What does it mean and how to treat increased and decreased echogenicity of the liver
The echogenicity of the liver is increased. An increase in the echogenicity indicator indicates that the liver walls are thickened and
Using Phosphalugel
Modern methods of treating chronic pancreatitis
Modern methods and methods of treating pancreatitis and pancreas Probably everyone quite understands that
Symptoms cold sweat dizziness nausea weakness
The cause of dizziness and sweating requires careful analysis. Fundamental Factors
How to drink alcohol correctly so as not to feel sick || How to drink and not vomit
Alcohol intoxication Often people who have had too much alcohol the day before are interested in what to do so that after drinking alcohol they will not
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What juice is good for the stomach with gastritis?
Nowadays, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are becoming increasingly common. Minor health problems
Constipation in a child at 3 years old: how to quickly cope with the problem
Causes of diarrhea Diarrhea in a 1 year old child is a common problem faced
Problems with stool during pregnancy
Loose stools during pregnancy: when should you see a doctor?
A pregnant woman is very attentive to all the changes occurring in her body. After all, many
Acne and intestines: rules for cleaning the intestines at home
There are various reasons for the formation of acne on the face, one of which is due to improper functioning of the
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Constipation in a baby while breastfeeding: what to do, causes and treatment at home
Modern gastroenterology has come a long way. There are many diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, however
Monastic tea for stomach and duodenal ulcers
If you are sick Often, when severe pain in the intestines occurs, people succumb to pessimistic moods
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