Fish for gastritis: what to choose and how to cook
Fish and fish products contain protein and a number of substances beneficial to the body. Protein molecules
Bull tapeworm: photo, life cycle, signs of the presence of a parasite and human treatment
Each segment (proglottid) of the bovine tapeworm includes male and female genital organs. Head
The most effective methods for examining the liver
Cirrhosis is a serious chronic liver disease that results in the death of functional cells and their
A child has diarrhea after a course of antibiotics: how to safely cope with the condition
Prescribing strong drugs such as antibiotics to children can cure dangerous infectious diseases. Do without
Coffee for constipation
In what cases does coffee cause constipation and can you drink it if you really want it?
Constipation problems regularly occur in approximately a million people, and the reason for this is a violation
Carbonated drinks in cans
Baby farts with smell - practical advice
Gas formation in the intestines Each person's gastrointestinal tract contains about 200 ml of gases. They
Microenemas for pregnant women
How to go to the toilet after childbirth or caesarean section: how to improve bowel movements?
Why is the procedure performed? Currently, a cleansing enema before childbirth is not a mandatory event.
Paraproctitis: local and systemic antibiotics in the fight against the disease
Proctological diseases, such as perirectal abscess, are often found in people who are sedentary
How to drink cabbage juice correctly for atrophic gastritis
Types of cabbage that are useful for gastritis For the prevention and treatment of gastritis, white cabbage, Peking cabbage and
Colon cleanser
Lactofiltrum for diarrhea: features of use
Filtrum® – powerful sorbent action thanks to millions of pores in each tablet for the whole family.
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