Headaches due to ulcers - which medications are safe?
Pain in the upper abdomen is the main symptom of a stomach ulcer. Most often it occurs
Possible consequences for various forms of gastritis
What diseases can chronic gastritis lead to?
Gastritis is a common disease that is often caused by poor diet, stress and heredity. Many
complications after sexually transmitted infections in women
How to properly clean the house after an illness so as not to get infected again
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), despite all measures, according to WHO, rank 2nd
At this stage, hemorrhoids can be cured with conservative measures
Stage 2 hemorrhoids: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree are often diagnosed at the first visit to the proctologist, since this period
loss of appetite
Causes of dilation of intestinal loops in the fetus causes
General information Bloating is a condition that occurs in a person due to too high levels of
Diarrhea due to chickenpox
Why does diarrhea occur with chickenpox and how to treat it?
Typical signs of chickenpox are general malaise, temperature 38°C or higher, a characteristic skin rash with
Treatment methods for nonspecific ulcerative colitis using traditional medicine
UC, or nonspecific ulcerative colitis, is an unpleasant disease. In a sick person in the large intestine
Watermelon causes diarrhea: what to do?
The benefits and harms of watermelon for the intestines. Cleaning or upsetting?
Often the cause of such an unpleasant condition as diarrhea is poisoning. Stale food purchased from
There are black strings in the child’s stool: what does this mean?
Blood streaks in the stool of an infant: causes, associated symptoms, treatment, advice from experienced pediatricians
Causes of stool problems in infants The reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool may not be established
gastrointestinal tract
What can cause a sore throat and how is reflux esophagitis related to it?
Diseases and pathologies that cause pain The human esophagus has four layers (mucosal, submucosal, muscular, adventitial),
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