What sports can a patient with pancreatitis do?

Sports with pancreatitis can help the patient in the fight against inflammatory processes in the pancreas or worsen the patient’s condition. In order for sports activities to bring only benefits, exercises must be selected by a specialist.

Sports with pancreatitis can help the patient in the fight against inflammatory processes in the pancreas or worsen the patient’s condition.

Pancreatitis and physical activity, what to consider

Exercise for pancreatitis is aimed at accelerating the patient’s recovery after suffering from inflammation.

  1. Regenerate damaged gland tissue.
  2. Restore its exocrine and endocrine functionality.

To achieve these goals, the doctor selects special gymnastics for pancreatitis individually, including a set of therapeutic exercises.

The level of acceptable exercise performance is associated with the following reasons:

  • phases of pancreatic disease;
  • the severity of inflammation in the gland;
  • presence of complications;
  • age category, some types of activity allowed for pancreatitis may be unacceptable for other pathologies;
  • weight;
  • indicative of general physical fitness.

When taking these reasons into account, it is possible to correctly identify the permitted loads and select therapeutic exercises.

development of pancreatitis

Based on the stage of pancreatitis, the permissible load coefficient will differ. To correctly determine the phase of the pathology, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes tests.

In the case of an acute course of the disease or at the stage of exacerbation of chronic pancreatic pathology, exercise is prohibited. This period provides for a complete refusal to charge. To eliminate the symptoms, 3 conditions are needed for treatment of a weakened organ - fasting, cold, and rest, medications.

When acute symptoms are relieved, exercises are added. At the stage of remission of a chronic inflammatory phenomenon, correctly selected exercises for the health of the pancreas will bring many benefits.

Training is organized in such a way that when creating a program, the characteristics and feasibility of the body are taken into account. Those who have done exercise before are able to tolerate intense physical activity. It is enough to perform 5 exercises for pancreatitis to return the organ to normal functionality.


Sports activities

Bodybuilding develops skeletal muscles, therefore, together with strength loads on various muscles, they organize the nutrition process, the basis of which is protein food. Human muscles and many organs are made of protein. Thanks to its molecules, the body's immune system is formed. In addition, the protein nature of some hormones and enzymes is noted.

Important information: Symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis

Protein has the unique ability to not accumulate like glycogen and fat. Excess protein is excreted through the kidneys, and it is absorbed in the right amount. Its consumption depends on the intensity of physical activity. Muscle growth occurs due to food entering through the gastrointestinal tract.

For this reason, pumping them up with proper nutrition is quite easy.

Pancreatitis and physical activity require the consumption of protein foods. Preference is given to protein of animal origin, because it is easily digestible. Thanks to it, damaged tissue in the organ is restored. When the exacerbation of the disease passes, protein foods are necessary for the synthesis of insulin and digestive enzymes.

For pancreatitis, you can perform a set of exercises that improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs. It is worth remembering that therapeutic exercises for pancreatitis are carried out when the period of exacerbation of the disease has passed. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor how you feel and stop when unpleasant sensations appear.

Although protein is necessary for pancreatitis, it is not advisable to combine bodybuilding with it. Bodybuilding exercises are aimed at muscle growth, and not at restoring the pancreas. Protein shakes and vitamin supplements may cause more damage to the gland. Even at the remission stage, pancreatitis and bodybuilding can negatively affect your well-being.

What sports are suitable for pancreatitis?

Is sports acceptable for pancreatitis? A lot of doctors recommend certain types of sports for pancreatic pathology, on the basis of which they form a list of permitted exercises.

slow walking

A list of types of physical education that are useful for organ disease.

  1. Swimming - this sport involves gentle movements, which allows you to relax the muscles of the body and normalize the activity of internal organs. Swimming at a low speed, your breathing will become even, your blood pressure and heart rate will increase slightly. This will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  2. Slow walking – walking with poles is particularly beneficial. Doing this sport outdoors will improve vascular tone and saturate the tissues with oxygen. Then the gland will be restored and the digestive process will normalize.
  3. Skiing - the pace is slow, the skiing terrain is flat. You cannot ski uphill or downhill due to the heavy load and risk of injury.
  4. Therapeutic exercise – breathing exercises, diaphragmatic breathing, yoga, qigong gymnastics.
  5. Callanetics, Pilates - practicing this sport is possible only with an instructor.

Breathing exercises for pancreatitis are the most useful.

These exercises for the pancreas were developed by Strelnikova. The technique can be performed at any time, it is important that the intestines and stomach are not full. The doctor will determine how many approaches and exercises are possible individually.


For pancreatitis, simple breathing exercises are performed 2 times a day every day, if the exercises are well tolerated. It is often performed in a supine position, with the limbs bent at the knees.

  1. First, take deep breaths and exhales, then draw in your stomach and hold for a short period of time.
  2. Repeat the initial exercise, only the stomach is already greatly inflated.
  3. Inhale halfway, hold the breath for 3 seconds, and the inhalation process is completed. The abdomen is inflated for 3 seconds, retracted for 6 seconds. Then the procedure is repeated, at the end the abdominal muscles relax.
  4. Exhaling, pull your abs in with force, stop breathing and relax. Inhale with your stomach, inflating it, exhale, pulling your abs towards your spine.

After completing the gymnastics, you need to rest. Each point is repeated 4 times.

In pathological conditions or diseases of the gland, a victim with pancreatic disease will not immediately see the effectiveness of respiratory exercises.

What people with pancreatitis should not do

Victims who have previously performed strength training are wondering whether it is possible to play sports with pancreatitis? When choosing gymnastics, you need to pay attention to certain restrictions.

For example, strength training, which includes lifting weights and doing abdominal exercises, leads to an increase in intraperitoneal pressure. During inflammatory processes in the organ, it is dangerous to perform such exercises, since swelling of the gland parenchyma will develop.

In addition, changes in bile waste worsen and stagnation appears. This provokes the development of exacerbation of the pathological phenomenon. The presence of stones in the ducts is also observed. Thus, playing such sports can lead to surgical treatment.

the doctor's consultation

The list of contraindications includes exacerbation times and acute types of inflammation in the organ. Sports are prohibited when there are adjacent diseases that have caused an exacerbation and led to changes in the activity of internal organs.

It is not recommended to run if you have pancreatitis of the pancreas. Doctors point out that this type of sport is associated with sudden movements, and they negatively affect the parenchyma of the organ. These include:

  • jumping;
  • long distance running;
  • power acrobatics.

It is worth giving preference to walking and brisk walking.


It is impossible to carry out high-intensity exercises, since they lead to increased glucose production. Cardio training is short and calm, so that the patient’s situation does not worsen.

Training is also contraindicated if there is a mechanical injury to the pancreas, or surgical interventions have been performed on the organ. In these situations, it is possible to play sports only after recovery and only with the permission of a doctor.

Also, physical activity should not be carried out if:

  • there is cholelithiasis with the presence of large stones in the bladder and canals;
  • decompressed diseases of the heart, blood vessels - heart attack, changes in the rhythm of the heart muscle;
  • diseases that are associated with the clotting structure of the blood;
  • the patient has an increased predisposition to the formation of blood clots and blood loss;
  • there are formations of a malignant nature.

Fitness in the presence of pancreatitis is often contraindicated, since this type of sport is classified as a class of disciplines prohibited from being performed, which can adversely affect the clinical picture and the subsequent formation of pathology.

exacerbation of pancreatitis

In addition, it is important to take into account that each pathology is individual, because the body of each patient reacts differently, even when performing the same exercises. As a result, only the attending physician decides which discipline is permitted and which to abstain from.

Breathing exercises and yoga

In the chronic form of the disease and alcoholic pancreatitis, breathing exercises are the optimal solution that helps maintain the body in good shape.

Despite the simplicity of gymnastics, special exercises work the muscles and also help massage the internal organs, which has a positive effect on the abdominal organs.

Proper breathing increases the flow of oxygen into the body, normalizes the psycho-emotional state, relaxes muscles, improves intestinal motility, and increases the outflow of bile.

It is recommended to conduct classes in the morning. It is forbidden to do gymnastics on a full stomach. This applies to all types of vigorous activity.

The essence of such gymnastics is to increase the volume of the chest thanks to various types of inhalations and retraction of the abdominal cavity as you exhale.

They are abrupt, accompanied by tremors and contraction of the abdominal wall.

During breathing, the pancreas is activated, which makes it possible to achieve positive therapeutic results:

  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • The synthesis of enzymes is improved.
  • Restorative processes are launched in the affected tissues.

Proper breathing helps accelerate metabolic processes within the body, which leads to muscle training and makes it possible to reduce weight, in particular due to the breakdown of “dangerous” visceral fatty tissue.

Yoga involves physical exercises based on static muscle tension and flexibility, as well as proper breathing.

Mediation practice will help achieve psycho-emotional harmony. For pancreatitis, it is necessary to perform the “hatha yoga” complex, which involves performing simple asanas that are accessible to every patient.

Effective asanas include training - mountain, horizon, triangle, warrior and tree.

Pancreatitis and bodybuilding

Bodybuilding and bodybuilding include exercises that involve intense loads using force when lifting weights. If a person does such exercises for pancreatitis, this will:

  • to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure;
  • a change in the blood flow of the tissues of all organs in the peritoneum, including the gland, is recorded;
  • the flow of bile changes;
  • the gallbladder bends.

These reasons will provoke an exacerbation of the disease and unbearable pain will occur in the peritoneum, therefore you should not pump the press when the disease worsens.

Sports activities during pancreatitis are stressful for the body. With the constant repetition of the situation, the threat of developing problems with the insular apparatus increases. In addition, diabetic pathology occurs. When a patient has problems with sugar levels and pancreatitis, physical activity leads to loss of consciousness, coma and other consequences.


In the case of vigorous exercise, metabolic processes become aggravated. There is an increase in metabolic products in the circulatory system. When they penetrate into the general channel, it irritates the organ, leading to the appearance of a subsided inflammatory phenomenon.

When can I exercise?

It is important to remember that physical activity must be selected and dosed depending on the degree of development of the disease.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account age, the state of the nervous system, and the presence of concomitant diseases of internal organs.

In the chronic stage

Outside the stage of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, feasible physical activity is recommended, however, if your health worsens, it is better to stop training. In this situation, it is recommended to contact your doctor, who will help you choose the optimal set of exercises.

In acute form

During this period, experts recommend completely abstaining from sports activities, preferring peace. Excessive activity can provoke increased pain, indigestion, and dyspeptic symptoms in the intestines.

Therefore, in order for physical education to bring benefits and not harm, you need to wait until the disease goes into remission or into a chronic form, and only then start training, gradually increasing the load.


Diseases accompanying pancreatitis, such as cholecystitis, require a more strict selection of exercises, so in this situation you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

With the development of cholecystitis, you need to select exercises more carefully.

It is important that the gymnastic complex recommended for pancreatic disease does not lead to a deterioration in the condition of the gallbladder. Therefore, the choice of exercises should be strictly individual.

During remission

The period of stable remission is the most favorable for physical activity at home.

Regular exercise has a general strengthening effect, improves blood supply to internal organs, and speeds up metabolism.

Therefore, at this stage of the disease, sport is necessary and useful.

What to do with food

Diet and nutrition are of great importance when recovering from pancreatic disease. If a patient with a chronic type of disease decides to go in for sports, the symptoms are taken into account for treatment and proper nutrition is selected.

Without aggravating the disease, you need a diet that includes the intake of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat split meals, up to 6 times, when the intestines hurt, the food should be carefully processed, the temperature of the dish for intestinal ulcers is comfortable. The diet includes steamed and boiled food, cereals, vegetable dishes, and low-fat dairy products.

The approved foods and diet are developed by the doctor.

Pancreatitis and sports are considered compatible, and appropriate exercises are selected. This pathology requires taking your health seriously. Therefore, you must first consult a doctor and then perform the exercises. Lifestyle with pancreatitis changes greatly.

The healing effects of yoga

Is physical activity possible for pancreatitis or not? Many people ask this question. As has already become clear, sports are useful for patients, but much depends on the type of activity and its intensity.

For chronic pancreatitis, yoga is often recommended. This is gymnastics, which includes physical exercises based on statics and flexibility, and breathing manipulations. Also, thanks to meditative practice, you can improve your psychological state and achieve emotional balance.

For patients with pancreatitis, hatha yoga is recommended. It involves the use of simple positions that even a person with no training can perform. The most popular asanas include:

  • "mountain";
  • "tree";
  • "horizon";
  • "warrior";
  • "triangle";
  • "hero".

Asanas such as “dog”, “forward bend”, “wide angle”, “camel and cat” are recommended to be performed for chronic inflammation of the pancreas.

Physical exercises for people suffering from pancreatitis will be useful and effective helpers in the fight against the disease only if the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations before and during exercise. Workouts must be properly selected, taking into account contraindications, and also be performed at a moderate pace.

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