List of gynecological diseases, types and symptoms
Menopause is a certain period in a woman’s life during which her reproductive function fades.
Important to know: what not to do with an ovarian cyst
Can an ovarian cyst cause stomach pain? Pain in the lower abdomen is the most important symptom
Why does swelling occur during menopause and how to remove it?
What is edema, the causes of its appearance Edema is a pathological accumulation of fluid in organs and
Delayed menstruation due to climate change 1
How does climate affect people? Abrupt climate change, consequences
Delayed menstruation is one of the earliest signs of conception. However, it is not always
uterine erosion and HPV
cervical erosion and HPV type 16, expensive treatment is prescribed
Cervical dysplasia is the transformation of healthy cells into diseased ones. In Russia it is customary
Proper nutrition for endometriosis. Useful and dangerous foods for endometriosis
Excessive sun exposure During sun exposure in the female body, a large
Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with Duphaston
Duphaston for polycystic ovary syndrome: how effective are hormones?
Pharmacological action The main active ingredient in Duphaston is an artificial substitute for progesterone, in case of deficiency of which
At what size of ovarian cyst is surgery prescribed?
At what size of ovarian cyst is surgery performed, and which tumors can be treated with medication?
Removing an ovarian cyst is a question that a woman has faced more than once in her life. TO
skin candidiasis is treated with iodinol
Instructions for use of Iodinol for thrush
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Iodine-containing antiseptic. The antiseptic effect is provided by molecular iodine. During skin treatment
Menstruation in the middle of the cycle: why is it dangerous?
Causes of spotting outside of menstruation Spotting is scanty discharge from the vagina with an admixture
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