Recovery of a child after rotavirus
Methods for restoring the body in children after rotavirus infection
Children are more susceptible to rotavirus infection. Their disease is severe and
Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies tested on yourself. 12 Recipes! Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies!
Some foods can aggravate illnesses. Therefore, many patients have a question whether it is possible
Can hemorrhoids cause stomach, back or lower back pain?
Factors that provoke the appearance of this problem Varicose veins in the rectum are formed under the influence of
Severe diarrhea
Colon cancer - modern methods of early diagnosis
The large intestine is the final segment of the digestive tract and is divided into the colon and rectum.
Pain with pancreatitis
Pain with pancreatitis - symptoms, causes, characteristics
The main symptom of pancreatitis is the occurrence of pain due to inflammation of the pancreas. The symptom develops on
examination of the abdomen if pain occurs
What can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen in children?
At school age, more than half of children complain of recurring abdominal pain. IN
Soda, use for pancreatitis
Is drinking soda justified to get rid of the symptoms of pancreatitis?
Pancreatic damage to the pancreas is one of the most serious diseases that is difficult to treat therapeutically.
What fruits to eat for diarrhea and can fruit cause diarrhea?
Our readers successfully use Monastic Tea to treat gastritis and ulcers. Seeing such popularity
Calendula medicinal properties and contraindications for gastritis
A beautiful and very useful plant grows in our gardens and vegetable gardens - calendula. It's still
After a caesarean section my stomach hurts. Why does the suture hurt after a caesarean section and what should you do?
General picture Caesarean section is a surgical procedure that involves making a horizontal incision in the peritoneum,
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