    Drinking therapy for cholecystitis

    The history of hydrotherapy goes back many centuries. A famous ancient Roman saying went like this: “Seek healing in baths.”

    Balneotherapy is widely used in the treatment of all forms of cholecystitis. In order for the bath to have an effect, you need to keep in mind two important points:

    Very high requirements are applied to the water used in this procedure. The quality must be very high. It is advisable to select it individually.


    The patient may also be prescribed capillary therapy. The founder of this treatment method is Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. In his opinion, impaired capillary circulation is one of the main factors in the development of any pathology, including cholecystitis.

    Cholecystitis often accompanies chronic pancreatitis. For cholecystitis, they also drink mineral water without gas; along with physiotherapy, it is used to treat chronic cholecystitis both at home and in resorts and sanatoriums. For treatment, you can use bottled mineral water. The specific type is prescribed by the doctor based on the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition.

    Treatment is carried out several times a year for 3-4 weeks. They usually drink 1/2 - 3/4 glass three times a day. For cholecystitis, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Mirgorodskaya, Naftusya are prescribed.

    For the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, chloride-sulfide and sodium-magnesium species are used.

    It normalizes the function of the gallbladder, has a choleretic effect, relaxes the sphincters of the ducts and tones the smooth muscles of the gallbladder, eliminates stagnation of bile, which can lead to the formation of gallstones.

    When the gallbladder and ducts are inflamed, the bile reaction shifts to the acidic side, so choose alkaline types - they neutralize the acid and help reduce inflammation.

    For chronic acalculous cholecystitis, Arzni, Borjomi, Jermuk, Essentuki, Truskavets, Pyatigorsk, Druskininkai, Java, Izhevsk and Berezovsky waters are indicated.

    Indications for use

    Drinking water for pancreatitis, as well as cholecystitis, will help significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. During periods of exacerbation of diseases, it is necessary to unload the pancreas through fasting. It is necessary to consume medicinal mineral water to achieve this unloading. A patient with an acute form cannot eat food on his own, so he is at risk of anemia and increased consumption of vitamins and minerals in the body. The body begins to take nutrients from reserves.

    Important. Drinking alkaline mineral water will help relieve inflammation and pain.

    The list of useful properties does not end there. Using mineral water you can wash the bile ducts. This will help remove excess tension from the organs and relieve pain. Mineral water will help the outflow of enzyme juice and bile.

    Alkaline mineral water

    This type of water will have the most beneficial effect if the patient has difficulties with the passage of bile and enzyme juice. For patients, this water is a real lifesaver. If the disease worsens, it is necessary to warm it to room temperature and drink in measured doses.

    Thanks to its use, the ducts are stimulated. Why is it so important to drink mineral water in its heated form? When cold water enters the body, it can cause spasms and clog all the ducts. This will lead to an even greater exacerbation of the disease.

    The patient will experience pain several times more intense. The dosage should be strictly as determined by the attending physician. However, on average it is a quarter glass three times a day. Gradually increase the dose of water you drink. During periods of decline in the disease, you should not stop drinking mineral water. This will help avoid new exacerbations of the disease.


    Water has a truly healing effect. Removes toxins, reduces pain, replenishes the supply of minerals in the body. Water helps juices pass through and not stagnate in the ducts. With regular consumption, the acute phase of the disease may subside and not return for a long time.

    Important. The main thing is not to forget that it should be consumed exclusively when heated.


    The composition of this drink is unique. It contains impurities of chloride - sodium, trace elements, gases, organic substances. Drinking this mineral water helps fight the side effect of the disease such as anemia. Water helps increase hemoglobin levels. Water also helps increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. This helps fight inflammation, suppuration and an increase in the number of pathogenic microbes in the body. Drink water also when heated.

    If you have been diagnosed with pancreatitis or cholecystitis, be sure to consult your doctor about drinking mineral water along with the main treatment. The doctor will prescribe the type of drink for you and also select its dosage. For example, Essentuki No. 17 or 20, Borjomi, Narzan and others.

    The modern market presents a large amount of mineral water that can be consumed for treatment and relief of symptoms. Do not deviate from the doctor's instructions and strictly follow all his instructions. If there is some mineral water that is not suitable for you, ask to replace it with something more suitable for you. It is worth noting that mineral water does not taste the same. Some have a taste close to ordinary water, others are more salty. Therefore, choose based on your preferences.

    About herbs and waters

    – Is it possible to do without medications in the initial stage of cholecystitis, with the help of diet and herbal medicine alone?

    – Diet and herbal medicine in many cases help to improve well-being. Immortelle flowers, corn silk, peppermint leaves, dill seeds, rose hips, and barberry root have a choleretic effect. They can be used individually or in a mixture in a 1:1 ratio. 1 tbsp.

    Pharmacies sell immortelle extract in tablets; it is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Another natural preparation, Cholasas, is made from rose hips. It should be taken 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day, can be dissolved in 1/2 glass of warm water. All of the herbal preparations listed should be taken half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. For hypomotor dyskinesia, tubazhi can be done.

    – What mineral waters are good to drink for cholecystitis?

    – Healing mineral waters stimulate the formation and secretion of bile. For cholecystitis, waters such as “Essentuki” No. 4 and No. 17, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Narzan sulfate” (Kislovodsk) and others are recommended. They should be drunk warm 3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals for 14-21 days. It is not recommended to drink mineral water during an exacerbation, but during remission it is highly advisable.

    During the period of remission, it is good to go to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters (Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk).

    Folk remedies

    Mineral water alone cannot get rid of such serious diseases. If there are no contraindications or allergies, then herbal decoctions and infusions can quickly and safely alleviate the condition, relieve pain and inflammation.

    Milk thistle

    Milk thistle is the main component of many liver medicines

    This plant is suitable for relieving acute attacks and treating chronic forms of diseases. Oil and water infusions are often made from it, which have a strong restorative and immunostimulating effect.

    It activates the production of hormones and restores the functioning of the pancreas. An infusion of the roots and leaves of the plant will bring no less benefit. It is enough to take a spoonful of raw material in a glass of boiling water, leave for about 10-12 hours and take 1/3 glass before meals.

    Milk thistle-based products should not be used by children under 12 years of age, people suffering from nervous disorders, cholelithiasis, or asthma.


    Dill seeds, which have anti-inflammatory, choleretic, bactericidal, laxative and antispasmodic effects, are considered very useful in the treatment of these diseases.

    Making a healing drink is very simple. You will need a spoon of crushed seeds, poured with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for about an hour, filtered and taken 50 g, 30-40 minutes before meals.

    It is best to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, immediately before brewing. Contraindications to taking the drink are hypotension, hemophilia, high acidity of stomach juice, and allergies.


    Chicory cleanses the kidneys and liver well of toxins, stimulates the excretion of bile

    Often, in the complex treatment of pancreatitis, chicory is used to control the level of pancreatic enzymes. You can buy it in any store where it is sold in the form of an instant powder drink.

    You can drink it in reasonable quantities, instead of coffee, with or without sugar. Both in taste, color, and aroma, the drink is very similar to regular instant coffee. It has only two contraindications - varicose veins and cholelithiasis.

    Recipes based on oats are indispensable in the treatment of the pancreas and gall bladder. Oats perfectly cleanse the bile ducts and liver, but the recipes for its preparation differ.

    For cholecystitis, you need to pour half a kilo of oat grains with a liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour, and drink the resulting infusion half a glass, three times. Pancreatitis is treated with oatmeal.

    To prepare it, 1 kg of grains is poured with cold water for a day, after which the oats are dried and ground into flour. Next, pour a spoonful of flour with water and boil for 20 minutes. Take once a day, on an empty stomach, 1/3 cup.

    Linseed oil

    This unique product is freely available, but has several restrictions on use. Firstly, this oil has a strong choleretic effect, so it must be consumed carefully (preferably with food). Secondly, flaxseed oil is used only during remission, and only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Pancreatic disease is often accompanied by dehydration. Absorption through the gastrointestinal tract is impaired. Patients should drink as much water as possible. Doctors recommend drinking mineral water to speed up the patient’s recovery and relieve the acute phase of the disease. Drinking mineral water alone will not help cure the disease. Treatment should be comprehensive and consist of medications, a strict diet and drinking mineral water. It has healing properties, will help relieve inflammation, reduce pain syndromes and overcome the exacerbation phase of chronic pancreatitis.

    Features of balneotherapy

    For successful treatment of cholecystitis, it is necessary to follow some rules:

    • It is important to follow a diet and daily routine when treating at home. This will help create conditions closer to those of a resort or dispensary and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
    • If the secretory function of the stomach is reduced or normal, then drink water half an hour before meals; if it is increased, drink water an hour and a half after.
    • You need to drink it warm - this helps relieve cramps.
    • In case of acute cholecystitis, non-carbonated mineral water is drunk from the first days; in this case, it is diluted in half with boiled water.

    Features of treatment for different types of lesions

    Mineral water for various types of cholecystitis may have special properties. To do this, you should know the following:

    Type of dyskinesiaRecommended type of mineral waters
    Hypotension of the bile ductsthe use of mineral waters with increased levels of salts is indicated
    Bile duct hypertensionIt is recommended to prescribe water with low salt levels
    Hypotonicity of the bile ductslong-term intake of mineral waters enriched with sodium is indicated

    It is not forbidden to give birth

    – How to alleviate the condition during an attack of cholecystitis, what medications to take?

    – The attack is usually manifested by acute pain in the right hypochondrium (pain can radiate to the right shoulder blade, right shoulder, neck), nausea, and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. You can take 1-2 tablets of no-shpa or papaverine. If within an hour the pain does not subside, but increases, it is necessary to call an ambulance. An attack associated with cholecystitis can be alleviated by a heating pad, but it is better not to use it until the cause of the attack is determined precisely, since acute pain in the right hypochondrium can be caused by for example, acute appendicitis, and in this condition heat, on the contrary, is contraindicated.

    – Many women suffering from chronic cholecystitis are concerned about the question: is it possible to avoid exacerbation during pregnancy?

    – As a rule, this disease does not serve as an obstacle to the onset or continuation of pregnancy. I will say more: even after operations to remove the gallbladder, you can safely carry and give birth to a child. If you undergo a course of preventive treatment before pregnancy, are under the supervision of a doctor and follow all recommendations during pregnancy, exacerbation of the disease can certainly be avoided.

    “Essentuki” during pregnancy – is it possible?

    Pregnancy is not a contraindication for taking Essentuka. On the contrary, the drink will be very useful in case of such problems for the expectant mother:

    • often bothersome constipation and heartburn;
    • various disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • pathological conditions of the kidneys and liver;
    • toxicosis, accompanied by debilitating nausea;
    • hormonal dysfunctions;
    • anemia caused by lack of iron.

    Essentuki water can not only alleviate a woman’s condition, but also saturate her body with useful substances and rejuvenate her. The magnesium contained in the drink helps minimize the risk of seizures in a pregnant woman. The presence of bicarbonate in the liquid relieves heartburn. Bone tissue is also strengthened, which is especially important during pregnancy.

    But, be especially careful. Only a qualified gynecologist-obstetrician who is seeing a woman during pregnancy can authorize the intake of mineral water. After all, both her body and the fetus’s body can react differently to the drink.

    If a woman is at risk of miscarriage or premature birth, has bleeding or has scars on the uterus, then it is extremely undesirable to drink water. You also need to be careful when taking Essentuki-17. Uncontrolled use increases the risk of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder in a pregnant woman.

    Mineral water "Essentuki" can become a truly miraculous elixir for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, as a large number of people have already become convinced of.

    But, remember that even this natural medicine must be taken as recommended. If there are any serious diseases, then you should not neglect consulting a doctor.

    Source: travuscka.ru

    General contraindications

    Despite all the benefits of drinking treatment, there are conditions in which it is contraindicated:

    • Exacerbation of inflammation in the stomach or intestines, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain, bleeding.
    • Acute purulent processes in the biliary tract, blockage of the ducts.
    • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Kidney diseases.
    • For alkaline species - alkaline urine reaction.
    • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Drinking mineral water has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the treatment of diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis, and prevents exacerbations. For home treatment, you can use bottled water, selected on the recommendation of a doctor.

    The benefits of Essentuki-4 water

    Mineral water can be prescribed to patients with various diseases, as well as for the purpose of prevention. It has a positive effect on the human body, especially on the state of the digestive system. The main secret of Essentuka’s effectiveness is the beneficial composition of the water.

    For example, magnesium is actively involved in the regulation of neuromuscular excitability, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Sodium is indispensable in the synthesis of water-salt metabolism . In addition, it regulates almost all body functions. Calcium is an element to which our body owes its anti-inflammatory effect and the permeability of cell membranes. It also has a positive effect on blood clotting.

    Essentuki water shows positive results:

    • has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, kidneys and liver, helps digestion;
    • due to the fact that it helps to activate the production of enzymes, it normalizes metabolic processes (this is especially pleasant for those who want to get rid of extra pounds);
    • due to its mild laxative effect, it allows the body to get rid of excess;
    • removes excess mucus formed as a result of inflammatory processes in the respiratory and digestive organs;
    • promotes contraction of the gallbladder and bile ducts, which indicates a beneficial stimulating effect of bile outflow;
    • helps the body become stronger in the face of stress and negative external factors - harsh climate, radiation, unfavorable climatic conditions, etc.

    It should be noted that when mineral water enters the stomach, it immediately begins to act as a diuretic (diuretic). This is especially important for people suffering from excess fluid in the body and severe swelling.

    If Essentuki is taken correctly, then quickly enough the pituitary-adrenal system begins to rebuild, due to which all metabolic processes are regulated. People who have hormonal problems can expect significant improvement. However, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for taking the medicinal drink.

    The effect of a fully completed course lasts for approximately six months.

    Valley of Narzans

    By the way

    How to make tubage

    Tubage improves the contractile function of the gallbladder and stimulates bile secretion, but it cannot be done without a doctor’s prescription. In case of cholelithiasis, for example, this procedure can cause a sharp deterioration.

    It’s better to set aside a day off for tubing so you can rest later. In the evening, uncork a bottle of mineral water - “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Essentuki” No. 4 or No. 17. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of warm mineral water in one go, then within 10-15 minutes - another 200-300 ml and Lie on your right side, applying a heating pad to your right hypochondrium. Stay in this position for 2-3 hours.

    For hypomotor dyskinesia, stronger choleretic agents are prescribed. Dissolve half a tablespoon of Epsom salt (magnesia) or a tablespoon of sorbitol or xylitol in half a glass of warm water (regular or mineral - without gas) and drink in small sips. Then lie down for 2-3 hours on your right side with a heating pad.

    After tubing, it is recommended to stay in bed for 40 minutes.

    On the day of the procedure, many people have loose stools - this is a normal reaction of the body, indicating the effectiveness of the tube.

    The course of treatment is usually 7-10 tubes at weekly intervals. After this, your health usually improves, and the dull aching pain disappears. Then you can take a break for several months, and if a feeling of discomfort appears in the right hypochondrium, perform another 1-2 tubes.

    How to make tubage

    It’s better to set aside a day off for tubing so you can rest later. In the evening, uncork a bottle of mineral water - “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Essentuki” No. 4 or No. 17. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of warm mineral water in one go, then within 10-15 minutes - another 200-300 ml and Lie on your right side, applying a heating pad to your right hypochondrium. Stay in this position for 2-3 hours.

    For hypomotor dyskinesia, stronger choleretic agents are prescribed. Dissolve half a tablespoon of Epsom salt (magnesia) or a tablespoon of sorbitol or xylitol in half a glass of warm water (regular or mineral - without gas) and drink in small sips. Then lie down for 2-3 hours on your right side with a heating pad.

    What to look for when buying water

    Considering the higher price tag of Essentuki 4 and 17 mineral water, counterfeits may appear on the shelves. What to pay attention to:

    • regardless of whether the water is packaged in glass or plastic containers, it should not have any flaws;
    • Manufacturer's address is required;
    • the composition of the water and the number of the well from which the intake was made are required;
    • natural water cannot have a water category designation (highest, first, etc.);
    • detection of the inscription: “TU9185” indicates artificial mineralization.

    Source: ozhivote.ru

    Drinking therapy for cholecystitis

    You need to drink water at least 20 minutes before meals.

    Before you start drinking mineral water, you need to consult with a specialist, since in addition to choosing the right mineral water, you also need to know the rules for its use. Doctors recommend hydrotherapy for 3 to 4 weeks. An important rule for drinking water from the depths of the earth is the temperature, which must be warm.

    At one time you can drink from 50 ml to 300 ml of mineral water and always before meals, on average 20 minutes. For diseases of the gallbladder, alkaline water should be hot, only in this case the maximum benefit will be achieved from it. For the treatment of cholecystitis, it is necessary to consume 250-350 ml of mineral water an hour before meals.

    Website about health and gallbladder problems

    Gallstone disease requires patients to drink more water. Is it worth buying bottled or maybe mineral water just for this case? Let's figure it out.

    What water to drink if you have cholecystitis? To treat this disease, waters containing sulfates are used. They have a powerful choleretic effect.

    Mineral products "Slavyanovskaya" water

    Recommended mineral products:

    • "Berezovskaya";
    • "Slavyanovskaya";
    • "Borjomi"
    • "Jermuk"
    • "Essentuki-17";
    • "Izhevskaya";
    • "Essentuki-4".

    How should people with cholecystitis drink mineral water? There is a unique technique that has been successfully tested at domestic resorts for decades.

    In general, it is recommended to drink the products 30-40 minutes before meals. The food will be partially mixed with the water for some time. It lingers the longest in the stomach and stimulates its mucous membrane. This improves the production of hydrochloric acid.

    If secretion is not impaired, then water is taken 45-50 minutes before meals. If secretory function is increased, then the optimal interval before meals is 60-90 minutes.

    According to doctors, a mineral product taken during such a period enters the duodenum and causes inhibition of the secretion of the overlying section. This reduces the response of the gastric glands to food intake. This is very important against the background of increased acidity.

    The regimen may vary depending on the patient's health status. Usually waters are prescribed in courses. During his stay in the sanatorium, a person regularly takes water, thereby saturating his body with much-needed salts and microelements.

    By the time you return home, your body has formed a “reserve” of useful substances that will definitely be useful in the future.

    All elements are deposited by the body in the subcutaneous tissue, spleen and liver. When the need for microelements arises, the body independently extracts them from the “depot” and distributes them to the organs in need. The purchased supply is enough for the body for 12 months. After a year, it is recommended to return to the resort and repeat the course.

    If the main purpose of the intake is stimulation, or increasing juice secretion, then the water temperature should be low. Optimal - room temperature, 20-25 degrees. Eating after taking it is allowed within 15-30 minutes.

    If a reduction in secretion is required, then a slightly warmed mineral liquid is used. Optimally - up to 40 degrees.

    Carbon dioxide waters must be degassed before consumption. First, the bottle of water is slightly heated and left for some time. It is recommended to wait at least half an hour. Or better yet, 40 minutes. After this, the gas comes out. Then the person can consume the products without fear.

    Water with medium and high mineralization is consumed within a strictly limited period. On average, the course lasts 25-30 days. Then you need to take a short break.

    This is due to the fact that excessive saturation of the body with macro and microelements can lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, the patient must adhere to the prescribed deadlines. It is prohibited to change them yourself.

    Depending on the presence of useful substances in the composition, waters are divided into:

    • hydrocarbonate;
    • sulfate;
    • chloride

    In 90% of cases, the patient is advised to take mixed products. There, in different proportions, there are both anions and cations.

    This gradation of waters is associated with their healing effect. Hydrocarbonate products affect the body in the presence of an inflammatory process - when there is excessive mucus formation. In addition to cholecystitis, it can also be inflammation of the kidneys or any other organ of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Sulfate products are used when there is a need to increase tone. One of the main indications is hypotonic type of biliary dyskinesia.

    Chloride products are intended to stimulate metabolism. Medium and highly mineralized products are necessary for tubing.

    The patient should drink 200 milliliters. First, the water bottle is heated to 40 degrees. After taking it, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and turn on your right side. A heating pad is first placed under the side. You need to lie down for 60 minutes.

    Waters such as “Borjomi”, “Essentuki-4”, “Narzan” can be consumed together with ½ teaspoon of magnesia. This is especially true for spastic constipation. If bowel dysfunction is accompanied by cholelithiasis, then magnesia should be abandoned. The reason is that the choleretic effect of these waters is already quite pronounced. In this case, tubing can only harm the body.

    If there is no significant inflammation, then tubing can be carried out for several days in a row. You are allowed to do this for a week. But more often, tubage is done once a week, or every 10 days.

    Siberian waters are widely used. Altai water “Silver Key” has a good effect. It can be used all the time.

    This is water from the Bikhtimir spring. It is bottled by the Dawns over Biya sanatorium. This is a calcium-magnesium product. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It also has a positive effect on stones. Their nature doesn't matter. Drinking regimen – 1 glass (150-200 milliliters), 2-3 times/24 hours, according to indications.

    Another effect of this product is a laxative. It is due to the high concentration of silver salts in the composition. This accompanies a decrease in inflammation in cholecystitis.

    Mineral water is not used in the acute phase. You need to drink it strictly during the rehabilitation period.

    The difference between Essentuki 17 and number 4

    Essentuki 4 and 17 have a certain difference in their assignments. Mineral water No. 4 is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with increased motility. Essentuki 4 is prescribed for:

    • diarrhea;
    • gastritis;
    • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
    • chronic liver damage;
    • violation of the outflow of bile;
    • metabolic problems;
    • lipid metabolism disorder;
    • chronic urethritis;
    • pyelonephritis and urolithiasis;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • intestinal dyskinesia.

    Essentuki 17 and 4 also differ in the level of mineralization. Essentuki 4 belongs to medicinal mineral water, but can be used as a medicinal table water.

    Essentuki 4 is prescribed three times a day on an empty stomach, one glass at a time. The course of treatment ranges from 30 to 45 procedures.

    1. With normal secretion, drinking water is indicated 30-40 minutes before meals;
    2. For pathological processes of the stomach 10-15 minutes before meals;
    3. For ulcerative lesions in an hour.

    You can drink mineral water only in the absence of an acute process of a spastic or infectious nature and only after agreement with your doctor. In pediatric practice, geriatrics and obstetrics, independent prescription of balneotherapy is not acceptable. Only one-time use of water is possible.

    Main types of pathology

    Cholecystitis can be calculous and non-calculous. From the point of view of etiopathogenesis, these are two different pathologies. In the first case, the disease is provoked by irritation and stretching of the membranes of the bladder. In the second, the leading role belongs to disruption of the organ walls. The main provoking factor is poor blood supply.

    The purpose depends on the form of cholecystitis

    Doctors distinguish the following types of disease:

    • destructive;
    • catarrhal;
    • purulent.

    Let's figure out why there may be pain in the lower abdomen on the left

    Abdominal pain is a serious sign of pathologies of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Each pathology with an acute or chronic course has its own individual picture, that is, a certain localization, intensity of pain, clinical and laboratory indicators. Diseases of the infectious-inflammatory, viral or oncological type of the descending intestines, urinary tract and reproductive system are characterized by pain on both the left and right sides. We examined some pathologies in detail in the article “Pain in the lower abdomen on the right”; in this publication we will focus on diseases in which pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left.

    Characteristics of pain

    An important component in diagnosing diseases of the abdominal cavity is the nature of the pain localized on the left. Anatomically (or topographically), the following organs are located in this area of ​​the human body: the sigmoid and rectum of the large intestine with the rectal sphincter, the bladder with the left ureter, in women the left ovary with the fallopian tube and fascial and muscle tissues. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, complicated by microbial infection, often lead to peritonitis. If the lower part of the abdomen, that is, the pelvic organs, is affected, pelvioperitonitis develops with the accumulation of pus in the excavations of the small pelvis, which is manifested by pain along the entire perimeter of the abdomen, that is, acute abdomen syndrome is formed.

    All about pain

    Each pathology of the abdominal cavity has its own “pain pattern”, that is, it can be of different intensity (strong, medium and weak) and duration (temporary and permanent).

    Pain is divided into types, namely:

    • Dull and aching character

    These pains are characteristic of gynecological diseases (inflammation of the ovaries or uterus). If the left ovary is involved in the inflammatory process, then pain appears on the left. It can appear during menstruation, sexual intercourse, during physical activity or at rest. In addition to gynecology, aching pain can be observed with inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins, varicose veins of the small pelvis, chronic cystitis and malignant tumors, as well as with pathologies of the sigmoid and rectum.

    • Referring (pulling) pain

    Inflammatory and purulent diseases, involving the genitourinary organs and part of the gastrointestinal tract (rectum and sigmoid colon), have a protracted and debilitating course with little intensity. Irradiation is directed to the left leg and to the lumbar spine and occurs due to increased pressure in the groin and stretching of the inguinal ligaments.

    • Acute (sharp) pain

    Colic or spasms cause sharp pain. They are characteristic of colitis, cystitis, urolithiasis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysentery, salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, sigmoiditis, Crohn's disease), as well as adnexitis and ectopic pregnancy. Sharp pain in the intestines in the lower abdomen with cancer in the second, third and fourth stages of the disease.

    • Piercing type

    Stitching pain occurs as a kidney stone passes through the left (or right) ureter towards the bladder. When oxolate or urate stones pass through the lumen of the ureter at the mouth of the bladder, the pain becomes colicky and radiates to the groin area, as well as to the abdomen and lower back. Such pain appears in diseases affecting the rectum and rectal sphincter, as well as the sigmoid part of the colon, that is, the lower gastrointestinal tract.

    General symptoms of pathologies of internal abdominal organs

    In addition to pain, pathologies of the abdomen on the left side are accompanied by a number of general symptoms, such as: general malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired diuresis and fever. Pain of varying intensity may also be observed in the left iliac region when coughing and walking. All these symptoms are also characteristic of sigmoiditis, Crohn's disease, nephrolithiasis and helminthic infestation, which we will discuss in more detail below.


    Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is not a separate disease, but a type of gastrointestinal pathology, such as proctitis, colitis or enterocolitis. The disease occurs acutely or chronically.

    Gastritis? Ulcer? To prevent a stomach ulcer from turning into cancer, drink a glass...

    The best FOLK remedy for GASTRITIS and stomach ulcers!

    Factors that cause pathology of the sigmoid colon are divided into two groups: internal and external.

    Internal infections include intestinal infections (usually dysentery and salmonellosis), dysbacteriosis (can be caused by antibacterial or chemotherapy), Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and atherosclerosis of mesenteric vessels. In this case, infections cause an acute form of sigmoiditis, and other diseases cause a chronic form.

    External factors contributing to the acute development of pathology are pesticides and radioactive substances.

    The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Pain of an acute and cutting type localized in the left iliac region with irradiation to the lower back and thigh.
    • Diarrhea or constipation.
    • False tenesmus.
    • General malaise.
    • Decreased appetite.
    • Mental disorders (nervousness, sleep disturbance).

    Why does the lower abdomen hurt with sigmoiditis? The intestine has a high degree of sensitivity due to its developed innervation system. When damaged or inflamed, the intestines quickly respond with severe pain with increased or decreased peristalsis.

    The pain barrier also depends on the type of damage to the anatomical structure of the intestine, which is divided into:

    • catarrhal (mucous) type: the intestinal mucosa is inflamed, it is hyperemic and swollen, there is a large amount of mucus in the intestinal lumen;
    • erosive type: the pathological process involves the deeper layers (mucosal and muscular) of the large intestine, the affected part is covered with erosions;
    • purulent-hemorrhagic (ulcerative) sigmoiditis: pathogenic flora joins erosions or ulcers, forming bleeding and purulent foci;
    • perisigmoid type: the infectious-inflammatory process spreads to nearby intra-abdominal organs and tissues (mesentery), a serous infiltrate appears around the sigmoid colon, the consequence of which is interintestinal or enteromesenteric adhesions.

    The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints, clinical picture, palpation of the abdomen, instrumental studies of the distal part of the large intestine, sigmoid and rectum, as well as on the basis of laboratory analyzes of stool. When palpating the abdomen on the left side, the patient reacts painfully, pushing away the doctor’s hand. Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract shows swelling and hyperemia of the intestinal mucosa (catarrhal form). In the case of erosive and purulent forms, endoscopy is performed only for medical reasons, to the exclusion of oncological processes. In these cases, sigmoidoscopy is sufficient, which confirms the diagnosis based on mucosal hyperemia and the presence of a large amount of mucus streaked with blood and pus. In stool tests (bacteriological culture), the causative agent of intestinal infection is detected.

    Sigmoiditis is treated outpatiently or inpatiently with conservative treatment.

    Firstly, patients are prescribed a diet (table No. 4) that does not contain food products that cause fermentation and rotting. Fried, fatty and spicy foods are excluded. In the first two days, fasting and drinking plenty of fluids (non-carbonated water and herbal teas) are recommended to prevent dehydration after prolonged diarrhea. In some cases, drip administration of solutions (infusion therapy) is prescribed. Secondly, broad-spectrum antibiotics (levomecitin) are used to eliminate pathogenic flora, and probiotics are recommended to combat dysbiosis. Thirdly, antispasmodics are prescribed to relieve colic.

    Within 2 weeks, the pathology is completely eliminated if all treatment recommendations are followed. In this case, relapse of the disease will not be observed for a long time. An untreated disease will lead to the development of a chronic form of sigmoiditis with ensuing complications.

    Crohn's disease

    The pathology is a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of inflammatory processes with disruption of the intestinal structure, adhesions within the peritoneum and fistulas. The disease is chronic and lasts for six months or more, depending on the body’s reaction and general immunity. Intestinal inflammation leads to stenosis of the intestinal tube, the accumulation of serous fluid around the affected area, as well as the formation of fistulas connecting the intestinal tube to the abdominal organs.

    Symptoms of Crohn's disease are divided into:

    • intestinal, characterized by sharp stabbing pains, diarrhea rich in mucus and blood impurities, inflammation of the rectum and sphincter,
    • extraintestinal, manifested by general weakness, weight loss, constant low-grade fever, damage to the joints, liver, kidneys and blood. Also, with this form of the disease, pathological changes in the skin and eyeballs are observed, and a specific yellowness appears. The mucous membranes ulcerate and bleed.

    The reasons causing the occurrence of pathology are:

    • toxic chemical poisoning,
    • chronic intestinal infections,
    • viral intestinal diseases,
    • gastrointestinal ulcer,
    • decreased immunity,
    • injuries,
    • postoperative complications,
    • heredity,
    • poor nutrition.

    According to the course of the disease, the pathology is divided into:

    • primary, with acute and gradual onset;
    • continuous-chronic, lasting up to six months;
    • recurrent form.

    According to clinical development, Crohn's disease occurs in the form of:

    • Acute ileitis (inflammation of the sigmoid part of the large intestine).
    • Jejunoileitis (inflammation of the sigmoid tube, jejunal tube with obturation).
    • Chronic jejunoileitis (inflammation of the jejunum and disruption of its absorption capacity).
    • Granulomatous colitis and proctitis (development of intraintestinal granulomas).

    This leads to the fact that the pain syndrome does not cover certain parts of the abdomen, but different ones: sometimes the lower abdomen hurts on the left or right, sometimes the entire abdomen, sometimes the pain can be of a girdling nature - it all depends on the affected area, on the form of the disease and its onset, then there is a gradual, acute or fulminant development of the disease. When coughing, the abdominal pain intensifies and becomes unbearable, plus, if the lower parts of the large intestine are affected, the sphincter weakens and involuntary release of feces and urine may occur.

    Diagnosis is based on medical history, general examination of the patient, laboratory results and instrumental data. On palpation, an inflamed or granular left iliac zone is felt. The pain is dull or sharp (depending on the form and phase of the disease), which can radiate towards the abdomen and lower back.

    Laboratory tests are evidence of pathology, namely:

    • Complete blood count: low number of platelets and red blood cells, the presence of a large number of leukocytes.
    • Analysis of stool: in the stool there is a large amount of undigested food elements and a large amount of fat, the level of calprotectin is 2-3 times higher than normal.
    • Biochemical blood test: anemia, elevated levels of ALT and AST, which indicates liver damage.

    Instrumental examinations include:

    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs,
    • Endoscopy,
    • Sigmoidoscopy,
    • X-ray,
    • Computed tomography,
    • Colonoscopy.

    Schematically, the treatment of Crohn's disease can be divided into the following options: medication and surgery.

    Drug treatment options include the use of sulfasalazine, leukotriene receptor antagonists of the immune system, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants (medicines that inhibit the immune components of Crohn's disease).

    If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgery with extirpation of the gastrointestinal tract is prescribed. The main point in the treatment regimen is a diet with a balanced diet and vitamin therapy (use of multi-vitamin complex A, E, K, D, B12 and PP).

    Urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis

    This disease, which can be unilateral or bilateral, is included in the group of kidney diseases and is characterized by a violation of urine pH towards oxidation or alkalization. Impaired metabolism, plus an infectious-inflammatory process of a chronic nature, lead to the formation of calculous conglomerates. They develop in the lumen of the pelvis and cups. The size of the stones varies: from sand to 5 centimeters or more.

    The main factors contributing to the formation of stones are:

    • The presence of large amounts of calcium, magnesium and oxalic acid in food. These substances come from lactic acid products, meat, fatty fish, vegetables and fruits rich in acids.
    • Poisoning with heavy metals or pesticides, which can lead to inflammation of the kidney parenchyma with subsequent development of stones.
    • Violation of the anatomical structure of the urinary system, leading to inflammation and stasis of urine.
    • The presence of some chronic (gout, Crohn's disease, pyelonephritis, etc.) or somatic diseases with a sedentary lifestyle, provoking urinary stasis, as a result of which conglomerates are formed within several months.

    Symptoms in the first stage of the disease are scant, but as lithiasis develops, patients feel pain in the lumbar region more and more clearly. As soon as they make some movements (jumping or running), as well as perform physical activity with lifting weights, the “sleeping stone” will immediately make itself felt through renal colic. If the process is located in the left kidney, then the pain will be localized in the left lower abdomen. The pain is sharp, stabbing and does not last long. It radiates to the left groin area, lower back and left leg. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and fever. When a urate or oxalate formation moves, the integrity of the ureteral mucosa is damaged, and blood appears in the urine.

    Diagnosis of nephrolithiasis includes:

    • Anamnesis collection.
    • Palpation and percussion.
    • Blood test (general and biochemical).
    • Urinalysis (general, according to Nichiporenko and Zemnitsky).
    • Ultrasound, MRI and computed tomography of the kidneys and abdominal organs.
    • X-ray in three projections.
    • Radioisotope study of the kidneys.

    Therapeutic measures

    Urolithiasis can be relieved by two methods: conservatively and surgically.

    If the pebble is small in size, then antispasmodics and analgesics are used, which will remove it from the urinary system. Next, antibiotics and litholysis drugs are prescribed, as well as special dietary nutrition.

    In the case of a large conglomerate, surgical intervention is performed with its removal or extirpation of the kidney (if the renal lumen is completely obstructed by a stone up to 5 cm or more). After the operation, drug treatment, physiotherapy and resort treatment are carried out (Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Pyatigorsk).

    Why does the body lack water?

    It is known that the occurrence of gallstone disease is influenced by a whole set of factors. On the one hand, there are reasons that we cannot influence - ecology, for example, genetics. But still, it is the lifestyle of a particular person that forces metabolic processes to gradually turn in a negative direction.

    Water plays, one might say, paramount importance in the process of stone formation. Any disease associated with the biliary system should be a signal that there is not enough water in our body.

    Gallbladder diseases are a signal of a lack of water supply

    In addition to the fact that we drink catastrophically little clean water (excluding soups, drinks, and any other liquid), we also consume foods that promote the rapid removal of precious moisture. What is this?

    First of all: coffee, alcohol, carbonated water, choleretic teas (herbal infusions), some medications.

    All smoked, fried foods, with a high content of salt and spices, confectionery

    And also: foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, bran, seeds and sprouts).

    If there are no objections to the first two points (after smoked fish, you really feel thirsty). The last point is worth explaining.

    In order to function properly inside the gastrointestinal tract, fiber requires a lot of water. The coarse fibers of berries, vegetables, fruits and plants absorb water and help move food towards natural release. A big plus is that in many gifts of nature, water makes up almost 80% of the total composition of the product.

    When using supplements or dietary supplements with fiber, the amount of water you drink should increase!

    General recommendations for admission

    Since mineral water is a medicinal drink, it should be taken correctly. It’s easy to remember how to drink:

    1. It should be free of gas, which causes increased gas formation in the stomach, belching and other unpleasant sensations. It is better to purchase non-carbonated mineral water, but if it turns out to be a “gas” version, the bottle should be opened and left open for one and a half to two hours to allow the gas to escape.
    2. Another necessary condition is heating. Drinking too cold causes spasms in the digestive tract, and drinking too hot burns, so a comfortable temperature should be slightly higher than the temperature of the human body - 42–45 degrees Celsius. You should not put water on an open fire; it is better to heat it in a water bath.
    3. You need to start taking mineral water with one third of a glass per day, gradually increasing the daily dose. You need to drink at least three glasses a day. The morning dose should be on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast, and subsequent doses - 40 minutes before meals.
    4. Do not mix mineral drinks with vegetables and fruits. This can cause an exacerbation of the disease, as it will require the pancreas to work hard to produce the enzymes necessary to digest fiber.

    Water flushes the digestive tract, freeing it from mucus, dissolving and removing toxins. This facilitates the work of internal organs, and an aqueous solution of salts and minerals nourishes the mucous membrane, saturating it with useful substances.

    User reviews indicate that mineral water is useful not only in the treatment of pathologies of internal organs. Being rich in a range of useful substances, it makes it easier to maintain a diet for weight loss, regulates the digestive process, relieving diarrhea and constipation. This is a balm of health - if you learn to choose and use mineral water correctly.

    Source: pankreatit03.ru

    Mineral water for gallbladder disease

    An important aspect in the treatment of cholecystitis is the use of mineral waters, which have become indispensable in sanitary resort treatment. Mineral water is an integral part of the diet for the treatment of gallbladder diseases at health resorts and in everyday life. However, it is worth considering that there are many varieties of medicinal water and that is why its use for cholecystitis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, because only he knows what kind of water you can drink so as not to cause harm.

    Mineral baths

    Today, in sanatoriums, mineral waters can be used not only orally, but also for therapeutic procedures. Mineral baths are often practiced in this state.

    With their help, metabolism in the inflamed organ improves, inflammation decreases, and the outflow of bile is normalized.

    Before performing mineral baths, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, such as vein thrombosis, various skin lesions, pregnancy and heart disease.

    Beneficial features

    To obtain healing water, it is necessary to drill deep wells, where, after remaining for many centuries, the water is enriched with minerals and salts. The composition contains such useful components as fluorine, magnesium, potassium, iron, carbon dioxide, sodium, chlorine and calcium. In addition, it has chloride, bicarbonate and sulfate salts. Based on the ratio of the amount of minerals and salts per 1 liter, water is classified as follows:

    • Drinking canteen. It can be consumed without restrictions, since 1 liter contains 1 g of nutrients.
    • Mineral dining room. Contains no more than 2 g of minerals per liter.
    • Canteen and medical room. A given volume contains 8 g of useful substances and therefore drinking without control is contraindicated, as there is a risk of causing an imbalance in the balance of acid and alkali in the body.
    • Therapeutic. The amount of minerals and salts per 1 liter is higher than 8 g and therefore it is recommended to use it exclusively for medicinal purposes, strictly adhering to the dosage recommendations of the doctor.

    From canteen to mineral

    Where does mineral water come from before it is bottled? That's right, from underground. It is extracted from underground sources by drilling wells. Water at great depths accumulates minerals and salt ions, which are “pulled” from the soil due to pressure differences. So by drinking healing water, we supply our body with fluoride, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, and carbon dioxide. Since these elements of the periodic table accumulate differently in liquids, waters are divided according to their content into hydrocarbonate, sulfate and chloride.

    Based on this parameter, water is grouped as follows:

    1. Drinking canteen: it has the lowest content of mineral elements (reach one gram per liter), so there are no warnings for consumption
    2. Mineral table: the upper limit for the elements contained in this class of water does not exceed two g/l.
    3. Table and medicinal: for this class of water, recommendations for dosed use have already been introduced, since excessive intake threatens to disrupt the acid-base balance. The amount of mineral content is eight g/l.
    4. Mineral medicinal: allowed for use only after being prescribed by a doctor as part of treatment. Mineralization is significantly higher than eight g/l.

    It is recommended to take mineral water only warm (the temperature should correspond to the temperature of the human body), but not higher than forty degrees. In this temperature regime, its healing properties are manifested.

    Why is it important to drink mineral water for cholecystitis?

    Mineral water cleanses the ducts of stagnant bile.

    Mineral waters for gallbladder diseases are recommended for use, as they help cleanse the ducts of accumulated bile. The beneficial properties of healing water promote the outflow of fluid secreted by the liver and enzyme juice, which fill the bile ducts. As a result, the patient ceases to be bothered by pain, and the inflammatory process on the walls of the organ decreases.

    In addition, mineral water improves the functioning of the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract, reduces cholesterol levels and increases diuresis. But which water should you prefer in order to get the maximum benefit and not aggravate the course of the disease? You can get the answer from your doctor or familiarize yourself with each type of mineral water.

    Mineral baths

    Therapeutic mineral baths, which also contain hydrogen sulfide, are beneficial for many diseases, including the biliary system. It is able to penetrate the body through the integument of the body (skin) and through the respiratory tract. This helps to liquefy bile, which means it facilitates its outflow and reduces the pain component in cholecystitis. Mineral baths help relieve inflammation in the gallbladder and pancreas, improve the functioning of the biliary system and the condition of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

    Mineral water for cholecystitis is an important part of complex therapeutic therapy. With its help, you can improve the functions of the affected gallbladder in a fairly short period, as well as alleviate the general well-being of the patient. Read more about what properties mineral waters have, as well as how to take them correctly.

    Choice for cholecystitis

    In case of diseases of the gallbladder, the secretion of bile is disrupted and in order to normalize its production, alkaline water should be included in the diet, which is recommended to be consumed in order to prevent exacerbation of the disease. But what kind of water should you choose? Alkaline waters have a significant difference in chemical composition, which determines the healing qualities and taste of the mineral water.

    Rich in vitamins and minerals, Borjomi healing water has the ability to relieve spasms and reduce inflammation, while alleviating the patient’s condition. In addition, the water described is capable of removing toxins from the body and stimulating the outflow of internal juices. Borjomi should be drunk only warm, since cold water increases pain, and hot water irritates the affected organ. Contraindications are low stomach acidity and gallstones.

    Another popular type is sodium chloride mineral water called “Essentuki”. It contains organic substances, trace elements and gases that can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If a patient is diagnosed with cholecystitis, then, despite the high usefulness of this mineral water, the relevance of its use in this disease should be determined exclusively by a specialist. It is worth considering that when cooled, this water will act like regular water in pipes.

    In addition to the healing waters described above, there are many more types, the following are considered popular:

    • "Mirgorodskaya". It belongs to the group of sodium chloride waters and is used as a table water for daily use. Drinking this mineral water is recommended for liver problems, colitis, metabolic disorders and bile duct diseases.
    • "Glade font." It is hydrocarbonate water containing fluoride. It has great benefits for the affected gallbladder, helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood and takes an active part in the fight against excess weight.
    • "Luzhanskaya". This water is hydrocarbonate and contains fluorine and silicic acid. Used to treat diseases of the digestive system and liver, but is not recommended for low acidity and decreased levels of thyroid hormone.
    • "Shayanskaya". The unique water, which is naturally carbonated, is hydrocarbonate and is widely used for liver and stomach diseases, and for hangover syndrome.
    • "Zbruchanskaya". Rich in active components such as magnesium, chlorine, iron and calcium, therefore it is widely used to heal ailments of the bile duct and kidneys.
    • "Bukovinskaya". Alkaline water with a high iodine content is recommended for use for diseases of the biliary tract, inflammation of the colon and liver diseases, but is contraindicated for inflammation of the joints, gout and severe headaches.

    Therapeutic mineral water for pancreatitis

    The peculiarity is that in the presence of severe inflammation, the acidity in the diseased organ increases greatly. Alkaline water can quickly neutralize acid, relieve swelling and cramps. If you have high glucose and lack of insulin, experts advise drinking water containing zinc.

    Pancreatitis requires taking the following types of mineral water:

    • Narzan;
    • Silver Spring;
    • Essentuki No. 4 and 20;
    • Arkhyz.

    One of the healthiest drinks with a complex composition is Narzan. It belongs to the sulfate-hydrocarbonate group of medicinal table waters. Significantly reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

    Silver Spring water is of no less interest in the treatment of pancreatitis. Medical-dining room, with an optimal ratio of minerals and beneficial components. Unlike Arkhyz, which is an ordinary table drink, Silver Spring cannot be consumed uncontrollably.

    Watch the video about what mineral water to drink if you have pancreatitis:


    The positive properties of medicinal water are:

    • improvement of liver function;
    • reduction of inflammation;
    • pronounced analgesic effect;
    • prevention of secondary exacerbation of the disease;
    • normalization of the functions of the human digestive system;
    • saturating the body with useful salts and minerals.

    This type of treatment is actively used specifically for chronic cholecystitis, when the patient undergoes maintenance treatment in a sanatorium. Hydrotherapy for acute inflammation can be carried out only after permission from a doctor.

    Attention! It is recommended to drink mineral water for chronic cholecystitis directly from the sources. In this case, the concentration of nutrients in the liquid will be at its maximum level. If this is not possible, purchased water will do. The main thing is that it is purchased at a pharmacy and is in glass bottles.


    Mineral waters are extracted from great depths by drilling wells. It is there that they are saturated with valuable minerals and salts that have a positive effect on human digestion.

    The main elements included in medicinal waters are calcium, potassium and salts.

    Depending on the concentration of active compounds, mineral waters are divided into the following categories:

    1. Table waters.
    2. Medical canteens.
    3. Medicinal.

    The observing gastroenterologist should prescribe a specific type of mineral water for each patient individually, depending on the indications (type of cholecystitis, the degree of its neglect, the form of its course, symptoms and the presence of additional chronic lesions in the person).

    Uncontrolled intake of mineral waters can worsen the patient’s metabolism, which will lead to an imbalance of nutrients.

    Treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis with diet

    Diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is not just abstract nutritional principles; This is part of the treatment, without following the rules of which the medications taken will be wasted money. This is explained simply: both the pancreas and the gallbladder take the main part in the digestion of food (it is these organs that break down foods to their basic structural elements, which are “understood” by the intestines).

    Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process (it can be acute or chronic), you need to either give the organs rest for a while or gently stimulate their work. In the first case, they will be able to recover, in the second, they will not atrophy.

    Gastritis? Ulcer? To prevent a stomach ulcer from turning into cancer, drink a glass...

    The best FOLK remedy for GASTRITIS and stomach ulcers!

    Diet in the acute stage of the process

    Nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis in the acute stage or during exacerbation of the chronic process should provide the organs with complete rest, allowing them to recover. For this:

    1. in the first three days you cannot eat, you can only drink non-carbonated boiled water and sometimes 100-200 ml per day of “Borjomi” or “Polyana kvasovaya”, from which all gases have previously been removed;
    2. by day 3, if the abdominal pain has passed, you can expand the diet. Warm unsweetened tea, ground vegetable soup without frying, oatmeal or rice porridge cooked in milk and water (1:1), crackers, steamed chicken protein omelette are added to it;
    3. after another week, low-fat cottage cheese and stewed vegetables (except cabbage) may be allowed;
    4. if the above products do not increase abdominal pain, do not provoke diarrhea and vomiting, add boiled low-fat fish, soufflé or steamed cutlets from white chicken or turkey meat, semolina and buckwheat porridge;
    5. only after 1-2 months do they move on to the 5p table, which is recommended for adherence for a long time - about a year.

    Diet for chronic pancreatitis

    It is called “table 5p”, and is characterized as “gentle, with a reduced amount of carbohydrates (mainly sugar) and extremely low fat content”:

    • daily calorie content is 2,600 – 2,800 kcal;
    • proteins about 120 g/day (no more than 60% animal proteins);
    • vegetable fats – about 15 g/day, animal fats – 65 g/day;
    • carbohydrates – no more than 400 g;
    • sugar – only 1 tablespoon/day;
    • instead of sucrose - 20-30 g of sorbitol or xylitol per day;
    • salt – no more than 10 g;
    • liquids - 2.5 liters, without gas;
    • white bread (yesterday's) - no more than 250 g/day.

    Principles of the 5p table

    To improve digestion in diseased organs, you need to follow the following nutritional principles:

    1. meals – 5-6 times a day, in small portions;
    2. the temperature of food taken is about 40 degrees;
    3. the total weight of food per day should not exceed 3 kg;
    4. the basis of the diet is protein foods;
    5. fried, salted and pickled foods should be excluded;
    6. vegetables should be boiled or steamed;
    7. soups - either vegetable or meat broth;
    8. drink drinks based on chicory flowers;
    9. Eat chicken eggs (or better yet, only whites) 2-3 times a week in the form of omelettes and boiled eggs.

    Advice! The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fiber foods. In addition, you need to consume at least 1 glass of kefir and several pears daily.

    What you can and cannot eat

    Which foods are allowed for pancreatitis and cholecystitis and which are not, see the table:

    Can It is forbidden
    Rusks and yesterday's white bread Alcohol
    Vegetarian soups Rye bread
    Beetroot Puff pastry
    Zucchini Fresh bread
    Boiled lean meat and fish (you need to cook without skin) Baking
    Steamed egg white omelettes Broths: meat, fish
    Porridge: buckwheat, semolina, rice, oatmeal Borsch
    Carrot By-products
    Potato Okroshka
    Green pea Milk soups
    Pumpkin for cholecystitis and pancreatitis Smoked products
    Boiled vermicelli Full fat dairy products
    Ripe, non-acidic fruits that need to be ground Porridge: millet, wheat, corn
    Baked apples Legumes
    Sugar-free juices from non-acidic fruits and berries Fried foods
    Compotes Cabbage
    Jelly with xylitol or sorbitol Radish
    Low-fat fermented milk products Radish
    Vegetable oil – refined, up to 15 g/day Onion and garlic
    Tea with milk and lemon Eggplant
    Rose hip decoction Sorrel
    Butter – only for prepared foods (per day – no more than 30 g) Spinach
    Savory pies with cottage cheese Bell pepper
    Oatmeal jelly Animal fats
    Greenery Spices
    Sometimes - high-quality boiled sausage without fat Raw fruits
    Sauerkraut, if it is not sour Figs
    Mushrooms and mushroom broths
    Mustard, horseradish
    Ice cream
    Products with pastry cream
    Coffee, cocoa

    Let's look at some individual “controversial” products:

    1. Bananas for pancreatitis and cholecystitis are allowed, but in small quantities (no more than 1 piece per day), as they contain. It is advisable to use them to add additional flavor to low-fat yogurt, casserole, pie based on low-fat yogurt and dry cookies. You can also drink banana juice, but also in small quantities.
    2. Sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, are allowed for cholecystitis and pancreatitis if the disease is in the chronic stage. This product is good for snacking. It stops inflammation of pancreatic tissue, protects tissue from destruction. But nuts are a fatty food, so you should eat no more than 15 grams of them (any) and only if you are not allergic to them.
    3. Honey for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is allowed only if the inflammation has not affected the endocrine apparatus of the pancreas and diabetes has not developed. In this case, the product is useful - it helps to “expel” bile that has stagnated in the gallbladder.

      Advice! For these diseases, you need to consume honey not whenever you want, but in the morning, on an empty stomach, dissolving a tablespoon of the product in 100 ml of water.

    4. Persimmon is not recommended for consumption for cholecystitis and pancreatitis. If you really want to eat it, then this can only be done outside of an exacerbation, and only if there is no diabetes.

    You can get additional information about nutrition for the pathologies under consideration from the article: 100 approved foods for pancreatitis.

    Delicious recipes

    So that life with inflammatory diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder does not seem so gray and boring, it is necessary to diversify it somewhat. We offer the following recipes for pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

    • Potato cutlets. We take 7 medium potatoes, peel them, cook them, and when they cool down, grate them. To this mass add finely chopped 250 g of milk or doctor's sausage, as well as 200 g of grated hard cheese. Mix in 3 raw eggs, herbs and green onions to taste, salt, 2 tablespoons of flour. You should get a mass from which cutlets are made (they need to be breaded in flour). Prepare the dish in a double boiler.
    • Vegetable soup with cheese meatballs. Take 2.5 liters of either water or vegetable broth and put it on fire. Prepare the meatball mixture: grate 100 g of mild hard cheese, mix with softened butter, 100 g of flour and 1 raw egg, herbs and a small amount of salt. Stir and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. For the broth: coarsely grate 1 carrot, cut 1 bell pepper into strips, and cut an onion and 5 potatoes into cubes. Cook for about 15 minutes in boiling water. Next, throw in bean-sized meatballs, formed from the cheese mass that was in the refrigerator.
    • Pumpkin is a very healthy product.
      You can prepare many dishes from it. For example, pumpkin casserole with apples. You need to take 600 g of pumpkin, peel and grate it. Do the same with 200 g of raw apples. Then simmer the pumpkin and apples in a frying pan with 10 g of butter and rub with a fork. Add 100 ml of milk to the resulting puree, bring to a boil, add a little (about 60 g) semolina, cook for 8 minutes over low heat. Next, remove from heat, cool to 60°C, add a tablespoon of sugar and 1 egg, mix . This mass should be placed on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and baked in the oven. Serve with sour cream.

    Similar products

    Both in the pathology of pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas, drinks are consumed containing bicarbonates and sulfates.

    Narzan - a drink is prescribed to treat acute pancreatitis during a hunger strike. It is recommended to consume up to 200 ml at a time. Water consumed per day is from 1.5-2 liters. Thanks to the alkaline environment, secretions in the stomach are neutralized and enzymes in the organ are regulated.

    When chronic pancreatitis is observed, sanatorium-resort therapy would be ideal. Dolomite and sulphate water have many elements that are required to support the gland. Narzan is taken 30 minutes before consuming meals.

    Smirnovskaya water with gases has low mineralization. It is allowed to be included in the menu if chronic pathologies of the stomach and intestines are observed. Before drinking water, the gas is excluded. Nagutskaya mineral water has medium mineralization. They also drink it when pancreatitis is persistent.


    Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback about Essentuki mineral water for pancreatic diseases in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.


    In general therapy, the doctor prescribed to drink Essentuki 4 mineral water for pancreatitis. I was at the stage of chronic pancreatitis. You need to drink the water warm. I had to warm it up; after heating, the water became not very pleasant to the taste. But I drank for the sake of treatment. Together with general therapy, I felt better. I think the merit of water is there.


    When the chronic form began, the doctor prescribed Essentuki 17 for me to drink. I bought 1.5 liters of water every day. Water is not cheap, but it is also super expensive. In the warm version, the water does not taste as pleasant and has a salty taste. I drank for 4 weeks.

    Price and analogues

    The cost of Borjomi water depends on the container and volume:

    • glass 0.33 l – 89 rub.
    • glass 0.5 l – 93 rub.;
    • plastic 0.5 l – 96 rub.;
    • plastic 0.75 l – 87 rub.

    Georgian mineral water is produced by IDS Borjomi Georgia. It is part of the largest producer of mineral waters of natural origin, IDS Borjomi International, which unites large enterprises from Georgia, Ukraine and Russia.

    Borjomi has analogues in Russia. Similar alkaline waters with a similar mineral composition can replace mineral water.

    Table “Analogues of Georgian Borjomi water”

    NameManufacturerHow much does it cost, rub.
    Essentuki 4LLC Caucasian Toast37
    Novoterskaya healingLLC Slavyanovskaya35
    LipetskayaJSC Lipetsk Rosinka52

    Nabeglavi is almost identical in composition to Borjomi

    A separate analogue is the Georgian mineral water Nabeglavi. Natural hydrocarbonate water is not inferior to Borjomi in composition, medicinal properties and price (95 rubles for 0.5 liters and 135 rubles for 1 liter).

    Essentuki in the remission phase of pancreatitis

    Pancreatitis refers to a severe pathology of the digestive processes, which is characterized by abnormal enzyme performance. With the pancreas, the symptoms are as follows:

    • unbearable pain in the epigastric region;
    • heartburn;
    • dyspepsia.

    The drink for pathology is the main remedy. The composition contains a number of elements: sulfur, magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulfates, bicarbonates, which have a positive effect on the functionality of the organ and are also capable of:

    • reduce stagnation in channels;
    • promote mucus rejection.

    To reduce inflammation of the pancreas and eliminate signs of the disease, balneology is prescribed when there is a lull. It involves the consumption of medicinal or medicinal table waters without gases. After their use, the productivity of enzymes improves, the pathology progresses easier, and appetite decreases, which is required during the period of following a strictly dietary table.

    drinking mineral water

    For chronic phase pancreatitis, it is recommended to use a hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral drink. Doctors recommend drinking Essentuki drink for pancreatitis 4, 17, 20, which have an alkaline composition. The effectiveness of recovery at the calm stage is provided by a drink that has an overestimated level of chlorides, magnesium salts, calcium, and sodium.

    In both Essentuki there are anions, cations, and unassociated molecules in the same amount - 5-15 g/l. In Essentuki No. 17 the concentration of salts is slightly higher. To understand this, you just have to try it. Essentuki 17 has a salty aftertaste, which is why it is used for treatment. And 4 is a medicinal food, therefore it is allowed not only for treatment, but also for consumption in everyday life.

    During the acute period, do not drink Essentuki 17, because the drink will provoke diarrhea and other disorders in the gastrointestinal system due to its stimulating effect on enzymes.

    Essentuki number 4 is allowed to be taken during the acute period of pancreatitis and this drink must be present in the diet for pancreatitis. Thanks to the intake of Essentuki 4, the activity of digestive juice production by the gland and stomach will decrease.

    Essentuki 4

    Still water Essentuki 4 is introduced into the diet only when a subsiding exacerbation is observed, but in no case within the initial 3 days from the onset of an outbreak of pancreatitis.

    Especially monitor the digestibility of water. If certain manifestations occur after taking it, you should temporarily exclude Essentuki from the menu, and start using it only when pancreatitis has a stable course.

    By taking Essentuka, the following symptoms of chronic progression of the disease are eliminated:

    • stimulation of pancreatic juice, which is significant in case of long-term pathologies with formed inferiority of enzyme performance when consuming Essentuki 17. This is especially necessary for those who have a recorded lack of enzyme performance;
    • Essentuki 4 keeps a secret;
    • relieving convulsions in organ channels;
    • the inflammatory phenomenon is slowed down;
    • Insulin in the blood decreases at a minor stage of pancreatogenic diabetes.

    If a decrease in the synthesis of enzymes is detected, Essentuki 17 is recommended.

    How to drink Essentuki correctly? Consumption is required 30 minutes an hour before consuming products. The course lasts 3-6 weeks. The achieved result is recorded for 2-3 months. Therefore, the next course takes place no earlier than in 3 months.

    Essentuki No. 4 is a unique drink, because this mineral water can be drunk by those who do not have obvious changes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Water is considered a good prevention of gastroenterological pathologies.

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