development of thrombosis photo illustration
Causes and treatment of thrombosis of external hemorrhoids
Almost any disease without treatment leads to complications. This statement is also true for hemorrhoidal
If you have a nervous stomach disorder, you need to eat right
How to get rid of bloating and gas due to nervousness
Pain due to nerves But can abdominal pain really be due to nervous
Should I take Gaviscon with water?
How to use Gaviscon tablets correctly and what effective analogues exist
Release form, composition and packaging active ingredients: sodium alginate 500 mg, sodium bicarbonate 267
treatment of intestinal tumors in Europe
Tumor in the intestine: signs and early diagnosis of neoplasms
What is an intestinal tumor? An intestinal tumor is an abnormal growth of normal (benign neoplasia)
Everything a patient needs to know about stitches after laparoscopy
Appendectomy is a common operation in which the surgeon performs a layer-by-layer dissection of tissue to the site of inflammation.
Abdominal pain
What effect does bee honey have on the human liver?
It turns out that not all medicines taste bitter. There is one sweet remedy that, without exaggeration,
Eating cocoa
Properties and effects of cocoa on the gastrointestinal tract and whether it can be drunk if diagnosed with gastritis
Strong coffee and tea are included in the list of prohibited products for diseases associated with the presence of
Is it possible to cure stomach cancer?
Stage 3 stomach cancer: prognosis, how long they live after surgery in the third stage
The stomach cancer survival statistics provided in this article are very general. The numbers of this
Belching in newborns after feeding: causes, prevention
Why does a child burp and how to deal with it?
Children's belching, like adults', is caused by natural processes occurring in the body. Healthy digestion process
Say no to severe pain due to hemorrhoids - Diclofenac
Diclofenac ointment is used for hemorrhoids due to its anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, a drug is prescribed
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