Abdominal pain after eating - causes and remedies
Natural causes If the pain syndrome occurred once and was not too intense, there is a reason for
suppositories Sea buckthorn oil
The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil for the stomach and intestines
Constipation due to hemorrhoids requires quick and gentle bowel movements. To solve the problem
The problem of pain in the anus and lower abdomen
Pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the rectum in women - what does it mean and how to deal with it correctly
Some diseases cause pain in the anus and lower abdomen, so when
Sports with pancreatitis can help the patient in the fight against inflammatory processes in the pancreas or worsen the patient’s condition
What sports can a patient with pancreatitis do?
Sports with pancreatitis can help the patient in the fight against inflammatory processes in the pancreas
Benefits of yoga
Is it possible to do yoga for hemorrhoids and use it for treatment?
In the treatment of hemorrhoids - chronic inflammation of the venous cavities of the rectum - it is necessary, in addition to medications,
Diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain: cause and elimination of symptoms
Common symptoms such as malaise, vomiting, loose stools and abdominal pain are typical
Modern approaches to the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers
Solcoseryl in injections is prescribed to improve the process of cellular nutrition and stimulate regeneration
8 ways to find out if you have parasites (helminth infections)
Helminthiasis is a disease caused by infection with helminths (parasitic worms). The most common species that infect the human body are
How to go to the toilet with hemorrhoids? A few tips to make your life easier
Features of defecation with hemorrhoids Some features of defecation at the time of illness: it is forbidden to endure the urge
Fat in the pancreas
Pancreatic obesity: be careful - the invisible enemy
Pancreatic lipomatosis is a pathology in which normal cells are replaced by fat cells. Such changes are negative
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