How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy at home

Heartburn during pregnancy a frequent and obsessive phenomenon in women when it begins to burn in the mouth, behind the sternum. It's all about progesterone, which leads to weakening of muscle muscles and an increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid as the uterus grows in size, compression of the stomach and internal organs.

It is hardly possible to completely eliminate the unpleasant onset of heartburn in women during this wonderful period, despite the many medical products sold in pharmacies. Fortunately, heartburn as a symptom does not cause much harm. The main thing is to help alleviate the condition, find more effective and gentle drugs that are approved for use and cannot have a negative effect on the fetus. It is also important for women to normalize their diet, eat in portions and little by little, do not go straight to bed after eating, remaining up to 40 minutes in a vertical position, eliminate forward bending of the body, avoid bearing weights, sleep on a high pillow with the upper body elevated in relation to to the bottom.

List of the best drugs

Expectant mothers know that not all pharmaceutical drugs are approved for use during pregnancy. Many of them even have significant contraindications. Also, you should not trust the products advertised on TV, because some of them can negatively affect the health of the woman and child, especially during severe pregnancy or serious abnormalities in internal systems and organs.

It is always better to first consult with doctors on the selection of optimal and approved drugs that can significantly reduce the production of acidity, reduce the secretion and reflux of gastric juice, without causing damage to the digestive system and the fetus in the woman’s body.

It is worth listing the main medications for heartburn recommended by doctors:

  1. Antacids (Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel) containing calcium, sodium, magnesium and aluminum to coat the walls of the esophagus and reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Forms of release of drugs - suspensions, gel, tablets. However, dosages should not be neglected. Excessive intake of magnesium into the body can provoke premature birth, and calcium can lead to early ossification of the baby’s skull bones. It is undesirable to take Almagel A in a composition with anesthesin, but Maalox reduces the production of gases well, is completely allowed during pregnancy, tastes quite pleasant, eliminates nausea and heaviness in the stomach well, and alleviates the general condition.

Maalox is a drug approved during pregnancy

  1. Proton pump inhibitors (Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, Omeprazole) to block hydrogen ions, reduce the synthesis and production of hydrochloric acid. However, it is not advisable to take medications frequently. It is better to use for severe symptoms of heartburn or gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, esophagitis).

Omeprazole is usually prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases and is not used as a treatment for heartburn in pregnant women

  1. Histamine H2 receptor blockers (ranitidine, famotidine) to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, blocking receptors in the gastric mucosa. It is not recommended to take histamines for a long time, as they can lead to addiction and side effects. These drugs are rarely used in therapy.
  2. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) to relax the esophageal sphincter, but they must be taken with caution and still give preference to more harmless antacid drugs (Gaviscon, Almagel, Maalox). Antispasmodics should not be taken for a long time, or together with other medications. Some time should pass between doses.
  3. Prokinetics (Motilium, Cerucal) stimulate gastric motility well and are used in combination with antacids. Although they are considered strong drugs and are not recommended to be taken in large doses.
  4. Enzyme preparations (Mezim) to stimulate motility, improve food digestion, and prevent congestion in the intestines and stomach. Mezim does not cause side effects and does not affect the tone of the uterus.

If pregnancy is difficult, and heartburn manifests itself systematically, then the attending physician can select more effective medications. Women who are adherents of homeopathy are advised to resort to such remedies as: Pulsatill, Causticum, Nuxvomica to eliminate attacks of heartburn, belching, bloating, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

The main thing is to take into account medical recommendations when taking medications, not to take medications in large quantities, and to protect the baby in every possible way from possible risks of negative manifestations of the pills.


The occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy is almost inevitable due to physical changes in the woman’s body. The frequent occurrence of an unpleasant burning sensation can be minimized by following simple rules:

  • follow the regime: eat small meals, exclude harmful foods;
  • rest and sleep more;
  • avoid emotional stress;
  • drink vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

If an unpleasant symptom appears, heartburn cannot be ignored. Modern means can eliminate the burning sensation without harming the fetus or the expectant mother. Adjusting your diet and getting proper rest are the keys to a happy period of waiting for your baby.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Folk remedies

To extinguish internal fire and eliminate heartburn, it is better for expectant mothers to resort to folk and not prohibited methods. Heartburn can be quickly extinguished with some foods, unless, of course, you are allergic. Otherwise, the body's reaction may become completely unpredictable.

Attention! It is not true that baking soda is good for heartburn. In fact, it helps for a while, then it only provokes new attacks. It is not recommended for women to take soda during pregnancy.

If heartburn bothers you, here are some home remedies that will help:

  • chilled water “Borjomi”;
  • herbal decoctions (St. John's wort, chamomile);
  • products (seeds, chocolate, milk, enveloping dishes, cereals).

Borjomi mineral water is an excellent remedy to combat heartburn


  • take a few spoons of oatmeal, pour boiling water over it and wait for it to swell;
  • eat a handful of nuts, pumpkin seeds or raisins;
  • take pineapple or in a composition with enzymes to quickly reduce acidity and calm the stomach;
  • grate carrots or fresh cucumber, drink juice;
  • prepare potato juice.

Proper nutrition with healthy and high-quality foods is the key to preventing heartburn. The following will help immediately when it first appears:

  • salads from fresh carrots and potatoes as quickly digestible dishes containing a large amount of vitamins;
  • omelet and boiled eggs as sources of protein to relieve heartburn;
  • oatmeal without salt with the addition of an apple or butter, which will not lead to heaviness in the stomach;
  • low-fat milk, yogurt, which is also useful for pregnant women;
  • fish, chicken, lean beef with antacid properties for a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes) have the same properties, in particular their juice, which is useful to take fresh on an empty stomach at the first signs of heartburn.

It is important for women to adjust their menu, to exclude from the diet foods that provoke the production of hydrochloric acid (frozen fatty fish, gas drinks, sour berries, spicy and fried foods, fruits, chocolate). It is worth taking a closer look at which foods cause belching most often, and try to temporarily stop taking them.

Use for heartburn eggshells

What else helps with heartburn during pregnancy? Since eggshells contain calcium (Ca), they are great for relieving heartburn. The shells of hard-boiled eggs must be cleaned of the inner film. After drying, it is crushed using a coffee grinder. The powder is taken for heartburn, 0.5 teaspoon. The use of this product allows you to additionally provide calcium to both mother and baby. It must be taken diluted in milk or tea.


If there are no allergies or intolerances, then you can prepare medicinal raw materials from herbs, and here are the following recipes:

  • take marjoram, ginger, basil, yarrow in equal quantities, 1 teaspoon each from the collection, pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for 15-20 minutes, take 1/4 glass of part 3-4 times a day;
  • pour heather (1 tbsp) with hot water (1 glass), keep on fire for 10 minutes, strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day;
  • dry yarrow (2 tbsp) steamed with boiling water (2 cups), leave for 3-4 hours, strain and take a sip before each meal;
  • Chop calamus root, 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (1 glass), keep in a water bath, take 1 sip before meals;
  • centaury + St. John's wort + mint take 2 tbsp. l, pour boiling water (2 cups), leave and drink 3 times a day, 1/3 cup;
  • wormwood, prepare a tincture with alcohol. Reception: 8-10 drops dissolved in water;
  • sweet clover + chamomile + St. John's wort, prepare a decoction. 1 tbsp. pour the collection with capyat, take a little up to 3 times a day
  • Honey in the absence of allergies, it’s a good idea to dilute it in milk or warm water
  • common heather. Pour boiling water over 40g and leave. Reception -1 tbsp. 4 times a day;
  • yarrow (herb), 20g, pour boiling water (2 cups), leave for 2.5 hours, strain. Reception – 1 tbsp. three times a day before meals;
  • mint, can be brewed and drunk as tea. The main thing is not to pour too much. Excessive overstimulation is of no use to women in an interesting position.

Such medicinal herbs and compositions by brewing with boiling water will help against heartburn during pregnancy: dill, chamomile, mint, gentian, St. John's wort. A decoction of lemon balm helps well, which can be brewed and drunk instead of tea. Mineral water “Polyana Kvasova” is effective, an alkaline environment that quickly eliminates unpleasant sensations, or food clay containing silicon, taking 1 tsp. per day, but it is advisable to take it only in the early stages of pregnancy, at 3-5 months.

Precautionary measures

In the fight against heartburn, the expectant mother should remember about safety measures, because now she is also responsible for a new life. Follow these rules to avoid harming yourself and your baby:

  • Take medications after medical consultation. Medications for heartburn during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor. He will select the optimal remedy and tell you how to drink it correctly. Many pharmaceutical products that help with burning sensation contain trace elements. Using such medications with multivitamin mineral complexes, it is easy to provoke an overdose of an important substance. This can be dangerous for the baby. Only a gynecologist can adjust the dosage, taking into account all the nuances of the situation.
  • Be careful with herbal remedies. Some herbs can affect the course of pregnancy, cause allergies and affect the development of the baby. Only a specialist can determine what a pregnant woman can safely take for heartburn. You should not experiment with herbal remedies and other folk methods without the knowledge of your doctor. If it is possible to do without medications, the doctor will always take the side of the folk recipe, because it is impossible to predict one hundred percent the effect of pharmaceuticals on the baby.
  • Don't use soda. On specialized forums, information is often found that mommy saved herself from the burning sensation with baking soda - she dissolved a teaspoon of the substance in a glass of water and drank it. But this method is categorically not recommended by doctors. Soda will really help get rid of the problem for a short period of time, but later the “fire” will return with renewed vigor. Soda interacts with stomach juice, which provokes the appearance of carbon dioxide. The result is a quick return of the symptom, but now the unpleasant manifestations will be more noticeable. This method also has consequences: sodium causes severe swelling, especially the legs. Such “treatment” can provoke a change in the acid-base balance of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to serious problems.

Heartburn plagues all expectant mothers (with rare exceptions). You don’t have to endure the burning sensation: there are methods to combat the unpleasant symptom even in an “interesting” position. But you shouldn’t do it on your own: consult a doctor who will choose a safe and effective way to eliminate the “fire.” Often the problem can be solved with the help of a non-strict diet, regime adjustment and simple folk recipes. These are completely safe methods. Remember: everything is individual, folk methods that have helped others may be useless in your case. Then you will have to turn to medications. But if they are selected by a doctor, then there is no need to worry about the consequences.

Is it possible to drink Gastal?

Often, expectant mothers are interested in the effects of Gastal against constantly disturbing heartburn. The drug contains magnesium and aluminum hydroxide, alkaline components to neutralize hydrochloric acid. The drug acts quickly with a duration of 2-3 hours, does not lead to blood absorption, is well excreted in feces, has an enveloping effect on the gastric lining, and reduces the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. Often prescribed by therapists for gastritis with acute or chronic course, food poisoning. The drug does not lead to constipation, and acid neutralization occurs directly in the stomach. But it is recommended for long-term and frequent doses in order to avoid partial absorption of aluminum ions into the blood, and therefore a negative effect on the fetus. It is contraindicated for pregnant women to take without a doctor's prescription. The active substances in the composition can lead to slower fetal development, decreased absorption of iron, which is so necessary for the female body, and early miscarriages or premature birth.

Gastal is not the most harmless drug during pregnancy

It is better to choose alternative drugs or folk remedies to avoid negative effects on the unborn baby.

Vitamin D and Calcium Gluconate during pregnancy

For better digestibility, you should add vitamin D to your diet, which helps it completely dissolve. This element is found in fatty fish, butter, egg yolk and is synthesized under the influence of sunlight.

It is best to take Calcium d3 Nycomed, calcium gluconate or another drug recommended by your doctor. Because a lack of this microelement can lead to mental and physical retardation in the baby.

Is it possible to drink Phosphalugel?

Women are interested in the safety of Phosphalugel for the fetus, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. This drug is applicable in the complex treatment of many gastric diseases. Analogues include Maalox, Kalgel, Almagel, Rennie.

The drug has absorbent and antacid properties. The composition contains aluminum phosphate (the active ingredient) that neutralizes hydrochloric acid well, stabilizes the pH contents in the stomach, normalizes the acid-base environment, and quickly removes toxins, gases and viruses from the digestive system. Phosphalugel is indicated for use in gastritis with increased secretion, ulcers, and esophagitis. Release form: sachets for oral administration. The medicine is not suitable for use in cases of renal failure. As for pregnancy, Phosphalugel can be taken up to 3 sachets per day for stomach diseases, but an individual regimen and dosage should be developed by a doctor, taking into account the compatibility of the drug with other antihistamines and antibiotics.

Phosphalugel can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

The drug is prescribed during pregnancy with diabetes mellitus, and is acceptable for use in the first trimester, but long-term use and in arbitrary doses is undesirable, especially for kidney disease in women. Phosphalugel can negatively affect the brain if it penetrates into the blood, reduce the quantitative content of phosphorus and calcium, negatively affect psychomotor function and memory, and long-term use can lead to intestinal obstruction and constipation. Use in the early stages is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Useful habits

If you have constant heartburn during pregnancy, it is advisable to monitor your habits and lifestyle and, if necessary, make adjustments to your day. The main tips are:

  1. After a meal, it is forbidden to immediately take a horizontal position. In this position, digestive activity slows down, food overloads the stomach, which leads to strong acid secretion and the development of heartburn. To avoid problems after eating, it is advisable to walk or do other activities for 15–20 minutes.
  2. If a woman does daily exercises, during bending movements and tensing her abdomen, the juice easily enters the esophagus, which leads to a burning sensation. Try to walk straight throughout the day, keep your back straight and not put pressure on your abdominal cavity.
  3. Clothing should be loose so that it does not put pressure on the stomach.
  4. If heartburn appears after lying down, you just need to get up and walk around for 10–15 minutes, drink a glass of water and eat biscuits.
  5. When using medications for attacks, it is prohibited to take antispasmodics for a long time. They can weaken the sphincter tone, causing the release of acid and stomach contents to increase.
  6. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using soda for heartburn. The burning sensation will pass for a short period, after which it will quickly return and intensify. In addition, soda promotes increased swelling.
  7. Any medications must be taken with the doctor's permission.

Many heartburn medications include magnesium, calcium and other substances that can accumulate and be present in large quantities in the female body. This must be taken into account, especially if a pregnant woman uses vitamins. An excess can negatively affect the condition; a qualified doctor should take this into account when choosing medications for heartburn.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time. However, very often its companion is an unpleasant burning sensation in the solar plexus area. Today you will learn how to treat heartburn during pregnancy, what approved medications are available, and how to take them. We will definitely talk about proper nutrition during pregnancy, which is sometimes more effective than medications.


Doctors and nutritionists advise women in an interesting situation to take an adequate approach to their diet:

  • eat in portions and little by little (up to 7 times a day), chew food thoroughly;
  • stop eating 3 hours before bedtime;
  • do not go straight to bed after eating and remain upright for at least 40 minutes;
  • refuse sharp bends, wearing tight and tight clothing;
  • It is useful for women to drink apple cider vinegar in small sips by diluting 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water, use such products to neutralize hydrochloric acid as: fish, stale bread, cottage cheese, butter, cream, milk, steamed omelet, vegetable oil;
  • try not to eat spicy and fatty foods. Spices slightly dampen toxicosis, but at the same time activate increased production of gastric juice and promote reflux;
  • avoid stress that can only stimulate greater production of hydrochloric acid;
  • Walk more in the fresh air, which is useful for activating gastrointestinal motility.

Despite many restrictions on taking medications, heartburn in pregnant women can be completely eliminated using safe home methods. Of course, it is difficult to completely get rid of it in the early stages, but in the last months of pregnancy it stops due to a decrease in the amount of progesterone, preparing the body for childbirth and the lowering of the abdomen. Pregnancy is a wonderful period and to suppress heartburn it is better to choose the most gentle and effective remedy and follow simple rules that will avoid the occurrence of new unpleasant attacks.


The choice of treatment for heartburn depends on the cause of the burning sensation, which is determined by the individual physical characteristics of the body:

  • changes in hormonal balance;
  • active production of progesterone;
  • increased acidity level;
  • enlarged uterus;
  • late pregnancy.

In the initial stages of the first and subsequent pregnancy, there is an increase in the amount of hormones produced that affect muscle tone. Disruption of natural functioning leads to the involuntary release of hydrochloric acid back into the esophagus after eating foods. Active production of progesterone affects the digestion process: the amount of the hormone prevents the rapid absorption of food. Prolonged digestion increases acidity, which causes heartburn.

During pregnancy, the uterus gradually enlarges. The size of the organ reduces the space of the abdominal cavity: the volume of the stomach decreases, so the juice secreted for digesting food enters the esophagus. In the last months of pregnancy, the fetus constantly moves and turns over. Your baby's activity can cause pressure on the stomach, leading to a burning sensation throughout the day.

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