The benefits and harms of plums: in what cases are they useful for the body and how?
Many amateur gardeners prepare plum compote for the winter, hoping to surprise their household with a pleasant drink.
Doctor after diagnosis
Is it possible to massage the rectum when treating hemorrhoids?
Inflammation in proctological diseases causes a lot of trouble. Proctologists often prescribe massage for hemorrhoids, but
Is opisthorchiasis contagious or not, is it transmitted from person to person?
Parasites can enter the human body along with food, causing internal diseases.
What should parents do if their baby has constipation and fever?
Causes Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as their side effects, can cause fever due to constipation
Is it possible to eat fresh cucumbers and tomatoes if you have pancreatitis?
Tomatoes and cucumbers for pancreatitis are allowed products, because they not only contain
Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and belching: dyspepsia and its consequences
If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you suffer from heartburn and stomach pain, this
Watermelon for pancreatitis: can you eat it or not, the benefits of melon for the pancreas
Melon and watermelon for pancreatitis: is it possible or not? According to medical statistics, the key to success is
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Stomach hurts after colonoscopy: why does it happen and what to do
Endoscopic examination of the colon is a highly informative and important diagnostic examination procedure with an optical instrument,
Weakness, diarrhea, nausea
Causes of nausea, dizziness, weakness
The appearance of nausea, weakness and diarrhea indicates a general malfunction of the body. These symptoms may
Pain to the right of the navel (in the abdomen near the navel): causes
The reasons why the stomach hurts below the navel are quite numerous. Soreness under the navel - quite
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