Does hemoglobin drop during menstruation?
How much does hemoglobin level drop during menstruation?
Menstruation is stressful for a woman’s body. Changes in hormonal levels affect well-being, which
How to normalize ovarian function in women using folk remedies
Why is the functioning of the ovaries disrupted? Causes of ovarian dysfunction: Diseases of the internal genital organs (inflammation, tumors,
Discharge in girls 3-4-5-7-10-12-13 years old: white, green, yellowish on panties, causes
Discharge in girls 3-4-5-7-10-12-13 years old: white, green, yellowish on panties, causes
White discharge is normal Normally, natural vaginal discharge is light, transparent or slightly
To cauterize cervical erosion or not: everything a woman needs to know to make a decision
05/22/2018 Category: Cervical erosion Author: Pomiome Last update of the article 12/07/2019 Cauterization is an effective way for
Maturation of a woman’s egg: features of the process, timing
Author: · Published 02/02/2017 · Updated 02/14/2019 Every newborn girl’s body contains
Women's inflammatory diseases treatment with folk remedies
Treatment methods The doctor determines which method of treating the disease will be most effective, taking into account the
Thrush in men: causes, symptoms and treatment
Yeast-like fungi often affect the genitals of women, causing candidiasis. Thrush is a phenomenon in men
Male sperm motility
Powder and capsules Kist al Hindi: its benefits and use for infertility
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girl and hoop
Is it possible to pump up your abs and spin a hoop after removing uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are a disease that occurs in women of reproductive age. Among the complex of reasons influencing
Is pregnancy possible with adnexitis, salpingoophoritis?
Inflammatory processes occurring in the ovaries pose a serious danger to women's health. Medical statistics are disappointing:
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