Beef liver preparation technology
Beef liver for pancreatitis of the pancreas
Chemical composition and nutritional value The product contains many vitamins and minerals. High vitamin content
dietary version of rice dish
Is it possible to eat rice if you have pancreatitis?
Pilaf is prepared differently in individual countries, but the recipes are basically similar. Differences appear in
How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth
What to do in case of garlic poisoning: treatment methods. Nausea from garlic causes
Garlic smell from the mouth, what is the reason and how can it be removed? If you
Filtrum STI against intoxication of the body
"Filtrum-STI" for diarrhea during pregnancy
When the body is intoxicated, it is necessary to quickly remove toxic compounds and prevent their absorption into the bloodstream.
Intestinal colitis: types, symptoms, treatment and diet for colitis
What antibiotics should I take for colitis? Unfortunately, a large number of people prefer to install themselves
Use of mumiyo for hemorrhoids
Mumiyo for the treatment of hemorrhoids: how to prepare suppositories, baths, ointments, enemas, oral products
Shilajit is a unique product that is included in thousands of medicinal instructions for the treatment of chronic diseases.
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Is it possible to eat onions with gastritis with high acidity: raw, boiled, fried, stewed, baked, onions, red, green
Onion is a spicy aromatic plant that is widely consumed in Russia. This family
Lump near the anus: causes, symptoms, treatment, photos
Any lump or small lump near the anus is a symptom of a malfunction
How to suspect appendicitis
Antibiotics have helped cure more than half of cases of appendicitis without surgery
To diagnose appendicitis and treat it, what could be easier? That's what most people think
The pancreas as an endocrine organ, its role in the development of diabetes mellitus
The pancreas has an alveolar-acinous structure and consists of many lobules that are located at a short distance
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